Maxime Coste 3c265acd6c Remove posB from information given by the diff algorithm
posB is always the sum of previous add len and previous keep len,
so very easy to keep track of.
2020-03-20 20:27:50 +11:00

200 lines
6.7 KiB

#ifndef diff_hh_INCLUDED
#define diff_hh_INCLUDED
// Implementation of the linear space variant of the algorithm described in
// "An O(ND) Difference Algorithm and Its Variations"
// (http://xmailserver.org/diff2.pdf)
#include <algorithm>
#include <functional>
#include <memory>
namespace Kakoune
// A snake is an edit followed by a (possibly empty) diagonal
struct Snake
// The end points of the diagonal (x, y) -> (u, v)
int x, y, u, v;
// the edit op, reverse op happen at the end of the diagonal
enum Op { Add, Del, RevAdd, RevDel } op;
template<bool forward, typename IteratorA, typename IteratorB, typename Equal>
Snake find_end_snake_of_further_reaching_dpath(IteratorA a, int N, IteratorB b, int M,
const int* V, const int D, const int k, Equal eq)
const bool add = k == -D or (k != D and V[k-1] < V[k+1]);
// if diagonal on the right goes further along x than diagonal on the left,
// then we take a vertical edge from it to this diagonal, hence x = V[k+1]
// else, we take an horizontal edge from our left diagonal,x = V[k-1]+1
const int x = add ? V[k+1] : V[k-1]+1;
// we are by construction on diagonal k, so our position along b (y) is x - k.
const int y = x - k;
auto at = [](auto&& base, int index, int size) -> decltype(auto) {
return forward ? base[index] : base[size - 1 - index];
int u = x, v = y;
// follow end snake along diagonal k
while (u < N and v < M and eq(at(a, u, N), at(b, v, M)))
++u, ++v;
return { x, y, u, v, add ? Snake::Add : Snake::Del };
template<typename IteratorA, typename IteratorB, typename Equal>
Snake find_middle_snake(IteratorA a, int N, IteratorB b, int M,
int* V1, int* V2, int cost_limit, Equal eq)
const int delta = N - M;
V1[1] = 0;
V2[1] = 0;
const int max_D = std::min((M + N + 1) / 2 + 1, cost_limit);
for (int D = 0; D < max_D; ++D)
for (int k1 = -D; k1 <= D; k1 += 2)
auto p = find_end_snake_of_further_reaching_dpath<true>(a, N, b, M, V1, D, k1, eq);
V1[k1] = p.u;
const int k2 = -(k1 - delta);
if ((delta % 2 != 0) and -(D-1) <= k2 and k2 <= (D-1) and V1[k1] + V2[k2] >= N)
return p;// return last snake on forward path, len = (2 * D - 1)
for (int k2 = -D; k2 <= D; k2 += 2)
auto p = find_end_snake_of_further_reaching_dpath<false>(a, N, b, M, V2, D, k2, eq);
V2[k2] = p.u;
const int k1 = -(k2 - delta);
if ((delta % 2 == 0) and -D <= k1 and k1 <= D and V1[k1] + V2[k2] >= N)
return { N - p.u, M - p.v, N - p.x , M - p.y,
(Snake::Op)(p.op + Snake::RevAdd) };// return last snake on reverse path, len = 2 * D
// We did not find a minimal path in less than max_D iterations, iterate one more time finding the best
Snake best{};
auto score = [](const Snake& s) { return s.u + s.v; };
for (int k1 = -max_D; k1 <= max_D; k1 += 2)
auto p = find_end_snake_of_further_reaching_dpath<true>(a, N, b, M, V1, max_D, k1, eq);
V1[k1] = p.u;
if ((delta % 2 != 0) and p.u <= N and p.v <= M and score(p) >= score(best))
best = p;
for (int k2 = -max_D; k2 <= max_D; k2 += 2)
auto p = find_end_snake_of_further_reaching_dpath<false>(a, N, b, M, V2, max_D, k2, eq);
V2[k2] = p.u;
if ((delta % 2 == 0) and p.u <= N and p.v <= M and score(p) >= score(best))
best = {p.x, p.y, p.u, p.v, (Snake::Op)(p.op + Snake::RevAdd)};
if (best.op >= Snake::RevAdd) // reverse the snake now, as we were comparing snake length
best = { N - best.u, M - best.v, N - best.x , M - best.y, best.op };
return best;
enum class DiffOp
template<typename IteratorA, typename IteratorB, typename Equal, typename OnDiff>
void find_diff_rec(IteratorA a, int begA, int endA,
IteratorB b, int begB, int endB,
int* V1, int* V2, int cost_limit,
Equal eq, OnDiff&& on_diff)
auto on_diff_ifn = [&](DiffOp op, int len) {
if (len != 0)
on_diff(op, len);
int prefix_len = 0;
while (begA != endA and begB != endB and eq(a[begA], b[begB]))
++begA, ++begB, ++prefix_len;
int suffix_len = 0;
while (begA != endA and begB != endB and eq(a[endA-1], b[endB-1]))
--endA, --endB, ++suffix_len;
on_diff_ifn(DiffOp::Keep, prefix_len);
const auto lenA = endA - begA, lenB = endB - begB;
if (lenA == 0)
on_diff_ifn(DiffOp::Add, lenB);
else if (lenB == 0)
on_diff_ifn(DiffOp::Remove, lenA);
auto snake = find_middle_snake(a + begA, lenA, b + begB, lenB, V1, V2, cost_limit, eq);
kak_assert(snake.u <= lenA and snake.v <= lenB);
find_diff_rec(a, begA, begA + snake.x - (int)(snake.op == Snake::Del),
b, begB, begB + snake.y - (int)(snake.op == Snake::Add),
V1, V2, cost_limit, eq, on_diff);
if (snake.op == Snake::Add)
on_diff_ifn(DiffOp::Add, 1);
if (snake.op == Snake::Del)
on_diff_ifn(DiffOp::Remove, 1);
on_diff_ifn(DiffOp::Keep, snake.u - snake.x);
if (snake.op == Snake::RevAdd)
on_diff_ifn(DiffOp::Add, 1);
if (snake.op == Snake::RevDel)
on_diff_ifn(DiffOp::Remove, 1);
find_diff_rec(a, begA + snake.u + (int)(snake.op == Snake::RevDel), endA,
b, begB + snake.v + (int)(snake.op == Snake::RevAdd), endB,
V1, V2, cost_limit, eq, on_diff);
on_diff_ifn(DiffOp::Keep, suffix_len);
struct Diff
DiffOp op;
int len;
template<typename IteratorA, typename IteratorB, typename OnDiff, typename Equal = std::equal_to<>>
void for_each_diff(IteratorA a, int N, IteratorB b, int M, OnDiff&& on_diff, Equal eq = Equal{})
const int max = 2 * (N + M) + 1;
std::unique_ptr<int[]> data(new int[2*max]);
constexpr int cost_limit = 1000;
Diff last{};
find_diff_rec(a, 0, N, b, 0, M, &data[N+M], &data[max + N+M], cost_limit, eq,
[&last, &on_diff](DiffOp op, int len) {
if (last.op == op)
last.len += len;
if (last.len != 0)
on_diff(last.op, last.len);
last = Diff{op, len};
if (last.op != DiffOp{} or last.len != 0)
on_diff(last.op, last.len);
#endif // diff_hh_INCLUDED