
247 lines
7.6 KiB

#ifndef context_hh_INCLUDED
#define context_hh_INCLUDED
#include "selection.hh"
#include "optional.hh"
#include "utils.hh"
#include <functional>
namespace Kakoune
class Window;
class Buffer;
class Client;
class Scope;
class InputHandler;
class DisplayLine;
class KeymapManager;
class AliasRegistry;
enum Direction { Backward = -1, Forward = 1 };
struct JumpList
void push(SelectionList jump, Optional<size_t> index = {});
const SelectionList& forward(Context& context, int count);
const SelectionList& backward(Context& context, int count);
void forget_buffer(Buffer& buffer);
friend bool operator==(const JumpList& lhs, const JumpList& rhs)
return lhs.m_jumps == rhs.m_jumps and lhs.m_current == rhs.m_current;
friend bool operator!=(const JumpList& lhs, const JumpList& rhs) { return not (lhs == rhs); }
size_t current_index() const { return m_current; }
ConstArrayView<SelectionList> get_as_list() const { return m_jumps; }
using Contents = Vector<SelectionList, MemoryDomain::Selections>;
Contents m_jumps;
size_t m_current = 0;
using LastSelectFunc = std::function<void (Context&)>;
// A Context is used to access non singleton objects for various services
// in commands.
// The Context object links a Client, a Window, an InputHandler and a
// SelectionList. It may represent an interactive user window, a hook
// execution or a macro replay context.
class Context
enum class Flags
None = 0,
Draft = 1,
friend constexpr bool with_bit_ops(Meta::Type<Flags>) { return true; }
Context(InputHandler& input_handler, SelectionList selections,
Flags flags, String name = "");
struct EmptyContextFlag {};
explicit Context(EmptyContextFlag);
Context(const Context&) = delete;
Context& operator=(const Context&) = delete;
Buffer& buffer() const;
bool has_buffer() const { return not m_selection_history.empty(); }
Window& window() const;
bool has_window() const { return (bool)m_window; }
Client& client() const;
bool has_client() const { return (bool)m_client; }
InputHandler& input_handler() const;
bool has_input_handler() const { return (bool)m_input_handler; }
SelectionList& selections(bool update = true);
const SelectionList& selections(bool update = true) const;
Vector<String> selections_content() const;
// Return potentially out of date selections
SelectionList& selections_write_only();
void end_selection_edition() { m_selection_history.end_edition(); }
template<Direction direction>
void undo_selection_change();
void change_buffer(Buffer& buffer, Optional<FunctionRef<void()>> set_selection = {});
void forget_buffer(Buffer& buffer);
void set_client(Client& client);
void set_window(Window& window);
Scope& scope() const;
OptionManager& options() const { return scope().options(); }
HookManager& hooks() const { return scope().hooks(); }
KeymapManager& keymaps() const { return scope().keymaps(); }
AliasRegistry& aliases() const { return scope().aliases(); }
FaceRegistry& faces() const { return scope().faces(); }
void print_status(DisplayLine status) const;
StringView main_sel_register_value(StringView reg) const;
const String& name() const { return m_name; }
void set_name(String name) { m_name = std::move(name); }
bool is_editing() const { return m_edition_level!= 0; }
void disable_undo_handling() { m_edition_level = -1; }
NestedBool& hooks_disabled() { return m_hooks_disabled; }
const NestedBool& hooks_disabled() const { return m_hooks_disabled; }
NestedBool& keymaps_disabled() { return m_keymaps_disabled; }
const NestedBool& keymaps_disabled() const { return m_keymaps_disabled; }
NestedBool& noninteractive() { return m_noninteractive; }
const NestedBool& noninteractive() const { return m_noninteractive; }
Flags flags() const { return m_flags; }
JumpList& jump_list() { return m_jump_list; }
void push_jump(bool force = false)
if (force or not (m_flags & Flags::Draft))
template<typename Func>
void set_last_select(Func&& last_select) { m_last_select = std::forward<Func>(last_select); }
void repeat_last_select() { if (m_last_select) m_last_select(*this); }
Buffer* last_buffer() const;
bool ensure_cursor_visible = true;
void begin_edition();
void end_edition();
int m_edition_level = 0;
size_t m_edition_timestamp = 0;
friend struct ScopedEdition;
friend struct ScopedSelectionEdition;
Flags m_flags = Flags::None;
SafePtr<InputHandler> m_input_handler;
SafePtr<Window> m_window;
SafePtr<Client> m_client;
class SelectionHistory {
SelectionHistory(Context& context);
SelectionHistory(Context& context, SelectionList selections);
void initialize(SelectionList selections);
bool empty() const { return m_history.empty() and not m_staging; }
SelectionList& selections(bool update = true);
void begin_edition();
void end_edition();
bool in_edition() const { return m_in_edition; }
template<Direction direction>
void undo();
void forget_buffer(Buffer& buffer);
enum class HistoryId : size_t { First = 0, Invalid = (size_t)-1 };
struct HistoryNode
HistoryNode(SelectionList selections, HistoryId parent) : selections(selections), parent(parent) {}
SelectionList selections;
HistoryId parent;
HistoryId redo_child = HistoryId::Invalid;
HistoryId next_history_id() const noexcept { return (HistoryId)m_history.size(); }
HistoryNode& history_node(HistoryId id) { return m_history[(size_t)id]; }
const HistoryNode& history_node(HistoryId id) const { return m_history[(size_t)id]; }
HistoryNode& current_history_node() { kak_assert((size_t)m_history_id < m_history.size()); return m_history[(size_t)m_history_id]; }
Context& m_context;
Vector<HistoryNode> m_history;
HistoryId m_history_id = HistoryId::Invalid;
Optional<HistoryNode> m_staging;
NestedBool m_in_edition;
SelectionHistory m_selection_history;
String m_name;
JumpList m_jump_list;
LastSelectFunc m_last_select;
NestedBool m_hooks_disabled;
NestedBool m_keymaps_disabled;
NestedBool m_noninteractive;
struct ScopedEdition
ScopedEdition(Context& context)
: m_context{context},
m_buffer{context.has_buffer() ? &context.buffer() : nullptr}
{ if (m_buffer) m_context.begin_edition(); }
~ScopedEdition() { if (m_buffer) m_context.end_edition(); }
Context& context() const { return m_context; }
Context& m_context;
SafePtr<Buffer> m_buffer;
struct ScopedSelectionEdition
ScopedSelectionEdition(Context& context)
: m_context{context},
m_buffer{not (m_context.flags() & Context::Flags::Draft) and context.has_buffer() ? &context.buffer() : nullptr}
{ if (m_buffer) m_context.m_selection_history.begin_edition(); }
ScopedSelectionEdition(ScopedSelectionEdition&& other) : m_context{other.m_context}, m_buffer{other.m_buffer}
{ other.m_buffer = nullptr; }
~ScopedSelectionEdition() { if (m_buffer) m_context.m_selection_history.end_edition(); }
Context& m_context;
SafePtr<Buffer> m_buffer;
#endif // context_hh_INCLUDED