/** * @file JavaScript grammar for tree-sitter * @author Max Brunsfeld * @license MIT */ /* eslint-disable arrow-parens */ /* eslint-disable camelcase */ /* eslint-disable-next-line spaced-comment */ /// // @ts-check module.exports = grammar({ name: 'javascript', externals: $ => [ $._automatic_semicolon, $._template_chars, $._ternary_qmark, ], extras: $ => [ $.comment, /[\s\p{Zs}\uFEFF\u2028\u2029\u2060\u200B]/, ], supertypes: $ => [ $.statement, $.declaration, $.expression, $.primary_expression, $.pattern, ], inline: $ => [ $._call_signature, $._formal_parameter, $.statement, $._expressions, $._semicolon, $._identifier, $._reserved_identifier, $._jsx_attribute, $._jsx_element_name, $._jsx_child, $._jsx_element, $._jsx_attribute_name, $._jsx_attribute_value, $._jsx_identifier, $._lhs_expression, ], precedences: $ => [ [ 'member', 'call', $.update_expression, 'unary_void', 'binary_exp', 'binary_times', 'binary_plus', 'binary_shift', 'binary_compare', 'binary_relation', 'binary_equality', 'bitwise_and', 'bitwise_xor', 'bitwise_or', 'logical_and', 'logical_or', 'ternary', $.sequence_expression, $.arrow_function, ], ['assign', $.primary_expression], ['member', 'new', 'call', $.expression], ['declaration', 'literal'], [$.primary_expression, $.statement_block, 'object'], [$.import_statement, $.import], [$.export_statement, $.primary_expression], ], conflicts: $ => [ [$.primary_expression, $._property_name], [$.primary_expression, $._property_name, $.arrow_function], [$.primary_expression, $.arrow_function], [$.primary_expression, $.method_definition], [$.primary_expression, $.rest_pattern], [$.primary_expression, $.pattern], [$.primary_expression, $._for_header], [$.array, $.array_pattern], [$.object, $.object_pattern], [$.assignment_expression, $.pattern], [$.assignment_expression, $.object_assignment_pattern], [$.labeled_statement, $._property_name], [$.computed_property_name, $.array], [$.binary_expression, $._initializer], ], word: $ => $.identifier, rules: { program: $ => seq( optional($.hash_bang_line), repeat($.statement), ), hash_bang_line: _ => /#!.*/, // // Export declarations // export_statement: $ => choice( seq( 'export', choice( seq('*', $._from_clause), seq($.namespace_export, $._from_clause), seq($.export_clause, $._from_clause), $.export_clause, ), $._semicolon, ), seq( repeat(field('decorator', $.decorator)), 'export', choice( field('declaration', $.declaration), seq( 'default', choice( field('declaration', $.declaration), seq( field('value', $.expression), $._semicolon, ), ), ), ), ), ), namespace_export: $ => seq( '*', 'as', $._module_export_name, ), export_clause: $ => seq( '{', commaSep($.export_specifier), optional(','), '}', ), export_specifier: $ => seq( field('name', $._module_export_name), optional(seq( 'as', field('alias', $._module_export_name), )), ), _module_export_name: $ => choice( $.identifier, $.string, ), declaration: $ => choice( $.function_declaration, $.generator_function_declaration, $.class_declaration, $.lexical_declaration, $.variable_declaration, ), // // Import declarations // import: _ => token('import'), import_statement: $ => seq( 'import', choice( seq($.import_clause, $._from_clause), field('source', $.string), ), $._semicolon, ), import_clause: $ => choice( $.namespace_import, $.named_imports, seq( $.identifier, optional(seq( ',', choice( $.namespace_import, $.named_imports, ), )), ), ), _from_clause: $ => seq( 'from', field('source', $.string), ), namespace_import: $ => seq( '*', 'as', $.identifier, ), named_imports: $ => seq( '{', commaSep($.import_specifier), optional(','), '}', ), import_specifier: $ => choice( field('name', $.identifier), seq( field('name', $._module_export_name), 'as', field('alias', $.identifier), ), ), // // Statements // statement: $ => choice( $.export_statement, $.import_statement, $.debugger_statement, $.expression_statement, $.declaration, $.statement_block, $.if_statement, $.switch_statement, $.for_statement, $.for_in_statement, $.while_statement, $.do_statement, $.try_statement, $.with_statement, $.break_statement, $.continue_statement, $.return_statement, $.throw_statement, $.empty_statement, $.labeled_statement, ), expression_statement: $ => seq( $._expressions, $._semicolon, ), variable_declaration: $ => seq( 'var', commaSep1($.variable_declarator), $._semicolon, ), lexical_declaration: $ => seq( field('kind', choice('let', 'const')), commaSep1($.variable_declarator), $._semicolon, ), variable_declarator: $ => seq( field('name', choice($.identifier, $._destructuring_pattern)), optional($._initializer), ), statement_block: $ => prec.right(seq( '{', repeat($.statement), '}', optional($._automatic_semicolon), )), else_clause: $ => seq('else', $.statement), if_statement: $ => prec.right(seq( 'if', field('condition', $.parenthesized_expression), field('consequence', $.statement), optional(field('alternative', $.else_clause)), )), switch_statement: $ => seq( 'switch', field('value', $.parenthesized_expression), field('body', $.switch_body), ), for_statement: $ => seq( 'for', '(', field('initializer', choice( $.lexical_declaration, $.variable_declaration, $.expression_statement, $.empty_statement, )), field('condition', choice( $.expression_statement, $.empty_statement, )), field('increment', optional($._expressions)), ')', field('body', $.statement), ), for_in_statement: $ => seq( 'for', optional('await'), $._for_header, field('body', $.statement), ), _for_header: $ => seq( '(', choice( field('left', choice( $._lhs_expression, $.parenthesized_expression, )), seq( field('kind', 'var'), field('left', choice( $.identifier, $._destructuring_pattern, )), optional($._initializer), ), seq( field('kind', choice('let', 'const')), field('left', choice( $.identifier, $._destructuring_pattern, )), ), ), field('operator', choice('in', 'of')), field('right', $._expressions), ')', ), while_statement: $ => seq( 'while', field('condition', $.parenthesized_expression), field('body', $.statement), ), do_statement: $ => seq( 'do', field('body', $.statement), 'while', field('condition', $.parenthesized_expression), ), try_statement: $ => seq( 'try', field('body', $.statement_block), optional(field('handler', $.catch_clause)), optional(field('finalizer', $.finally_clause)), ), with_statement: $ => seq( 'with', field('object', $.parenthesized_expression), field('body', $.statement), ), break_statement: $ => seq( 'break', field('label', optional(alias($.identifier, $.statement_identifier))), $._semicolon, ), continue_statement: $ => seq( 'continue', field('label', optional(alias($.identifier, $.statement_identifier))), $._semicolon, ), debugger_statement: $ => seq( 'debugger', $._semicolon, ), return_statement: $ => seq( 'return', optional($._expressions), $._semicolon, ), throw_statement: $ => seq( 'throw', $._expressions, $._semicolon, ), empty_statement: _ => ';', labeled_statement: $ => prec.dynamic(-1, seq( field('label', alias(choice($.identifier, $._reserved_identifier), $.statement_identifier)), ':', field('body', $.statement), )), // // Statement components // switch_body: $ => seq( '{', repeat(choice($.switch_case, $.switch_default)), '}', ), switch_case: $ => seq( 'case', field('value', $._expressions), ':', field('body', repeat($.statement)), ), switch_default: $ => seq( 'default', ':', field('body', repeat($.statement)), ), catch_clause: $ => seq( 'catch', optional(seq('(', field('parameter', choice($.identifier, $._destructuring_pattern)), ')')), field('body', $.statement_block), ), finally_clause: $ => seq( 'finally', field('body', $.statement_block), ), parenthesized_expression: $ => seq( '(', $._expressions, ')', ), // // Expressions // _expressions: $ => choice( $.expression, $.sequence_expression, ), expression: $ => choice( $.primary_expression, $.glimmer_template, $._jsx_element, $.assignment_expression, $.augmented_assignment_expression, $.await_expression, $.unary_expression, $.binary_expression, $.ternary_expression, $.update_expression, $.new_expression, $.yield_expression, ), primary_expression: $ => choice( $.subscript_expression, $.member_expression, $.parenthesized_expression, $._identifier, alias($._reserved_identifier, $.identifier), $.this, $.super, $.number, $.string, $.template_string, $.regex, $.true, $.false, $.null, $.import, $.object, $.array, $.function, $.arrow_function, $.generator_function, $.class, $.meta_property, $.call_expression, ), yield_expression: $ => prec.right(seq( 'yield', choice( seq('*', $.expression), optional($.expression), ))), object: $ => prec('object', seq( '{', commaSep(optional(choice( $.pair, $.spread_element, $.method_definition, alias( choice($.identifier, $._reserved_identifier), $.shorthand_property_identifier, ), ))), '}', )), object_pattern: $ => prec('object', seq( '{', commaSep(optional(choice( $.pair_pattern, $.rest_pattern, $.object_assignment_pattern, alias( choice($.identifier, $._reserved_identifier), $.shorthand_property_identifier_pattern, ), ))), '}', )), assignment_pattern: $ => seq( field('left', $.pattern), '=', field('right', $.expression), ), object_assignment_pattern: $ => seq( field('left', choice( alias(choice($._reserved_identifier, $.identifier), $.shorthand_property_identifier_pattern), $._destructuring_pattern, )), '=', field('right', $.expression), ), array: $ => seq( '[', commaSep(optional(choice( $.expression, $.spread_element, ))), ']', ), array_pattern: $ => seq( '[', commaSep(optional(choice( $.pattern, $.assignment_pattern, ))), ']', ), glimmer_template: $ => choice( seq( field('open_tag', $.glimmer_opening_tag), field('content', repeat($._glimmer_template_content)), field('close_tag', $.glimmer_closing_tag), ), // empty template has no content // seq( field('open_tag', $.glimmer_opening_tag), field('close_tag', $.glimmer_closing_tag), ), ), _glimmer_template_content: _ => /.{1,}/, glimmer_opening_tag: _ => seq(''), _jsx_element: $ => choice($.jsx_element, $.jsx_self_closing_element), jsx_element: $ => seq( field('open_tag', $.jsx_opening_element), repeat($._jsx_child), field('close_tag', $.jsx_closing_element), ), // Should not contain new lines and should not start or end with a space jsx_text: _ => choice( /[^{}<>\n ]([^{}<>\n]*[^{}<>\n ])?/, /\/\/[^\n]*/, ), jsx_expression: $ => seq( '{', optional(choice( $.expression, $.sequence_expression, $.spread_element, )), '}', ), _jsx_child: $ => choice( $.jsx_text, $._jsx_element, $.jsx_expression, ), jsx_opening_element: $ => prec.dynamic(-1, seq( '<', optional(seq( field('name', $._jsx_element_name), repeat(field('attribute', $._jsx_attribute)), )), '>', )), jsx_identifier: _ => /[a-zA-Z_$][a-zA-Z\d_$]*-[a-zA-Z\d_$\-]*/, _jsx_identifier: $ => choice( alias($.jsx_identifier, $.identifier), $.identifier, ), nested_identifier: $ => prec('member', seq( choice($.identifier, alias($.nested_identifier, $.member_expression)), '.', alias($.identifier, $.property_identifier), )), jsx_namespace_name: $ => seq($._jsx_identifier, ':', $._jsx_identifier), _jsx_element_name: $ => choice( $._jsx_identifier, alias($.nested_identifier, $.member_expression), $.jsx_namespace_name, ), jsx_closing_element: $ => seq( '', ), jsx_self_closing_element: $ => seq( '<', field('name', $._jsx_element_name), repeat(field('attribute', $._jsx_attribute)), '/>', ), _jsx_attribute: $ => choice($.jsx_attribute, $.jsx_expression), _jsx_attribute_name: $ => choice(alias($._jsx_identifier, $.property_identifier), $.jsx_namespace_name), jsx_attribute: $ => seq( $._jsx_attribute_name, optional(seq( '=', $._jsx_attribute_value, )), ), _jsx_attribute_value: $ => choice( $.string, $.jsx_expression, $._jsx_element, ), class: $ => prec('literal', seq( repeat(field('decorator', $.decorator)), 'class', field('name', optional($.identifier)), optional($.class_heritage), field('body', $.class_body), )), class_declaration: $ => prec('declaration', seq( repeat(field('decorator', $.decorator)), 'class', field('name', $.identifier), optional($.class_heritage), field('body', $.class_body), optional($._automatic_semicolon), )), class_heritage: $ => seq('extends', $.expression), function: $ => prec('literal', seq( optional('async'), 'function', field('name', optional($.identifier)), $._call_signature, field('body', $.statement_block), )), function_declaration: $ => prec.right('declaration', seq( optional('async'), 'function', field('name', $.identifier), $._call_signature, field('body', $.statement_block), optional($._automatic_semicolon), )), generator_function: $ => prec('literal', seq( optional('async'), 'function', '*', field('name', optional($.identifier)), $._call_signature, field('body', $.statement_block), )), generator_function_declaration: $ => prec.right('declaration', seq( optional('async'), 'function', '*', field('name', $.identifier), $._call_signature, field('body', $.statement_block), optional($._automatic_semicolon), )), arrow_function: $ => seq( optional('async'), choice( field('parameter', choice( alias($._reserved_identifier, $.identifier), $.identifier, )), $._call_signature, ), '=>', field('body', choice( $.expression, $.statement_block, )), ), // Override _call_signature: $ => field('parameters', $.formal_parameters), _formal_parameter: $ => choice($.pattern, $.assignment_pattern), optional_chain: _ => '?.', call_expression: $ => choice( prec('call', seq( field('function', $.expression), field('arguments', choice($.arguments, $.template_string)), )), prec('member', seq( field('function', $.primary_expression), field('optional_chain', $.optional_chain), field('arguments', $.arguments), )), ), new_expression: $ => prec.right('new', seq( 'new', field('constructor', choice($.primary_expression, $.new_expression)), field('arguments', optional(prec.dynamic(1, $.arguments))), )), await_expression: $ => prec('unary_void', seq( 'await', $.expression, )), member_expression: $ => prec('member', seq( field('object', choice($.expression, $.primary_expression)), choice('.', field('optional_chain', $.optional_chain)), field('property', choice( $.private_property_identifier, alias($.identifier, $.property_identifier))), )), subscript_expression: $ => prec.right('member', seq( field('object', choice($.expression, $.primary_expression)), optional(field('optional_chain', $.optional_chain)), '[', field('index', $._expressions), ']', )), _lhs_expression: $ => choice( $.member_expression, $.subscript_expression, $._identifier, alias($._reserved_identifier, $.identifier), $._destructuring_pattern, ), assignment_expression: $ => prec.right('assign', seq( field('left', choice($.parenthesized_expression, $._lhs_expression)), '=', field('right', $.expression), )), _augmented_assignment_lhs: $ => choice( $.member_expression, $.subscript_expression, alias($._reserved_identifier, $.identifier), $.identifier, $.parenthesized_expression, ), augmented_assignment_expression: $ => prec.right('assign', seq( field('left', $._augmented_assignment_lhs), field('operator', choice('+=', '-=', '*=', '/=', '%=', '^=', '&=', '|=', '>>=', '>>>=', '<<=', '**=', '&&=', '||=', '??=')), field('right', $.expression), )), _initializer: $ => seq( '=', field('value', $.expression), ), _destructuring_pattern: $ => choice( $.object_pattern, $.array_pattern, ), spread_element: $ => seq('...', $.expression), ternary_expression: $ => prec.right('ternary', seq( field('condition', $.expression), alias($._ternary_qmark, '?'), field('consequence', $.expression), ':', field('alternative', $.expression), )), binary_expression: $ => choice( ...[ ['&&', 'logical_and'], ['||', 'logical_or'], ['>>', 'binary_shift'], ['>>>', 'binary_shift'], ['<<', 'binary_shift'], ['&', 'bitwise_and'], ['^', 'bitwise_xor'], ['|', 'bitwise_or'], ['+', 'binary_plus'], ['-', 'binary_plus'], ['*', 'binary_times'], ['/', 'binary_times'], ['%', 'binary_times'], ['**', 'binary_exp', 'right'], ['<', 'binary_relation'], ['<=', 'binary_relation'], ['==', 'binary_equality'], ['===', 'binary_equality'], ['!=', 'binary_equality'], ['!