Maxime Coste 318e77b25e Highlighters: Introduce unique highlighter support
Some highlighters, such as wrap or line numbers, are not intended
to be used multiple times on the same display. Add support for unique
ids that are used by highlighters to disable themselves if another
unique highlighter with the same id is supposed to override them.

The usual highlighter "precedence" takes, place, that it, that most
nested highlighter will the the one to run (window in priority to
buffer in priority to global).
2017-11-25 12:53:33 +08:00

2109 lines
77 KiB
Raw Blame History

#include "highlighters.hh"
#include "assert.hh"
#include "buffer_utils.hh"
#include "changes.hh"
#include "command_manager.hh"
#include "context.hh"
#include "display_buffer.hh"
#include "face_registry.hh"
#include "highlighter_group.hh"
#include "line_modification.hh"
#include "option.hh"
#include "parameters_parser.hh"
#include "ranges.hh"
#include "regex.hh"
#include "register_manager.hh"
#include "string.hh"
#include "utf8.hh"
#include "utf8_iterator.hh"
#include "window.hh"
#include <locale>
#include <cstdio>
namespace Kakoune
template<typename Func>
std::unique_ptr<Highlighter> make_highlighter(Func func, HighlightPass pass = HighlightPass::Colorize)
struct SimpleHighlighter : public Highlighter
SimpleHighlighter(Func func, HighlightPass pass)
: Highlighter{pass}, m_func{std::move(func)} {}
void do_highlight(HighlightContext context, DisplayBuffer& display_buffer, BufferRange range) override
m_func(context, display_buffer, range);
Func m_func;
return std::make_unique<SimpleHighlighter>(std::move(func), pass);
template<typename T>
void highlight_range(DisplayBuffer& display_buffer,
BufferCoord begin, BufferCoord end,
bool skip_replaced, T func)
// tolerate begin > end as that can be triggered by wrong encodings
if (begin >= end or end <= display_buffer.range().begin
or begin >= display_buffer.range().end)
for (auto& line : display_buffer.lines())
auto& range = line.range();
if (range.end <= begin or end < range.begin)
for (auto atom_it = line.begin(); atom_it != line.end(); ++atom_it)
bool is_replaced = atom_it->type() == DisplayAtom::ReplacedRange;
if (not atom_it->has_buffer_range() or
(skip_replaced and is_replaced) or
end <= atom_it->begin() or begin >= atom_it->end())
if (not is_replaced and begin > atom_it->begin())
atom_it = ++line.split(atom_it, begin);
if (not is_replaced and end < atom_it->end())
atom_it = line.split(atom_it, end);
template<typename T>
void replace_range(DisplayBuffer& display_buffer,
BufferCoord begin, BufferCoord end, T func)
// tolerate begin > end as that can be triggered by wrong encodings
if (begin >= end or end <= display_buffer.range().begin
or begin >= display_buffer.range().end)
for (auto& line : display_buffer.lines())
auto& range = line.range();
if (range.end <= begin or end < range.begin)
int beg_idx = -1, end_idx = -1;
for (auto atom_it = line.begin(); atom_it != line.end(); ++atom_it)
if (not atom_it->has_buffer_range() or
end <= atom_it->begin() or begin >= atom_it->end())
if (begin >= atom_it->begin())
if (begin > atom_it->begin())
atom_it = ++line.split(atom_it, begin);
beg_idx = atom_it - line.begin();
if (end <= atom_it->end())
if (end < atom_it->end())
atom_it = line.split(atom_it, end);
end_idx = (atom_it - line.begin()) + 1;
if (beg_idx != -1 and end_idx != -1)
func(line, beg_idx, end_idx);
void apply_highlighter(HighlightContext context,
DisplayBuffer& display_buffer,
BufferCoord begin, BufferCoord end,
Highlighter& highlighter)
if (begin == end)
using LineIterator = DisplayBuffer::LineList::iterator;
LineIterator first_line;
Vector<DisplayLine::iterator> insert_pos;
auto line_end = display_buffer.lines().end();
DisplayBuffer region_display;
auto& region_lines = region_display.lines();
for (auto line_it = display_buffer.lines().begin(); line_it != line_end; ++line_it)
auto& line = *line_it;
auto& range = line.range();
if (range.end <= begin or end <= range.begin)
if (region_lines.empty())
first_line = line_it;
if (range.begin < begin or range.end > end)
size_t beg_idx = 0;
size_t end_idx = line.atoms().size();
for (auto atom_it = line.begin(); atom_it != line.end(); ++atom_it)
if (not atom_it->has_buffer_range() or end <= atom_it->begin() or begin >= atom_it->end())
bool is_replaced = atom_it->type() == DisplayAtom::ReplacedRange;
if (atom_it->begin() <= begin)
if (is_replaced or atom_it->begin() == begin)
beg_idx = atom_it - line.begin();
atom_it = ++line.split(atom_it, begin);
beg_idx = atom_it - line.begin();
if (atom_it->end() >= end)
if (is_replaced or atom_it->end() == end)
end_idx = atom_it - line.begin() + 1;
atom_it = ++line.split(atom_it, end);
end_idx = atom_it - line.begin();
std::move(line.begin() + beg_idx, line.begin() + end_idx,
insert_pos.back() = line.erase(line.begin() + beg_idx, line.begin() + end_idx);
region_lines.back() = std::move(line);
insert_pos.back() = line.begin();
if (region_display.lines().empty())
highlighter.highlight(context, region_display, {begin, end});
for (size_t i = 0; i < region_lines.size(); ++i)
auto& line = *(first_line + i);
auto pos = insert_pos[i];
for (auto& atom : region_lines[i])
pos = ++line.insert(pos, std::move(atom));
auto apply_face = [](const Face& face)
return [&face](DisplayAtom& atom) {
atom.face = merge_faces(atom.face, face);
static HighlighterAndId create_fill_highlighter(HighlighterParameters params)
if (params.size() != 1)
throw runtime_error("wrong parameter count");
const String& facespec = params[0];
get_face(facespec); // validate param
auto func = [=](HighlightContext, DisplayBuffer& display_buffer, BufferRange range)
highlight_range(display_buffer, range.begin, range.end, true,
return {"fill_" + facespec, make_highlighter(std::move(func))};
template<typename T>
struct BufferSideCache
BufferSideCache() : m_id{get_free_value_id()} {}
T& get(const Buffer& buffer)
Value& cache_val = buffer.values()[m_id];
if (not cache_val)
cache_val = Value(T{});
return cache_val.as<T>();
ValueId m_id;
using FacesSpec = Vector<std::pair<size_t, String>, MemoryDomain::Highlight>;
class RegexHighlighter : public Highlighter
RegexHighlighter(Regex regex, FacesSpec faces)
: Highlighter{HighlightPass::Colorize},
void do_highlight(HighlightContext context, DisplayBuffer& display_buffer, BufferRange range) override
auto overlaps = [](const BufferRange& lhs, const BufferRange& rhs) {
return lhs.begin < rhs.begin ? lhs.end > rhs.begin
: rhs.end > lhs.begin;
if (not overlaps(display_buffer.range(), range))
Vector<Face> faces(m_faces.size());
for (int f = 0; f < m_faces.size(); ++f)
if (not m_faces[f].second.empty())
faces[f] = get_face(m_faces[f].second);
auto& matches = get_matches(context.context.buffer(), display_buffer.range(), range);
kak_assert(matches.size() % m_faces.size() == 0);
for (size_t m = 0; m < matches.size(); ++m)
auto& face = faces[m % faces.size()];
if (face == Face{})
matches[m].begin, matches[m].end,
