Maxime Coste 99636c6230 Remove Vector returning split functions, use range adaptor
Do not allocate temporary vectors to store splitted data, use the
'split' range adaptor along with transform(unescape) to provide the
same feature with less allocations.
2017-12-06 17:18:44 +08:00

382 lines
10 KiB

#include "string_utils.hh"
#include "exception.hh"
#include "utf8_iterator.hh"
#include "unit_tests.hh"
namespace Kakoune
StringView trim_whitespaces(StringView str)
auto beg = str.begin(), end = str.end();
while (beg != end and is_blank(*beg))
while (beg != end and is_blank(*(end-1)))
return {beg, end};
String escape(StringView str, StringView characters, char escape)
String res;
auto cbeg = characters.begin(), cend = characters.end();
for (auto it = str.begin(), end = str.end(); it != end; )
auto next = std::find_first_of(it, end, cbeg, cend);
if (next != end)
res += StringView{it, next+1};
res.back() = escape;
res += *next;
it = next+1;
res += StringView{it, next};
return res;
String unescape(StringView str, StringView characters, char escape)
String res;
for (auto it = str.begin(), end = str.end(); it != end; )
auto next = std::find(it, end, escape);
if (next != end and next+1 != end and contains(characters, *(next+1)))
res += StringView{it, next+1};
res.back() = *(next+1);
it = next + 2;
res += StringView{it, next == end ? next : next + 1};
it = next == end ? next : next + 1;
return res;
String indent(StringView str, StringView indent)
String res;
bool was_eol = true;
for (ByteCount i = 0; i < str.length(); ++i)
if (was_eol)
res += indent;
res += str[i];
was_eol = is_eol(str[i]);
return res;
String replace(StringView str, StringView substr, StringView replacement)
String res;
for (auto it = str.begin(); it != str.end(); )
auto match = std::search(it, str.end(), substr.begin(), substr.end());
res += StringView{it, match};
if (match == str.end())
res += replacement;
it = match + (int)substr.length();
return res;
Optional<int> str_to_int_ifp(StringView str)
bool negative = not str.empty() and str[0] == '-';
if (negative)
str = str.substr(1_byte);
unsigned int res = 0;
for (auto c : str)
if (c < '0' or c > '9')
return {};
res = res * 10 + c - '0';
return negative ? -res : res;
int str_to_int(StringView str)
if (auto val = str_to_int_ifp(str))
return *val;
throw runtime_error{str + " is not a number"};
InplaceString<15> to_string(int val)
InplaceString<15> res;
res.m_length = sprintf(res.m_data, "%i", val);
return res;
InplaceString<23> to_string(long int val)
InplaceString<23> res;
res.m_length = sprintf(res.m_data, "%li", val);
return res;
InplaceString<23> to_string(long long int val)
InplaceString<23> res;
res.m_length = sprintf(res.m_data, "%lli", val);
return res;
InplaceString<23> to_string(size_t val)
InplaceString<23> res;
res.m_length = sprintf(res.m_data, "%zu", val);
return res;
InplaceString<23> to_string(Hex val)
InplaceString<23> res;
res.m_length = sprintf(res.m_data, "%zx", val.val);
return res;
InplaceString<23> to_string(float val)
InplaceString<23> res;
res.m_length = sprintf(res.m_data, "%f", val);
return res;
InplaceString<7> to_string(Codepoint c)
InplaceString<7> res;
char* ptr = res.m_data;
utf8::dump(ptr, c);
res.m_length = (int)(ptr - res.m_data);
return res;
bool subsequence_match(StringView str, StringView subseq)
auto it = str.begin();
for (auto& c : subseq)
if (it == str.end())
return false;
while (*it != c)
if (++it == str.end())
return false;
return true;
String expand_tabs(StringView line, ColumnCount tabstop, ColumnCount col)
String res;
for (auto it = line.begin(), end = line.end(); it != end; )
if (*it == '\t')
ColumnCount end_col = (col / tabstop + 1) * tabstop;
res += String{' ', end_col - col};
col = end_col;
auto char_beg = it;
auto cp = utf8::read_codepoint(it, end);
res += {char_beg, it};
col += codepoint_width(cp);
return res;
Vector<StringView> wrap_lines(StringView text, ColumnCount max_width)
if (max_width <= 0)
throw runtime_error("Invalid max width");
using Utf8It = utf8::iterator<const char*>;
Utf8It it{text.begin(), text};
Utf8It end{text.end(), text};
Utf8It line_begin = it;
Utf8It last_word_end = it;
Vector<StringView> lines;
while (it != end)
const CharCategories cat = categorize(*it, {});
if (cat == CharCategories::EndOfLine)
lines.emplace_back(line_begin.base(), it.base());
line_begin = it = it+1;
Utf8It word_end = it+1;
while (word_end != end and categorize(*word_end, {}) == cat)
while (word_end > line_begin and
utf8::column_distance(line_begin.base(), word_end.base()) >= max_width)
auto line_end = last_word_end <= line_begin ?