==', 'binary_equality'], ['>=', 'binary_relation'], ['>', 'binary_relation'], ['??', 'ternary'], ['instanceof', 'binary_relation'], ['in', 'binary_relation'], ].map(([operator, precedence, associativity]) => (associativity === 'right' ? prec.right : prec.left)(precedence, seq( field('left', operator === 'in' ? choice($.expression, $.private_property_identifier) : $.expression), field('operator', operator), field('right', $.expression), )), ), ), unary_expression: $ => prec.left('unary_void', seq( field('operator', choice('!', '~', '-', '+', 'typeof', 'void', 'delete')), field('argument', $.expression), )), update_expression: $ => prec.left(choice( seq( field('argument', $.expression), field('operator', choice('++', '--')), ), seq( field('operator', choice('++', '--')), field('argument', $.expression), ), )), sequence_expression: $ => seq( field('left', $.expression), ',', field('right', choice($.sequence_expression, $.expression)), ), // // Primitives // // Here we tolerate unescaped newlines in double-quoted and // single-quoted string literals. // This is legal in typescript as jsx/tsx attribute values (as of // 2020), and perhaps will be valid in javascript as well in the // future. // string: $ => choice( seq( '"', repeat(choice( alias($.unescaped_double_string_fragment, $.string_fragment), $.escape_sequence, )), '"', ), seq( '\'', repeat(choice( alias($.unescaped_single_string_fragment, $.string_fragment), $.escape_sequence, )), '\'', ), ), // Workaround to https://github.com/tree-sitter/tree-sitter/issues/1156 // We give names to the token() constructs containing a regexp // so as to obtain a node in the CST. // unescaped_double_string_fragment: _ => token.immediate(prec(1, /[^"\\]+/)), // same here unescaped_single_string_fragment: _ => token.immediate(prec(1, /[^'\\]+/)), escape_sequence: _ => token.immediate(seq( '\\', choice( /[^xu0-7]/, /[0-7]{1,3}/, /x[0-9a-fA-F]{2}/, /u[0-9a-fA-F]{4}/, /u{[0-9a-fA-F]+}/, ), )), // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13014947/regex-to-match-a-c-style-multiline-comment/36328890#36328890 comment: _ => token(choice( seq('//', /.*/), seq( '/*', /[^*]*\*+([^/*][^*]*\*+)*/, '/', ), // https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-html-like-comments seq(' is supposed to have nothing before it on the same line // except for comments and whitespace, but that is difficult to express, // and in general tree sitter grammars tend to prefer to be overly // permissive anyway. // // This approach does not appear to cause problems in practice. seq('-->', /.*/), )), template_string: $ => seq( '`', repeat(choice( $._template_chars, $.escape_sequence, $.template_substitution, )), '`', ), template_substitution: $ => seq( '${', $._expressions, '}', ), regex: $ => seq( '/', field('pattern', $.regex_pattern), token.immediate('/'), optional(field('flags', $.regex_flags)), ), regex_pattern: _ => token.immediate(prec(-1, repeat1(choice( seq( '[', repeat(choice( seq('\\', /./), // escaped character /[^\]\n\\]/, // any character besides ']' or '\n' )), ']', ), // square-bracket-delimited character class seq('\\', /./), // escaped character /[^/\\\[\n]/, // any character besides '[', '\', '/', '\n' )), )), regex_flags: _ => token.immediate(/[a-z]+/), number: _ => { const hex_literal = seq( choice('0x', '0X'), /[\da-fA-F](_?[\da-fA-F])*/, ); const decimal_digits = /\d(_?\d)*/; const signed_integer = seq(optional(choice('-', '+')), decimal_digits); const exponent_part = seq(choice('e', 'E'), signed_integer); const binary_literal = seq(choice('0b', '0B'), /[0-1](_?[0-1])*/); const octal_literal = seq(choice('0o', '0O'), /[0-7](_?[0-7])*/); const bigint_literal = seq(choice(hex_literal, binary_literal, octal_literal, decimal_digits), 'n'); const decimal_integer_literal = choice( '0', seq(optional('0'), /[1-9]/, optional(seq(optional('_'), decimal_digits))), ); const decimal_literal = choice( seq(decimal_integer_literal, '.', optional(decimal_digits), optional(exponent_part)), seq('.', decimal_digits, optional(exponent_part)), seq(decimal_integer_literal, exponent_part), seq(decimal_digits), ); return token(choice( hex_literal, decimal_literal, binary_literal, octal_literal, bigint_literal, )); }, // 'undefined' is syntactically a regular identifier in JavaScript. // However, its main use is as the read-only global variable whose // value is [undefined], for which there's no literal representation // unlike 'null'. We gave it its own rule so it's easy to // highlight in text editors and other applications. _identifier: $ => choice( $.undefined, $.identifier, ), identifier: _ => { // eslint-disable-next-line max-len const alpha = /[^\x00-\x1F\s\p{Zs}0-9:;`"'@#.,|^&<=>+\-*/\\%?!