
166 lines
8.4 KiB

# Kakoune CTags support script
# This script requires the readtags command available in universal-ctags
declare-option -docstring "minimum characters before triggering autocomplete" \
int ctags_min_chars 3
declare-option -docstring "list of paths to tag files to parse when looking up a symbol" \
str-list ctagsfiles 'tags'
declare-option -hidden completions ctags_completions
declare-option -docstring "shell command to run" str readtagscmd "readtags"
define-command -params ..1 \
-shell-script-candidates %{
realpath() { ( cd "$(dirname "$1")"; printf "%s/%s\n" "$(pwd -P)" "$(basename "$1")" ) }
eval "set -- $kak_quoted_opt_ctagsfiles"
for candidate in "$@"; do
[ -f "$candidate" ] && realpath "$candidate"
done | awk '!x[$0]++' | # remove duplicates
while read -r tags; do
if [ -z "$(find "$namecache" -prune -newer "$tags")" ]; then
cut -f 1 "$tags" | grep -v '^!' | uniq > "$namecache"
cat "$namecache"
done} \
-docstring %{
ctags-search [<symbol>]: jump to a symbol's definition
If no symbol is passed then the current selection is used as symbol name
} \
ctags-search %[ evaluate-commands %sh[
realpath() { ( cd "$(dirname "$1")"; printf "%s/%s\n" "$(pwd -P)" "$(basename "$1")" ) }
export tagname="${1:-${kak_selection}}"
eval "set -- $kak_quoted_opt_ctagsfiles"
for candidate in "$@"; do
[ -f "$candidate" ] && realpath "$candidate"
done | awk '!x[$0]++' | # remove duplicates
while read -r tags; do
printf '!TAGROOT\t%s\n' "$(realpath "${tags%/*}")/"
${kak_opt_readtagscmd} -t "$tags" "$tagname"
done | awk -F '\t|\n' '
/^!TAGROOT\t/ { tagroot=$2 }
/[^\t]+\t[^\t]+\t\/\^.*\$?\// {
line = $0; sub(".*\t/\\^", "", line); sub("\\$?/$", "", line);
menu_info = line; gsub("!", "!!", menu_info); gsub(/^[\t ]+/, "", menu_info); gsub(/\t/, " ", menu_info);
keys = line; gsub(/</, "<lt>", keys); gsub(/\t/, "<c-v><c-i>", keys); gsub("!", "!!", keys); gsub("&", "&&", keys); gsub("#", "##", keys); gsub("\\|", "||", keys); gsub("\\\\/", "/", keys);
menu_item = $2; gsub("!", "!!", menu_item);
edit_path = path($2); gsub("&", "&&", edit_path); gsub("#", "##", edit_path); gsub("\\|", "||", edit_path);
select = $1; gsub(/</, "<lt>", select); gsub(/\t/, "<c-v><c-i>", select); gsub("!", "!!", select); gsub("&", "&&", select); gsub("#", "##", select); gsub("\\|", "||", select);
out = out "%!" menu_item ": {MenuInfo}{\\}" menu_info "! %!evaluate-commands %# try %& edit -existing %|" edit_path "|; execute-keys %|/\\Q" keys "<ret>vc| & catch %& fail unable to find tag &; try %& execute-keys %|s\\Q" select "<ret>| & # !"
/[^\t]+\t[^\t]+\t[0-9]+/ {
menu_item = $2; gsub("!", "!!", menu_item);
select = $1; gsub(/</, "<lt>", select); gsub(/\t/, "<c-v><c-i>", select); gsub("!", "!!", select); gsub("&", "&&", select); gsub("#", "##", select); gsub("\\|", "||", select);
menu_info = $3; gsub("!", "!!", menu_info);
edit_path = path($2); gsub("!", "!!", edit_path); gsub("#", "##", edit_path); gsub("&", "&&", edit_path); gsub("\\|", "||", edit_path);
line_number = $3;
out = out "%!" menu_item ": {MenuInfo}{\\}" menu_info "! %!evaluate-commands %# try %& edit -existing %|" edit_path "|; execute-keys %|" line_number "gx| & catch %& fail unable to find tag &; try %& execute-keys %|s\\Q" select "<ret>| & # !"