Utf8It{utf8::advance(line_begin.base(), text.end(), max_width), text}
: last_word_end;
lines.emplace_back(line_begin.base(), line_end.base());
while (line_end != end and is_horizontal_blank(*line_end))
if (line_end != end and *line_end == '\n')
it = line_begin = line_end;
if (cat == CharCategories::Word or cat == CharCategories::Punctuation)
last_word_end = word_end;
if (word_end > line_begin)
it = word_end;
if (line_begin != end)
lines.emplace_back(line_begin.base(), text.end());
return lines;
template<typename AppendFunc>
void format_impl(StringView fmt, ArrayView<const StringView> params, AppendFunc append)
int implicitIndex = 0;
for (auto it = fmt.begin(), end = fmt.end(); it != end;)
auto opening = std::find(it, end, '{');
if (opening == end)
append(StringView{it, opening});
else if (opening != it and *(opening-1) == '\\')
append(StringView{it, opening-1});
it = opening + 1;
append(StringView{it, opening});
auto closing = std::find(opening, end, '}');
if (closing == end)
throw runtime_error("Format string error, unclosed '{'");
const int index = (closing == opening + 1) ?
implicitIndex : str_to_int({opening+1, closing});
if (index >= params.size())
throw runtime_error("Format string parameter index too big");
implicitIndex = index+1;
it = closing+1;
StringView format_to(ArrayView<char> buffer, StringView fmt, ArrayView<const StringView> params)
char* ptr = buffer.begin();
const char* end = buffer.end();
format_impl(fmt, params, [&](StringView s) mutable {
for (auto c : s)
if (ptr == end)
throw runtime_error("buffer is too small");
*ptr++ = c;
if (ptr == end)
throw runtime_error("buffer is too small");
*ptr = 0;
return { buffer.begin(), ptr };
String format(StringView fmt, ArrayView<const StringView> params)
ByteCount size = fmt.length();
for (auto& s : params) size += s.length();
String res;
format_impl(fmt, params, [&](StringView s) { res += s; });
return res;
UnitTest test_string{[]()
kak_assert(String("youpi ") + "matin" == "youpi matin");
Vector<StringView> wrapped = wrap_lines("wrap this paragraph\n respecting whitespaces and much_too_long_words", 16);
kak_assert(wrapped.size() == 6);
kak_assert(wrapped[0] == "wrap this");
kak_assert(wrapped[1] == "paragraph");
kak_assert(wrapped[2] == " respecting");
kak_assert(wrapped[3] == "whitespaces and");
kak_assert(wrapped[4] == "much_too_long_wo");
kak_assert(wrapped[5] == "rds");
Vector<StringView> wrapped2 = wrap_lines("error: unknown type", 7);
kak_assert(wrapped2.size() == 3);
kak_assert(wrapped2[0] == "error:");
kak_assert(wrapped2[1] == "unknown");
kak_assert(wrapped2[2] == "type");
kak_assert(escape("youpi:matin:tchou:", ':', '\\') == "youpi\\:matin\\:tchou\\:");
kak_assert(unescape("youpi\\:matin\\:tchou\\:", ':', '\\') == "youpi:matin:tchou:");
kak_assert(prefix_match("tchou kanaky", "tchou"));
kak_assert(prefix_match("tchou kanaky", "tchou kanaky"));
kak_assert(prefix_match("tchou kanaky", "t"));
kak_assert(not prefix_match("tchou kanaky", "c"));
kak_assert(subsequence_match("tchou kanaky", "tknky"));
kak_assert(subsequence_match("tchou kanaky", "knk"));
kak_assert(subsequence_match("tchou kanaky", "tchou kanaky"));
kak_assert(not subsequence_match("tchou kanaky", "tchou kanaky"));
kak_assert(format("Youhou {1} {} {0} \\{}", 10, "hehe", 5) == "Youhou hehe 5 10 {}");
char buffer[20];
kak_assert(format_to(buffer, "Hey {}", 15) == "Hey 15");
kak_assert(str_to_int("5") == 5);
kak_assert(str_to_int(to_string(INT_MAX)) == INT_MAX);
kak_assert(str_to_int(to_string(INT_MIN)) == INT_MIN);
kak_assert(str_to_int("00") == 0);
kak_assert(str_to_int("-0") == 0);
kak_assert(replace("tchou/tcha/tchi", "/", "!!") == "tchou!!tcha!!tchi");