Maxime Coste 458e3ef20a Immediately execute ModuleLoaded hooks for already loaded modules
This is trickier than expected because ModuleLoaded hooks can (as
any other hooks) use arbitrary regular expressions for their filter.

Fixes #4841
2023-02-14 21:31:29 +11:00

184 lines
6.4 KiB

#include "hook_manager.hh"
#include "buffer_utils.hh"
#include "clock.hh"
#include "command_manager.hh"
#include "context.hh"
#include "display_buffer.hh"
#include "face_registry.hh"
#include "option.hh"
#include "option_types.hh"
#include "ranges.hh"
#include "regex.hh"
namespace Kakoune
struct HookManager::HookData
String group;
HookFlags flags;
Regex filter;
String commands;
bool should_run(bool only_always, const Regex& disabled_hooks, StringView param,
MatchResults<const char*>& captures) const
return (not only_always or (flags & HookFlags::Always)) and
(group.empty() or disabled_hooks.empty() or
not regex_match(group.begin(), group.end(), disabled_hooks))
and regex_match(param.begin(), param.end(), captures, filter);
void exec(Hook hook, StringView param, Context& context, const MatchResults<const char*>& captures)
if (context.options()["debug"].get<DebugFlags>() & DebugFlags::Hooks)
write_to_debug_buffer(format("hook {}({})/{}",
param, group));
ScopedSetBool disable_history{context.history_disabled()};
EnvVarMap env_vars{ {"hook_param", param.str()} };
for (size_t i = 0; i < captures.size(); ++i)
env_vars.insert({format("hook_param_capture_{}", i),
{captures[i].first, captures[i].second}});
for (auto& c : filter.impl()->named_captures)
env_vars.insert({format("hook_param_capture_{}", c.name),
{captures[c.index].first, captures[c.index].second}});
CommandManager::instance().execute(commands, context, {{}, std::move(env_vars)});
HookManager::HookManager() : m_parent(nullptr) {}
HookManager::HookManager(HookManager& parent) : SafeCountable{}, m_parent(&parent) {}
HookManager::~HookManager() = default;
void HookManager::add_hook(Hook hook, String group, HookFlags flags, Regex filter, String commands, Context& context)
std::unique_ptr<HookData> hook_data{new HookData{std::move(group), flags, std::move(filter), std::move(commands)}};
if (hook == Hook::ModuleLoaded)
const bool only_always = context.hooks_disabled();
auto& disabled_hooks = context.options()["disabled_hooks"].get<Regex>();
for (auto&& name : CommandManager::instance().loaded_modules())
MatchResults<const char*> captures;
if (hook_data->should_run(only_always, disabled_hooks, name, captures))
hook_data->exec(hook, name, context, captures);
if (hook_data->flags & HookFlags::Once)
void HookManager::remove_hooks(const Regex& regex)
for (auto& list : m_hooks)
list.erase(remove_if(list, [this, &regex](std::unique_ptr<HookData>& h) {
if (not regex_match(h->group.begin(), h->group.end(), regex))
return false;
return true;
}), list.end());
CandidateList HookManager::complete_hook_group(StringView prefix, ByteCount pos_in_token)
CandidateList res;
for (auto& list : m_hooks)
auto container = list | transform([](const std::unique_ptr<HookData>& h) -> const String& { return h->group; });
for (auto& c : complete(prefix, pos_in_token, container))
if (!contains(res, c))
return res;
void HookManager::run_hook(Hook hook, StringView param, Context& context)
const bool only_always = context.hooks_disabled();
auto& disabled_hooks = context.options()["disabled_hooks"].get<Regex>();
struct ToRun { HookData* hook; MatchResults<const char*> captures; };
Vector<ToRun> hooks_to_run; // The m_hooks_trash vector ensure hooks wont die during this method
for (auto& hook : m_hooks[to_underlying(hook)])
MatchResults<const char*> captures;
if (hook->should_run(only_always, disabled_hooks, param, captures))
hooks_to_run.push_back({hook.get(), std::move(captures)});
if (m_parent)
m_parent->run_hook(hook, param, context);
auto hook_name = enum_desc(Meta::Type<Hook>{})[to_underlying(hook)].name;
if (contains(m_running_hooks, std::make_pair(hook, param)))
auto error = format("recursive call of hook {}/{}, not executing", hook_name, param);
m_running_hooks.emplace_back(hook, param);
auto pop_running_hook = on_scope_end([this]{
if (m_running_hooks.empty())
const DebugFlags debug_flags = context.options()["debug"].get<DebugFlags>();
const bool profile = debug_flags & DebugFlags::Profile;
auto start_time = profile ? Clock::now() : TimePoint{};
bool hook_error = false;
for (auto& to_run : hooks_to_run)
to_run.hook->exec(hook, param, context, to_run.captures);
if (to_run.hook->flags & HookFlags::Once)
auto& hook_list = m_hooks[to_underlying(hook)];
if (auto it = find(hook_list, to_run.hook); it != hook_list.end())
catch (runtime_error& err)
hook_error = true;
write_to_debug_buffer(format("error running hook {}({})/{}: {}",
hook_name, param, to_run.hook->group, err.what()));
if (hook_error)
format("Error running hooks for '{}' '{}', see *debug* buffer",
hook_name, param), context.faces()["Error"] });
if (profile)
auto end_time = Clock::now();
auto full = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::microseconds>(end_time - start_time);
write_to_debug_buffer(format("hook '{}({})' took {} us", hook_name, param, (size_t)full.count()));