The `pick` command in a rebase commit is virtually a no-op, but other commands actually do things. This commit visually communicates that fact. Fixes #3208.
54 lines
2.0 KiB
54 lines
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hook global BufCreate .*(COMMIT_EDITMSG|MERGE_MSG) %{
set-option buffer filetype git-commit
hook global BufCreate .*/NOTES_EDITMSG %{
set-option buffer filetype git-notes
hook global BufCreate .*(\.gitconfig|git/config) %{
set-option buffer filetype ini
hook global BufCreate .*git-rebase-todo %{
set-option buffer filetype git-rebase
hook global WinSetOption filetype=git-(commit|notes|rebase) %{
require-module "git-%val{hook_param_capture_1}"
hook -group git-commit-highlight global WinSetOption filetype=git-commit %{
add-highlighter window/git-commit ref git-commit
hook -once -always window WinSetOption filetype=.* %{ remove-highlighter window/git-commit }
hook -group git-notes-highlight global WinSetOption filetype=git-notes %{
add-highlighter window/git-notes ref git-notes
hook -once -always window WinSetOption filetype=.* %{ remove-highlighter window/git-notes }
hook -group git-rebase-highlight global WinSetOption filetype=git-rebase %{
add-highlighter window/git-rebase ref git-rebase
hook -once -always window WinSetOption filetype=.* %{ remove-highlighter window/git-rebase }
provide-module git-commit %{
add-highlighter shared/git-commit regions
add-highlighter shared/git-commit/diff region '^diff --git' '^(?=diff --git)' ref diff # highlight potential diffs from the -v option
add-highlighter shared/git-commit/comments region '^\h*#' '$' group
add-highlighter shared/git-commit/comments/ fill comment
add-highlighter shared/git-commit/comments/ regex "\b(?:(modified)|(deleted)|(new file)|(renamed|copied)):([^\n]*)$" 1:yellow 2:red 3:green 4:blue 5:magenta
provide-module git-notes %{
add-highlighter shared/git-notes regex '^\h*#[^\n]*$' 0:comment
provide-module git-rebase %{
add-highlighter shared/git-rebase group
add-highlighter shared/git-rebase/ regex "#[^\n]*\n" 0:comment
add-highlighter shared/git-rebase/ regex "^(?:(pick|p)|(edit|reword|squash|fixup|exec|break|drop|label|reset|merge|[ersfxbdltm])) (\w+)" 1:keyword 2:value 3:meta