import base64 from typing import TypeVar, List from xml.dom import minidom from xml.parsers.expat import ExpatError from xml.dom.minidom import Document, Node, Element, getDOMImplementation from kc import KeyCode from mackb import StateName, ActionID, MapIndex, Modifier, ModMap, \ State, KeyMap, OnPress, ActionReference, Output, EnterState, Action, \ MacKeyboardLayout # Ukelele/mac uses ꯍ for escaping "invalid" characters, but Python puts the char directly. We search for all strings in the input, decode them and base64 encode them so we can parse them later def encode_document(inp: str) -> str: in_str = False # TODO: This should be a bytes object. The input seems to be utf-16 # However, I don't think we'll be parsing anything outside 0x0-0xffff out = "" string_contents = "" i = 0 inside_proper_tag = False while i < len(inp): ch = inp[i] if not in_str: if ch == "<": inside_proper_tag = inp[i + 1] not in "?!" if ch == '"': in_str = True else: out += ch i += 1 else: if ch == "&" and inp[i + 1] == "#" and inp[i + 2] == "x" and inp[i+7] == ";": hexed = inp[i+3:i+7] string_contents += chr(int(hexed, 16)) i += 8 elif ch == '"': if inside_proper_tag: out += '"' + base64.b64encode(string_contents.encode()).decode() + '"' else: out += '"' + string_contents + '"' string_contents = "" in_str = False i += 1 else: string_contents += ch i += 1 return out def percent_encode(inp: str) -> str: out = "" for ch in inp: if ord(ch) < 0x20 or ch in '&"<>': out += "&#x" + hex(ord(ch))[2:].rjust(4, '0') + ";" else: out += ch return out def decode_document(inp: str) -> str: in_str = False out = "" string_contents = "" i = 0 inside_proper_tag = False while i < len(inp): ch = inp[i] if not in_str: if ch == "<": inside_proper_tag = inp[i + 1] not in "?!" if ch == '"': in_str = True else: out += ch i += 1 else: if ch == '"': if inside_proper_tag: out += '"' + percent_encode(base64.b64decode(string_contents.encode()).decode()) + '"' else: out += '"' + string_contents + '"' string_contents = "" in_str = False i += 1 else: string_contents += ch i += 1 return out def decode_tree(d: Document) -> Document: def recode_in_place(n: Node): if isinstance(n, Element): for name, value in n.attributes.items(): n.setAttribute(name, base64.b64decode(value.encode()).decode()) for child in n.childNodes: recode_in_place(child) for ch in d.childNodes: recode_in_place(ch) return d def encode_tree(d: Document) -> Document: def recode_in_place(n: Node): if isinstance(n, Element): for name, value in n.attributes.items(): n.setAttribute(name, base64.b64encode(value.encode()).decode()) for child in n.childNodes: recode_in_place(child) for ch in d.childNodes: recode_in_place(ch) return d def load_file(path: str) -> Document: with open(path, "r") as f: data = parsed = encode_document(data) with open("/tmp/mjau-i", "w") as o: o.write(parsed) return decode_tree(minidom.parseString(parsed)) def save_file(path: str, x: Document): gen = encode_tree(x).toprettyxml(indent=" ") with open("/tmp/mjau-o", "w") as o: o.write(gen) with open(path, "w") as out: out.write(decode_document(gen)) A = TypeVar("A") def get_only(l: List[A], name: str) -> A: if l == []: raise ValueError(f"No {name}") if len(l) > 1: raise ValueError(f"Too many {name} ({len(l)})") return l[0] def parse_modmap(node: Node) -> ModMap: used_keys = [] selects = {} for select in node.childNodes: if select.nodeName != "keyMapSelect": continue map_index = MapIndex(int(select.attributes["mapIndex"].value)) modifier = get_only([ch for ch in select.childNodes if ch.nodeName == "modifier"], f"modifier of {map_index}") key_names = modifier.attributes["keys"].value.split(" ") modifier_keys = set() for key_name in key_names: try: modifier_keys.add(Modifier.from_name(key_name)) except ValueError as e: continue if modifier_keys in used_keys: print(f"modifier select {map_index} already used, skipping") continue used_keys.append(modifier_keys) selects[map_index] = modifier_keys return ModMap(selects) def parse_onpress(node: Element) -> OnPress: if "action" in node.attributes: return ActionReference(node.attributes["action"].value) if "output" in node.attributes: return Output(node.attributes["output"].value) if "next" in node.attributes: return EnterState(node.attributes["next"].value) raise ValueError(f"node {node} with attributes {dict(node.attributes)} has no on-press") def parse_keymap(node: Node) -> KeyMap: keys = {} for key in node.childNodes: if key.nodeName != "key": continue code = KeyCode(int(key.attributes["code"].value)) on_press = parse_onpress(key) keys[code] = on_press return KeyMap(keys) def parse_keyboard_layout(path: str) -> MacKeyboardLayout: dom: Document = load_file(path) keyboard = get_only(dom.getElementsByTagName("keyboard"), "keyboard") name = keyboard.attributes["name"].value states_node = get_only(dom.getElementsByTagName("terminators"), "terminators") modmap_node = get_only(dom.getElementsByTagName("modifierMap"), "modifierMap") keymap_nodes = dom.getElementsByTagName("keyMapSet") ansi_keymaps = [keymap_node for keymap_node in keymap_nodes if keymap_node.attributes["id"].value == "ANSI"] keymapset_node = get_only(ansi_keymaps, "keymapSet (ANSI)") actions_node = get_only(dom.getElementsByTagName("actions"), "actions") states = {} for state_node in states_node.childNodes: if state_node.nodeName != "when": continue state_name = StateName(state_node.attributes["state"].value) terminator = state_node.attributes["output"].value states[state_name] = State(terminator) modmap = parse_modmap(modmap_node) keymaps = {} for keymap_node in keymapset_node.childNodes: if keymap_node.nodeName != "keyMap": continue map_index = MapIndex(int(keymap_node.attributes["index"].value)) keymap = parse_keymap(keymap_node) keymaps[map_index] = keymap actions = {} for action in actions_node.childNodes: if action.nodeName != "action": continue action_id = ActionID(action.attributes["id"].value) state_actions = {} for on_press_node in action.childNodes: if on_press_node.nodeName != "when": continue state = StateName(on_press_node.attributes["state"].value) on_press = parse_onpress(on_press_node) state_actions[state] = on_press actions[action_id] = Action(state_actions) terminators_node = get_only(dom.getElementsByTagName("terminators"), "terminators") for terminator in terminators_node.childNodes: if terminator.nodeName != "when": continue output = terminator.attributes["output"].value state = StateName(output) return MacKeyboardLayout( name=name, states=states, modmap=modmap, keymaps=keymaps, actions=actions, ) def write_on_press(doc: Document, name: str, on_press: OnPress) -> Element: key = doc.createElement(name) if isinstance(on_press, ActionReference): key.setAttribute("action", on_press.ref) elif isinstance(on_press, Output): key.setAttribute("output", on_press.output) elif isinstance(on_press, EnterState): key.setAttribute("next", on_press.state_name) else: raise ValueError(on_press) return key def unparse(kb: MacKeyboardLayout) -> Document: impl = getDOMImplementation() assert impl is not None maxout = 0 for ac in kb.actions.values(): for onpress in ac.state_actions.values(): if isinstance(onpress, Output): maxout = max(maxout, len(onpress.output.encode("utf-16-le")) // 2) for km in kb.keymaps.values(): for onpress in km.keys.values(): if isinstance(onpress, Output): maxout = max(maxout, len(onpress.output.encode("utf-16-le")) // 2) doc = impl.createDocument(None, "keyboard", None) keyboard = doc.documentElement keyboard.setAttribute("group", str(126)) keyboard.setAttribute("id", str(123456)) keyboard.setAttribute("name", keyboard.setAttribute("maxout", str(maxout)) keyboard.appendChild(layouts := doc.createElement("layouts")) layouts.appendChild(layout := doc.createElement("layout")) layout.setAttribute("first", str(0)) layout.setAttribute("last", str(207)) layout.setAttribute("mapSet", "ANSI") layout.setAttribute("modifiers", "Modifiers") keyboard.appendChild(modifierMap := doc.createElement("modifierMap")) modifierMap.setAttribute("id", "Modifiers") modifierMap.setAttribute("defaultIndex", str(0)) for idx, map in kb.modmap.selects.items(): modifierMap.appendChild(kbsel := doc.createElement("keyMapSelect")) kbsel.setAttribute("mapIndex", str(idx)) kbsel.appendChild(modifier := doc.createElement("modifier")) modifier.setAttribute("keys", " ".join(m.value for m in map)) keyboard.appendChild(keymapset := doc.createElement("keyMapSet")) keymapset.setAttribute("id", "ANSI") for idx, km in kb.keymaps.items(): keymapset.appendChild(keymap := doc.createElement("keyMap")) keymap.setAttribute("index", str(idx)) for kc, on_press in km.keys.items(): keymap.appendChild(doc.createComment(str(kc))) keymap.appendChild(key := write_on_press(doc, "key", on_press)) key.setAttribute("code", str(kc.kc)) keyboard.appendChild(actions := doc.createElement("actions")) for action_id, action in kb.actions.items(): actions.appendChild(action_elem := doc.createElement("action")) action_elem.setAttribute("id", action_id) for state_name, on_press in action.state_actions.items(): action_elem.appendChild(when_elem := write_on_press(doc, "when", on_press)) when_elem.setAttribute("state", state_name) keyboard.appendChild(terminators := doc.createElement("terminators")) for state_name, state in kb.states.items(): terminators.appendChild(terminator := doc.createElement("when")) terminator.setAttribute("state", state_name) terminator.setAttribute("output", state.terminator) return doc