The off-by-one was introduced by cd9b1e66
which changed `column-1` to `column`.
The refactoring solves some esoteric quoting errors: I think cases like
unbalanced braces in the bufname and client were not supported.
77 lines
3.1 KiB
77 lines
3.1 KiB
hook -once global BufSetOption filetype=python %{
require-module jedi
provide-module jedi %{
declare-option -hidden str jedi_tmp_dir
declare-option -hidden completions jedi_completions
declare-option -docstring "colon separated list of path added to `python`'s $PYTHONPATH environment variable" \
str jedi_python_path
define-command jedi-complete -docstring "Complete the current selection" %{
evaluate-commands %sh{
dir=$(mktemp -d "${TMPDIR:-/tmp}"/kak-jedi.XXXXXXXX)
mkfifo ${dir}/fifo
printf %s\\n "set-option buffer jedi_tmp_dir ${dir}"
printf %s\\n "evaluate-commands -no-hooks write -sync ${dir}/buf"
evaluate-commands %sh{
printf %s\\n "evaluate-commands -draft %{ edit! -fifo ${dir}/fifo *jedi-output* }"
cd $(dirname ${kak_buffile})
export PYTHONPATH="$kak_opt_jedi_python_path:$PYTHONPATH"
python 2> "${dir}/fifo" -c 'if 1:
import os
dir = os.environ["kak_opt_jedi_tmp_dir"]
buffile = os.environ["kak_buffile"]
line = int(os.environ["kak_cursor_line"])
column = int(os.environ["kak_cursor_column"])
timestamp = os.environ["kak_timestamp"]
client = os.environ["kak_client"]
pipe_escape = lambda s: s.replace("|", "\\|")
def quote(s):
c = chr(39) # single quote
return c + s.replace(c, c+c) + c
import jedi
script = jedi.Script(code=open(dir + "/buf", "r").read(), path=buffile)
completions = (
pipe_escape(str(c.name)) + "|" +
pipe_escape("info -style menu -- " + quote(c.docstring())) + "|" +
for c in script.complete(line=line, column=column-1)
header = str(line) + "." + str(column) + "@" + timestamp
cmds = [
"echo completed",
" ".join(("set-option", quote("buffer=" + buffile), "jedi_completions", header, *completions)),
print("evaluate-commands -client", quote(client), quote("\n".join(cmds)))
' | kak -p "${kak_session}"
rm -r ${dir}
) & ) > /dev/null 2>&1 < /dev/null
define-command jedi-enable-autocomplete -docstring "Add jedi completion candidates to the completer" %{
set-option window completers option=jedi_completions %opt{completers}
hook window -group jedi-autocomplete InsertIdle .* %{ try %{
execute-keys -draft <a-h><a-k>\..\z<ret>
echo 'completing...'
} }
alias window complete jedi-complete
define-command jedi-disable-autocomplete -docstring "Disable jedi completion" %{
set-option window completers %sh{ printf %s\\n "'${kak_opt_completers}'" | sed -e 's/option=jedi_completions://g' }
remove-hooks window jedi-autocomplete
unalias window complete jedi-complete