When an escape character is not present, split can just return sub strings of the parameter, so we can avoid duplicating the original string data.
410 lines
11 KiB
410 lines
11 KiB
#include "file.hh"
#include "assert.hh"
#include "buffer.hh"
#include "buffer_manager.hh"
#include "buffer_utils.hh"
#include "completion.hh"
#include "debug.hh"
#include "unicode.hh"
#include "regex.hh"
#include <errno.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <dirent.h>
namespace Kakoune
String parse_filename(StringView filename)
if (filename.length() >= 1 and filename[0] == '~' and
(filename.length() == 1 or filename[1] == '/'))
return parse_filename("$HOME"_str + filename.substr(1_byte));
ByteCount pos = 0;
String result;
for (ByteCount i = 0; i < filename.length(); ++i)
if (filename[i] == '$' and (i == 0 or filename[i-1] != '\\'))
result += filename.substr(pos, i - pos);
ByteCount end = i+1;
while (end != filename.length() and is_word(filename[end]))
StringView var_name = filename.substr(i+1, end - i - 1);
const char* var_value = getenv(var_name.zstr());
if (var_value)
result += var_value;
pos = end;
if (pos != filename.length())
result += filename.substr(pos);
return result;
String real_path(StringView filename)
char buffer[PATH_MAX+1];
StringView existing = filename;
StringView non_existing;
while (true)
char* res = realpath(existing.zstr(), buffer);
if (res)
if (non_existing.empty())
return res;
return res + "/"_str + non_existing;
auto it = find(existing.rbegin(), existing.rend(), '/');
if (it == existing.rend())
return filename;
existing = StringView{existing.begin(), it.base()-1};
non_existing = StringView{it.base(), filename.end()};
String compact_path(StringView filename)
String real_filename = real_path(filename);
char cwd[1024];
getcwd(cwd, 1024);
String real_cwd = real_path(cwd) + '/';
if (prefix_match(real_filename, real_cwd))
return real_filename.substr(real_cwd.length());
const char* home = getenv("HOME");
if (home)
ByteCount home_len = (int)strlen(home);
if (real_filename.substr(0, home_len) == home)
return "~" + real_filename.substr(home_len);
return filename.str();
String read_fd(int fd)
String content;
char buf[256];
while (true)
ssize_t size = read(fd, buf, 256);
if (size == -1 or size == 0)
content += String(buf, buf + size);
return content;
String read_file(StringView filename)
int fd = open(parse_filename(filename).c_str(), O_RDONLY);
if (fd == -1)
if (errno == ENOENT)
throw file_not_found(filename);
throw file_access_error(filename, strerror(errno));
auto close_fd = on_scope_end([fd]{ close(fd); });
return read_fd(fd);
Buffer* create_buffer_from_file(String filename)
filename = real_path(parse_filename(filename));
int fd = open(filename.c_str(), O_RDONLY);
if (fd == -1)
if (errno == ENOENT)
return nullptr;
throw file_access_error(filename, strerror(errno));
auto close_fd = on_scope_end([&]{ close(fd); });
struct stat st;
fstat(fd, &st);
if (S_ISDIR(st.st_mode))
throw file_access_error(filename, "is a directory");
const char* data = (const char*)mmap(nullptr, st.st_size, PROT_READ, MAP_PRIVATE, fd, 0);
auto unmap = on_scope_end([&]{ munmap((void*)data, st.st_size); });
return create_buffer_from_data({data, data + st.st_size}, filename, Buffer::Flags::File, st.st_mtime);
static void write(int fd, StringView data)
const char* ptr = data.data();
ssize_t count = (int)data.length();
while (count)
ssize_t written = ::write(fd, ptr, count);
ptr += written;
count -= written;
if (written == -1)
throw file_access_error("fd: " + to_string(fd), strerror(errno));
void write_buffer_to_fd(Buffer& buffer, int fd)
const String& eolformat = buffer.options()["eolformat"].get<String>();
StringView eoldata;
if (eolformat == "crlf")
eoldata = "\r\n";
eoldata = "\n";
if (buffer.options()["BOM"].get<String>() == "utf-8")
::write(fd, "\xEF\xBB\xBF", 3);
for (LineCount i = 0; i < buffer.line_count(); ++i)
// end of lines are written according to eolformat but always
// stored as \n
StringView linedata = buffer[i];
write(fd, linedata.substr(0, linedata.length()-1));
write(fd, eoldata);
void write_buffer_to_file(Buffer& buffer, StringView filename)
buffer.run_hook_in_own_context("BufWritePre", buffer.name());
int fd = open(parse_filename(filename).c_str(),
if (fd == -1)
throw file_access_error(filename, strerror(errno));
auto close_fd = on_scope_end([fd]{ close(fd); });
write_buffer_to_fd(buffer, fd);
if ((buffer.flags() & Buffer::Flags::File) and
