![Johannes Altmanninger](/assets/img/avatar_default.png)
When using either of set-option g completers option=my_option prompt -shell-script-candidates ... While the search text is empty, the completions will be sorted alphabetically. This is bad because it means the most important entries are not listed first, making them harder to select or even spot. Let's apply input order before resorting to sorting alphabetically. In theory there is a more elegant solution: sort candidates (except if they're user input) before passing them to RankedMatch, and then always use stable sort. However that doesn't work because we use a heap which doesn't support stable sort. Closes #1709, #4813
648 lines
22 KiB
648 lines
22 KiB
#include "insert_completer.hh"
#include "buffer_manager.hh"
#include "buffer_utils.hh"
#include "client.hh"
#include "command_manager.hh"
#include "changes.hh"
#include "context.hh"
#include "display_buffer.hh"
#include "face_registry.hh"
#include "file.hh"
#include "regex.hh"
#include "window.hh"
#include "word_db.hh"
#include "option_types.hh"
#include "utf8_iterator.hh"
#include "user_interface.hh"
#include <numeric>
#include <utility>
namespace Kakoune
using StringList = Vector<String, MemoryDomain::Options>;
String option_to_string(const InsertCompleterDesc& opt)
switch (opt.mode)
case InsertCompleterDesc::Word:
return "word=" + (opt.param ? *opt.param : "");
case InsertCompleterDesc::Filename:
return "filename";
case InsertCompleterDesc::Option:
return "option=" + (opt.param ? *opt.param : "");
case InsertCompleterDesc::Line:
return "line=" + (opt.param ? *opt.param : "");
return "";
InsertCompleterDesc option_from_string(Meta::Type<InsertCompleterDesc>, StringView str)
if (str.substr(0_byte, 7_byte) == "option=")
return {InsertCompleterDesc::Option, str.substr(7_byte).str()};
else if (str.substr(0_byte, 5_byte) == "word=")
auto param = str.substr(5_byte);
if (param == "all" or param == "buffer")
return {InsertCompleterDesc::Word, param.str()};
else if (str == "filename")
return {InsertCompleterDesc::Filename, {}};
else if (str.substr(0_byte, 5_byte) == "line=")
auto param = str.substr(5_byte);
if (param == "all" or param == "buffer")
return {InsertCompleterDesc::Line, param.str()};
throw runtime_error(format("invalid completer description: '{}'", str));
template<bool other_buffers>
InsertCompletion complete_word(const SelectionList& sels,
const OptionManager& options,
const FaceRegistry& faces)
ConstArrayView<Codepoint> extra_word_chars = options["extra_word_chars"].get<Vector<Codepoint, MemoryDomain::Options>>();
auto is_word_pred = [extra_word_chars](Codepoint c) { return is_word(c, extra_word_chars); };
const Buffer& buffer = sels.buffer();
BufferCoord cursor_pos = sels.main().cursor();
using Utf8It = utf8::iterator<BufferIterator>;
Utf8It pos{buffer.iterator_at(cursor_pos), buffer};
if (pos == buffer.begin() or not is_word_pred(*(pos-1)))
return {};
BufferCoord word_begin;
StringView prefix;
HashMap<StringView, int> sel_word_counts;
for (int i = 0; i < sels.size(); ++i)
int len = 0;
auto is_short_enough_word = [&] (Codepoint c) { return len++ < WordDB::max_word_len && is_word_pred(c); };
Utf8It end{buffer.iterator_at(sels[i].cursor()), buffer};
Utf8It begin = end-1;
if (not skip_while_reverse(begin, buffer.begin(), is_short_enough_word) and
begin < end) // (begin might == end if end == buffer.begin())
if (i == sels.main_index())
word_begin = begin.base().coord();
prefix = buffer.substr(word_begin, end.base().coord());
skip_while(end, buffer.end(), is_short_enough_word);
if (len <= WordDB::max_word_len)
StringView word = buffer.substr(begin.base().coord(), end.base().coord());
struct RankedMatchAndBuffer : RankedMatch
RankedMatchAndBuffer(RankedMatch m, const Buffer* b)
: RankedMatch{std::move(m)}, buffer{b} {}
using RankedMatch::operator==;
using RankedMatch::operator<;
bool operator==(StringView other) const { return candidate() == other; }
const Buffer* buffer;
auto& word_db = get_word_db(buffer);
auto matches = word_db.find_matching(prefix)
| transform([&](auto& m) { return RankedMatchAndBuffer{m, &buffer}; })
| gather<Vector<RankedMatchAndBuffer>>();
// Remove words that are being edited
for (auto& word_count : sel_word_counts)
if (word_db.get_word_occurences(word_count.key) <= word_count.value)
unordered_erase(matches, word_count.key);
if (other_buffers)
for (const auto& buf : BufferManager::instance())
if (buf.get() == &buffer or buf->flags() & Buffer::Flags::Debug)
for (auto& m : get_word_db(*buf).find_matching(prefix) |
// filter out words that are not considered words for the current buffer
filter([&](auto& rm) {
auto&& c = rm.candidate();
return std::all_of(utf8::iterator{c.begin(), c},
