Avoids warning about non virtual destructor calls on them, as they have a vtable due to OptionManagerWatcher.
295 lines
8.9 KiB
295 lines
8.9 KiB
#ifndef buffer_hh_INCLUDED
#define buffer_hh_INCLUDED
#include "clock.hh"
#include "coord.hh"
#include "constexpr_utils.hh"
#include "enum.hh"
#include "optional.hh"
#include "safe_ptr.hh"
#include "scope.hh"
#include "shared_string.hh"
#include "value.hh"
#include "vector.hh"
#include <ctime>
namespace Kakoune
enum class EolFormat
constexpr auto enum_desc(Meta::Type<EolFormat>)
return make_array<EnumDesc<EolFormat>, 2>({
{ EolFormat::Lf, "lf" },
{ EolFormat::Crlf, "crlf" },
enum class ByteOrderMark
constexpr auto enum_desc(Meta::Type<ByteOrderMark>)
return make_array<EnumDesc<ByteOrderMark>, 2>({
{ ByteOrderMark::None, "none" },
{ ByteOrderMark::Utf8, "utf8" },
class Buffer;
constexpr timespec InvalidTime = { -1, -1 };
// A BufferIterator permits to iterate over the characters of a buffer
class BufferIterator
using value_type = char;
using difference_type = ssize_t;
using pointer = const value_type*;
using reference = const value_type&;
// computing the distance between two iterator can be
// costly, so this is not strictly random access
using iterator_category = std::bidirectional_iterator_tag;
BufferIterator() noexcept : m_buffer(nullptr) {}
BufferIterator(const Buffer& buffer, BufferCoord coord) noexcept;
bool operator== (const BufferIterator& iterator) const noexcept;
bool operator!= (const BufferIterator& iterator) const noexcept;
bool operator< (const BufferIterator& iterator) const noexcept;
bool operator<= (const BufferIterator& iterator) const noexcept;
bool operator> (const BufferIterator& iterator) const noexcept;
bool operator>= (const BufferIterator& iterator) const noexcept;
const char& operator* () const noexcept;
const char& operator[](size_t n) const noexcept;
size_t operator- (const BufferIterator& iterator) const;
BufferIterator operator+ (ByteCount size) const;
BufferIterator operator- (ByteCount size) const;
BufferIterator& operator+= (ByteCount size);
BufferIterator& operator-= (ByteCount size);
BufferIterator& operator++ ();
BufferIterator& operator-- ();
BufferIterator operator++ (int);
BufferIterator operator-- (int);
const BufferCoord& coord() const noexcept { return m_coord; }
SafePtr<const Buffer> m_buffer;
BufferCoord m_coord;
LineCount m_line_count;
StringView m_line;
using BufferLines = Vector<StringDataPtr, MemoryDomain::BufferContent>;
// A Buffer is a in-memory representation of a file
// The Buffer class permits to read and mutate this file
// representation. It also manage modifications undo/redo and
// provides tools to deal with the line/column nature of text.
class Buffer final : public SafeCountable, public Scope, private OptionManagerWatcher
enum class Flags
None = 0,
File = 1 << 0,
New = 1 << 1,
Fifo = 1 << 2,
NoUndo = 1 << 3,
NoHooks = 1 << 4,
Debug = 1 << 5,
ReadOnly = 1 << 6,
friend constexpr bool with_bit_ops(Meta::Type<Flags>) { return true; }
enum class HistoryId : size_t { First = 0, Invalid = (size_t)-1 };
Buffer(String name, Flags flags, StringView data = {},
timespec fs_timestamp = InvalidTime);
Buffer(const Buffer&) = delete;
Buffer& operator= (const Buffer&) = delete;
Flags flags() const { return m_flags; }
Flags& flags() { return m_flags; }
bool set_name(String name);
void update_display_name();
BufferCoord insert(BufferCoord pos, StringView content);
BufferCoord erase(BufferCoord begin, BufferCoord end);
BufferCoord replace(BufferCoord begin, BufferCoord end, StringView content);
size_t timestamp() const;
timespec fs_timestamp() const;
void set_fs_timestamp(timespec ts);
void commit_undo_group();
bool undo(size_t count = 1);
bool redo(size_t count = 1);
bool move_to(HistoryId id);
HistoryId current_history_id() const noexcept { return m_history_id; }
HistoryId next_history_id() const noexcept { return (HistoryId)m_history.size(); }
String string(BufferCoord begin, BufferCoord end) const;