real_path(filename) == real_path(buffer.name()))
buffer.run_hook_in_own_context("BufWritePost", buffer.name());
void write_buffer_to_backup_file(Buffer& buffer)
char pattern[PATH_MAX+1];
snprintf(pattern, PATH_MAX+1, ".%s.kak.XXXXXX",
int fd = mkstemp(pattern);
if (fd >= 0)
write_buffer_to_fd(buffer, fd);
String find_file(StringView filename, memoryview<String> paths)
struct stat buf;
if (filename.length() > 1 and filename[0] == '/')
if (stat(filename.zstr(), &buf) == 0 and S_ISREG(buf.st_mode))
return filename.str();
return "";
if (filename.length() > 2 and
filename[0] == '~' and filename[1] == '/')
String candidate = getenv("HOME") + filename.substr(1_byte).str();
if (stat(candidate.c_str(), &buf) == 0 and S_ISREG(buf.st_mode))
return candidate;
return "";
for (auto candidate : paths)
if (not candidate.empty() and candidate.back() != '/')
candidate += '/';
candidate += filename;
if (stat(candidate.c_str(), &buf) == 0 and S_ISREG(buf.st_mode))
return candidate;
return "";
template<typename Filter>
std::vector<String> list_files(StringView prefix, StringView dirname,
Filter filter)
kak_assert(dirname.empty() or dirname.back() == '/');
DIR* dir = opendir(dirname.empty() ? "./" : dirname.zstr());
if (not dir)
return {};
auto closeDir = on_scope_end([=]{ closedir(dir); });
std::vector<String> result;
std::vector<String> subseq_result;
while (dirent* entry = readdir(dir))
if (not filter(*entry))
String filename = entry->d_name;
if (filename.empty())
const bool match_prefix = prefix_match(filename, prefix);
const bool match_subseq = subsequence_match(filename, prefix);
struct stat st;
if ((match_prefix or match_subseq) and
stat((dirname + filename).c_str(), &st) == 0)
if (S_ISDIR(st.st_mode))
filename += '/';
if (prefix.length() != 0 or filename[0_byte] != '.')
if (match_prefix)
if (match_subseq)
return result.empty() ? subseq_result : result;
std::vector<String> complete_filename(StringView prefix,
const Regex& ignored_regex,
ByteCount cursor_pos)
String real_prefix = parse_filename(prefix.substr(0, cursor_pos));
String dirname;
String fileprefix = real_prefix;
ByteCount dir_end = -1;
for (ByteCount i = 0; i < real_prefix.length(); ++i)
if (real_prefix[i] == '/')
dir_end = i;
if (dir_end != -1)
dirname = real_prefix.substr(0, dir_end + 1);
fileprefix = real_prefix.substr(dir_end + 1);
const bool check_ignored_regex = not ignored_regex.empty() and
not regex_match(fileprefix.c_str(), ignored_regex);
auto filter = [&](const dirent& entry)
return not check_ignored_regex or
not regex_match(entry.d_name, ignored_regex);
std::vector<String> res = list_files(fileprefix, dirname, filter);
for (auto& file : res)
file = dirname + file;
std::sort(res.begin(), res.end());
return res;
std::vector<String> complete_command(StringView prefix, ByteCount cursor_pos)
String real_prefix = parse_filename(prefix.substr(0, cursor_pos));
String dirname;
String fileprefix = real_prefix;
ByteCount dir_end = -1;
for (ByteCount i = 0; i < real_prefix.length(); ++i)
if (real_prefix[i] == '/')
dir_end = i;
typedef decltype(stat::st_mtime) TimeSpec;
struct CommandCache
TimeSpec mtime = {};
std::vector<String> commands;
static std::unordered_map<String, CommandCache> command_cache;
std::vector<StringView> path;
if (dir_end != -1)
path.emplace_back(real_prefix.substr(0, dir_end + 1));
fileprefix = real_prefix.substr(dir_end + 1);
path = split(getenv("PATH"), ':');
std::vector<String> res;
for (auto dir : path)
String dirname = dir;
if (not dirname.empty() and dirname.back() != '/')
dirname += '/';
struct stat st;
if (stat(dirname.substr(0_byte, dirname.length() - 1).zstr(), &st))
auto filter = [&](const dirent& entry) {
struct stat st;
if (stat((dirname + entry.d_name).c_str(), &st))
return false;
bool executable = (st.st_mode & S_IXUSR)
| (st.st_mode & S_IXGRP)
| (st.st_mode & S_IXOTH);
return S_ISREG(st.st_mode) and executable;
auto& cache = command_cache[dirname];
if (memcmp(&cache.mtime, &st.st_mtime, sizeof(TimeSpec)) != 0)
memcpy(&cache.mtime, &st.st_mtime, sizeof(TimeSpec));
cache.commands = list_files("", dirname, filter);
for (auto& cmd : cache.commands)
if (prefix_match(cmd, fileprefix))
std::sort(res.begin(), res.end());
auto it = std::unique(res.begin(), res.end());
res.erase(it, res.end());
return res;
time_t get_fs_timestamp(StringView filename)
struct stat st;
if (stat(filename.zstr(), &st) != 0)
return InvalidTime;
return st.st_mtime;