{ or = { or = 1; }.or or 42; # <- property # ^ punctuation.delimiter # ^ property # ^ property # ^ keyword the-question = if builtins.true then "to be" else "not to be"; # <- property # ^ property # ^ property # ^ keyword # ^ variable.builtin # ^ property # ^ keyword # ^ string # ^ keyword # ^ string null = if null then true else false; # <- property # ^ variable.builtin # ^ variable.builtin # ^ variable.builtin pkgs' = { inherit (pkgs) stdenv lib; }; # <- property # ^ property # ^ keyword # ^ variable # ^ property # ^ property thing' = # <- property let inherit (pkgs) stdenv lib; # <- keyword # ^ keyword # ^ variable # ^ property # ^ property in derivation rec { # <- keyword # ^ function.builtin # ^ keyword pname = "thing"; # <- property # ^ string version = "v1.2.3"; name = "${pname}-${version}"; # <- property # ^ string # ^ punctuation.special # ^ variable # ^ punctuation.special # ^ string # ^ variable # ^ string buildInputs = with pkgs; [ thing_a thing_b ]; # <- property # ^ keyword # ^ variable # ^ variable # ^ variable }; assert_bool = bool: assert lib.isBool bool; bool; # <- property # ^ variable.parameter # ^ keyword # ^ variable # ^ function # ^ variable # ^ variable import = import ./overlays.nix { inherit pkgs; }; # <- property # ^ function.builtin # ^ string.special.path # ^ keyword # ^ property uri = https://github.com; # ^ string.special.uri # ^ string.special.uri }