true, apply_face(face));
void reset(Regex regex, FacesSpec faces)
m_regex = std::move(regex);
m_faces = std::move(faces);
static HighlighterAndId create(HighlighterParameters params)
if (params.size() < 2)
throw runtime_error("wrong parameter count");
FacesSpec faces;
for (auto& spec : params.subrange(1))
auto colon = find(spec, ':');
if (colon == spec.end())
throw runtime_error(format("wrong face spec: '{}' expected <capture>:<facespec>", spec));
get_face({colon+1, spec.end()}); // throw if wrong face spec
int capture = str_to_int({spec.begin(), colon});
faces.emplace_back(capture, String{colon+1, spec.end()});
String id = format("hlregex'{}'", params[0]);
Regex ex{params[0], RegexCompileFlags::Optimize};
return {id, std::make_unique<RegexHighlighter>(std::move(ex),
// stores the range for each highlighted capture of each match
using MatchList = Vector<BufferRange, MemoryDomain::Highlight>;
struct Cache
size_t m_timestamp = -1;
size_t m_regex_version = -1;
struct RangeAndMatches { BufferRange range; MatchList matches; };
Vector<RangeAndMatches, MemoryDomain::Highlight> m_matches;
BufferSideCache<Cache> m_cache;
Regex m_regex;
FacesSpec m_faces;
size_t m_regex_version = 0;
void ensure_first_face_is_capture_0()
if (m_faces.empty())
std::sort(m_faces.begin(), m_faces.end(),
[](const std::pair<size_t, String>& lhs,
const std::pair<size_t, String>& rhs)
{ return lhs.first < rhs.first; });
if (m_faces[0].first != 0)
m_faces.emplace(m_faces.begin(), 0, String{});
void add_matches(const Buffer& buffer, MatchList& matches,
BufferRange range)
kak_assert(matches.size() % m_faces.size() == 0);
using RegexIt = RegexIterator<BufferIterator>;
RegexIt re_it{get_iterator(buffer, range.begin),
get_iterator(buffer, range.end), m_regex,
is_eol(buffer, range.end),
is_bow(buffer, range.begin),
is_eow(buffer, range.end))};
RegexIt re_end;
for (; re_it != re_end; ++re_it)
for (auto& face : m_faces)
const auto& sub = (*re_it)[face.first];
matches.push_back({sub.first.coord(), sub.second.coord()});
MatchList& get_matches(const Buffer& buffer, BufferRange display_range,
BufferRange buffer_range)
Cache& cache = m_cache.get(buffer);
auto& matches = cache.m_matches;
if (cache.m_regex_version != m_regex_version or
cache.m_timestamp != buffer.timestamp())
cache.m_timestamp = buffer.timestamp();
cache.m_regex_version = m_regex_version;
const LineCount line_offset = 3;
BufferRange range{std::max<BufferCoord>(buffer_range.begin, display_range.begin.line - line_offset),
std::min<BufferCoord>(buffer_range.end, display_range.end.line + line_offset)};
auto it = std::upper_bound(matches.begin(), matches.end(), range,
[](const BufferRange& lhs, const Cache::RangeAndMatches& rhs)
{ return lhs.begin < rhs.range.end; });
if (it == matches.end() or it->range.begin > range.end)
it = matches.insert(it, Cache::RangeAndMatches{range, {}});
add_matches(buffer, it->matches, range);
else if (it->matches.empty())
it->range = range;
add_matches(buffer, it->matches, range);
// Here we extend the matches, that is not strictly valid,
// but may work nicely with every reasonable regex, and
// greatly reduces regex parsing. To change if we encounter
// regex that do not work great with that.
BufferRange& old_range = it->range;
MatchList& matches = it->matches;
// Thanks to the ensure_first_face_is_capture_0 method, we know
// these point to the first/last matches capture 0.
auto first_end = matches.begin()->end;
auto last_end = (matches.end() - m_faces.size())->end;
// add regex matches from new begin to old first match end
if (range.begin < old_range.begin)
old_range.begin = range.begin;
MatchList new_matches;
add_matches(buffer, new_matches, {range.begin, first_end});
matches.erase(matches.begin(), matches.begin() + m_faces.size());
std::inserter(matches, matches.begin()));
// add regex matches from old last match begin to new end
if (old_range.end < range.end)
old_range.end = range.end;
add_matches(buffer, matches, {last_end, range.end});
return it->matches;
template<typename RegexGetter, typename FaceGetter>
class DynamicRegexHighlighter : public Highlighter
DynamicRegexHighlighter(RegexGetter regex_getter, FaceGetter face_getter)
: Highlighter{HighlightPass::Colorize},
m_highlighter(Regex{}, FacesSpec{}) {}
void do_highlight(HighlightContext context, DisplayBuffer& display_buffer, BufferRange range) override
Regex regex = m_regex_getter(context.context);
FacesSpec face = m_face_getter(context.context);
if (regex != m_last_regex or face != m_last_face)
m_last_regex = std::move(regex);
m_last_face = face;
if (not m_last_regex.empty())
m_highlighter.reset(m_last_regex, m_last_face);
if (not m_last_regex.empty() and not m_last_face.empty())
m_highlighter.highlight(context, display_buffer, range);
Regex m_last_regex;
RegexGetter m_regex_getter;
FacesSpec m_last_face;
FaceGetter m_face_getter;
RegexHighlighter m_highlighter;
HighlighterAndId create_dynamic_regex_highlighter(HighlighterParameters params)
if (params.size() < 2)
throw runtime_error("Wrong parameter count");
FacesSpec faces;
for (auto& spec : params.subrange(1))
auto colon = find(spec, ':');
if (colon == spec.end())
throw runtime_error("wrong face spec: '" + spec +
"' expected <capture>:<facespec>");
get_face({colon+1, spec.end()}); // throw if wrong face spec
int capture = str_to_int({spec.begin(), colon});
faces.emplace_back(capture, String{colon+1, spec.end()});
auto make_hl = [](auto& regex_getter, auto& face_getter) {
return std::make_unique<DynamicRegexHighlighter<std::decay_t<decltype(regex_getter)>,
std::move(regex_getter), std::move(face_getter));
auto get_face = [faces](const Context& context){ return faces;; };
String expr = params[0];
auto tokens = parse<true>(expr);
if (tokens.size() == 1 and tokens[0].type == Token::Type::OptionExpand and
String option_name = tokens[0].content;
auto get_regex = [option_name](const Context& context) {
return context.options()[option_name].get<Regex>();
return {format("dynregex_{}", expr), make_hl(get_regex, get_face)};
auto get_regex = [expr](const Context& context){
auto re = expand(expr, context);
return re.empty() ? Regex{} : Regex{re};
catch (runtime_error& err)
write_to_debug_buffer(format("Error while evaluating dynamic regex expression: {}", err.what()));
return Regex{};
return {format("dynregex_{}", expr), make_hl(get_regex, get_face)};
HighlighterAndId create_line_highlighter(HighlighterParameters params)
if (params.size() != 2)
throw runtime_error("wrong parameter count");
String facespec = params[1];
String line_expr = params[0];
get_face(facespec); // validate facespec
auto func = [=](HighlightContext context, DisplayBuffer& display_buffer, BufferRange)
LineCount line = -1;
line = str_to_int_ifp(expand(line_expr, context.context)).value_or(0) - 1;
catch (runtime_error& err)
format("Error evaluating highlight line expression: {}", err.what()));
if (line < 0)
auto it = find_if(display_buffer.lines(),
[line](const DisplayLine& l)
