Initialising the `comment_line_chars` and `comment_selection_chars` variables in language support scripts created a hard dependency of those scripts to `commenting.kak`, which would create errors when this script was not loaded, e.g. when running tests.
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68 lines
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# Detection
# ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾
hook global BufSetOption mimetype=text/x-makefile %{
set buffer filetype makefile
hook global BufCreate .*/?[mM]akefile %{
set buffer filetype makefile
# Highlighters
# ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾
addhl -group / regions -default content makefile \
comment '#' '$' '' \
eval '\$\(' '\)' '\('
addhl -group /makefile/comment fill comment
addhl -group /makefile/eval fill value
addhl -group /makefile/content regex ^[\w.%-]+\h*:\s 0:identifier
addhl -group /makefile/content regex [+?:]= 0:operator
# Grammar
# Add the language's grammar to the static completion list
printf %s\\n "hook global WinSetOption filetype=makefile %{
set window static_words '${keywords}'
}" | sed 's,|,:,g'
# Highlight keywords
printf %s "addhl -group /makefile/content regex \b(${keywords})\b 0:keyword"
# Commands
# ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾
def -hidden _makefile-indent-on-new-line %{
eval -draft -itersel %{
# preserve previous line indent
try %{ exec -draft \;K<a-&> }
## If the line above is a target indent with a tab
try %{ exec -draft Z k<a-x> <a-k>^[^:]+:\s<ret> z i<tab> }
# cleanup trailing white space son previous line
try %{ exec -draft k<a-x> s \h+$ <ret>d }
# indent after some keywords
try %{ exec -draft Z k<a-x> <a-k> ^\h*(ifeq|ifneq|ifdef|ifndef|else|define)\b<ret> z <a-gt> }
# Initialization
# ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾
hook -group makefile-highlight global WinSetOption filetype=makefile %{ addhl ref makefile }
hook global WinSetOption filetype=makefile %{
hook window InsertChar \n -group makefile-indent _makefile-indent-on-new-line
hook -group makefile-highlight global WinSetOption filetype=(?!makefile).* %{ rmhl makefile }
hook global WinSetOption filetype=(?!makefile).* %{
rmhooks window makefile-indent