Tim Allen dc07c649de Add standard DiagnosticError and DiagnosticWarning faces.
kak-lsp uses these faces to mark errors inside the buffer, instead of the Error
face which is much more jarring, and which does not have an associated warning
face. Since the :spell command marks errors inside the buffer, it's also updated
to use this new face.

Adding these faces to Kakoune makes it more likely that colorschemes will
automatically do the right thing when used with kak-lsp, and makes it possible
to use a subtle appearance (like curly underlines) for in-buffer errors while
keeping Kakoune errors bold and jarring as they should be.
2021-09-07 17:46:50 +10:00

202 lines
7.5 KiB

#include "face_registry.hh"
#include "exception.hh"
#include "ranges.hh"
#include "string_utils.hh"
namespace Kakoune
static FaceRegistry::FaceSpec parse_face(StringView facedesc)
constexpr StringView invalid_face_error = "invalid face description, expected [<fg>][,<bg>[,<underline>]][+<attr>][@base] or just [base]";
if (all_of(facedesc, [](char c){ return is_word(c); }) and not is_color_name(facedesc))
return {Face{}, facedesc.str()};
auto bg_it = find(facedesc, ',');
auto underline_it = bg_it == facedesc.end() ? bg_it : std::find(bg_it+1, facedesc.end(), ',');
auto attr_it = find(facedesc, '+');
auto base_it = find(facedesc, '@');
if (bg_it != facedesc.end()
and (attr_it < bg_it or (bg_it + 1) == facedesc.end()))
throw runtime_error(invalid_face_error.str());
if (attr_it != facedesc.end()
and (attr_it + 1) == facedesc.end())
throw runtime_error(invalid_face_error.str());
auto colors_end = std::min(attr_it, base_it);
auto parse_color = [](StringView spec) {
return spec.empty() ? Color::Default : str_to_color(spec);
FaceRegistry::FaceSpec spec;
auto& face = spec.face;
face.fg = parse_color({facedesc.begin(), std::min(bg_it, colors_end)});
if (bg_it != facedesc.end())
face.bg = parse_color({bg_it+1, std::min(underline_it, colors_end)});
if (underline_it != facedesc.end())
face.underline = parse_color({underline_it+1, colors_end});
if (attr_it != facedesc.end())
for (++attr_it; attr_it != base_it; ++attr_it)
switch (*attr_it)
case 'u': face.attributes |= Attribute::Underline; break;
case 'c': face.attributes |= Attribute::CurlyUnderline; break;
case 'r': face.attributes |= Attribute::Reverse; break;
case 'b': face.attributes |= Attribute::Bold; break;
case 'B': face.attributes |= Attribute::Blink; break;
case 'd': face.attributes |= Attribute::Dim; break;
case 'i': face.attributes |= Attribute::Italic; break;
case 's': face.attributes |= Attribute::Strikethrough; break;
case 'f': face.attributes |= Attribute::FinalFg; break;
case 'g': face.attributes |= Attribute::FinalBg; break;
case 'a': face.attributes |= Attribute::FinalAttr; break;
case 'F': face.attributes |= Attribute::Final; break;
default: throw runtime_error(format("no such face attribute: '{}'", StringView{*attr_it}));
if (base_it != facedesc.end())
spec.base = String{base_it+1, facedesc.end()};
return spec;
String to_string(Attribute attributes)
if (attributes == Attribute::Normal)
return "";
struct Attr { Attribute attr; StringView name; }
attrs[] {
{ Attribute::Underline, "u" },
{ Attribute::CurlyUnderline, "c" },
{ Attribute::Reverse, "r" },
{ Attribute::Blink, "B" },
{ Attribute::Bold, "b" },
{ Attribute::Dim, "d" },
{ Attribute::Italic, "i" },
{ Attribute::Strikethrough, "s" },
{ Attribute::Final, "F" },
{ Attribute::FinalFg, "f" },
{ Attribute::FinalBg, "g" },
{ Attribute::FinalAttr, "a" },