{ return l.range().begin.line == line; });
if (it == display_buffer.lines().end())
auto face = get_face(facespec);
ColumnCount column = 0;
for (auto& atom : *it)
column += atom.length();
if (!atom.has_buffer_range())
kak_assert(atom.begin().line == line);
const ColumnCount remaining = context.context.window().dimensions().column - column;
if (remaining > 0)
it->push_back({ String{' ', remaining}, face });
return {"hlline_" + params[0], make_highlighter(std::move(func))};
HighlighterAndId create_column_highlighter(HighlighterParameters params)
if (params.size() != 2)
throw runtime_error("wrong parameter count");
String facespec = params[1];
String col_expr = params[0];
get_face(facespec); // validate facespec
auto func = [=](HighlightContext context, DisplayBuffer& display_buffer, BufferRange)
ColumnCount column = -1;
column = str_to_int_ifp(expand(col_expr, context.context)).value_or(0) - 1;
catch (runtime_error& err)
format("Error evaluating highlight column expression: {}", err.what()));
if (column < 0)
auto face = get_face(facespec);
auto win_column = context.context.window().position().column;
for (auto& line : display_buffer.lines())
auto target_col = column - win_column;
if (target_col < 0)
bool found = false;
auto first_buf = find_if(line, [](auto& atom) { return atom.has_buffer_range(); });
for (auto atom_it = first_buf; atom_it != line.end(); ++atom_it)
const auto atom_len = atom_it->length();
if (target_col < atom_len)
if (target_col > 0)
atom_it = ++line.split(atom_it, target_col);
if (atom_it->length() > 1)
atom_it = line.split(atom_it, 1_col);
atom_it->face = merge_faces(atom_it->face, face);
found = true;
target_col -= atom_len;
if (found)
if (target_col > 0)
line.push_back({String{' ', target_col}});
line.push_back({" ", face});
return {"hlcol_" + params[0], make_highlighter(std::move(func))};
struct WrapHighlighter : Highlighter
WrapHighlighter(ColumnCount max_width, bool word_wrap, bool preserve_indent)
: Highlighter{HighlightPass::Wrap}, m_max_width{max_width},
m_word_wrap{word_wrap}, m_preserve_indent{preserve_indent} {}
static constexpr StringView ms_id = "wrap";
void do_highlight(HighlightContext context, DisplayBuffer& display_buffer, BufferRange) override
if (contains(context.disabled_ids, ms_id))
const ColumnCount wrap_column = std::min(m_max_width, context.context.window().range().column);
if (wrap_column <= 0)
const Buffer& buffer = context.context.buffer();
const auto& cursor = context.context.selections().main().cursor();
const int tabstop = context.context.options()["tabstop"].get<int>();
const LineCount win_height = context.context.window().dimensions().line;
for (auto it = display_buffer.lines().begin();
it != display_buffer.lines().end(); ++it)
const LineCount buf_line = it->range().begin.line;
const ByteCount line_length = buffer[buf_line].length();
ColumnCount indent = m_preserve_indent ? line_indent(buffer, tabstop, buf_line) : 0_col;
if (indent >= wrap_column) // do not preserve indent when its bigger than wrap column
indent = 0;
auto coord = next_split_coord(buffer, wrap_column, tabstop, buf_line);
if (buffer.is_valid(coord) and not buffer.is_end(coord))
for (auto atom_it = it->begin();
coord.column != line_length and atom_it != it->end(); )
if (!atom_it->has_buffer_range() or
coord < atom_it->begin() or coord >= atom_it->end())
auto& line = *it;
if (coord > atom_it->begin())
atom_it = ++line.split(atom_it, coord);
DisplayLine new_line{ AtomList{ atom_it, line.end() } };
line.erase(atom_it, line.end());
if (indent != 0)
auto it = new_line.insert(new_line.begin(), {buffer, coord, coord});
it->replace(String{' ', indent});
if (it+1 - display_buffer.lines().begin() == win_height)
if (cursor >= new_line.range().begin) // strip first lines if cursor is not visible
display_buffer.lines().erase(display_buffer.lines().begin(), display_buffer.lines().begin()+1);
display_buffer.lines().erase(it+1, display_buffer.lines().end());
it = display_buffer.lines().insert(it+1, new_line);
coord = next_split_coord(buffer, wrap_column - indent, tabstop, coord);
atom_it = it->begin();
void do_compute_display_setup(HighlightContext context, DisplaySetup& setup) override
if (contains(context.disabled_ids, ms_id))
const ColumnCount wrap_column = std::min(setup.window_range.column, m_max_width);
if (wrap_column <= 0)
const Buffer& buffer = context.context.buffer();
const auto& cursor = context.context.selections().main().cursor();
const int tabstop = context.context.options()["tabstop"].get<int>();
auto line_wrap_count = [&](LineCount line, ColumnCount indent) {
LineCount count = 0;
BufferCoord coord{line};
const ByteCount line_length = buffer[line].length();
while (true)
coord = next_split_coord(buffer, wrap_column - (coord.column == 0 ? 0_col : indent),
tabstop, coord);
if (coord.column == line_length)
return count;
const auto win_height = context.context.window().dimensions().line;
// Disable horizontal scrolling when using a WrapHighlighter
setup.window_pos.column = 0;
setup.window_range.line = win_height;
setup.scroll_offset.column = 0;
setup.full_lines = true;
for (auto buf_line = setup.window_pos.line, win_line = 0_line;
buf_line < setup.window_pos.line + setup.window_range.line or
buf_line <= cursor.line;
if (buf_line >= buffer.line_count())
ColumnCount indent = m_preserve_indent ? line_indent(buffer, tabstop, buf_line) : 0_col;
if (indent >= wrap_column) // do not preserve indent when its bigger than wrap column
indent = 0;
const auto wrap_count = line_wrap_count(buf_line, indent);
setup.window_range.line -= wrap_count;
if (buf_line == cursor.line)
BufferCoord coord{buf_line};
for (LineCount count = 0; true; ++count)
auto split_coord = next_split_coord(buffer, wrap_column - (coord.column == 0 ? 0_col : indent),
tabstop, coord);
if (split_coord.column > cursor.column)
setup.cursor_pos = DisplayCoord{
win_line + count,
get_column(buffer, tabstop, cursor) -
get_column(buffer, tabstop, coord) +
(coord.column != 0 ? indent : 0_col)
coord = split_coord;
kak_assert(setup.cursor_pos.column >= 0 and setup.cursor_pos.column < setup.window_range.column);
win_line += wrap_count + 1;
// scroll window to keep cursor visible, and update range as lines gets removed
while (buf_line >= cursor.line and setup.window_pos.line < cursor.line and
cursor.line + setup.scroll_offset.line >= setup.window_pos.line + setup.window_range.line)
auto remove_count = std::min(win_height, 1 + line_wrap_count(setup.window_pos.line, indent));
setup.cursor_pos.line -= remove_count;
win_line -= remove_count;
// removed one line from the range, added remove_count potential ones
setup.window_range.line += remove_count - 1;
kak_assert(setup.cursor_pos.line >= 0);
void fill_unique_ids(Vector<StringView>& unique_ids) const override
BufferCoord next_split_coord(const Buffer& buffer, ColumnCount wrap_column, int tabstop, BufferCoord coord)
auto column = get_column(buffer, tabstop, coord);
auto col = get_byte_to_column(
