First 50 characters are recommended for subject line. They are highlighted with yellow color. The subject line wants an empty second line, so every characters (except for comments) on second line are highlighted with red background.
30 lines
1.1 KiB
30 lines
1.1 KiB
hook global BufCreate .*COMMIT_EDITMSG %{
set buffer filetype git-commit
hook global WinSetOption filetype=git-commit %{
addhl group git-commit-highlight
addhl -group git-commit-highlight regex "\`[^\n]{1,50}" 0:yellow
addhl -group git-commit-highlight regex "\`[^\n]*\n\h*(?!#)([^\n]*)\n?" 1:default,red
addhl -group git-commit-highlight regex "^\h*#[^\n]*\n" 0:cyan,default
addhl -group git-commit-highlight regex "\<(?:(modified)|(deleted)|(new file)|(renamed)):([^\n]*)\n" 1:yellow 2:red 3:green 4:blue 5:magenta
hook global WinSetOption filetype=(?!git-commit).* %{
rmhl git-commit-highlight
hook global BufCreate .*git-rebase-todo %{
set buffer filetype git-rebase
hook global WinSetOption filetype=git-rebase %{
addhl group git-rebase-highlight
addhl -group git-rebase-highlight regex "#[^\n]*\n" 0:cyan,default
addhl -group git-rebase-highlight regex "^(pick|edit|reword|squash|fixup|exec|[persfx]) (\w+)" 1:green 2:magenta
hook global WinSetOption filetype=(?!git-rebase).* %{
rmhl git-rebase-highlight