/* eslint-disable arrow-parens */ /* eslint-disable camelcase */ /* eslint-disable-next-line spaced-comment */ /// // @ts-check const BRACE1 = [['{', '}']]; const BRACE2 = [['{{', '}}'], ['⦃', '⦄']]; // const BRACES = [...BRACE1, ...BRACE2]; const IDIOM = [['(|', '|)'], ['⦇', '⦈']]; const PAREN = [['(', ')']]; // numbers and literals const integer = /\-?(0x[0-9a-fA-F]+|[0-9]+)/; module.exports = grammar({ name: 'agda', word: $ => $.id, extras: $ => [ $.comment, $.pragma, /\s|\\n/, ], externals: $ => [ $._newline, $._indent, $._dedent, ], rules: { source_file: $ => repeat(seq($._declaration, $._newline)), // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Constants // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// _FORALL: _ => choice('forall', '∀'), _ARROW: _ => choice('->', '→'), _LAMBDA: _ => choice('\\', 'λ'), _ELLIPSIS: _ => choice('...', '…'), // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Top-level Declarations // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Declarations // indented, 1 or more declarations _declaration_block: $ => block($, $._declaration), // Declarations0: use `optional($._declaration_block)` instead // _declaration_block0: $ => block($, optional($._declaration)), // Declaration _declaration: $ => choice( $.fields, $.function, $.data, $.data_signature, $.record, $.record_signature, $.infix, $.generalize, $.mutual, $.abstract, $.private, $.instance, $.macro, $.postulate, $.primitive, $.open, $.import, $.module_macro, $.module, $.pragma, $.syntax, $.pattern, $.unquote_decl, ), // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Declaration: Field // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Fields fields: $ => seq( 'field', $._signature_block, ), // ArgTypeSignatures _signature_block: $ => block($, $.signature), // ArgTypeSigs signature: $ => choice( seq( optional('overlap'), $._modal_arg_ids, ':', $.expr, ), seq( 'instance', $._signature_block, ), ), // ModalArgIds _modal_arg_ids: $ => seq(repeat($.attribute), $._arg_ids), // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Declaration: Functions // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // We are splitting FunClause into 2 cases: // *. function declaration (':') // *. function definitions ('=') // Doing so we can mark the LHS of a function declaration as 'function_name' // FunClause function: $ => choice( seq( optional($.attributes), alias($.lhs_decl, $.lhs), alias(optional($.rhs_decl), $.rhs), optional($.where), ), seq( optional($.attributes), alias($.lhs_defn, $.lhs), alias(optional($.rhs_defn), $.rhs), optional($.where), ), ), // LHS lhs_decl: $ => seq( alias($._with_exprs, $.function_name), optional($.rewrite_equations), optional($.with_expressions), ), lhs_defn: $ => prec(1, seq( $._with_exprs, optional($.rewrite_equations), optional($.with_expressions), )), // RHS rhs_decl: $ => seq(':', $.expr), rhs_defn: $ => seq('=', $.expr), // WithExpressions with_expressions: $ => seq('with', $.expr), // RewriteEquations rewrite_equations: $ => seq('rewrite', $._with_exprs), // WhereClause where: $ => seq( optional(seq( 'module', $.bid, )), 'where', optional($._declaration_block), ), // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Declaration: Data // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// data_name: $ => alias($.id, 'data_name'), data: $ => seq( choice('data', 'codata'), $.data_name, optional($._typed_untyped_bindings), optional(seq(':', $.expr)), 'where', optional($._declaration_block), ), // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Declaration: Data Signature // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// data_signature: $ => seq( 'data', $.data_name, optional($._typed_untyped_bindings), ':', $.expr, ), // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Declaration: Record // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Record record: $ => seq( 'record', alias($._atom_no_curly, $.record_name), optional($._typed_untyped_bindings), optional(seq(':', $.expr)), $.record_declarations_block, ), // RecordDeclarations record_declarations_block: $ => seq( 'where', indent($, // RecordDirectives repeat(seq($._record_directive, $._newline)), repeat(seq($._declaration, $._newline)), ), ), // RecordDirective _record_directive: $ => choice( $.record_constructor, $.record_constructor_instance, $.record_induction, $.record_eta, ), // RecordConstructorName record_constructor: $ => seq('constructor', $.id), // Declaration of record constructor name. record_constructor_instance: $ => seq( 'instance', block($, $.record_constructor), ), // RecordInduction record_induction: _ => choice( 'inductive', 'coinductive', ), // RecordEta record_eta: _ => choice( 'eta-equality', 'no-eta-equality', ), // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Declaration: Record Signature // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// record_signature: $ => seq( 'record', alias($._atom_no_curly, $.record_name), optional($._typed_untyped_bindings), ':', $.expr, ), // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Declaration: Infix // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// infix: $ => seq( choice('infix', 'infixl', 'infixr'), $.integer, repeat1($.bid), ), // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Declaration: Generalize // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// generalize: $ => seq( 'variable', optional($._signature_block), ), // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Declaration: Mutual // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// mutual: $ => seq( 'mutual', optional($._declaration_block), ), // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Declaration: Abstract // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// abstract: $ => seq( 'abstract', optional($._declaration_block), ), // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Declaration: Private // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private: $ => seq( 'private', optional($._declaration_block), ), // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Declaration: Instance // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// instance: $ => seq( 'instance', optional($._declaration_block), ), // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Declaration: Macro // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// macro: $ => seq( 'macro', optional($._declaration_block), ), // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Declaration: Postulate // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// postulate: $ => seq( 'postulate', optional($._declaration_block), ), // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Declaration: Primitive // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// primitive: $ => seq( 'primitive', optional($._type_signature_block), ), // TypeSignatures _type_signature_block: $ => block($, $.type_signature), // TypeSigs type_signature: $ => seq( $._field_names, ':', $.expr, ), // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Declaration: Open // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// open: $ => seq( 'open', choice($.import, $.module_name), optional($._atoms), optional($._import_directives), ), import: $ => seq('import', $.module_name), // ModuleName module_name: $ => $._qid, // ImportDirectives and shit _import_directives: $ => repeat1($.import_directive), import_directive: $ => choice( 'public', seq('using', '(', $._comma_import_names, ')'), seq('hiding', '(', $._comma_import_names, ')'), seq('renaming', '(', sepR(';', $.renaming), ')'), seq('using', '(', ')'), seq('hiding', '(', ')'), seq('renaming', '(', ')'), ), // CommaImportNames _comma_import_names: $ => sepR(';', $._import_name), // Renaming renaming: $ => seq( optional('module'), $.id, 'to', $.id, ), // ImportName _import_name: $ => seq( optional('module'), $.id, ), // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Declaration: Module Macro // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ModuleMacro module_macro: $ => seq( choice( seq('module', alias($._qid, $.module_name)), seq('open', 'module', alias($._qid, $.module_name)), ), optional($._typed_untyped_bindings), '=', $.module_application, repeat($.import_directive), ), // ModuleApplication module_application: $ => seq( $.module_name, choice( prec(1, brace_double($._ELLIPSIS)), optional($._atoms), ), ), // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Declaration: Module // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Module module: $ => seq( 'module', alias(choice($._qid, '_'), $.module_name), optional($._typed_untyped_bindings), 