utf8::iterator{c.end(), c},
is_word_pred); }))
matches.push_back({ m, buf.get() });
using StaticWords = Vector<String, MemoryDomain::Options>;
for (auto& word : options["static_words"].get<StaticWords>())
if (RankedMatch match{word, prefix})
matches.emplace_back(match, nullptr);
unordered_erase(matches, prefix);
const auto longest = accumulate(matches, 0_char,
[](const CharCount& lhs, const RankedMatchAndBuffer& rhs)
{ return std::max(lhs, rhs.candidate().char_length()); });
auto limit = [](StringView s, ColumnCount l) { return s.column_length() <= l ? s.str() : "…" + s.substr(s.column_length() - (l + 1)); };
constexpr size_t max_count = 100;
// Gather best max_count matches
InsertCompletion::CandidateList candidates;
candidates.reserve(std::min(matches.size(), max_count) + 1);
for_n_best(matches, max_count, [](auto& lhs, auto& rhs) { return rhs < lhs; },
[&](RankedMatchAndBuffer& m) {
if (not candidates.empty() and candidates.back().completion == m.candidate())
return false;
DisplayLine menu_entry;
if (other_buffers && m.buffer)
const auto pad_len = longest + 1 - m.candidate().char_length();
menu_entry.push_back({ m.candidate().str(), {} });
menu_entry.push_back({ String{' ', pad_len}, {} });
menu_entry.push_back({ limit(m.buffer->display_name(), 20), faces["MenuInfo"] });
menu_entry.push_back({ m.candidate().str(), {} });
candidates.push_back({m.candidate().str(), "", std::move(menu_entry)});
return true;
return { std::move(candidates), word_begin, cursor_pos, buffer.timestamp() };
template<bool require_slash>
InsertCompletion complete_filename(const SelectionList& sels,
const OptionManager& options,
const FaceRegistry&)
const Buffer& buffer = sels.buffer();
auto pos = buffer.iterator_at(sels.main().cursor());
auto begin = pos;
auto is_filename = [](char c)
return isalnum(c) or c == '/' or c == '.' or c == '_' or c == '-';
while (begin != buffer.begin() and is_filename(*(begin-1)))
if (begin != buffer.begin() and *begin == '/' and *(begin-1) == '~')
StringView prefix = buffer.substr(begin.coord(), pos.coord());
if (require_slash and not contains(prefix, '/'))
return {};
// Do not try to complete in that case as its unlikely to be a filename,
// and triggers network host search of cygwin.
if (prefix.substr(0_byte, 2_byte) == "//")
return {};
InsertCompletion::CandidateList candidates;
if (prefix.front() == '/' or prefix.front() == '~')
for (auto& filename : Kakoune::complete_filename(prefix,
candidates.push_back({ filename, "", {filename, {}} });
Vector<String> visited_dirs;
for (auto dir : options["path"].get<StringList>())
dir = real_path(parse_filename(dir, (buffer.flags() & Buffer::Flags::File) ?
split_path(buffer.name()).first : StringView{}));
if (not dir.empty() and dir.back() != '/')
dir += '/';
if (contains(visited_dirs, dir))
for (auto& filename : Kakoune::complete_filename(dir + prefix,
StringView candidate = filename.substr(dir.length());
candidates.push_back({ candidate.str(), "", {candidate.str(), {}} });
if (candidates.empty())
return {};
return { std::move(candidates), begin.coord(), pos.coord(), buffer.timestamp() };
InsertCompletion complete_option(const SelectionList& sels,
const OptionManager& options,
const FaceRegistry& faces,
StringView option_name)
const Buffer& buffer = sels.buffer();
BufferCoord cursor_pos = sels.main().cursor();
const CompletionList& opt = options[option_name].get<CompletionList>();
if (opt.list.empty())
return {};
auto& desc = opt.prefix;
static const Regex re(R"((\d+)\.(\d+)(?:\+(\d+))?@(\d+))");
MatchResults<String::const_iterator> match;
if (not regex_match(desc.begin(), desc.end(), match, re))
return {};
BufferCoord coord{str_to_int({match[1].first, match[1].second}) - 1,
str_to_int({match[2].first, match[2].second}) - 1};
if (not buffer.is_valid(coord))
return {};
size_t timestamp = (size_t)str_to_int({match[4].first, match[4].second});
auto changes = buffer.changes_since(timestamp);
if (any_of(changes, [&](auto&& change) { return change.begin < coord; }))
return {};
if (cursor_pos.line != coord.line or cursor_pos.column < coord.column)
return {};
const ColumnCount tabstop = options["tabstop"].get<int>();
const ColumnCount column = get_column(buffer, tabstop, cursor_pos);
struct RankedMatchAndInfo : RankedMatch
using RankedMatch::RankedMatch;
using RankedMatch::operator==;
using RankedMatch::operator<;
StringView on_select;
DisplayLine menu_entry;
StringView query = buffer.substr(coord, cursor_pos);
Vector<RankedMatchAndInfo> matches;
for (auto&& [i, candidate] : opt.list | enumerate())
if (RankedMatchAndInfo match{std::get<0>(candidate), query})
match.on_select = std::get<1>(candidate);
auto& menu = std::get<2>(candidate);
match.menu_entry = not menu.empty() ?
