Maxime Coste 91550639bb More C++20 refactorings
Use CTAD instead of make functions, requires instead of enable_if
2021-11-21 11:41:50 +11:00

219 lines
5.9 KiB

#ifndef string_utils_hh_INCLUDED
#define string_utils_hh_INCLUDED
#include "string.hh"
#include "enum.hh"
#include "vector.hh"
#include "ranges.hh"
#include "optional.hh"
#include "utils.hh"
namespace Kakoune
String trim_indent(StringView str);
String escape(StringView str, StringView characters, char escape);
String unescape(StringView str, StringView characters, char escape);
template<char character, char escape>
String unescape(StringView str)
const char to_escape[2] = { character, escape };
return unescape(str, {to_escape, 2}, escape);
String indent(StringView str, StringView indent = " ");
String replace(StringView str, StringView substr, StringView replacement);
String left_pad(StringView str, ColumnCount size, Codepoint c = ' ');
String right_pad(StringView str, ColumnCount size, Codepoint c = ' ');
template<typename Container>
String join(const Container& container, char joiner, bool esc_joiner = true)
const char to_escape[2] = { joiner, '\\' };
String res;
for (const auto& str : container)
if (not res.empty())
res += joiner;
res += esc_joiner ? escape(str, {to_escape, 2}, '\\') : str;
return res;
template<typename Container>
String join(const Container& container, StringView joiner)
String res;
for (const auto& str : container)
if (not res.empty())
res += joiner;
res += str;
return res;
inline bool prefix_match(StringView str, StringView prefix)
return str.substr(0_byte, prefix.length()) == prefix;
bool subsequence_match(StringView str, StringView subseq);
String expand_tabs(StringView line, ColumnCount tabstop, ColumnCount col = 0);
struct WrapView
struct Iterator : std::iterator<std::forward_iterator_tag, StringView>
Iterator(StringView text, ColumnCount max_width);
Iterator& operator++();
Iterator operator++(int) { auto copy = *this; ++(*this); return copy; }
bool operator==(Iterator other) const { return m_remaining == other.m_remaining and m_current == other.m_current; }
bool operator!=(Iterator other) const { return not (*this == other); }
StringView operator*() { return m_current; }
StringView m_current;
StringView m_remaining;
ColumnCount m_max_width;
Iterator begin() const { return {text, max_width}; }
Iterator end() const { return {{}, 1}; }
StringView text;
ColumnCount max_width;
inline auto wrap_at(ColumnCount max_width)
return ViewFactory{[=](StringView text) {
return WrapView{text, max_width};
int str_to_int(StringView str); // throws on error
Optional<int> str_to_int_ifp(StringView str);
template<size_t N>
struct InplaceString
static_assert(N < 256, "InplaceString cannot handle sizes >= 256");
constexpr operator StringView() const { return {m_data, ByteCount{m_length}}; }
operator String() const { return {m_data, ByteCount{m_length}}; }
unsigned char m_length;
char m_data[N];
struct Hex { size_t val; };
constexpr Hex hex(size_t val) { return {val}; }
InplaceString<15> to_string(int val);
InplaceString<15> to_string(unsigned val);
InplaceString<23> to_string(long int val);
InplaceString<23> to_string(unsigned long val);
InplaceString<23> to_string(long long int val);
InplaceString<23> to_string(Hex val);
InplaceString<23> to_string(float val);
InplaceString<7> to_string(Codepoint c);
template<typename RealType, typename ValueType>
decltype(auto) to_string(const StronglyTypedNumber<RealType, ValueType>& val)
return to_string((ValueType)val);
namespace detail
template<typename T> requires std::is_convertible_v<T, StringView>
StringView format_param(const T& val) { return val; }
template<typename T> requires (not std::is_convertible_v<T, StringView>)
decltype(auto) format_param(const T& val) { return to_string(val); }
String format(StringView fmt, ArrayView<const StringView> params);
template<typename... Types>
String format(StringView fmt, Types&&... params)
return format(fmt, ArrayView<const StringView>{detail::format_param(std::forward<Types>(params))...});
StringView format_to(ArrayView<char> buffer, StringView fmt, ArrayView<const StringView> params);
template<typename... Types>
StringView format_to(ArrayView<char> buffer, StringView fmt, Types&&... params)
return format_to(buffer, fmt, ArrayView<const StringView>{detail::format_param(std::forward<Types>(params))...});
void format_with(FunctionRef<void (StringView)> append, StringView fmt, ArrayView<const StringView> params);
template<typename... Types>
void format_with(FunctionRef<void (StringView)> append, StringView fmt, Types&&... params)
return format_with(append, fmt, ArrayView<const StringView>{detail::format_param(std::forward<Types>(params))...});
String double_up(StringView s, StringView characters);
inline String quote(StringView s)
return format("'{}'", double_up(s, "'"));
inline String shell_quote(StringView s)
return format("'{}'", replace(s, "'", R"('\'')"));
enum class Quoting
constexpr auto enum_desc(Meta::Type<Quoting>)
return make_array<EnumDesc<Quoting>>({
{ Quoting::Raw, "raw" },
{ Quoting::Kakoune, "kakoune" },
{ Quoting::Shell, "shell" }
inline auto quoter(Quoting quoting)
switch (quoting)
case Quoting::Kakoune: return &quote;
case Quoting::Shell: return &shell_quote;
case Quoting::Raw:
return +[](StringView s) { return s.str(); };
inline String option_to_string(StringView opt, Quoting quoting) { return quoter(quoting)(opt); }
inline Vector<String> option_to_strings(StringView opt) { return {opt.str()}; }
inline String option_from_string(Meta::Type<String>, StringView str) { return str.str(); }
inline bool option_add(String& opt, StringView val) { opt += val; return not val.empty(); }
#endif // string_utils_hh_INCLUDED