buffer, tabstop, {coord.line, column + wrap_column});
StringView line = buffer[coord.line];
if (col == coord.column) // Can happen if we try to wrap on a tab char
col = line.byte_count_to(line.char_count_to(coord.column)+1);
BufferCoord split_coord{coord.line, col};
if (m_word_wrap)
utf8::iterator<const char*> it{&line[col], line};
while (it != line.end() and it != line.begin() and is_word<WORD>(*it))
if (it != line.begin() and it != &line[col] and
(it+1) > &line[coord.column])
split_coord.column = (it+1).base() - line.begin();
return split_coord;
ColumnCount line_indent(const Buffer& buffer, int tabstop, LineCount line) const
StringView l = buffer[line];
auto col = 0_byte;
while (is_horizontal_blank(l[col]))
return get_column(buffer, tabstop, {line, col});
static HighlighterAndId create(HighlighterParameters params)
static const ParameterDesc param_desc{
{ { "word", { false, "" } },
{ "indent", { false, "" } },
{ "width", { true, "" } } },
ParameterDesc::Flags::None, 0, 0
ParametersParser parser(params, param_desc);
ColumnCount max_width{std::numeric_limits<int>::max()};
if (auto width = parser.get_switch("width"))
max_width = str_to_int(*width);
return {"wrap", std::make_unique<WrapHighlighter>(max_width, (bool)parser.get_switch("word"),
const bool m_word_wrap;
const bool m_preserve_indent;
const ColumnCount m_max_width;
constexpr StringView WrapHighlighter::ms_id;
struct TabulationHighlighter : Highlighter
TabulationHighlighter() : Highlighter{HighlightPass::Move} {}
void do_highlight(HighlightContext context, DisplayBuffer& display_buffer, BufferRange) override
const ColumnCount tabstop = context.context.options()["tabstop"].get<int>();
auto& buffer = context.context.buffer();
auto win_column = context.context.window().position().column;
for (auto& line : display_buffer.lines())
for (auto atom_it = line.begin(); atom_it != line.end(); ++atom_it)
if (atom_it->type() != DisplayAtom::Range)
auto begin = get_iterator(buffer, atom_it->begin());
auto end = get_iterator(buffer, atom_it->end());
for (BufferIterator it = begin; it != end; ++it)
if (*it == '\t')
if (it != begin)
atom_it = ++line.split(atom_it, it.coord());
if (it+1 != end)
atom_it = line.split(atom_it, (it+1).coord());
const ColumnCount column = get_column(buffer, tabstop, it.coord());
const ColumnCount count = tabstop - (column % tabstop) -
std::max(win_column - column, 0_col);
atom_it->replace(String{' ', count});
void do_compute_display_setup(HighlightContext context, DisplaySetup& setup) override
auto& buffer = context.context.buffer();
// Ensure that a cursor on a tab character makes the full tab character visible
auto cursor = context.context.selections().main().cursor();
if (buffer.byte_at(cursor) != '\t')
const ColumnCount tabstop = context.context.options()["tabstop"].get<int>();
const ColumnCount column = get_column(buffer, tabstop, cursor);
const ColumnCount width = tabstop - (column % tabstop);
const ColumnCount win_end = setup.window_pos.column + setup.window_range.column;
const ColumnCount offset = std::max(column + width - win_end, 0_col);
setup.window_pos.column += offset;
setup.cursor_pos.column -= offset;
void show_whitespaces(HighlightContext context, DisplayBuffer& display_buffer, BufferRange,
StringView tab, StringView tabpad,
StringView spc, StringView lf, StringView nbsp)
const int tabstop = context.context.options()["tabstop"].get<int>();
auto whitespaceface = get_face("Whitespace");
auto& buffer = context.context.buffer();
auto win_column = context.context.window().position().column;
for (auto& line : display_buffer.lines())
for (auto atom_it = line.begin(); atom_it != line.end(); ++atom_it)
if (atom_it->type() != DisplayAtom::Range)
auto begin = get_iterator(buffer, atom_it->begin());
auto end = get_iterator(buffer, atom_it->end());
for (BufferIterator it = begin; it != end; )
auto coord = it.coord();
Codepoint cp = utf8::read_codepoint<utf8::InvalidPolicy::Pass>(it, end);
if (cp == '\t' or cp == ' ' or cp == '\n' or cp == 0xA0)
if (coord != begin.coord())
atom_it = ++line.split(atom_it, coord);
if (it != end)
atom_it = line.split(atom_it, it.coord());
if (cp == '\t')
const ColumnCount column = get_column(buffer, tabstop, coord);
const ColumnCount count = tabstop - (column % tabstop) -
std::max(win_column - column, 0_col);
atom_it->replace(tab + String(tabpad[(CharCount)0], count - tab.column_length()));
else if (cp == ' ')
else if (cp == '\n')
else if (cp == 0xA0)
atom_it->face = merge_faces(atom_it->face, whitespaceface);
HighlighterAndId show_whitespaces_factory(HighlighterParameters params)
static const ParameterDesc param_desc{
{ { "tab", { true, "" } },
{ "tabpad", { true, "" } },
{ "spc", { true, "" } },
{ "lf", { true, "" } },
{ "nbsp", { true, "" } } },
ParameterDesc::Flags::None, 0, 0
ParametersParser parser(params, param_desc);
auto get_param = [&](StringView param, StringView fallback) {
StringView value = parser.get_switch(param).value_or(fallback);
if (value.char_length() != 1)
throw runtime_error{format("-{} expects a single character parameter", param)};
return value.str();
using namespace std::placeholders;
auto func = std::bind(show_whitespaces, _1, _2, _3,
get_param("tab", ""), get_param("tabpad", " "),
get_param("spc", "·"),
get_param("lf", "¬"),
get_param("nbsp", ""));
return {"show_whitespaces", make_highlighter(std::move(func), HighlightPass::Move)};
struct LineNumbersHighlighter : Highlighter
LineNumbersHighlighter(bool relative, bool hl_cursor_line, String separator)
: Highlighter{HighlightPass::Move},
m_separator{std::move(separator)} {}
static HighlighterAndId create(HighlighterParameters params)
static const ParameterDesc param_desc{
{ { "relative", { false, "" } },
{ "separator", { true, "" } },
{ "hlcursor", { false, "" } } },
ParameterDesc::Flags::None, 0, 0
ParametersParser parser(params, param_desc);
StringView separator = parser.get_switch("separator").value_or("");
if (separator.length() > 10)
throw runtime_error("Separator length is limited to 10 bytes");
return {"number_lines", std::make_unique<LineNumbersHighlighter>((bool)parser.get_switch("relative"), (bool)parser.get_switch("hlcursor"), separator.str())};
static constexpr StringView ms_id = "line_numbers";
void do_highlight(HighlightContext context, DisplayBuffer& display_buffer, BufferRange) override
if (contains(context.disabled_ids, ms_id))
const Face face = get_face("LineNumbers");
const Face face_wrapped = get_face("LineNumbersWrapped");
const Face face_absolute = get_face("LineNumberCursor");
int digit_count = compute_digit_count(context.context);
char format[16];
format_to(format, "%{}d", digit_count);
const int main_line = (int)context.context.selections().main().cursor().line + 1;
int last_line = -1;
for (auto& line : display_buffer.lines())
const int current_line = (int)line.range().begin.line + 1;
const bool is_cursor_line = main_line == current_line;
const int line_to_format = (m_relative and not is_cursor_line) ?