'where', optional($._declaration_block), ), // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Declaration: Pragma // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Pragma / DeclarationPragma pragma: _ => token(seq( '{-#', repeat(choice( /[^#]/, /#[^-]/, /#\-[^}]/, )), '#-}', )), // CatchallPragma catchall_pragma: _ => seq('{-#', 'CATCHALL', '#-}'), // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Declaration: Syntax // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// syntax: $ => seq( 'syntax', $.id, $.hole_names, '=', repeat1($.id), ), // HoleNames hole_names: $ => repeat1($.hole_name), hole_name: $ => choice( $._simple_top_hole, brace($._simple_hole), brace_double($._simple_hole), brace($.id, '=', $._simple_hole), brace_double($.id, '=', $._simple_hole), ), // SimpleTopHole _simple_top_hole: $ => choice( $.id, paren($._LAMBDA, $.bid, $._ARROW, $.id), ), // SimpleHole _simple_hole: $ => choice( $.id, seq($._LAMBDA, $.bid, $._ARROW, $.id), ), // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Declaration: Pattern Synonym // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // PatternSyn pattern: $ => seq( 'pattern', $.id, optional($._lambda_bindings), // PatternSynArgs '=', $.expr, ), // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Declaration: Unquoting declarations // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // UnquoteDecl unquote_decl: $ => choice( seq('unquoteDecl', '=', $.expr), seq('unquoteDecl', $._ids, '=', $.expr), seq('unquoteDef', $._ids, '=', $.expr), ), // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Names // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // identifier: http://wiki.portal.chalmers.se/agda/pmwiki.php?n=ReferenceManual.Names id: _ => /([^\s\\.\"\(\)\{\}@\'\\_]|\\[^\sa-zA-Z]|_[^\s;\.\"\(\)\{\}@])[^\s;\.\"\(\)\{\}@]*/, // qualified identifier: http://wiki.portal.chalmers.se/agda/pmwiki.php?n=ReferenceManual.Names _qid: $ => prec.left( choice( // eslint-disable-next-line max-len alias(/(([^\s;\.\"\(\)\{\}@\'\\_]|\\[^\sa-zA-Z]|_[^\s;\.\"\(\)\{\}@])[^\s;\.\"\(\)\{\}@]*\.)*([^\s;\.\"\(\)\{\}@\'\\_]|\\[^\sa-zA-Z]|_[^\s;\.\"\(\)\{\}@])[^\s;\.\"\(\)\{\}@]*/, $.qid), alias($.id, $.qid), ), ), // BId bid: $ => alias(choice('_', $.id), 'bid'), // SpaceIds _ids: $ => repeat1($.id), _field_name: $ => alias($.id, $.field_name), _field_names: $ => repeat1($._field_name), // MaybeDottedId _maybe_dotted_id: $ => maybeDotted($._field_name), _maybe_dotted_ids: $ => repeat1($._maybe_dotted_id), // ArgIds _arg_ids: $ => repeat1($._arg_id), _arg_id: $ => choice( $._maybe_dotted_id, brace($._maybe_dotted_ids), brace_double($._maybe_dotted_ids), seq('.', brace($._field_names)), seq('.', brace_double($._field_names)), seq('..', brace($._field_names)), seq('..', brace_double($._field_names)), ), // CommaBIds / CommaBIdAndAbsurds _binding_ids_and_absurds: $ => prec(-1, choice( $._application, seq($._qid, '=', $._qid), seq($._qid, '=', '_'), seq('-', '=', $._qid), seq('-', '=', '_'), )), // Attribute attribute: $ => seq('@', $._expr_or_attr), attributes: $ => repeat1($.attribute), // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Expressions (terms and types) // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Expr expr: $ => choice( seq($._typed_bindings, $._ARROW, $.expr), seq(optional($.attributes), $._atoms, $._ARROW, $.expr), seq($._with_exprs, '=', $.expr), prec(-1, $._with_exprs), // lowest precedence ), stmt: $ => choice( seq($._typed_bindings, $._ARROW, $.expr), seq(optional($.attributes), $._atoms, $._ARROW, $.expr), seq($._with_exprs, '=', $.expr), prec(-1, $._with_exprs_stmt), // lowest precedence ), // WithExprs/Expr1 _with_exprs: $ => seq( repeat(seq($._atoms, '|')), $._application, ), _with_exprs_stmt: $ => seq( repeat(seq($._atoms, '|')), $._application_stmt, ), // ExprOrAttr _expr_or_attr: $ => choice( $.literal, $._qid, paren($.expr), ), // Application _application: $ => seq( optional($._atoms), $._expr2, ), _application_stmt: $ => seq( optional($._atoms), $._expr2_stmt, ), // Expr _expr2_without_let: $ => choice( $.lambda, alias($.lambda_extended_or_absurd, $.lambda), $.forall, $.do, prec(-1, $.atom), seq('quoteGoal', $.id, 'in', $.expr), seq('tactic', $._atoms), seq('tactic', $._atoms, '|', $._with_exprs), ), _expr2: $ => choice( $._expr2_without_let, $.let, ), _expr2_stmt: $ => choice( $._expr2_without_let, alias($.let_in_do, $.let), ), // Expr3 atom: $ => choice( $._atom_curly, $._atom_no_curly, ), // Application3 / OpenArgs _atoms: $ => repeat1($.atom), _atom_curly: $ => brace(optional($.expr)), _atom_no_curly: $ => choice( '_', 'Prop', $.SetN, 'quote', 'quoteTerm', 'quoteContext', 'unquote', $.PropN, brace_double($.expr), idiom($.expr), seq('(', ')'), seq('{{', '}}'), seq('⦃', '⦄'), seq($.id, '@', $.atom), seq('.', $.atom), $.record_assignments, alias($.field_assignments, $.record_assignments), $._ELLIPSIS, $._expr_or_attr, ), // ForallBindings forall: $ => seq($._FORALL, $._typed_untyped_bindings, $._ARROW, $.expr), // LetBody let: $ => prec.right(seq( 'let', // declarations optional($._indent), repeat(seq($._declaration, $._newline)), $._declaration, // in case that there's a newline between declarations and $._let_body optional($._newline), $._let_body, )), // special `let...in` in do statements let_in_do: $ => prec.right(seq( 'let', // declarations optional($._indent), repeat(seq($._declaration, $._newline)), $._declaration, // choice( seq($._newline, $._dedent), // covers the newline between declarations and $._let_body seq($._newline, $._let_body), // covers the rest of the cases $._let_body, ), )), _let_body: $ => seq( 'in', $.expr, ), // LamBindings lambda: $ => seq( $._LAMBDA, $._lambda_bindings, $._ARROW, $.expr, ), // LamBinds _lambda_bindings: $ => seq( repeat($._typed_untyped_binding), choice( $._typed_untyped_binding, seq('(', ')'), seq('{', '}'), seq('{{', '}}'), seq('⦃', '⦄'), ), ), // ExtendedOrAbsurdLam lambda_extended_or_absurd: $ => seq( $._LAMBDA, choice( // LamClauses (single non absurd lambda clause) brace($.lambda_clause), // LamClauses brace($._lambda_clauses), // LamWhereClauses seq('where', $._lambda_clauses), // AbsurdLamBindings $._lambda_bindings, ), ), // bunch of `$._lambda_clause_maybe_absurd` sep by ';' _lambda_clauses: $ => prec.left(seq( repeat(seq($._lambda_clause_maybe_absurd, ';')), $._lambda_clause_maybe_absurd, )), // AbsurdLamBindings | AbsurdLamClause _lambda_clause_maybe_absurd: $ => prec.left(choice( $.lambda_clause_absurd, $.lambda_clause, )), // AbsurdLamClause lambda_clause_absurd: $ => seq( optional($.catchall_pragma), $._application, ), // NonAbsurdLamClause lambda_clause: $ => seq( optional($.catchall_pragma), optional($._atoms), // Application3PossiblyEmpty $._ARROW, $.expr, ), // DoStmts do: $ => seq('do', block($, $._do_stmt), ), // DoStmt _do_stmt: $ => seq( $.stmt, optional($.do_where), ), // DoWhere do_where: $ => seq( 'where', $._lambda_clauses, ), // RecordAssignments record_assignments: $ => seq( 'record', brace(optional($._record_assignments)), ), field_assignments: $ => seq( 'record', $._atom_no_curly, brace(optional($._field_assignments)), ), // RecordAssignments1 _record_assignments: $ => seq( repeat(seq($._record_assignment, ';')), $._record_assignment, ), // FieldAssignments1 _field_assignments: $ => seq( repeat(seq($.field_assignment, ';')), $.field_assignment, ), // RecordAssignment _record_assignment: $ => choice( $.field_assignment, $.module_assignment, ), // FieldAssignment field_assignment: $ => seq( alias($.id, $.field_name), '=', $.expr, ), // ModuleAssignment module_assignment: $ => seq( $.module_name, optional($._atoms), optional($._import_directives), ), // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Bindings // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TypedBinding _typed_bindings: $ => repeat1($.typed_binding), typed_binding: $ => choice( maybeDotted(choice( paren($._application, ':', $.expr), brace($._binding_ids_and_absurds, ':', $.expr), brace_double($._binding_ids_and_absurds, ':', $.expr), )), paren($.attributes, $._application, ':', $.expr), brace($.attributes, $._binding_ids_and_absurds, ':', $.expr), brace_double($.attributes, $._binding_ids_and_absurds, ':', $.expr), paren($.open), paren('let', $._declaration_block), ), // TypedUntypedBindings1 _typed_untyped_bindings: $ => repeat1($._typed_untyped_binding), _typed_untyped_binding: $ => choice( $.untyped_binding, $.typed_binding, ), // DomainFreeBinding / DomainFreeBindingAbsurd untyped_binding: $ => choice( // 13 variants maybeDotted(choice( $.bid, brace($._binding_ids_and_absurds), brace_double($._binding_ids_and_absurds), )), paren($._binding_ids_and_absurds), paren($.attributes, $._binding_ids_and_absurds), brace($.attributes, $._binding_ids_and_absurds), brace_double($.attributes, $._binding_ids_and_absurds), ), // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Literals // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // -- Literals // <0,code> \' { litChar } // <0,code,pragma_> \" { litString } // <0,code> @integer { literal LitNat } // <0,code> @float { literal LitFloat } integer: _ => integer, string: _ => /\".