181 lines
5.6 KiB
181 lines
5.6 KiB
#include "ranked_match.hh"
#include "utf8_iterator.hh"
#include "unit_tests.hh"
namespace Kakoune
UsedLetters used_letters(StringView str)
UsedLetters res = 0;
for (auto c : str)
if (c >= 'a' and c <= 'z')
res |= 1uL << (c - 'a');
else if (c >= 'A' and c <= 'Z')
res |= 1uL << (c - 'A' + 26);
else if (c == '_')
res |= 1uL << 53;
else if (c == '-')
res |= 1uL << 54;
res |= 1uL << 63;
return res;
bool matches(UsedLetters query, UsedLetters letters)
return (query & letters) == query;
using Utf8It = utf8::iterator<const char*>;
static int count_word_boundaries_match(StringView candidate, StringView query)
int count = 0;
Utf8It query_it{query.begin(), query};
Codepoint prev = 0;
for (Utf8It it{candidate.begin(), candidate}; it != candidate.end(); ++it)
const Codepoint c = *it;
const bool is_word_boundary = prev == 0 or
(!iswalnum((wchar_t)prev) and iswalnum((wchar_t)c)) or
(iswlower((wchar_t)prev) and iswupper((wchar_t)c));
prev = c;
if (not is_word_boundary)
const Codepoint lc = to_lower(c);
for (auto qit = query_it; qit != query.end(); ++qit)
const Codepoint qc = *qit;
if (qc == (islower(qc) ? lc : c))
query_it = qit+1;
if (query_it == query.end())
return count;
static bool smartcase_eq(Codepoint query, Codepoint candidate)
return query == (islower(query) ? to_lower(candidate) : candidate);
static bool subsequence_match_smart_case(StringView str, StringView subseq, int& index_sum)
index_sum = 0;
auto it = str.begin();
int index = 0;
for (auto subseq_it = subseq.begin(); subseq_it != subseq.end();)
if (it == str.end())
return false;
const Codepoint c = utf8::read_codepoint(subseq_it, subseq.end());
while (not smartcase_eq(c, utf8::read_codepoint(it, subseq.end())))
if (it == str.end())
return false;
index_sum += index++;
return true;
template<typename TestFunc>
RankedMatch::RankedMatch(StringView candidate, StringView query, TestFunc func)
if (candidate.empty() or query.length() > candidate.length())
if (query.empty())
m_candidate = candidate;
else if (func() and subsequence_match_smart_case(candidate, query, m_match_index_sum))
m_candidate = candidate;
m_first_char_match = smartcase_eq(query[0], candidate[0]);
m_word_boundary_match_count = count_word_boundaries_match(candidate, query);
m_only_word_boundary = m_word_boundary_match_count == query.length();
m_prefix = std::equal(query.begin(), query.end(), candidate.begin());
RankedMatch::RankedMatch(StringView candidate, UsedLetters candidate_letters,
StringView query, UsedLetters query_letters)
: RankedMatch{candidate, query, [&] {
return matches(to_lower(query_letters), to_lower(candidate_letters)) and
matches(query_letters & upper_mask, candidate_letters & upper_mask);
}} {}
RankedMatch::RankedMatch(StringView candidate, StringView query)
: RankedMatch{candidate, query, [] { return true; }}
bool RankedMatch::operator<(const RankedMatch& other) const
kak_assert((bool)*this and (bool)other);
if (m_prefix != other.m_prefix)
return m_prefix;
if (m_first_char_match != other.m_first_char_match)
return m_first_char_match;
if (m_only_word_boundary and other.m_only_word_boundary)
if (m_word_boundary_match_count != other.m_word_boundary_match_count)
return m_word_boundary_match_count > other.m_word_boundary_match_count;
else if (m_only_word_boundary or other.m_only_word_boundary)
return m_only_word_boundary;
if (m_word_boundary_match_count != other.m_word_boundary_match_count)
return m_word_boundary_match_count > other.m_word_boundary_match_count;
if (m_match_index_sum != other.m_match_index_sum)
return m_match_index_sum < other.m_match_index_sum;
Utf8It it1{m_candidate.begin(), m_candidate}, it2{other.m_candidate.begin(), other.m_candidate};
for (; it1 != m_candidate.end() and it2 != other.m_candidate.end(); ++it1, ++it2)
const auto cp1 = *it1, cp2 = *it2;
if (cp1 != cp2)
const bool low1 = islower(cp1), low2 = islower(cp2);
return low1 == low2 ? cp1 < cp2 : low1;
return it1 == m_candidate.end() and it2 != other.m_candidate.end();
UnitTest test_ranked_match{[] {
kak_assert(count_word_boundaries_match("run_all_tests", "rat") == 3);
kak_assert(count_word_boundaries_match("run_all_tests", "at") == 2);
kak_assert(count_word_boundaries_match("countWordBoundariesMatch", "wm") == 2);
kak_assert(count_word_boundaries_match("countWordBoundariesMatch", "cobm") == 3);
kak_assert(count_word_boundaries_match("countWordBoundariesMatch", "cWBM") == 4);
kak_assert(RankedMatch{"source", "so"} < RankedMatch{"source_data", "so"});
kak_assert(not (RankedMatch{"source_data", "so"} < RankedMatch{"source", "so"}));
kak_assert(not (RankedMatch{"source", "so"} < RankedMatch{"source", "so"}));
UnitTest test_used_letters{[]()
kak_assert(used_letters("abcd") == to_lower(used_letters("abcdABCD")));