![Johannes Altmanninger](/assets/img/avatar_default.png)
When Kakoune's terminal is shown on my laptop monitor and I plug
in my external monitor, the terminal's workspace will move to that
external monitor. When this happens, Kakoune may segfault.
There are multiple resize events (SIGWINCH) in quick succession;
it crashes because we handle SIGWINCH during rendering.
The problem happens during execution of "TerminalUI::Screen::output"
(frame #18). When we receive SIGWINCH while writing to stdout, write(2)
fails with EAGAIN, prompting us to handle pending events (See ae001a1f9
(Run EventManager whenever writing to a file descriptor would block,
2022-05-10)). We update the screen size in check_resize() here:
#4 Kakoune::TerminalUI::check_resize (force=<optimized out>) at terminal_ui.cc:683
#5 Kakoune::TerminalUI::get_next_key () at terminal_ui.cc:719
#6 operator() (__closure=0x555555984198) at terminal_ui.cc:484
#7 std::__invoke_impl<void, Kakoune::TerminalUI::TerminalUI()::<lambda(Kakoune::FDWatcher&, Kakoune::FdEvents, Kakoune::EventMode)>&, Kakoune::FDWatcher&, Kakoune::FdEvents, Kakoune::EventMode> (__f=...) at /usr/include/c++/12.2.1/bits/invoke.h:61
#8 std::__invoke_r<void, Kakoune::TerminalUI::TerminalUI()::<lambda(Kakoune::FDWatcher&, Kakoune::FdEvents, Kakoune::EventMode)>&, Kakoune::FDWatcher&, Kakoune::FdEvents, Kakoune::EventMode> (__fn=...) at /usr/include/c++/12.2.1/bits/invoke.h:111
#9 std::_Function_handler<void(Kakoune::FDWatcher&, Kakoune::FdEvents, Kakoune::EventMode), Kakoune::TerminalUI::TerminalUI()::<lambda(Kakoune::FDWatcher&, Kakoune::FdEvents, Kakoune::EventMode)> >::_M_invoke(const std::_Any_data &, Kakoune::FDWatcher &, Kakoune::FdEvents &&, Kakoune::EventMode &&) (__functor=..., __args#0=..., __args#1=<optimized out>, __args#2=<optimized out>) at /usr/include/c++/12.2.1/bits/std_function.h:290
#10 std::function<void (Kakoune::FDWatcher&, Kakoune::FdEvents, Kakoune::EventMode)>::operator()(Kakoune::FDWatcher&, Kakoune::FdEvents, Kakoune::EventMode) const (__args#2=<optimized out>, __args#1=<optimized out>, __args#0=...) at /usr/include/c++/12.2.1/bits/std_function.h:591
#11 Kakoune::FDWatcher::run (mode=Kakoune::EventMode::Urgent, events=<optimized out>) at event_manager.cc:28
#12 Kakoune::EventManager::handle_next_events (mode=mode@entry=Kakoune::EventMode::Urgent, sigmask=sigmask@entry=0x0, block=<optimized out>, block@entry=false) at event_manager.cc:143
#13 Kakoune::write (fd=1, data=...) at file.cc:273
#14 Kakoune::BufferedWriter<4096>::flush () at string.hh:236
#15 Kakoune::BufferedWriter<4096>::write (data="t file.hh:145
#16 Kakoune::TerminalUI::Screen::set_face (face=..., writer=...) at terminal_ui.cc:255
#17 operator() (line=..., __closure=<synthetic pointer>) at terminal_ui.cc:326
#18 Kakoune::TerminalUI::Screen::output (force=force@entry=true, synchronized=<optimized out>, writer=...) at terminal_ui.cc:402
#19 Kakoune::TerminalUI::redraw (force=force@entry=true) at terminal_ui.cc:571
#20 Kakoune::TerminalUI::refresh (force=<optimized out>) at terminal_ui.cc:592
#21 Kakoune::Client::redraw_ifn () at client.cc:282
#22 Kakoune::ClientManager::redraw_clients () at client_manager.cc:232
#23 Kakoune::run_server (session=..., server_init=..., client_init=..., init_buffer="fish-rust/src/ast.rs", init_coord=..., flags=Kakoune::ServerFlags::None, ui_type=Kakoune::UIType::Terminal,
debug_flags=<optimized out>, files=ArrayView<Kakoune::StringView> = {...}) at main.cc:893
#24 main (argc=<optimized out>, argv=<optimized out>) at main.cc:1243
Thereafter, "TerminalUI::Screen::output" resumes and crashes due to
a buffer overflow in "lines" which has been resized.