auto filteredAttrs = attrs |
filter([&](const Attr& a) {
if ((attributes & a.attr) != a.attr)
return false;
attributes &= ~a.attr;
return true;
}) | transform([](const Attr& a) { return a.name; });
return accumulate(filteredAttrs, "+"_str, std::plus<>{});
String to_string(Face face)
return format("{},{},{}{}", face.fg, face.bg, face.underline, face.attributes);
Face FaceRegistry::operator[](StringView facedesc) const
return resolve_spec(parse_face(facedesc));
Face FaceRegistry::resolve_spec(const FaceSpec& spec) const
if (spec.base.empty())
return spec.face;
StringView base = spec.base;
Face face = spec.face;
for (auto* reg = this; reg != nullptr; reg = reg->m_parent.get())
auto it = reg->m_faces.find(base);
if (it == reg->m_faces.end())
if (it->value.base.empty())
return merge_faces(it->value.face, face);
if (it->value.base != it->key)
return merge_faces(reg->resolve_spec(it->value), face);
face = merge_faces(it->value.face, face);
base = it->value.base;
return face;
void FaceRegistry::add_face(StringView name, StringView facedesc, bool override)
if (not override and m_faces.find(name) != m_faces.end())
throw runtime_error(format("face '{}' already defined", name));
if (name.empty() or is_color_name(name) or
any_of(name, [](char c){ return not is_word(c); }))
throw runtime_error(format("invalid face name: '{}'", name));
FaceSpec spec = parse_face(facedesc);
auto it = m_faces.find(spec.base);
if (spec.base == name and it != m_faces.end())
it->value.face = merge_faces(it->value.face, spec.face);
it->value.base = spec.base;
while (it != m_faces.end() and not it->value.base.empty())
if (it->value.base == name)
throw runtime_error("face cycle detected");
it = m_faces.find(it->value.base);
m_faces[name] = std::move(spec);
void FaceRegistry::remove_face(StringView name)
: m_faces{
{ "Default", {Face{ Color::Default, Color::Default }} },
{ "PrimarySelection", {Face{ Color::White, Color::Blue }} },
{ "SecondarySelection", {Face{ Color::Black, Color::Blue }} },
{ "PrimaryCursor", {Face{ Color::Black, Color::White }} },
{ "SecondaryCursor", {Face{ Color::Black, Color::White }} },
{ "PrimaryCursorEol", {Face{ Color::Black, Color::Cyan }} },
{ "SecondaryCursorEol", {Face{ Color::Black, Color::Cyan }} },
{ "LineNumbers", {Face{ Color::Default, Color::Default }} },
{ "LineNumberCursor", {Face{ Color::Default, Color::Default, Attribute::Reverse }} },
{ "LineNumbersWrapped", {Face{ Color::Default, Color::Default, Attribute::Italic }} },
{ "WrapMarker", {Face{ Color::Blue, Color::Default }} },
{ "MenuForeground", {Face{ Color::White, Color::Blue }} },
{ "MenuBackground", {Face{ Color::Blue, Color::White }} },
{ "MenuInfo", {Face{ Color::Cyan, Color::Default }} },
{ "Information", {Face{ Color::Black, Color::Yellow }} },
{ "Error", {Face{ Color::Black, Color::Red }} },
{ "DiagnosticError", {Face{ Color::Red, Color::Default }} },
{ "DiagnosticWarning", {Face{ Color::Yellow, Color::Default }} },
{ "StatusLine", {Face{ Color::Cyan, Color::Default }} },
{ "StatusLineMode", {Face{ Color::Yellow, Color::Default }} },
{ "StatusLineInfo", {Face{ Color::Blue, Color::Default }} },
{ "StatusLineValue", {Face{ Color::Green, Color::Default }} },
{ "StatusCursor", {Face{ Color::Black, Color::Cyan }} },
{ "Prompt", {Face{ Color::Yellow, Color::Default }} },
{ "MatchingChar", {Face{ Color::Default, Color::Default, Attribute::Bold }} },
{ "BufferPadding", {Face{ Color::Blue, Color::Default }} },
{ "Whitespace", {Face{ Color::Default, Color::Default, Attribute::FinalFg }} },