parse_display_line(expand_tabs(menu, tabstop, column), faces)
: DisplayLine{String{}, {}};
constexpr size_t max_count = 100;
// Gather best max_count matches
InsertCompletion::CandidateList candidates;
candidates.reserve(std::min(matches.size(), max_count) + 1);
for_n_best(matches, max_count, [](auto& lhs, auto& rhs) { return rhs < lhs; },
[&](RankedMatchAndInfo& m) {
if (not candidates.empty()
and candidates.back().completion == m.candidate()
and candidates.back().on_select == m.on_select)
return false;
candidates.push_back({ m.candidate().str(), m.on_select.str(),
std::move(m.menu_entry) });
return true;
auto end = cursor_pos;
if (match[3].matched)
ByteCount len = str_to_int({match[3].first, match[3].second});
end = buffer.advance(coord, len);
return { std::move(candidates), coord, end, timestamp };
template<bool other_buffers>
InsertCompletion complete_line(const SelectionList& sels,
const OptionManager& options,
const FaceRegistry&)
const Buffer& buffer = sels.buffer();
BufferCoord cursor_pos = sels.main().cursor();
const ColumnCount tabstop = options["tabstop"].get<int>();
const ColumnCount column = get_column(buffer, tabstop, cursor_pos);
auto trim_leading_whitespaces = [](StringView s) {
utf8::iterator it{s.begin(), s};
while (it != s.end() and is_horizontal_blank(*it))
return StringView{it.base(), s.end()};
StringView prefix = trim_leading_whitespaces(buffer[cursor_pos.line].substr(0_byte, cursor_pos.column));
BufferCoord replace_begin = buffer.advance(cursor_pos, -prefix.length());
InsertCompletion::CandidateList candidates;
auto add_candidates = [&](const Buffer& buf) {
for (LineCount l = 0_line; l < buf.line_count(); ++l)
if (buf.name() == buffer.name() && l == cursor_pos.line)
StringView line = buf[l];
StringView candidate = trim_leading_whitespaces(line.substr(0_byte, line.length()-1));
if (candidate.length() == 0)
if (prefix == candidate.substr(0_byte, prefix.length()))
candidates.push_back({candidate.str(), "", {expand_tabs(candidate, tabstop, column), {}} });
// perf: it's unlikely the user intends to search among >10 candidates anyway
if (candidates.size() == 100)
if (other_buffers)
for (const auto& buf : BufferManager::instance())
if (buf.get() != &buffer and not (buf->flags() & Buffer::Flags::Debug))
if (candidates.empty())
return {};
std::sort(candidates.begin(), candidates.end());
candidates.erase(std::unique(candidates.begin(), candidates.end()), candidates.end());
return { std::move(candidates), replace_begin, cursor_pos, buffer.timestamp() };
InsertCompleter::InsertCompleter(Context& context)
: m_context(context), m_options(context.options()), m_faces(context.faces())
void InsertCompleter::select(int index, bool relative, Vector<Key>& keystrokes)
m_enabled = true;
if (not setup_ifn())
auto& buffer = m_context.buffer();
m_current_candidate = (relative ? m_current_candidate + index : index) % (int)m_completions.candidates.size();
if (m_current_candidate < 0)
m_current_candidate += m_completions.candidates.size();
const InsertCompletion::Candidate& candidate = m_completions.candidates[m_current_candidate];
auto& selections = m_context.selections();
const auto& cursor_pos = selections.main().cursor();
const auto prefix_len = buffer.distance(m_completions.begin, cursor_pos);
const auto suffix_len = std::max(0_byte, buffer.distance(cursor_pos, m_completions.end));
auto ref = buffer.string(m_completions.begin, m_completions.end);
Vector<BufferRange> ranges;
for (auto& sel : selections)
auto pos = buffer.iterator_at(sel.cursor());
if (pos.coord().column >= prefix_len and (pos + suffix_len) != buffer.end() and std::equal(ref.begin(), ref.end(), pos - prefix_len))
ranges.push_back({(pos - prefix_len).coord(), (pos + suffix_len).coord()});
replace(buffer, ranges, candidate.completion);
m_completions.end = cursor_pos;
m_completions.begin = buffer.advance(cursor_pos, -candidate.completion.length());
m_completions.timestamp = buffer.timestamp();
m_inserted_ranges = std::move(ranges);
if (m_context.has_client())
for (auto i = 0_byte; i < prefix_len; ++i)
for (auto i = 0_byte; i < suffix_len; ++i)