current_line - main_line : current_line;
char buffer[16];
snprintf(buffer, 16, format, std::abs(line_to_format));
const auto atom_face = last_line == current_line ? face_wrapped :
((m_hl_cursor_line and is_cursor_line) ? face_absolute : face);
line.insert(line.begin(), {buffer, atom_face});
line.insert(line.begin() + 1, {m_separator, face});
last_line = current_line;
void do_compute_display_setup(HighlightContext context, DisplaySetup& setup) override
if (contains(context.disabled_ids, ms_id))
ColumnCount width = compute_digit_count(context.context) + m_separator.column_length();
setup.window_range.column -= width;
void fill_unique_ids(Vector<StringView>& unique_ids) const override
int compute_digit_count(const Context& context)
int digit_count = 0;
LineCount last_line = context.buffer().line_count();
for (LineCount c = last_line; c > 0; c /= 10)
return digit_count;
const bool m_relative;
const bool m_hl_cursor_line;
const String m_separator;
constexpr StringView LineNumbersHighlighter::ms_id;
void show_matching_char(HighlightContext context, DisplayBuffer& display_buffer, BufferRange)
const Face face = get_face("MatchingChar");
using CodepointPair = std::pair<Codepoint, Codepoint>;
static const CodepointPair matching_chars[] = { { '(', ')' }, { '{', '}' }, { '[', ']' }, { '<', '>' } };
const auto range = display_buffer.range();
const auto& buffer = context.context.buffer();
for (auto& sel : context.context.selections())
auto pos = sel.cursor();
if (pos < range.begin or pos >= range.end)
auto c = buffer.byte_at(pos);
for (auto& pair : matching_chars)
int level = 1;
if (c == pair.first)
for (auto it = get_iterator(buffer, pos)+1,
end = get_iterator(buffer, range.end); it != end; ++it)
char c = *it;
if (c == pair.first)
else if (c == pair.second and --level == 0)
highlight_range(display_buffer, it.coord(), (it+1).coord(), false,
else if (c == pair.second and pos > range.begin)
for (auto it = get_iterator(buffer, pos)-1,
end = get_iterator(buffer, range.begin); true; --it)
char c = *it;
if (c == pair.second)
else if (c == pair.first and --level == 0)
highlight_range(display_buffer, it.coord(), (it+1).coord(), false,
if (it == end)
HighlighterAndId create_matching_char_highlighter(HighlighterParameters params)
return {"show_matching", make_highlighter(show_matching_char)};
void highlight_selections(HighlightContext context, DisplayBuffer& display_buffer, BufferRange)
const auto& buffer = context.context.buffer();
const Face primary_face = get_face("PrimarySelection");
const Face secondary_face = get_face("SecondarySelection");
const Face primary_cursor_face = get_face("PrimaryCursor");
const Face secondary_cursor_face = get_face("SecondaryCursor");
const auto& selections = context.context.selections();
for (size_t i = 0; i < selections.size(); ++i)
auto& sel = selections[i];
const bool forward = sel.anchor() <= sel.cursor();
BufferCoord begin = forward ? sel.anchor() : buffer.char_next(sel.cursor());
BufferCoord end = forward ? (BufferCoord)sel.cursor() : buffer.char_next(sel.anchor());
const bool primary = (i == selections.main_index());
highlight_range(display_buffer, begin, end, false,
apply_face(primary ? primary_face : secondary_face));
for (size_t i = 0; i < selections.size(); ++i)
auto& sel = selections[i];
const bool primary = (i == selections.main_index());
highlight_range(display_buffer, sel.cursor(), buffer.char_next(sel.cursor()), false,
apply_face(primary ? primary_cursor_face : secondary_cursor_face));
void expand_unprintable(HighlightContext context, DisplayBuffer& display_buffer, BufferRange)
auto& buffer = context.context.buffer();
auto error = get_face("Error");
for (auto& line : display_buffer.lines())
for (auto atom_it = line.begin(); atom_it != line.end(); ++atom_it)
if (atom_it->type() == DisplayAtom::Range)
for (auto it = get_iterator(buffer, atom_it->begin()),
end = get_iterator(buffer, atom_it->end()); it < end;)
auto coord = it.coord();
Codepoint cp = utf8::read_codepoint<utf8::InvalidPolicy::Pass>(it, end);
if (cp != '\n' and not iswprint((wchar_t)cp))
if (coord != atom_it->begin())
atom_it = ++line.split(atom_it, coord);
if (it.coord() < atom_it->end())
atom_it = line.split(atom_it, it.coord());
atom_it->face = error;
static void update_line_specs_ifn(const Buffer& buffer, LineAndSpecList& line_flags)
if (line_flags.prefix == buffer.timestamp())
auto& lines = line_flags.list;
auto modifs = compute_line_modifications(buffer, line_flags.prefix);
auto ins_pos = lines.begin();
for (auto it = lines.begin(); it != lines.end(); ++it)
auto& line = std::get<0>(*it); // that line is 1 based as it comes from user side
auto modif_it = std::upper_bound(modifs.begin(), modifs.end(), line-1,
[](const LineCount& l, const LineModification& c)
{ return l < c.old_line; });
if (modif_it != modifs.begin())
auto& prev = *(modif_it-1);
if (line-1 < prev.old_line + prev.num_removed)
continue; // line removed
line += prev.diff();
if (ins_pos != it)
*ins_pos = std::move(*it);
lines.erase(ins_pos, lines.end());
line_flags.prefix = buffer.timestamp();
void option_update(LineAndSpecList& opt, const Context& context)
update_line_specs_ifn(context.buffer(), opt);
void option_list_postprocess(Vector<LineAndSpec, MemoryDomain::Options>& opt)
std::sort(opt.begin(), opt.end(),
[](auto& lhs, auto& rhs)
{ return std::get<0>(lhs) < std::get<0>(rhs); });
struct FlagLinesHighlighter : Highlighter
FlagLinesHighlighter(String option_name, String default_face)
: Highlighter{HighlightPass::Move},
m_default_face{std::move(default_face)} {}
static HighlighterAndId create(HighlighterParameters params)
if (params.size() != 2)
throw runtime_error("wrong parameter count");
const String& option_name = params[1];
const String& default_face = params[0];
get_face(default_face); // validate param
// throw if wrong option type
return {"hlflags_" + params[1], std::make_unique<FlagLinesHighlighter>(option_name, default_face) };
void do_highlight(HighlightContext context, DisplayBuffer& display_buffer, BufferRange) override
auto& line_flags = context.context.options()[m_option_name].get_mutable<LineAndSpecList>();
auto& buffer = context.context.buffer();
update_line_specs_ifn(buffer, line_flags);
auto def_face = get_face(m_default_face);
Vector<DisplayLine> display_lines;
auto& lines = line_flags.list;
for (auto& line : lines)
for (auto& atom : display_lines.back())
atom.face = merge_faces(def_face, atom.face);
catch (runtime_error& err)
write_to_debug_buffer(format("Error while evaluating line flag: {}", err.what()));
ColumnCount width = 0;
for (auto& l : display_lines)
width = std::max(width, l.length());
const DisplayAtom empty{String{' ', width}, def_face};
for (auto& line : display_buffer.lines())
int line_num = (int)line.range().begin.line + 1;
auto it = find_if(lines,
[&](const LineAndSpec& l)
{ return std::get<0>(l) == line_num; });
if (it == lines.end())
line.insert(line.begin(), empty);
DisplayLine& display_line = display_lines[it - lines.begin()];
DisplayAtom padding_atom{String(' ', width - display_line.length()), def_face};
auto it = std::copy(std::make_move_iterator(display_line.begin()),
std::inserter(line, line.begin()));
if (padding_atom.length() != 0)
*it++ = std::move(padding_atom);
void do_compute_display_setup(HighlightContext context, DisplaySetup& setup) override
auto& line_flags = context.context.options()[m_option_name].get_mutable<LineAndSpecList>();