END { print ( length(out) == 0 ? "fail no such tag " ENVIRON["tagname"] : "menu -markup -auto-single " out ) }
# Ensure x is an absolute file path, by prepending with tagroot
function path(x) { return x ~/^\// ? x : tagroot x }'
define-command ctags-complete -docstring "Complete the current selection" %{
nop %sh{
eval "set -- $kak_quoted_opt_ctagsfiles"
for ctagsfile in "$@"; do
${kak_opt_readtagscmd} -p -t "$ctagsfile" ${kak_selection}
done | awk '{ uniq[$1]++ } END { for (elem in uniq) printf " %1$s||%1$s", elem }'
printf %s\\n "evaluate-commands -client ${kak_client} set-option buffer=${kak_bufname} ctags_completions ${header}${compl}" | \
kak -p ${kak_session}
) > /dev/null 2>&1 < /dev/null &
define-command ctags-funcinfo -docstring "Display ctags information about a selected function" %{
evaluate-commands -draft %{
try %{
execute-keys '[(;B<a-k>[a-zA-Z_]+\(<ret><a-;>'
evaluate-commands %sh{
sigs=$(${kak_opt_readtagscmd} -e -Q '(eq? $kind "f")' "${f}" | sed -Ee "s/^.*${csn}.*${sig}$/\3 [\2::${f}]/ ;t ;s/^.*${sig}$/\1 [${f}]/")
if [ -n "$sigs" ]; then
printf %s\\n "evaluate-commands -client ${kak_client} %{info -anchor $kak_cursor_line.$kak_cursor_column -style above '$sigs'}"
define-command ctags-enable-autoinfo -docstring "Automatically display ctags information about function" %{
hook window -group ctags-autoinfo NormalIdle .* ctags-funcinfo
hook window -group ctags-autoinfo InsertIdle .* ctags-funcinfo
define-command ctags-disable-autoinfo -docstring "Disable automatic ctags information displaying" %{ remove-hooks window ctags-autoinfo }
declare-option -docstring "shell command to run" \
str ctagscmd "ctags -R --fields=+S"
declare-option -docstring "path to the directory in which the tags file will be generated" str ctagspaths "."
define-command ctags-generate -docstring 'Generate tag file asynchronously' %{
echo -markup "{Information}launching tag generation in the background"
nop %sh{ (
while ! mkdir .tags.kaklock 2>/dev/null; do sleep 1; done
trap 'rmdir .tags.kaklock' EXIT
if ${kak_opt_ctagscmd} -f .tags.kaktmp ${kak_opt_ctagspaths}; then
mv .tags.kaktmp tags
msg="tags generation complete"
msg="tags generation failed"
printf %s\\n "evaluate-commands -client $kak_client echo -markup '{Information}${msg}'" | kak -p ${kak_session}
) > /dev/null 2>&1 < /dev/null & }
define-command ctags-update-tags -docstring 'Update tags for the given file' %{
nop %sh{ (
while ! mkdir .tags.kaklock 2>/dev/null; do sleep 1; done
trap 'rmdir .tags.kaklock' EXIT
if ${kak_opt_ctagscmd} -f .file_tags.kaktmp $kak_bufname; then
export LC_COLLATE=C LC_ALL=C # ensure ASCII sorting order
# merge the updated tags tags with the general tags (filtering out out of date tags from it) into the target file
grep -Fv "$(printf '\t%s\t' "$kak_bufname")" tags | grep -v '^!' | sort --merge - .file_tags.kaktmp >> .tags.kaktmp
rm .file_tags.kaktmp
mv .tags.kaktmp tags
msg="tags updated for $kak_bufname"
msg="tags update failed for $kak_bufname"
printf %s\\n "evaluate-commands -client $kak_client echo -markup '{Information}${msg}'" | kak -p ${kak_session}
) > /dev/null 2>&1 < /dev/null & }
define-command ctags-enable-autocomplete -docstring "Enable automatic ctags completion" %{
set-option window completers "option=ctags_completions" %opt{completers}
hook window -group ctags-autocomplete InsertIdle .* %{
try %{
evaluate-commands -draft %{ # select previous word >= ctags_min_chars
execute-keys ",b_<a-k>.{%opt{ctags_min_chars},}<ret>"
ctags-complete # run in draft context to preserve selection
define-command ctags-disable-autocomplete -docstring "Disable automatic ctags completion" %{
evaluate-commands %sh{
printf "set-option window completers %s\n" $(printf %s "${kak_opt_completers}" | sed -e "s/'option=ctags_completions'//g")
remove-hooks window ctags-autocomplete