for (auto& c : candidate.completion)
if (not candidate.on_select.empty())
CommandManager::instance().execute(candidate.on_select, m_context);
void InsertCompleter::update(bool allow_implicit)
m_enabled = allow_implicit;
if (m_explicit_completer and try_complete(m_explicit_completer))
auto& get_first(BufferRange& range) { return range.begin; }
auto& get_last(BufferRange& range) { return range.end; }
bool InsertCompleter::has_candidate_selected() const
return m_current_candidate >= 0 and m_current_candidate < m_completions.candidates.size() - 1;
void InsertCompleter::try_accept()
if (m_completions.is_valid() and has_candidate_selected())
void InsertCompleter::reset()
if (not m_explicit_completer and not m_completions.is_valid())
String hook_param;
if (m_context.has_client() and has_candidate_selected())
auto& buffer = m_context.buffer();
update_ranges(buffer, m_completions.timestamp, m_inserted_ranges);
m_completions.timestamp = buffer.timestamp();
hook_param = join(m_inserted_ranges | filter([](auto&& r) { return not r.empty(); }) | transform([&](auto&& r) {
return selection_to_string(ColumnType::Byte, buffer, {r.begin, buffer.char_prev(r.end)});
}), ' ');
m_explicit_completer = nullptr;
m_completions = InsertCompletion{};
if (m_context.has_client())
m_context.hooks().run_hook(Hook::InsertCompletionHide, hook_param, m_context);
bool InsertCompleter::setup_ifn()
if (!m_enabled)
return false;
using namespace std::placeholders;
if (not m_completions.is_valid())
auto& completers = m_options["completers"].get<InsertCompleterDescList>();
for (auto& completer : completers)
if (completer.mode == InsertCompleterDesc::Filename and
return true;
if (completer.mode == InsertCompleterDesc::Option and
try_complete([&](const SelectionList& sels,
const OptionManager& options,
const FaceRegistry& faces) {
return complete_option(sels, options, faces, *completer.param);
return true;
if (completer.mode == InsertCompleterDesc::Word and
*completer.param == "buffer" and
return true;
if (completer.mode == InsertCompleterDesc::Word and
*completer.param == "all" and
return true;
if (completer.mode == InsertCompleterDesc::Line and
*completer.param == "buffer" and
return true;
if (completer.mode == InsertCompleterDesc::Line and
*completer.param == "all" and
return true;
return false;
return true;
void InsertCompleter::menu_show()
if (not m_context.has_client())
Vector<DisplayLine> menu_entries;
for (auto& candidate : m_completions.candidates)
m_context.client().menu_show(std::move(menu_entries), m_completions.begin,
m_context.hooks().run_hook(Hook::InsertCompletionShow, "", m_context);
void InsertCompleter::on_option_changed(const Option& opt)
// Do not reset the menu if the user has selected an entry
if (not m_completions.candidates.empty() and
m_current_candidate != m_completions.candidates.size() - 1)
const auto& completers = m_options["completers"].get<InsertCompleterDescList>();
for (auto& completer : completers)
if (completer.mode == InsertCompleterDesc::Option and
*completer.param == opt.name())
template<typename Func>
bool InsertCompleter::try_complete(Func complete_func)
auto& sels = m_context.selections();
m_completions = complete_func(sels, m_options, m_faces);
catch (runtime_error& e)
write_to_debug_buffer(format("error while trying to run completer: {}", e.what()));
return false;
if (not m_completions.is_valid())
return false;
kak_assert(m_completions.begin <= sels.main().cursor());
m_current_candidate = m_completions.candidates.size();
m_completions.candidates.push_back({sels.buffer().string(m_completions.begin, m_completions.end), "", {}});
return true;
void InsertCompleter::explicit_file_complete()
m_explicit_completer = complete_filename<false>;
void InsertCompleter::explicit_word_buffer_complete()
m_explicit_completer = complete_word<false>;
void InsertCompleter::explicit_word_all_complete()
m_explicit_completer = complete_word<true>;
void InsertCompleter::explicit_line_buffer_complete()
m_explicit_completer = complete_line<false>;
void InsertCompleter::explicit_line_all_complete()
m_explicit_completer = complete_line<true>;