670 lines
19 KiB
670 lines
19 KiB
#include "file.hh"
#include "assert.hh"
#include "buffer.hh"
#include "exception.hh"
#include "flags.hh"
#include "option_types.hh"
#include "event_manager.hh"
#include "ranked_match.hh"
#include "regex.hh"
#include "string.hh"
#include "unicode.hh"
#include <limits>
#include <cerrno>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>
#include <dirent.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <pwd.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <sys/select.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#if defined(__FreeBSD__) or defined(__NetBSD__)
#include <sys/sysctl.h>
#if defined(__APPLE__)
#include <mach-o/dyld.h>
#define st_mtim st_mtimespec
#if defined(__HAIKU__)
#include <app/Application.h>
#include <app/Roster.h>
#include <storage/Path.h>
namespace Kakoune
struct file_access_error : runtime_error
file_access_error(StringView filename,
StringView error_desc)
: runtime_error(format("{}: {}", filename, error_desc)) {}
file_access_error(int fd, StringView error_desc)
: runtime_error(format("fd {}: {}", fd, error_desc)) {}
String parse_filename(StringView filename, StringView buf_dir)
auto prefix = filename.substr(0_byte, 2_byte);
if (prefix == "~" or prefix == "~/")
return homedir() + filename.substr(1_byte);
if ((prefix == "%" or prefix == "%/") and not buf_dir.empty())
return buf_dir + filename.substr(1_byte);
return filename.str();
std::pair<StringView, StringView> split_path(StringView path)
auto it = find(path | reverse(), '/');
if (it == path.rend())
return { {}, path };
const char* slash = it.base()-1;
return { {path.begin(), slash+1}, {slash+1, path.end()} };
String real_path(StringView filename)
if (filename.empty())
return {};
char buffer[PATH_MAX+1];
StringView existing = filename;
StringView non_existing{};
while (true)
if (char* res = realpath(existing.zstr(), buffer))
if (non_existing.empty())
return res;
StringView dir = res;
while (not dir.empty() and dir.back() == '/')
dir = dir.substr(0_byte, dir.length()-1_byte);
return format("{}/{}", dir, non_existing);
auto it = find(existing.rbegin() + 1, existing.rend(), '/');
if (it == existing.rend())
char cwd[1024];
return format("{}/{}", getcwd(cwd, 1024), filename);
existing = StringView{existing.begin(), it.base()};
non_existing = StringView{it.base(), filename.end()};
String compact_path(StringView filename)
String real_filename = real_path(filename);
char cwd[1024];
if (!::getcwd(cwd, 1024))
throw runtime_error(format("unable to get the current working directory (errno: {})", ::strerror(errno)));
String real_cwd = real_path(cwd) + "/";
if (prefix_match(real_filename, real_cwd))
return real_filename.substr(real_cwd.length()).str();
StringView home = homedir();
while (not home.empty() and home.back() == '/')
home = home.substr(0_byte, home.length()-1_byte);
if (not home.empty())
ByteCount home_len = home.length();
if (real_filename.substr(0, home_len) == home)
return "~" + real_filename.substr(home_len);
return filename.str();
StringView tmpdir()
StringView tmpdir = getenv("TMPDIR");
if (not tmpdir.empty())
return tmpdir.back() == '/' ? tmpdir.substr(0_byte, tmpdir.length()-1)
: tmpdir;
return "/tmp";
StringView homedir()
StringView home = getenv("HOME");
if (home.empty())
return getpwuid(geteuid())->pw_dir;
return home;
bool fd_readable(int fd)
kak_assert(fd >= 0);
fd_set rfds;
FD_SET(fd, &rfds);
timeval tv{0,0};
return select(fd+1, &rfds, nullptr, nullptr, &tv) == 1;
bool fd_writable(int fd)
kak_assert(fd >= 0);
fd_set wfds;
FD_SET(fd, &wfds);
timeval tv{0,0};
return select(fd+1, nullptr, &wfds, nullptr, &tv) == 1;
String read_fd(int fd, bool text)
String content;
constexpr size_t bufsize = 256;
char buf[bufsize];
while (ssize_t size = read(fd, buf, bufsize))
if (size == -1)
throw file_access_error{fd, strerror(errno)};
if (text)
for (StringView data{buf, buf + size}; not data.empty();)
auto it = find(data, '\r');
content += StringView{data.begin(), it};
data = StringView{(it != data.end()) ? it+1 : it, data.end()};
content += StringView{buf, buf + size};
return content;