auto& buffer = context.context.buffer();
update_line_specs_ifn(buffer, line_flags);
ColumnCount width = 0;
for (auto& line : line_flags.list)
width = std::max(parse_display_line(std::get<1>(line)).length(), width);
catch (runtime_error& err)
write_to_debug_buffer(format("Error while evaluating line flag: {}", err.what()));
setup.window_range.column -= width;
String m_option_name;
String m_default_face;
String option_to_string(InclusiveBufferRange range)
return format("{}.{},{}.{}",
range.first.line+1, range.first.column+1,
range.last.line+1, range.last.column+1);
void option_from_string(StringView str, InclusiveBufferRange& opt)
auto sep = find_if(str, [](char c){ return c == ',' or c == '+'; });
auto dot_beg = find(StringView{str.begin(), sep}, '.');
auto dot_end = find(StringView{sep, str.end()}, '.');
if (sep == str.end() or dot_beg == sep or
(*sep == ',' and dot_end == str.end()))
throw runtime_error(format("'{}' does not follow <line>.<column>,<line>.<column> or <line>.<column>+<len> format", str));
const BufferCoord first{str_to_int({str.begin(), dot_beg}) - 1,
str_to_int({dot_beg+1, sep}) - 1};
const bool len = (*sep == '+');
const BufferCoord last{len ? first.line : str_to_int({sep+1, dot_end}) - 1,
len ? first.column + str_to_int({sep+1, str.end()}) - 1
: str_to_int({dot_end+1, str.end()}) - 1 };
if (first.line < 0 or first.column < 0 or last.line < 0 or last.column < 0)
throw runtime_error("coordinates elements should be >= 1");
opt = { std::min(first, last), std::max(first, last) };
BufferCoord& get_first(RangeAndString& r) { return std::get<0>(r).first; }
BufferCoord& get_last(RangeAndString& r) { return std::get<0>(r).last; }
static void update_ranges_ifn(const Buffer& buffer, RangeAndStringList& range_and_faces)
if (range_and_faces.prefix == buffer.timestamp())
auto changes = buffer.changes_since(range_and_faces.prefix);
for (auto change_it = changes.begin(); change_it != changes.end(); )
auto forward_end = forward_sorted_until(change_it, changes.end());
auto backward_end = backward_sorted_until(change_it, changes.end());
if (forward_end >= backward_end)
update_forward({ change_it, forward_end }, range_and_faces.list);
change_it = forward_end;
update_backward({ change_it, backward_end }, range_and_faces.list);
change_it = backward_end;
range_and_faces.prefix = buffer.timestamp();
void option_list_postprocess(Vector<RangeAndString, MemoryDomain::Options>& opt)
std::sort(opt.begin(), opt.end(),
[](auto& lhs, auto& rhs) {
return std::get<0>(lhs).first == std::get<0>(rhs).first ?
std::get<0>(lhs).last < std::get<0>(rhs).last
: std::get<0>(lhs).first < std::get<0>(rhs).first;
void option_update(RangeAndStringList& opt, const Context& context)
update_ranges_ifn(context.buffer(), opt);
struct RangesHighlighter : Highlighter
RangesHighlighter(String option_name)
: Highlighter{HighlightPass::Colorize}
, m_option_name{std::move(option_name)} {}
static HighlighterAndId create(HighlighterParameters params)
if (params.size() != 1)
throw runtime_error("wrong parameter count");
const String& option_name = params[0];
// throw if wrong option type
return {"hlranges_" + params[0], std::make_unique<RangesHighlighter>(option_name)};
void do_highlight(HighlightContext context, DisplayBuffer& display_buffer, BufferRange) override
auto& buffer = context.context.buffer();
auto& range_and_faces = context.context.options()[m_option_name].get_mutable<RangeAndStringList>();
update_ranges_ifn(buffer, range_and_faces);
for (auto& range : range_and_faces.list)
auto& r = std::get<0>(range);
if (buffer.is_valid(r.first) and buffer.is_valid(r.last))
highlight_range(display_buffer, r.first, buffer.char_next(r.last), true,
catch (runtime_error&)
const String m_option_name;
struct ReplaceRangesHighlighter : Highlighter
ReplaceRangesHighlighter(String option_name)
: Highlighter{HighlightPass::Colorize}
, m_option_name{std::move(option_name)} {}
static HighlighterAndId create(HighlighterParameters params)
if (params.size() != 1)
throw runtime_error("wrong parameter count");
const String& option_name = params[0];
// throw if wrong option type
return {"replace_ranges_" + params[0], std::make_unique<ReplaceRangesHighlighter>(option_name)};
void do_highlight(HighlightContext context, DisplayBuffer& display_buffer, BufferRange) override
auto& buffer = context.context.buffer();
auto& range_and_faces = context.context.options()[m_option_name].get_mutable<RangeAndStringList>();
update_ranges_ifn(buffer, range_and_faces);
for (auto& range : range_and_faces.list)
auto& r = std::get<0>(range);
if (buffer.is_valid(r.first) and buffer.is_valid(r.last))
auto replacement = parse_display_line(std::get<1>(range));
replace_range(display_buffer, r.first, buffer.char_next(r.last),
[&](DisplayLine& line, int beg_idx, int end_idx){
auto it = line.erase(line.begin() + beg_idx, line.begin() + end_idx);
for (auto& atom : replacement)
it = ++line.insert(it, std::move(atom));
catch (runtime_error&)
const String m_option_name;
HighlightPass parse_passes(StringView str)
HighlightPass passes{};
for (auto pass : str | split<StringView>('|'))
if (pass == "colorize")
passes |= HighlightPass::Colorize;
else if (pass == "move")
passes |= HighlightPass::Move;
else if (pass == "wrap")
passes |= HighlightPass::Wrap;
throw runtime_error{format("invalid highlight pass: {}", pass)};
if (passes == HighlightPass{})
throw runtime_error{"no passes specified"};
return passes;
HighlighterAndId create_highlighter_group(HighlighterParameters params)
static const ParameterDesc param_desc{
{ { "passes", { true, "" } } },
ParameterDesc::Flags::SwitchesOnlyAtStart, 1, 1
ParametersParser parser{params, param_desc};
HighlightPass passes = parse_passes(parser.get_switch("passes").value_or("colorize"));
return HighlighterAndId(parser[0], std::make_unique<HighlighterGroup>(passes));
struct ReferenceHighlighter : Highlighter
ReferenceHighlighter(HighlightPass passes, String name)
: Highlighter{passes}, m_name{std::move(name)} {}
static HighlighterAndId create(HighlighterParameters params)
static const ParameterDesc param_desc{
{ { "passes", { true, "" } } },
ParameterDesc::Flags::SwitchesOnlyAtStart, 1, 1
ParametersParser parser{params, param_desc};
HighlightPass passes = parse_passes(parser.get_switch("passes").value_or("colorize"));
return {parser[0], std::make_unique<ReferenceHighlighter>(passes, parser[0])};
void do_highlight(HighlightContext context, DisplayBuffer& display_buffer, BufferRange range) override
DefinedHighlighters::instance().get_child(m_name).highlight(context, display_buffer, range);
catch (child_not_found&)
void do_compute_display_setup(HighlightContext context, DisplaySetup& setup) override
DefinedHighlighters::instance().get_child(m_name).compute_display_setup(context, setup);
catch (child_not_found&)
const String m_name;
struct RegexMatch
LineCount line;
ByteCount begin;
ByteCount end;
StringView capture;
BufferCoord begin_coord() const { return { line, begin }; }
BufferCoord end_coord() const { return { line, end }; }
using RegexMatchList = Vector<RegexMatch, MemoryDomain::Highlight>;
void find_matches(const Buffer& buffer, RegexMatchList& matches, const Regex& regex, bool capture)
capture = capture and regex.mark_count() > 0;
for (auto line = 0_line, end = buffer.line_count(); line < end; ++line)
auto l = buffer[line];
for (RegexIterator<const char*> it{l.begin(), l.end(), regex}, end{}; it != end; ++it)
auto& m = *it;