~()\[\]{}\uFEFF\u2060\u200B]|\\u[0-9a-fA-F]{4}|\\u\{[0-9a-fA-F]+\}/; // eslint-disable-next-line max-len const alphanumeric = /[^\x00-\x1F\s\p{Zs}:;`"'@#.,|^&<=>+\-*/\\%?!~()\[\]{}\uFEFF\u2060\u200B]|\\u[0-9a-fA-F]{4}|\\u\{[0-9a-fA-F]+\}/; return token(seq(alpha, repeat(alphanumeric))); }, private_property_identifier: _ => { // eslint-disable-next-line max-len const alpha = /[^\x00-\x1F\s\p{Zs}0-9:;`"'@#.,|^&<=>+\-*/\\%?!~()\[\]{}\uFEFF\u2060\u200B]|\\u[0-9a-fA-F]{4}|\\u\{[0-9a-fA-F]+\}/; // eslint-disable-next-line max-len const alphanumeric = /[^\x00-\x1F\s\p{Zs}:;`"'@#.,|^&<=>+\-*/\\%?!~()\[\]{}\uFEFF\u2060\u200B]|\\u[0-9a-fA-F]{4}|\\u\{[0-9a-fA-F]+\}/; return token(seq('#', alpha, repeat(alphanumeric))); }, meta_property: _ => seq('new', '.', 'target'), this: _ => 'this', super: _ => 'super', true: _ => 'true', false: _ => 'false', null: _ => 'null', undefined: _ => 'undefined', // // Expression components // arguments: $ => seq( '(', commaSep(optional(choice($.expression, $.spread_element))), ')', ), decorator: $ => seq( '@', choice( $.identifier, alias($.decorator_member_expression, $.member_expression), alias($.decorator_call_expression, $.call_expression), ), ), decorator_member_expression: $ => prec('member', seq( field('object', choice( $.identifier, alias($.decorator_member_expression, $.member_expression), )), '.', field('property', alias($.identifier, $.property_identifier)), )), decorator_call_expression: $ => prec('call', seq( field('function', choice( $.identifier, alias($.decorator_member_expression, $.member_expression), )), field('arguments', $.arguments), )), class_body: $ => seq( '{', repeat(choice( seq(field('member', $.method_definition), optional(';')), seq(field('member', $.field_definition), $._semicolon), field('member', $.class_static_block), field('template', $.glimmer_template), )), '}', ), field_definition: $ => seq( repeat(field('decorator', $.decorator)), optional('static'), field('property', $._property_name), optional($._initializer), ), formal_parameters: $ => seq( '(', optional(seq( commaSep1($._formal_parameter), optional(','), )), ')', ), class_static_block: $ => seq( 'static', field('body', $.statement_block), ), // This negative dynamic precedence ensures that during error recovery, // unfinished constructs are generally treated as literal expressions, // not patterns. pattern: $ => prec.dynamic(-1, choice( $._lhs_expression, $.rest_pattern, )), rest_pattern: $ => prec.right(seq( '...', $._lhs_expression, )), method_definition: $ => seq( repeat(field('decorator', $.decorator)), optional(choice('static', alias(token(seq('static', /\s+/, 'get', /\s*\n/)), 'static get'))), optional('async'), optional(choice('get', 'set', '*')), field('name', $._property_name), field('parameters', $.formal_parameters), field('body', $.statement_block), ), pair: $ => seq( field('key', $._property_name), ':', field('value', $.expression), ), pair_pattern: $ => seq( field('key', $._property_name), ':', field('value', choice($.pattern, $.assignment_pattern)), ), _property_name: $ => choice( alias(choice( $.identifier, $._reserved_identifier, ), $.property_identifier), $.private_property_identifier, $.string, $.number, $.computed_property_name, ), computed_property_name: $ => seq( '[', $.expression, ']', ), _reserved_identifier: _ => choice( 'get', 'set', 'async', 'static', 'export', ), _semicolon: $ => choice($._automatic_semicolon, ';'), }, }); /** * Creates a rule to match one or more of the rules separated by a comma * * @param {Rule} rule * * @return {SeqRule} * */ function commaSep1(rule) { return seq(rule, repeat(seq(',', rule))); } /** * Creates a rule to optionally match one or more of the rules separated by a comma * * @param {Rule} rule * * @return {ChoiceRule} * */ function commaSep(rule) { return optional(commaSep1(rule)); }