String read_file(StringView filename, bool text)
int fd = open(filename.zstr(), O_RDONLY);
if (fd == -1)
throw file_access_error(filename, strerror(errno));
auto close_fd = on_scope_end([fd]{ close(fd); });
return read_fd(fd, text);
MappedFile::MappedFile(StringView filename)
: data{nullptr}
int fd = open(filename.zstr(), O_RDONLY | O_NONBLOCK);
if (fd == -1)
throw file_access_error(filename, strerror(errno));
auto close_fd = on_scope_end([&] { close(fd); });
fstat(fd, &st);
if (S_ISDIR(st.st_mode))
throw file_access_error(filename, "is a directory");
if (st.st_size == 0)
data = (const char*)mmap(nullptr, st.st_size, PROT_READ, MAP_PRIVATE, fd, 0);
if (data == MAP_FAILED)
throw file_access_error{filename, strerror(errno)};
if (data != nullptr)
munmap((void*)data, st.st_size);
MappedFile::operator StringView() const
if (st.st_size > std::numeric_limits<int>::max())
throw runtime_error("file is too big");
return { data, (int)st.st_size };
bool file_exists(StringView filename)
struct stat st;
return stat(filename.zstr(), &st) == 0;
bool regular_file_exists(StringView filename)
struct stat st;
return stat(filename.zstr(), &st) == 0 and
(st.st_mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFREG;
template<bool atomic>
void write(int fd, StringView data)
const char* ptr = data.data();
ssize_t count = (int)data.length();
int flags = fcntl(fd, F_GETFL, 0);
if (not atomic and EventManager::has_instance())
fcntl(fd, F_SETFL, flags | O_NONBLOCK);
auto restore_flags = on_scope_end([&] { fcntl(fd, F_SETFL, flags); });
while (count)
if (ssize_t written = ::write(fd, ptr, count); written != -1)
ptr += written;
count -= written;
else if (errno == EAGAIN and not atomic and EventManager::has_instance())
EventManager::instance().handle_next_events(EventMode::Urgent, nullptr, false);
throw file_access_error(format("fd: {}", fd), strerror(errno));
template void write<true>(int fd, StringView data);
template void write<false>(int fd, StringView data);
void write_to_file(StringView filename, StringView data)
const int fd = open(filename.zstr(), O_CREAT | O_WRONLY | O_TRUNC, 0644);
if (fd == -1)
throw file_access_error(filename, strerror(errno));
auto close_fd = on_scope_end([fd]{ close(fd); });
write(fd, data);
void write_buffer_to_fd(Buffer& buffer, int fd)
auto eolformat = buffer.options()["eolformat"].get<EolFormat>();
StringView eoldata;
if (eolformat == EolFormat::Crlf)
eoldata = "\r\n";
eoldata = "\n";
BufferedWriter<false> writer{fd};
if (buffer.options()["BOM"].get<ByteOrderMark>() == ByteOrderMark::Utf8)
for (LineCount i = 0; i < buffer.line_count(); ++i)
// end of lines are written according to eolformat but always
// stored as \n
StringView linedata = buffer[i];
writer.write(linedata.substr(0, linedata.length()-1));
int open_temp_file(StringView filename, char (&buffer)[PATH_MAX])
String path = real_path(filename);
auto [dir,file] = split_path(path);
if (dir.empty())
format_to(buffer, ".{}.kak.XXXXXX", file);
format_to(buffer, "{}/.{}.kak.XXXXXX", dir, file);
return mkstemp(buffer);
int open_temp_file(StringView filename)
char buffer[PATH_MAX];
return open_temp_file(filename, buffer);
void write_buffer_to_file(Buffer& buffer, StringView filename,
WriteMethod method, WriteFlags flags)
auto zfilename = filename.zstr();
struct stat st;
bool replace = method == WriteMethod::Replace;
bool force = flags & WriteFlags::Force;
if ((replace or force) and (::stat(zfilename, &st) != 0 or
(st.st_mode & S_IFMT) != S_IFREG))
force = false;
replace = false;
if (force and ::chmod(zfilename, st.st_mode | S_IWUSR) < 0)
throw runtime_error(format("unable to change file permissions: {}", strerror(errno)));
auto restore_mode = on_scope_end([&]{
if ((force or replace) and ::chmod(zfilename, st.st_mode) < 0)
throw runtime_error(format("unable to restore file permissions: {}", strerror(errno)));
char temp_filename[PATH_MAX];
const int fd = replace ? open_temp_file(filename, temp_filename)
: open(zfilename, O_CREAT | O_WRONLY | O_TRUNC, 0644);
if (fd == -1)
throw file_access_error(filename, strerror(errno));
auto close_fd = on_scope_end([fd]{ close(fd); });