StringView substr(BufferCoord begin, BufferCoord end) const;
const char& byte_at(BufferCoord c) const;
ByteCount distance(BufferCoord begin, BufferCoord end) const;
BufferCoord advance(BufferCoord coord, ByteCount count) const;
BufferCoord next(BufferCoord coord) const;
BufferCoord prev(BufferCoord coord) const;
BufferCoord char_next(BufferCoord coord) const;
BufferCoord char_prev(BufferCoord coord) const;
BufferCoord back_coord() const;
BufferCoord end_coord() const;
bool is_valid(BufferCoord c) const;
bool is_end(BufferCoord c) const;
BufferIterator begin() const;
BufferIterator end() const;
LineCount line_count() const;
Optional<BufferCoord> last_modification_coord() const;
StringView operator[](LineCount line) const
{ return m_lines[line]; }
const StringDataPtr& line_storage(LineCount line) const
{ return m_lines.get_storage(line); }
// returns an iterator at given coordinates. clamp line_and_column
BufferIterator iterator_at(BufferCoord coord) const;
// returns nearest valid coordinates from given ones
BufferCoord clamp(BufferCoord coord) const;
BufferCoord offset_coord(BufferCoord coord, CharCount offset, ColumnCount, bool);
BufferCoordAndTarget offset_coord(BufferCoordAndTarget coord, LineCount offset, ColumnCount tabstop, bool avoid_eol);
const String& name() const { return m_name; }
const String& display_name() const { return m_display_name; }
// returns true if the buffer is in a different state than
// the last time it was saved
bool is_modified() const;
// notify the buffer that it was saved in the current state
void notify_saved();
ValueMap& values() const { return m_values; }
void run_hook_in_own_context(StringView hook_name, StringView param,
String client_name = {});
void reload(StringView data, timespec fs_timestamp = InvalidTime);
void check_invariant() const;
struct Change
enum Type : char { Insert, Erase };
Type type;
BufferCoord begin;
BufferCoord end;
ConstArrayView<Change> changes_since(size_t timestamp) const;
String debug_description() const;
// Methods called by the buffer manager
void on_registered();
void on_unregistered();
void throw_if_read_only() const;
void on_option_changed(const Option& option) override;
BufferCoord do_insert(BufferCoord pos, StringView content);
BufferCoord do_erase(BufferCoord begin, BufferCoord end);
struct Modification;
void apply_modification(const Modification& modification);
void revert_modification(const Modification& modification);
struct LineList : BufferLines
StringDataPtr& get_storage(LineCount line)
{ return BufferLines::operator[]((int)line); }
const StringDataPtr& get_storage(LineCount line) const
{ return BufferLines::operator[]((int)line); }
StringView operator[](LineCount line) const
{ return get_storage(line)->strview(); }
StringView front() const { return BufferLines::front()->strview(); }
StringView back() const { return BufferLines::back()->strview(); }
LineList m_lines;
String m_name;
String m_display_name;
Flags m_flags;
using UndoGroup = Vector<Modification, MemoryDomain::BufferMeta>;
struct HistoryNode : UseMemoryDomain<MemoryDomain::BufferMeta>
HistoryNode(HistoryId parent);
HistoryId parent;
HistoryId redo_child = HistoryId::Invalid;
TimePoint timepoint;
UndoGroup undo_group;
Vector<HistoryNode> m_history;
HistoryId m_history_id = HistoryId::Invalid;
HistoryId m_last_save_history_id = HistoryId::Invalid;
UndoGroup m_current_undo_group;
HistoryNode& history_node(HistoryId id) { return m_history[(size_t)id]; }
const HistoryNode& history_node(HistoryId id) const { return m_history[(size_t)id]; }
HistoryNode& current_history_node() { return m_history[(size_t)m_history_id]; }
const HistoryNode& current_history_node() const { return m_history[(size_t)m_history_id]; }
Vector<Change, MemoryDomain::BufferMeta> m_changes;
timespec m_fs_timestamp;
// Values are just data holding by the buffer, they are not part of its
// observable state
mutable ValueMap m_values;
#include "buffer.inl.hh"
#endif // buffer_hh_INCLUDED