ByteCount b = (int)(m[0].first - l.begin());
ByteCount e = (int)(m[0].second - l.begin());
auto cap = (capture and m[1].matched) ? StringView{m[1].first, m[1].second} : StringView{};
matches.push_back({ line, b, e, cap });
void update_matches(const Buffer& buffer, ConstArrayView<LineModification> modifs,
RegexMatchList& matches, const Regex& regex, bool capture)
// remove out of date matches and update line for others
auto ins_pos = matches.begin();
for (auto it = ins_pos; it != matches.end(); ++it)
auto modif_it = std::upper_bound(modifs.begin(), modifs.end(), it->line,
[](const LineCount& l, const LineModification& c)
{ return l < c.old_line; });
if (modif_it != modifs.begin())
auto& prev = *(modif_it-1);
if (it->line < prev.old_line + prev.num_removed)
continue; // match removed
it->line += prev.diff();
kak_assert(buffer.is_valid(it->begin_coord()) or
buffer[it->line].length() == it->begin);
kak_assert(buffer.is_valid(it->end_coord()) or
buffer[it->line].length() == it->end);
if (ins_pos != it)
*ins_pos = std::move(*it);
matches.erase(ins_pos, matches.end());
size_t pivot = matches.size();
// try to find new matches in each updated lines
capture = capture and regex.mark_count() > 0;
for (auto& modif : modifs)
for (auto line = modif.new_line; line < modif.new_line + modif.num_added; ++line)
auto l = buffer[line];
for (RegexIterator<const char*> it{l.begin(), l.end(), regex}, end{}; it != end; ++it)
auto& m = *it;
ByteCount b = (int)(m[0].first - l.begin());
ByteCount e = (int)(m[0].second - l.begin());
auto cap = (capture and m[1].matched) ? StringView{m[1].first, m[1].second} : StringView{};
matches.push_back({ line, b, e, cap });
std::inplace_merge(matches.begin(), matches.begin() + pivot, matches.end(),
[](const RegexMatch& lhs, const RegexMatch& rhs) {
return lhs.begin_coord() < rhs.begin_coord();
struct RegionMatches
RegexMatchList begin_matches;
RegexMatchList end_matches;
RegexMatchList recurse_matches;
static bool compare_to_begin(const RegexMatch& lhs, BufferCoord rhs)
return lhs.begin_coord() < rhs;
RegexMatchList::const_iterator find_next_begin(BufferCoord pos) const
return std::lower_bound(begin_matches.begin(), begin_matches.end(),
pos, compare_to_begin);
RegexMatchList::const_iterator find_matching_end(BufferCoord beg_pos, Optional<StringView> capture) const
auto end_it = end_matches.begin();
auto rec_it = recurse_matches.begin();
int recurse_level = 0;
while (true)
end_it = std::lower_bound(end_it, end_matches.end(), beg_pos,
rec_it = std::lower_bound(rec_it, recurse_matches.end(), beg_pos,
if (end_it == end_matches.end())
return end_it;
while (rec_it != recurse_matches.end() and
rec_it->end_coord() <= end_it->begin_coord())
if (not capture or rec_it->capture == *capture)
if (not capture or *capture == end_it->capture)
if (recurse_level == 0)
return end_it;
if (beg_pos != end_it->end_coord())
beg_pos = end_it->end_coord();
struct RegionDesc
String m_name;
Regex m_begin;
Regex m_end;
Regex m_recurse;
bool m_match_capture;
RegionMatches find_matches(const Buffer& buffer) const
RegionMatches res;
Kakoune::find_matches(buffer, res.begin_matches, m_begin, m_match_capture);
Kakoune::find_matches(buffer, res.end_matches, m_end, m_match_capture);
if (not m_recurse.empty())
Kakoune::find_matches(buffer, res.recurse_matches, m_recurse, m_match_capture);
return res;
void update_matches(const Buffer& buffer,
ConstArrayView<LineModification> modifs,
RegionMatches& matches) const
Kakoune::update_matches(buffer, modifs, matches.begin_matches, m_begin, m_match_capture);
Kakoune::update_matches(buffer, modifs, matches.end_matches, m_end, m_match_capture);
if (not m_recurse.empty())
Kakoune::update_matches(buffer, modifs, matches.recurse_matches, m_recurse, m_match_capture);
struct RegionsHighlighter : public Highlighter
using RegionDescList = Vector<RegionDesc, MemoryDomain::Highlight>;
RegionsHighlighter(RegionDescList regions, String default_group)
: Highlighter{HighlightPass::Colorize},
if (m_regions.empty())
throw runtime_error("at least one region must be defined");
for (auto& region : m_regions)
m_groups.insert({region.m_name, HighlighterGroup{HighlightPass::Colorize}});
if (region.m_begin.empty() or region.m_end.empty())
throw runtime_error("invalid regex for region highlighter");
if (not m_default_group.empty())
m_groups.insert({m_default_group, HighlighterGroup{HighlightPass::Colorize}});
void do_highlight(HighlightContext context, DisplayBuffer& display_buffer, BufferRange range) override
auto display_range = display_buffer.range();
const auto& buffer = context.context.buffer();
auto& regions = get_regions_for_range(buffer, range);
auto begin = std::lower_bound(regions.begin(), regions.end(), display_range.begin,
[](const Region& r, BufferCoord c) { return r.end < c; });
auto end = std::lower_bound(begin, regions.end(), display_range.end,
[](const Region& r, BufferCoord c) { return r.begin < c; });
auto correct = [&](BufferCoord c) -> BufferCoord {
if (not buffer.is_end(c) and buffer[c.line].length() == c.column)
return {c.line+1, 0};
return c;
auto default_group_it = m_groups.find(m_default_group);
const bool apply_default = default_group_it != m_groups.end();
auto last_begin = (begin == regions.begin()) ?
BufferCoord{0,0} : (begin-1)->end;
kak_assert(begin <= end);
for (; begin != end; ++begin)
if (apply_default and last_begin < begin->begin)
apply_highlighter(context, display_buffer,
correct(last_begin), correct(begin->begin),
auto it = m_groups.find(begin->group);
if (it == m_groups.end())
apply_highlighter(context, display_buffer,
correct(begin->begin), correct(begin->end),
last_begin = begin->end;
if (apply_default and last_begin < display_range.end)
apply_highlighter(context, display_buffer,
correct(last_begin), range.end,
bool has_children() const override { return true; }
Highlighter& get_child(StringView path) override
auto sep_it = find(path, '/');
StringView id(path.begin(), sep_it);
auto it = m_groups.find(id);
if (it == m_groups.end())
throw child_not_found(format("no such id: {}", id));
if (sep_it == path.end())
return it->value;
return it->value.get_child({sep_it+1, path.end()});
Completions complete_child(StringView path, ByteCount cursor_pos, bool group) const override
auto sep_it = find(path, '/');
if (sep_it != path.end())
ByteCount offset = sep_it+1 - path.begin();
Highlighter& hl = const_cast<RegionsHighlighter*>(this)->get_child({path.begin(), sep_it});
return offset_pos(hl.complete_child(path.substr(offset), cursor_pos - offset, group), offset);
auto container = m_groups | transform(std::mem_fn(&decltype(m_groups)::Item::key));
return { 0, 0, complete(path, cursor_pos, container) };
static HighlighterAndId create(HighlighterParameters params)
static const ParameterDesc param_desc{
{ { "default", { true, "" } }, { "match-capture", { false, "" } } },
ParameterDesc::Flags::SwitchesOnlyAtStart, 5
ParametersParser parser{params, param_desc};
if ((parser.positional_count() % 4) != 1)
throw runtime_error("wrong parameter count, expected <id> (<group name> <begin> <end> <recurse>)+");
const bool match_capture = (bool)parser.get_switch("match-capture");
RegionsHighlighter::RegionDescList regions;
for (size_t i = 1; i < parser.positional_count(); i += 4)
if (parser[i].empty() or parser[i+1].empty() or parser[i+2].empty())
throw runtime_error("group id, begin and end must not be empty");
const RegexCompileFlags flags = match_capture ?