write_buffer_to_fd(buffer, fd);
if (flags & WriteFlags::Sync)
if (replace and rename(temp_filename, zfilename) != 0)
throw runtime_error("replacing file failed");
if ((buffer.flags() & Buffer::Flags::File) and
real_path(filename) == real_path(buffer.name()))
void write_buffer_to_backup_file(Buffer& buffer)
const int fd = open_temp_file(buffer.name());
if (fd >= 0)
write_buffer_to_fd(buffer, fd);
String find_file(StringView filename, StringView buf_dir, ConstArrayView<String> paths)
struct stat buf;
if (filename.substr(0_byte, 1_byte) == "/")
if (stat(filename.zstr(), &buf) == 0 and S_ISREG(buf.st_mode))
return filename.str();
return "";
if (filename.substr(0_byte, 2_byte) == "~/")
String candidate = homedir() + filename.substr(1_byte);
if (stat(candidate.c_str(), &buf) == 0 and S_ISREG(buf.st_mode))
return candidate;
return "";
for (auto candidate : paths | transform([&](StringView s) { return parse_filename(s, buf_dir); }))
if (not candidate.empty() and candidate.back() != '/')
candidate += '/';
candidate += filename;
if (stat(candidate.c_str(), &buf) == 0 and S_ISREG(buf.st_mode))
return candidate;
return "";
void make_directory(StringView dir, mode_t mode)
auto it = dir.begin(), end = dir.end();
while(it != end)
it = std::find(it+1, end, '/');
struct stat st;
StringView dirname{dir.begin(), it};
if (stat(dirname.zstr(), &st) == 0)
if (not S_ISDIR(st.st_mode))
throw runtime_error(format("cannot make directory, '{}' exists but is not a directory", dirname));
auto old_mask = umask(0);
auto restore_mask = on_scope_end([old_mask]() { umask(old_mask); });
if (mkdir(dirname.zstr(), mode) != 0)
throw runtime_error(format("mkdir failed for directory '{}' errno {}", dirname, errno));
template<MemoryDomain domain = MemoryDomain::Undefined, typename Filter>
Vector<String, domain> list_files(StringView dirname, Filter filter)
char buffer[PATH_MAX+1];
format_to(buffer, "{}", dirname);
DIR* dir = opendir(dirname.empty() ? "./" : buffer);
if (not dir)
return {};
auto close_dir = on_scope_end([dir]{ closedir(dir); });
Vector<String, domain> result;
while (dirent* entry = readdir(dir))
StringView filename = entry->d_name;
if (filename.empty())
struct stat st;
auto fmt_str = (dirname.empty() or dirname.back() == '/') ? "{}{}" : "{}/{}";
format_to(buffer, fmt_str, dirname, filename);
if (stat(buffer, &st) != 0 or not filter(*entry, st))
if (S_ISDIR(st.st_mode))
filename = format_to(buffer, "{}/", filename);
return result;
template<MemoryDomain domain = MemoryDomain::Undefined>
Vector<String, domain> list_files(StringView directory)
return list_files(directory, [](const dirent& entry, const struct stat&) {
return StringView{entry.d_name}.substr(0_byte, 1_byte) != ".";
Vector<String> list_files(StringView directory)
return list_files<>(directory);
static CandidateList candidates(ConstArrayView<RankedMatch> matches, StringView dirname)
CandidateList res;
for (auto& match : matches)
res.push_back(dirname + match.candidate());
return res;
CandidateList complete_filename(StringView prefix, const Regex& ignored_regex,
ByteCount cursor_pos, FilenameFlags flags)
prefix = prefix.substr(0, cursor_pos);
auto [dirname, fileprefix] = split_path(prefix);
auto parsed_dirname = parse_filename(dirname);
Optional<ThreadedRegexVM<const char*, RegexMode::Forward | RegexMode::AnyMatch | RegexMode::NoSaves>> vm;
if (not ignored_regex.empty())
if (vm->exec(fileprefix.begin(), fileprefix.end(), fileprefix.begin(), fileprefix.end(), RegexExecFlags::None))
const bool only_dirs = (flags & FilenameFlags::OnlyDirectories);
auto filter = [&vm, only_dirs](const dirent& entry, struct stat& st)
StringView name{entry.d_name};
return (not vm or not vm->exec(name.begin(), name.end(), name.begin(), name.end(), RegexExecFlags::None)) and
(not only_dirs or S_ISDIR(st.st_mode));
auto files = list_files(parsed_dirname, filter);
Vector<RankedMatch> matches;
for (auto& file : files)
if (RankedMatch match{file, fileprefix})
// Hack: when completing directories, also echo back the query if it
// is a valid directory. This enables menu completion to select the
// directory instead of a child.