*\"/, literal: _ => choice( integer, /\".*\"/, ), // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Comment // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// comment: _ => token(choice( prec(100, seq('--', /.*/)), seq('{--}'), seq( '{-', /[^#]/, repeat(choice( /[^-]/, // anything but - /-[^}]/, // - not followed by } )), /-}/, ), )), // setN SetN: $ => prec.right(2, seq('Set', optional($.atom))), // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Unimplemented // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // propN PropN: _ => 'propN', }, }); // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Generic combinators // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Creates a rule to match one or more of the rules separated by `sep`. * * @param {RuleOrLiteral} sep * * @param {RuleOrLiteral} rule * * @return {SeqRule} * */ function sepR(sep, rule) { return seq(rule, repeat(seq(sep, rule))); } /** * Creates a rule that requires indentation before and dedentation after. * * @param {GrammarSymbols} $ * * @param {RuleOrLiteral[]} rule * * @return {SeqRule} * */ function indent($, ...rule) { return seq( $._indent, ...rule, $._dedent, ); } // 1 or more $RULE ending with a NEWLINE /** * Creates a rule that uses an indentation block, where each line is a rule. * The indentation is required before and dedentation is required after. * * @param {GrammarSymbols} $ * * @param {RuleOrLiteral} rules * * @return {SeqRule} */ function block($, rules) { return indent($, repeat1(seq(rules, $._newline))); } // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Language-specific combinators // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Creates a rule that matches a rule with a dot or two dots in front. * * @param {RuleOrLiteral} rule * * @return {ChoiceRule} */ function maybeDotted(rule) { return choice( rule, // Relevant seq('.', rule), // Irrelevant seq('..', rule), // NonStrict ); } /** * Flattens an array of arrays. * * @param {Array>>} arrOfArrs * * @return {Array>} * */ function flatten(arrOfArrs) { return arrOfArrs.reduce((res, arr) => [...res, ...arr], []); } /** * A callback function that takes a left and right string and returns a rule. * @callback encloseWithCallback * @param {string} left * @param {string} right * @return {RuleOrLiteral} * @see encloseWith * @see enclose */ /** * Creates a rule that matches a sequence of rules enclosed by a pair of strings. * * @param {encloseWithCallback} fn * * @param {Array>>} pairs * * @return {ChoiceRule} * */ function encloseWith(fn, ...pairs) { return choice(...flatten(pairs).map(([left, right]) => fn(left, right))); } /** * * @param {RuleOrLiteral} expr * * @param {Array>>} pairs * * @return {ChoiceRule} * */ function enclose(expr, ...pairs) { return encloseWith((left, right) => seq(left, expr, right), ...pairs); } /** * Creates a rule that matches a sequence of rules enclosed by `(` and `)`. * * @param {RuleOrLiteral[]} rules * * @return {ChoiceRule} * */ function paren(...rules) { return enclose(seq(...rules), PAREN); } /** * Creates a rule that matches a sequence of rules enclosed by `{` and `}`. * * @param {RuleOrLiteral[]} rules * * @return {ChoiceRule} * */ function brace(...rules) { return enclose(seq(...rules), BRACE1); } /** * Creates a rule that matches a sequence of rules enclosed by `{{` and `}}`. * * @param {RuleOrLiteral[]} rules * * @return {ChoiceRule} * */ function brace_double(...rules) { return enclose(seq(...rules), BRACE2); } /** * Creates a rule that matches a sequence of rules enclosed by `(|` and `|)`. * * @param {RuleOrLiteral[]} rules * * @return {ChoiceRule} * */ function idiom(...rules) { return enclose(seq(...rules), IDIOM); }