RegexCompileFlags::Optimize : RegexCompileFlags::NoSubs | RegexCompileFlags::Optimize;
regions.push_back({ parser[i],
Regex{parser[i+1], flags}, Regex{parser[i+2], flags},
parser[i+3].empty() ? Regex{} : Regex{parser[i+3], flags},
match_capture });
auto default_group = parser.get_switch("default").value_or(StringView{}).str();
return {parser[0], std::make_unique<RegionsHighlighter>(std::move(regions), default_group)};
const RegionDescList m_regions;
const String m_default_group;
HashMap<String, HighlighterGroup, MemoryDomain::Highlight> m_groups;
struct Region
BufferCoord begin;
BufferCoord end;
StringView group;
using RegionList = Vector<Region, MemoryDomain::Highlight>;
struct Cache
size_t timestamp = 0;
Vector<RegionMatches, MemoryDomain::Highlight> matches;
HashMap<BufferRange, RegionList, MemoryDomain::Highlight> regions;
BufferSideCache<Cache> m_cache;
using RegionAndMatch = std::pair<size_t, RegexMatchList::const_iterator>;
// find the begin closest to pos in all matches
RegionAndMatch find_next_begin(const Cache& cache, BufferCoord pos) const
RegionAndMatch res{0, cache.matches[0].find_next_begin(pos)};
for (size_t i = 1; i < cache.matches.size(); ++i)
const auto& matches = cache.matches[i];
auto it = matches.find_next_begin(pos);
if (it != matches.begin_matches.end() and
(res.second == cache.matches[res.first].begin_matches.end() or
it->begin_coord() < res.second->begin_coord()))
res = RegionAndMatch{i, it};
return res;
const RegionList& get_regions_for_range(const Buffer& buffer, BufferRange range)
Cache& cache = m_cache.get(buffer);
const size_t buf_timestamp = buffer.timestamp();
if (cache.timestamp != buf_timestamp)
if (cache.timestamp == 0)
for (size_t i = 0; i < m_regions.size(); ++i)
cache.matches[i] = m_regions[i].find_matches(buffer);
auto modifs = compute_line_modifications(buffer, cache.timestamp);
for (size_t i = 0; i < m_regions.size(); ++i)
m_regions[i].update_matches(buffer, modifs, cache.matches[i]);
auto it = cache.regions.find(range);
if (it != cache.regions.end())
return it->value;
RegionList& regions = cache.regions[range];
for (auto begin = find_next_begin(cache, range.begin),
end = RegionAndMatch{ 0, cache.matches[0].begin_matches.end() };
begin != end; )
const RegionMatches& matches = cache.matches[begin.first];
auto& region = m_regions[begin.first];
auto beg_it = begin.second;
auto end_it = matches.find_matching_end(beg_it->end_coord(),
region.m_match_capture ? beg_it->capture
: Optional<StringView>{});
if (end_it == matches.end_matches.end() or end_it->end_coord() >= range.end)
regions.push_back({ {beg_it->line, beg_it->begin},
region.m_name });
regions.push_back({ beg_it->begin_coord(),
region.m_name });
auto end_coord = end_it->end_coord();
// With empty begin and end matches (for example if the regexes
// are /"\K/ and /(?=")/), that case can happen, and would
// result in an infinite loop.
if (end_coord == beg_it->begin_coord())
kak_assert(beg_it->begin_coord() == beg_it->end_coord() and
end_it->begin_coord() == end_it->end_coord());
begin = find_next_begin(cache, end_coord);
cache.timestamp = buf_timestamp;
return regions;
void setup_builtin_highlighters(HighlighterGroup& group)
group.add_child({"tabulations"_str, std::make_unique<TabulationHighlighter>()});
group.add_child({"unprintable"_str, make_highlighter(expand_unprintable)});
group.add_child({"selections"_str, make_highlighter(highlight_selections)});
void register_highlighters()
HighlighterRegistry& registry = HighlighterRegistry::instance();
{ LineNumbersHighlighter::create,
"Display line numbers \n"
"Parameters: -relative, -hlcursor, -separator <separator text>\n" } });
{ create_matching_char_highlighter,
"Apply the MatchingChar face to the char matching the one under the cursor" } });
{ show_whitespaces_factory,
"Display whitespaces using symbols \n"
"Parameters: -tab <separator> -tabpad <separator> -lf <separator> -spc <separator> -nbsp <separator>\n" } });
{ create_fill_highlighter,
"Fill the whole highlighted range with the given face" } });
{ RegexHighlighter::create,
"Parameters: <regex> <capture num>:<face> <capture num>:<face>...\n"
"Highlights the matches for captures from the regex with the given faces" } });
{ create_dynamic_regex_highlighter,
"Parameters: <expr> <capture num>:<face> <capture num>:<face>...\n"
"Evaluate expression at every redraw to gather a regex" } });
{ create_highlighter_group,
"Parameters: [-passes <passes>] <group name>\n"
"Creates a named group that can contain other highlighters,\n"
"<passes> is a flags(colorize|move|wrap) defaulting to colorize\n"
"which specify what kind of highlighters can be put in the group" } });
{ FlagLinesHighlighter::create,
"Parameters: <face> <option name>\n"
"Display flags specified in the line-spec option <option name> with <face>"} });
{ RangesHighlighter::create,
"Parameters: <option name>\n"
"Use the range-specs option given as parameter to highlight buffer\n"
"each spec is interpreted as a face to apply to the range\n" } });
{ ReplaceRangesHighlighter::create,
"Parameters: <option name>\n"
"Use the range-specs option given as parameter to highlight buffer\n"
"each spec is interpreted as a display line to display in place of the range\n" } });
{ create_line_highlighter,
"Parameters: <value string> <face>\n"
"Highlight the line given by evaluating <value string> with <face>" } });
{ create_column_highlighter,
"Parameters: <value string> <face>\n"
"Highlight the column given by evaluating <value string> with <face>" } });
{ WrapHighlighter::create,
"Parameters: [-word] [-indent] [-width <max_width>]\n"
"Wrap lines to window width, or max_width if given and window is wider,\n"
"wrap at word boundaries instead of codepoint boundaries if -word is given\n"
"preserve line indent in wrapped parts if -indent is given\n"} });
{ ReferenceHighlighter::create,
"Parameters: [-passes <passes>] <path>\n"
"Reference the highlighter at <path> in shared highlighters\n"
"<passes> is a flags(colorize|move|wrap) defaulting to colorize\n"
"which specify what kind of highlighters can be referenced" } });
{ RegionsHighlighter::create,
"Parameters: [-default <default group>] [-match-capture] <name> {<region name> <begin> <end> <recurse>}..."
"Split the highlighting into regions defined by the <begin>, <end> and <recurse> regex\n"
"The region <region name> starts at <begin> match, end at <end> match that does not\n"
"close a <recurse> match. In between region is the <default group>.\n"
"Highlighting a region is done by adding highlighters into the different <region name> subgroups.\n"
"If -match-capture is specified, then regions end/recurse matches are must have the same \1\n"
"capture content as the begin to be considered"} });