Some languages have a trim-indent command but don't use it (for no apparent reason). Make them trim trailing spaces when exiting insert mode, like most other languages support scripts do.
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195 lines
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# http://ruby-lang.org
# ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾
# Detection
# ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾
hook global BufCreate .*(([.](rb))|(irbrc)|(pryrc)|(Brewfile)|(Capfile|[.]cap)|(Gemfile|[.]gemspec)|(Guardfile)|(Rakefile|[.]rake)|(Thorfile|[.]thor)|(Vagrantfile)) %{
set-option buffer filetype ruby
# Initialization
# ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾
hook global WinSetOption filetype=ruby %{
require-module ruby
set-option window static_words %opt{ruby_static_words}
hook window ModeChange pop:insert:.* -group ruby-trim-indent ruby-trim-indent
hook window InsertChar .* -group ruby-indent ruby-indent-on-char
hook window InsertChar \n -group ruby-indent ruby-indent-on-new-line
hook window InsertChar \n -group ruby-insert ruby-insert-on-new-line
alias window alt ruby-alternative-file
hook -once -always window WinSetOption filetype=.* %{
remove-hooks window ruby-.+
unalias window alt ruby-alternative-file
hook -group ruby-highlight global WinSetOption filetype=ruby %{
add-highlighter window/ruby ref ruby
hook -once -always window WinSetOption filetype=.* %{ remove-highlighter window/ruby }
provide-module ruby %§
# Highlighters
# ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾
add-highlighter shared/ruby regions
add-highlighter shared/ruby/code default-region group
add-highlighter shared/ruby/double_symbol region ':"' (?<!\\)(\\\\)*" regions
add-highlighter shared/ruby/single_symbol region ":'" (?<!\\)(\\\\)*' fill variable
add-highlighter shared/ruby/double_string region '"' (?<!\\)(\\\\)*" regions
add-highlighter shared/ruby/single_string region "'" (?<!\\)(\\\\)*' fill string
add-highlighter shared/ruby/backtick region '(?<![$:])`' (?<!\\)(\\\\)*` regions
add-highlighter shared/ruby/regex region '(?<![$:])/' (?<!\\)(\\\\)*/[imox]* regions
add-highlighter shared/ruby/ region '#' '$' fill comment
add-highlighter shared/ruby/ region ^=begin ^=end fill comment
add-highlighter shared/ruby/ region -recurse \( '%[qwQW]?\(' \) fill string
add-highlighter shared/ruby/ region -recurse \{ '%[qwQW]?\{' \} fill string
add-highlighter shared/ruby/ region -recurse \[ '%[qwQW]?\[' \] fill string
add-highlighter shared/ruby/ region -recurse < '%[qwQW]?<' > fill string
add-highlighter shared/ruby/ region -recurse \( '%[isIS]\(' \) fill variable
add-highlighter shared/ruby/ region -recurse \{ '%[isIS]\{' \} fill variable
add-highlighter shared/ruby/ region -recurse \[ '%[isIS]\[' \] fill variable
add-highlighter shared/ruby/ region -recurse < '%[isIS]<' > fill variable
add-highlighter shared/ruby/ region -recurse \( '%[rxRX]\(' \) fill meta
add-highlighter shared/ruby/ region -recurse \{ '%[rxRX]\{' \} fill meta
add-highlighter shared/ruby/ region -recurse \[ '%[rxRX]\[' \] fill meta
add-highlighter shared/ruby/ region -recurse < '%[rxRX]<' > fill meta
add-highlighter shared/ruby/ region -match-capture '%[qwQW]?([^\s0-9A-Za-z\(\{\[<>\]\}\)])' ([^\s0-9A-Za-z\(\{\[<>\]\}\)]) fill string
add-highlighter shared/ruby/ region -match-capture '%[isIS]([^\s0-9A-Za-z\(\{\[<>\]\}\)])' ([^\s0-9A-Za-z\(\{\[<>\]\}\)]) fill variable
add-highlighter shared/ruby/ region -match-capture '%[rxRX]([^\s0-9A-Za-z\(\{\[<>\]\}\)])' ([^\s0-9A-Za-z\(\{\[<>\]\}\)]) fill meta
add-highlighter shared/ruby/heredoc region -match-capture '<<[-~]?(?!self)(\w+)' '^\h*(\w+)$' fill string
add-highlighter shared/ruby/division region '[\w\)\]]\K(/|(\h+/\h+))' '\w' group # Help Kakoune to better detect /…/ literals
# Regular expression flags are: i → ignore case, m → multi-lines, o → only interpolate #{} blocks once, x → extended mode (ignore white spaces)
# Literals are: i → array of symbols, q → string, r → regular expression, s → symbol, w → array of words, x → capture shell result
add-highlighter shared/ruby/double_string/ default-region fill string
add-highlighter shared/ruby/double_string/interpolation region -recurse \{ \Q#{ \} fill meta
add-highlighter shared/ruby/double_symbol/ default-region fill variable
