`grep-next-match` works only on the `*grep*` buffer so it can't be used on buffers that were preserved by renaming or on other grep-flavored buffers created by 3rd party plugins kakoune-find and kakoune-lsp, like `*find*` and `*references*`. Let's generalize `grep-next-match` with a `jump-next` command that takes a buffer argument. This renames some options but I think they're not commonly used. kakoune-lsp is an exception that uses grep_current_line but it's no big deal, things will fail loud and early if options are missing. Since grep.kak and friends now depend on jump.kak, move the jumpclient declaration there as well.
89 lines
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89 lines
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# require-module jump
declare-option -docstring "shell command run to build the project" \
str makecmd make
declare-option -docstring "pattern that describes lines containing information about errors in the output of the `makecmd` command. Capture groups must be: 1: filename 2: line number 3: optional column 4: optional error description" \
regex make_error_pattern "^([^:\n]+):(\d+):(?:(\d+):)? (?:fatal )?error:([^\n]+)?"
define-command -params .. \
-docstring %{
make [<arguments>]: make utility wrapper
All the optional arguments are forwarded to the make utility
} make %{ evaluate-commands %sh{
output=$(mktemp -d "${TMPDIR:-/tmp}"/kak-make.XXXXXXXX)/fifo
mkfifo ${output}
( eval "${kak_opt_makecmd}" "$@" > ${output} 2>&1 & ) > /dev/null 2>&1 < /dev/null
printf %s\\n "evaluate-commands -try-client '$kak_opt_toolsclient' %{
edit! -fifo ${output} -scroll *make*
set-option buffer filetype make
set-option buffer jump_current_line 0
hook -always -once buffer BufCloseFifo .* %{ nop %sh{ rm -r $(dirname ${output}) } }
add-highlighter shared/make group
add-highlighter shared/make/ regex "^([^:\n]+):(\d+):(?:(\d+):)?\h+(?:((?:fatal )?error)|(warning)|(note)|(required from(?: here)?))?.*?$" 1:cyan 2:green 3:green 4:red 5:yellow 6:blue 7:yellow
add-highlighter shared/make/ regex "^\h*(~*(?:(\^)~*)?)$" 1:green 2:cyan+b
add-highlighter shared/make/ line '%opt{jump_current_line}' default+b
hook -group make-highlight global WinSetOption filetype=make %{
add-highlighter window/make ref make
hook -once -always window WinSetOption filetype=.* %{ remove-highlighter window/make }
hook global WinSetOption filetype=make %{
alias buffer jump make-jump
alias buffer jump-select-next make-select-next
alias buffer jump-select-previous make-select-previous
hook buffer -group make-hooks NormalKey <ret> make-jump
hook -once -always window WinSetOption filetype=.* %{ remove-hooks buffer make-hooks }
define-command -hidden make-open-error -params 4 %{
evaluate-commands -try-client %opt{jumpclient} %{
edit -existing "%arg{1}" %arg{2} %arg{3}
echo -markup "{Information}{\}%arg{4}"
try %{ focus }
define-command -hidden make-jump %{
evaluate-commands -save-regs a/ %{
evaluate-commands -draft %{
execute-keys ,
try %{
execute-keys gl<a-?> "Entering directory" <ret><a-:>
# Try to parse the error into capture groups, failing on absolute paths
execute-keys s "Entering directory [`']([^']+)'.*\n([^:\n/][^:\n]*):(\d+):(?:(\d+):)?([^\n]+)\n?\z" <ret>l
set-option buffer jump_current_line %val{cursor_line}
set-register a "%reg{1}/%reg{2}" "%reg{3}" "%reg{4}" "%reg{5}"
} catch %{
set-register / %opt{make_error_pattern}
execute-keys <a-h><a-l> s<ret>l
set-option buffer jump_current_line %val{cursor_line}
set-register a "%reg{1}" "%reg{2}" "%reg{3}" "%reg{4}"
make-open-error %reg{a}
define-command -hidden make-select-next %{
set-register / %opt{make_error_pattern}
execute-keys "%opt{jump_current_line}ggl" "/<ret>"
define-command -hidden make-select-previous %{
set-register / %opt{make_error_pattern}
execute-keys "%opt{jump_current_line}g" "<a-/><ret>"
define-command make-next-error -docstring %{alias for "jump-next *make*"} %{
jump-next *make*
define-command make-previous-error -docstring %{alias for "jump-previous *make*"} %{
jump-previous *make*