tmux-send-text allows sending an argument, when supplied the argument will be sent to the REPL instead of the current selection. tmux-send-text also keeps kak focussed, which does not happen in the x11 variant as it uses xdotool to switch window. this patch allows: * Passing an argument to x11-send-text, so that value will be sent instead of the current selection. * We capture the window id of the current (presumably kak window) before we use xdotool to switch window. We can therefore switch back to kak afterwards (which we do)
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hook global ModuleLoaded x11 %{
require-module x11-repl
provide-module x11-repl %{
declare-option -docstring "window id of the REPL window" str x11_repl_id
define-command -docstring %{
x11-repl [<arguments>]: create a new window for repl interaction
All optional parameters are forwarded to the new window
} \
-params .. \
-shell-completion \
x11-repl %{ x11-terminal sh -c %{
winid="${WINDOWID:-$(xdotool search --pid ${PPID} | tail -1)}"
printf "evaluate-commands -try-client $1 \
'set-option current x11_repl_id ${winid}'" | kak -p "$2"
shift 2;
[ "$1" ] && "$@" || "$SHELL"
} -- %val{client} %val{session} %arg{@}
define-command x11-send-text -params 0..1 -docstring %{
x11-send-text [text]: Send text to the REPL window.
If no text is passed, then the selection is used
} %{
evaluate-commands %sh{
([ "$#" -gt 0 ] && printf "%s\\n" "$1" || printf "%s\\n" "${kak_selection}" ) | xsel -i ||
echo 'fail x11-send-text: failed to run xsel, see *debug* buffer for details' &&
kak_winid=$(xdotool getactivewindow) &&
xdotool windowactivate "${kak_opt_x11_repl_id}" key --clearmodifiers Shift+Insert &&
xdotool windowactivate "${kak_winid}" ||
echo 'fail x11-send-text: failed to run xdotool, see *debug* buffer for details'
alias global repl-new x11-repl
alias global repl-send-text x11-send-text