if (only_dirs and not dirname.empty() and dirname.back() == '/' and fileprefix.empty()
and /* exists on disk */ not files.empty())
matches.push_back(RankedMatch{fileprefix, fileprefix});
std::sort(matches.begin(), matches.end());
const bool expand = (flags & FilenameFlags::Expand);
return candidates(matches, expand ? parsed_dirname : dirname);
CandidateList complete_command(StringView prefix, ByteCount cursor_pos)
String real_prefix = parse_filename(prefix.substr(0, cursor_pos));
auto [dirname, fileprefix] = split_path(real_prefix);
if (not dirname.empty())
auto filter = [](const dirent& entry, const struct stat& st)
bool executable = (st.st_mode & S_IXUSR)
| (st.st_mode & S_IXGRP)
| (st.st_mode & S_IXOTH);
return S_ISDIR(st.st_mode) or (S_ISREG(st.st_mode) and executable);
auto files = list_files(dirname, filter);
Vector<RankedMatch> matches;
for (auto& file : files)
if (RankedMatch match{file, real_prefix})
std::sort(matches.begin(), matches.end());
return candidates(matches, dirname);
using TimeSpec = decltype(stat::st_mtim);
struct CommandCache
TimeSpec mtim = {};
Vector<String, MemoryDomain::Completion> commands;
static HashMap<String, CommandCache, MemoryDomain::Commands> command_cache;
Vector<RankedMatch> matches;
for (auto dir : StringView{getenv("PATH")} | split<StringView>(':'))
auto dirname = ((not dir.empty() and dir.back() == '/') ? dir.substr(0, dir.length()-1) : dir).str();
struct stat st;
if (stat(dirname.c_str(), &st))
auto& cache = command_cache[dirname];
if (memcmp(&cache.mtim, &st.st_mtim, sizeof(TimeSpec)) != 0)
auto filter = [](const dirent& entry, const struct stat& st) {
bool executable = (st.st_mode & S_IXUSR)
| (st.st_mode & S_IXGRP)
| (st.st_mode & S_IXOTH);
return S_ISREG(st.st_mode) and executable;
cache.commands = list_files<MemoryDomain::Completion>(dirname, filter);
memcpy(&cache.mtim, &st.st_mtim, sizeof(TimeSpec));
for (auto& cmd : cache.commands)
if (RankedMatch match{cmd, fileprefix})
std::sort(matches.begin(), matches.end());
auto it = std::unique(matches.begin(), matches.end());
matches.erase(it, matches.end());
return candidates(matches, "");
timespec get_fs_timestamp(StringView filename)
struct stat st;
if (stat(filename.zstr(), &st) != 0)
return InvalidTime;
return st.st_mtim;
FsStatus get_fs_status(StringView filename)
MappedFile fd{filename};
return {fd.st.st_mtim, fd.st.st_size, hash_data(fd.data, fd.st.st_size)};
String get_kak_binary_path()
char buffer[2048];
#if defined(__linux__) or defined(__CYGWIN__) or defined(__gnu_hurd__)
ssize_t res = readlink("/proc/self/exe", buffer, 2048);
kak_assert(res != -1);
buffer[res] = '\0';
return buffer;
#elif defined(__FreeBSD__) or defined(__NetBSD__)
#if defined(__FreeBSD__)
#elif defined(__NetBSD__)
size_t res = sizeof(buffer);
sysctl(mib, 4, buffer, &res, NULL, 0);
return buffer;
#elif defined(__APPLE__)
uint32_t bufsize = 2048;
_NSGetExecutablePath(buffer, &bufsize);
char* canonical_path = realpath(buffer, nullptr);
String path = canonical_path;
return path;
#elif defined(__HAIKU__)
BApplication app("application/x-vnd.kakoune");
app_info info;
status_t status = app.GetAppInfo(&info);
kak_assert(status == B_OK);
BPath path(&info.ref);
return path.Path();
#elif defined(__DragonFly__)
ssize_t res = readlink("/proc/curproc/file", buffer, 2048);
kak_assert(res != -1);
buffer[res] = '\0';
return buffer;
#elif defined(__OpenBSD__)
return KAK_BIN_PATH;
#elif defined(__sun__)
ssize_t res = readlink("/proc/self/path/a.out", buffer, 2048);
kak_assert(res != -1);
buffer[res] = '\0';
return buffer;
# error "finding executable path is not implemented on this platform"