Level out the builtin commands loaded at startup in terms of format and expressiveness. The following convention was followed: * commands that take more than one argument have to be described along with their parameters prior to the actual documentation, otherwise the docstring consists in a capitalized sentence e.g. `command <arg1>: do something` * optional arguments are enclosed in square brackets, to comply with the format used for hardcoded commands e.g. `cd [<directory>]` * describe the effects of the command in the documentation string and omit implementation details unless they are relevant. Usually command names include the name of the tool they use, so they don't need to be redundantly mentioned e.g. `tmux-new-pane <arguments>: open a new pane` * document the format the parameters to the commands, or list them if they are to be chosen among a list of static values (c.f. `spell.kak`)
172 lines
7.7 KiB
172 lines
7.7 KiB
decl str clang_options
decl -hidden str clang_tmp_dir
decl -hidden completions clang_completions
decl -hidden line-flags clang_flags
decl -hidden str clang_errors
def -params ..1 \
-docstring %{Parse the contents of the current buffer
The syntaxic errors detected during parsing are shown when auto-diagnostics are enabled} \
clang-parse %{
dir=$(mktemp -d -t kak-clang.XXXXXXXX)
mkfifo ${dir}/fifo
printf %s\\n "set buffer clang_tmp_dir ${dir}"
printf %s\\n "eval -no-hooks write ${dir}/buf"
# end the previous %sh{} so that its output gets interpreted by kakoune
# before launching the following as a background task.
printf %s\\n "eval -draft %{
edit! -fifo ${dir}/fifo *clang-output*
set buffer filetype make
set buffer _make_current_error_line 0
hook -group fifo buffer BufCloseFifo .* %{
nop %sh{ rm -r ${dir} }
rmhooks buffer fifo
# this runs in a detached shell, asynchronously, so that kakoune does
# not hang while clang is running. As completions references a cursor
# position and a buffer timestamp, only valid completions should be
# displayed.
case ${kak_opt_filetype} in
c) ft=c ;;
cpp) ft=c++ ;;
obj-c) ft=objective-c ;;
*) ft=c++ ;;
if [ "$1" = "-complete" ]; then
compl=$(clang++ -x ${ft} -fsyntax-only ${kak_opt_clang_options} \
-Xclang -code-completion-brief-comments -Xclang -code-completion-at=${pos} - < ${dir}/buf 2> ${dir}/stderr |
awk -F ': ' '
/^COMPLETION:/ && ! /\(Hidden\)/ {
gsub(/ +$/, "", id)
gsub(/:/, "\\:", id)
gsub(/\|/, "\\|", id)
gsub(/[[{<]#|#[}>]/, "", $3)
gsub(/#]/, " ", $3)
gsub(/:: /, "::", $3)
gsub(/ +$/, "", $3)
desc=$4 ? $3 "\\n" $4 : $3
gsub(/:/, "\\:", desc)
gsub(/\|/, "\\|", desc)
if (id in docstrings)
docstrings[id]=docstrings[id] "\\n" desc
for (id in docstrings) {
gsub(/(^|[^[:alnum:]_])(operator|new|delete)($|[^[:alnum:]_])/, "{keyword}&{}", menu)
gsub(/(^|[[:space:]])(int|size_t|bool|char|unsigned|signed|long)($|[[:space:]])/, "{type}&{}", menu)
gsub(/[^[:alnum:]{}_]+/, "{operator}&{}", menu)
print id "|" docstrings[id] "|" menu
}' | paste -s -d ':' | sed -e "s/\\\\n/\\n/g; s/'/\\\\'/g")
printf %s\\n "eval -client ${kak_client} echo 'clang completion done'
set 'buffer=${kak_buffile}' clang_completions '${header}:${compl}'" | kak -p ${kak_session}
clang++ -x ${ft} -fsyntax-only ${kak_opt_clang_options} - < ${dir}/buf 2> ${dir}/stderr
