initial post process

Rachel Lambda Samuelsson 2023-01-26 21:13:51 +01:00
parent 1e8ec6d71a
commit 9eaaca4ed2
4 changed files with 57 additions and 14 deletions

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@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
# implicitt
# implicitt (WIP)
A "proof assistant" with holes and implicit arguments. Developed to learn about elaboration, meta variables and OCaml
@ -14,9 +14,13 @@ A "proof assistant" with holes and implicit arguments. Developed to learn about
* Parser (BNFC)
* Metas
* Holes
* Unification
* Implicit arguments
* More types
* Id
* Tarski Universes (in the core)
* W?
* Tarski Universes (in the core)?
* Pretty elimination syntax (cooltt esque)

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@ -1,4 +1,42 @@
module A = AbsImplicitt
module P = AbsImplicitt
module R = RawSyntax
open R
exception UnboundVar
let rec lookup (k : (env : list) =
match env with
| [] -> raise UnboundVar
| x :: xs -> if k == x then 0 else 1 + lookup k xs
let rec proc (e : list) (ex : P.exp) =
match ex with
| ExpPiE (name, dom, cod) -> Pi (Exp, proc e dom, proc (name :: e) cod)
| ExpPiI (name, dom, cod) -> Pi (Imp, proc e dom, proc (name :: e) cod)
| ExpSig (name, ty, fib) -> Sg (proc e ty, proc (name :: e) fib)
| ExpLet (name, tr, ty, sc) -> Let (proc e tr, proc e ty, proc (name :: e) sc)
| ExpLam ([], _) -> failwith "impossible empty lambda"
| ExpLam (bs, sc) -> unwrapLambda e bs sc
| ExpAppI (e1, e2) -> App (Imp, proc e e1, proc e e2)
| ExpAppE (e1, e2) -> App (Exp, proc e e1, proc e e2)
| ExpVar i -> Var (Ix (lookup i e)) (* todo: definitions, elimination *)
| ExpT0 -> T0
| ExpT1 -> T1
| ExpT1tr -> T1tr
| ExpTNat -> TNat
| ExpZero -> Zero
| ExpSuc e1 -> Suc (proc e e1)
| ExpTBool -> TBool
| ExpTrue -> True
| ExpFalse -> False
| ExpPair (e1, e2) -> Pair (proc e e1, proc e e2)
| ExpFst e1 -> Fst (proc e e1)
| ExpSnd e1 -> Snd (proc e e1)
| ExpHole -> failwith "hole not implemented"
and unwrapLambda (e : list) (bs : P.bD list) (sc : P.exp) =
match bs with
| [] -> proc e sc
| BE n :: bs -> Lam (Exp, unwrapLambda (n :: e) bs sc)
| BI n :: bs -> Lam (Imp, unwrapLambda (n :: e) bs sc)

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@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ type ast
| Pi of icit * ast * ast
| Lam of icit * ast
| App of icit * ast
| App of icit * ast * ast
| Sg of ast * ast
| Pair of ast * ast

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@ -12,26 +12,27 @@ separator nonempty BD "" ;
ExpPiE. Exp ::= "Π" "(" Id ":" Exp ")" Exp;
ExpPiI. Exp ::= "Π" "{" Id ":" Exp "}" Exp;
ExpSig. Exp ::= "Σ" "(" Id ":" Exp ")" Exp;
ExpLet. Exp ::= "let" Id ":" Exp ":=" Exp "in" Exp;
ExpLet. Exp ::= "let" Id ":" Exp "" Exp "in" Exp;
ExpLam. Exp ::= "λ" [BD] "." Exp;
ExpAppI. Exp1 ::= Exp1 "{" Exp "}";
ExpAppE. Exp1 ::= Exp1 Exp2;
ExpFst. Exp1 ::= "pr" Exp2;
ExpSnd. Exp1 ::= "pr" Exp2;
ExpSuc. Exp1 ::= "S" Exp2;
ExpVar. Exp2 ::= Id;
ExpT0. Exp2 ::= "";
ExpT1. Exp2 ::= "";
ExpT1tr. Exp2 ::= "";
ExpTNat. Exp2 ::= "";
ExpTZero. Exp2 ::= "0";
ExpTSuc. Exp2 ::= "S";
ExpZero. Exp2 ::= "0";
ExpTBool. Exp2 ::= "𝔹";
ExpTTrue. Exp2 ::= "T";
ExpTFalse. Exp2 ::= "F";
ExpTPair. Exp2 ::= "" Exp "," Exp "";
ExpTFst. Exp2 ::= "pr";
ExpTSnd. Exp2 ::= "pr";
ExpTrue. Exp2 ::= "T";
ExpFalse. Exp2 ::= "F";
ExpPair. Exp2 ::= "" Exp "," Exp "";
ExpHole. Exp2 ::= "?";
coercions Exp 2 ;
VarDef. Def ::= "def" Id ":" Exp ":=" Exp;
VarDef. Def ::= "def" Id ":" Exp "" Exp;
separator Def "" ;