add-highlighter shared/ruby/double_symbol/interpolation region -recurse \{ \Q#{ \} fill meta
add-highlighter shared/ruby/backtick/ default-region fill meta
add-highlighter shared/ruby/backtick/interpolation region -recurse \{ \Q#{ \} fill meta
add-highlighter shared/ruby/regex/ default-region fill meta
add-highlighter shared/ruby/regex/interpolation region -recurse \{ \Q#{ \} fill meta
evaluate-commands %sh{
# Grammar
# Keywords are collected searching for keywords at
# https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/parse.y
# Add the language's grammar to the static completion list
printf %s\\n "declare-option str-list ruby_static_words ${keywords} ${attributes} ${values} ${meta}" | tr '|' ' '
# Highlight keywords
printf %s "
add-highlighter shared/ruby/code/ regex \b(${keywords})[^0-9A-Za-z_!?] 1:keyword
add-highlighter shared/ruby/code/ regex \b(${attributes})\b 0:attribute
add-highlighter shared/ruby/code/ regex \b(${values})\b 0:value
add-highlighter shared/ruby/code/ regex \b(${meta})\b 0:meta
add-highlighter shared/ruby/code/ regex \b(\w+:(?!:))|(:?(\$(-[0FIKWadilpvw]|["'`/~&+=!$*,:.\;<>?@\\])|(\$|@@?)\w+))|((?<!:):(![~=]|=~|>[=>]?|<((=>?)|<)?|[+\-]@?|\*\*?|===?|[/`%&!^|~]|(\w+[=?!]?)|(\[\]=?)))|([A-Z]\w*|^|\h)\K::(?=[A-Z]) 0:variable
# Commands
# ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾
define-command ruby-alternative-file -docstring 'Jump to the alternate file (implementation ↔ test)' %{ evaluate-commands %sh{
case $kak_buffile in
altfile=$(eval echo $(echo $kak_buffile | sed s+spec/+'*'/+';'s/_spec//))
[ ! -f $altfile ] && echo "fail 'implementation file not found'" && exit
altfile=$(eval echo $(echo $kak_buffile | sed s+test/+'*'/+';'s/_test//))
[ ! -f $altfile ] && echo "fail 'implementation file not found'" && exit
dirs=$(while [ $path ]; do echo $path; path=${path%/*}; done | tail -n +2)
for dir in $dirs; do
altdir=$dir/spec && suffix=spec
[ ! -d $altdir ] && altdir=$dir/test && suffix=test
if [ -d $altdir ]; then
altfile=$altdir/$(realpath $kak_buffile --relative-to $dir | sed s+[^/]'*'/++';'s/.rb$/_${suffix}.rb/)
[ ! -d "$altdir" ] && echo "fail 'spec/ and test/ not found'" && exit
echo "fail 'alternative file not found'" && exit
echo "edit $altfile"
define-command -hidden ruby-trim-indent %{
evaluate-commands -no-hooks -draft -itersel %{
execute-keys <a-x>
# remove trailing white spaces
try %{ execute-keys -draft s \h + $ <ret> d }
define-command -hidden ruby-indent-on-char %{
evaluate-commands -no-hooks -draft -itersel %{
# align middle and end structures to start
try %{ execute-keys -draft <a-x> <a-k> ^ \h * (else) $ <ret> <a-a> i <a-semicolon> <a-?> ^ \h * (if|case) <ret> <a-S> 1<a-&> }
try %{ execute-keys -draft <a-x> <a-k> ^ \h * (elsif) $ <ret> <a-a> i <a-semicolon> <a-?> ^ \h * (if) <ret> <a-S> 1<a-&> }
try %{ execute-keys -draft <a-x> <a-k> ^ \h * (when) $ <ret> <a-a> i <a-semicolon> <a-?> ^ \h * (case) <ret> <a-S> 1<a-&> }
try %{ execute-keys -draft <a-x> <a-k> ^ \h * (rescue) $ <ret> <a-a> i <a-semicolon> <a-?> ^ \h * (begin|def) <ret> <a-S> 1<a-&> }
define-command -hidden ruby-indent-on-new-line %{
evaluate-commands -no-hooks -draft -itersel %{
# preserve previous line indent
try %{ execute-keys -draft K <a-&> }
# filter previous line
try %{ execute-keys -draft k : ruby-trim-indent <ret> }
# indent after start structure
try %{ execute-keys -draft k <a-x> <a-k> ^ \h * (begin|case|class|def|else|elsif|ensure|for|if|module|rescue|unless|until|when|while|.+\bdo$|.+\bdo\h\|.+(?=\|)) [^0-9A-Za-z_!?] <ret> j <a-gt> }
define-command -hidden ruby-insert-on-new-line %[
evaluate-commands -no-hooks -draft -itersel %[
# copy _#_ comment prefix and following white spaces
try %{ execute-keys -draft k <a-x> s ^\h*\K#\h* <ret> y jgi P }
# wisely add end structure
evaluate-commands -save-regs x %[
try %{ execute-keys -draft k <a-x> s ^ \h + <ret> \" x y } catch %{ reg x '' }
try %[
evaluate-commands -draft %[
# Check if previous line opens a block
execute-keys -draft k<a-x> <a-k>^<c-r>x(begin|case|class|def|for|if|module|unless|until|while|.+\bdo$|.+\bdo\h\|.+(?=\|))[^0-9A-Za-z_!?]<ret>
# Check that we do not already have an end for this indent level which is first set via `ruby-indent-on-new-line` hook
execute-keys -draft }i J <a-x> <a-K> ^<c-r>x(end|else|elsif|rescue|when)[^0-9A-Za-z_!?]<ret>
execute-keys -draft o<c-r>xend<esc> # insert a new line with containing end