Frank LENORMAND 38bb9fc3a8 Modify the name and attribute of three grep commands
Add the "grep" prefix to the "jump", "next" and "prev" commands for
homogeneity with other kak scripts, and prevent the "grep-jump" command
from raising errors by enclosing it into a try{} scope.
2015-08-04 07:52:51 +03:00

61 lines
1.9 KiB

decl str grepcmd 'grep -RHn'
decl str toolsclient
decl -hidden int _grep_current_line 0
def -shell-params -file-completion \
grep -docstring "Grep utility wrapper" %{ %sh{
output=$(mktemp -d -t kak-grep.XXXXXXXX)/fifo
mkfifo ${output}
if [ $# -gt 0 ]; then
( ${kak_opt_grepcmd} "$@" | tr -d '\r' > ${output} 2>&1 ) > /dev/null 2>&1 < /dev/null &
( ${kak_opt_grepcmd} "${kak_selection}" | tr -d '\r' > ${output} 2>&1 ) > /dev/null 2>&1 < /dev/null &
echo "eval -try-client '$kak_opt_toolsclient' %{
edit! -fifo ${output} -scroll *grep*
set buffer filetype grep
set buffer _grep_current_line 0
hook -group fifo buffer BufCloseFifo .* %{
nop %sh{ rm -r $(dirname ${output}) }
rmhooks buffer fifo
hook global WinSetOption filetype=grep %{
addhl group grep
addhl -group grep regex "^((?:\w:)?[^:]+):(\d+):(\d+)?" 1:cyan 2:green 3:green
addhl -group grep line %{%opt{_grep_current_line}} default+b
hook buffer -group grep-hooks NormalKey <c-m> jump
hook global WinSetOption filetype=(?!grep).* %{ rmhl grep; rmhooks buffer grep-hooks }
decl str jumpclient
def grep-jump %{
try %{
exec 'xs^((?:\w:)?[^:]+):(\d+):(\d+)?<ret>'
set buffer _grep_current_line %val{cursor_line}
eval -try-client %opt{jumpclient} edit -existing %reg{1} %reg{2} %reg{3}
try %{ focus %opt{jumpclient} }
def grep-next -docstring 'Jump to next grep match' %{
eval -try-client %opt{jumpclient} %{
buffer '*grep*'
exec "%opt{_grep_current_line}g<a-l>/^[^:]+:\d+:<ret>"
def grep-prev -docstring 'Jump to previous grep match' %{
eval -try-client %opt{jumpclient} %{
buffer '*grep*'
exec "%opt{_grep_current_line}g<a-/>^[^:]+:\d+:<ret>"