Patches as produced by "git format-patch" have a trailing signature that is separated from the body by a line with "-- " on it. By default it contains the Git version. We erroneously include this signature in the diff we pipe to patch, which fails to apply as a result. Add a targeted fix to suppress these signatures.
114 lines
2.8 KiB
Executable File
114 lines
2.8 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
my $min_line = $ARGV[0];
shift @ARGV;
my $max_line = $ARGV[0];
shift @ARGV;
my $patch_cmd;
if (defined $ARGV[0] and $ARGV[0] =~ m{^[^-]}) {
$patch_cmd = "@ARGV";
} else {
$patch_cmd = "patch @ARGV";
my $reverse = grep /^(--reverse|-R)$/, @ARGV;
my $lineno = 0;
my $original = "";
my $diff_header = "";
my $wheat = "";
my $chaff = "";
my $state = undef;
my $hunk_wheat = undef;
my $hunk_chaff = undef;
my $hunk_header = undef;
my $hunk_remaining_lines = undef;
my $signature = "";
sub compute_hunk_header {
my $original_header = shift;
my $hunk = shift;
my $old_lines = 0;
my $new_lines = 0;
for (split /\n/, $hunk) {
$old_lines++ if m{^[ -]};
$new_lines++ if m{^[ +]};
my $updated_header = $original_header =~ s/^@@ -(\d+),\d+\s+\+(\d+),\d+ @@(.*)/@@ -$1,$old_lines +$2,$new_lines @\@$3/mr;
return $updated_header;
sub finish_hunk {
return unless defined $hunk_header;
if ($hunk_wheat =~ m{^[-+]}m) {
if ($diff_header) {
$wheat .= $diff_header;
$diff_header = "";
$wheat .= (compute_hunk_header $hunk_header, $hunk_wheat). $hunk_wheat;
$chaff .= (compute_hunk_header $hunk_header, $hunk_chaff) . $hunk_chaff . $signature;
$hunk_header = undef;
while (<STDIN>) {
$original .= $_;
if (m{^diff}) {
$state = "diff header";
$diff_header = "";
if ($state eq "signature") {
$signature .= $_;
if (m{^@@ -\d+(?:,(\d)+)? \+\d+(?:,\d+)? @@}) {
$hunk_remaining_lines = $1 or 1;
$state = "diff hunk";
$hunk_header = $_;
$hunk_wheat = "";
$hunk_chaff = "";
$signature = "";
if ($state eq "diff header") {
$diff_header .= $_;
$chaff .= $_;
if ($hunk_remaining_lines == 0 and m{^-- $}) {
$state = "signature";
$signature .= $_;
--$hunk_remaining_lines if m{^[ -]};
my $include = m{^ } || ($lineno >= $min_line && $lineno <= $max_line);
if ($include) {
$hunk_wheat .= $_;
$hunk_chaff .= $_ if m{^ };
if ($reverse ? m{^[-]} : m{^\+}) {
$hunk_chaff .= " " . substr $_, 1;
} else {
if ($reverse ? m{^\+} : m{^-}) {
$hunk_wheat .= " " . substr $_, 1;
$hunk_chaff .= $_;
open PATCH_COMMAND, "|-", "$patch_cmd 1>&2" or die "patch-range.pl: error running '$patch_cmd': $!";
print PATCH_COMMAND $wheat;
if (not close PATCH_COMMAND) {
print $original;
print STDERR "patch-range.pl: error running:\n" . "\$ $patch_cmd << EOF\n$wheat" . "EOF\n";
exit 1;
print $chaff;