printf %s\\n "eval -client ${kak_client} echo 'clang parsing done'" | kak -p ${kak_session}
flags=$(cat ${dir}/stderr | sed -rne "
/^<stdin>:[0-9]+:([0-9]+:)? (fatal )?error/ { s/^<stdin>:([0-9]+):.*/\1|{red}█/; p }
/^<stdin>:[0-9]+:([0-9]+:)? warning/ { s/^<stdin>:([0-9]+):.*/\1|{yellow}█/; p }
" | paste -s -d ':')
errors=$(cat ${dir}/stderr | sed -rne "
/^<stdin>:[0-9]+:([0-9]+:)? ((fatal )?error|warning)/ { s/^<stdin>:([0-9]+):([0-9]+:)? (.*)/\1,\3/; s/'/\\\\'/g; p }
" | sort -n)
sed -e "s|<stdin>|${kak_bufname}|g" < ${dir}/stderr > ${dir}/fifo
printf %s\\n "set 'buffer=${kak_buffile}' clang_flags %{${kak_timestamp}:${flags}}
set 'buffer=${kak_buffile}' clang_errors '${errors}'" | kak -p ${kak_session}
) > /dev/null 2>&1 < /dev/null &
def clang-complete -docstring "Complete the current selection" %{ clang-parse -complete }
def -hidden clang-show-completion-info %[ try %[
eval -draft %[
exec <space>{( <a-k> ^\( <ret> b <a-k> \`\w+\' <ret>
desc=$(printf %s\\n "${kak_opt_clang_completions}" | sed -e "{ s/\([^\\]\):/\1\n/g }" | sed -ne "/^${kak_selection}|/ { s/^[^|]\+|//; s/|.*$//; s/\\\:/:/g; p }")
if [ -n "$desc" ]; then
printf %s\\n "eval -client $kak_client %{info -anchor ${kak_cursor_line}.${kak_cursor_column} -placement above %{${desc}}}"
] ]
] ]
def clang-enable-autocomplete -docstring "Enable automatic clang completion" %{
set window completers "option=clang_completions:%opt{completers}"
hook window -group clang-autocomplete InsertIdle .* %{
try %{
exec -draft <a-h><a-k>(\.|->|::).\'<ret>
echo 'completing...'
alias window complete clang-complete
def clang-disable-autocomplete -docstring "Disable automatic clang completion" %{
set window completers %sh{ printf %s\\n "'${kak_opt_completers}'" | sed -e 's/option=clang_completions://g' }
rmhooks window clang-autocomplete
unalias window complete clang-complete
def -hidden clang-show-error-info %{ %sh{
desc=$(printf %s\\n "${kak_opt_clang_errors}" | sed -ne "/^${kak_cursor_line},.*/ { s/^[[:digit:]]\+,//g; s/'/\\\\'/g; p }")
if [ -n "$desc" ]; then
printf %s\\n "info -anchor ${kak_cursor_line}.${kak_cursor_column} '${desc}'"
} }
def clang-enable-diagnostics -docstring %{Activate automatic error reporting and diagnostics
Information about the analysis are showned after the buffer has been parsed with the clang-parse function} \
addhl flag_lines default clang_flags
hook window -group clang-diagnostics NormalIdle .* %{ clang-show-error-info }
hook window -group clang-diagnostics WinSetOption ^clang_errors=.* %{ info; clang-show-error-info }
def clang-disable-diagnostics -docstring "Disable automatic error reporting and diagnostics" %{
rmhl hlflags_clang_flags
rmhooks window clang-diagnostics
def clang-diagnostics-next -docstring "Jump to the next line that contains an error" %{ %sh{
printf "%s\n" "${kak_opt_clang_errors}" | (
while read line_content; do
if [ -n "$candidate" ]; then
first_line=$(( first_line == -1 ? candidate : first_line ))
line=$((candidate > kak_cursor_line && (candidate < line || line == -1) ? candidate : line ))
line=$((line == -1 ? first_line : line))
if [ ${line} -ne -1 ]; then
printf %s\\n "exec ${line} g"
echo 'echo -color Error no next clang diagnostic'
} }