declare-option -docstring "name of the client in which documentation is to be displayed" \ str docsclient declare-option -docstring "git diff added character" \ str git_diff_add_char "▏" declare-option -docstring "git diff modified character" \ str git_diff_mod_char "▏" declare-option -docstring "git diff deleted character" \ str git_diff_del_char "_" declare-option -docstring "git diff top deleted character" \ str git_diff_top_char "‾" hook -group git-log-highlight global WinSetOption filetype=git-log %{ require-module diff add-highlighter window/git-log group add-highlighter window/git-log/ regex '^([*|\\ /_.-])*' 0:keyword add-highlighter window/git-log/ regex '^( ?[*|\\ /_.-])*\h{,3}(commit )?(\b[0-9a-f]{4,40}\b)' 2:keyword 3:comment add-highlighter window/git-log/ regex '^( ?[*|\\ /_.-])*\h{,3}([a-zA-Z_-]+:) (.*?)$' 2:variable 3:value add-highlighter window/git-log/ ref diff # highlight potential diffs from the -p option hook -once -always window WinSetOption filetype=.* %{ remove-highlighter window/git-log } } hook -group git-status-highlight global WinSetOption filetype=git-status %{ require-module diff add-highlighter window/git-status group add-highlighter window/git-status/ regex '^## ' 0:comment add-highlighter window/git-status/ regex '^## (\S*[^\s\.@])' 1:green add-highlighter window/git-status/ regex '^## (\S*[^\s\.@])(\.\.+)(\S*[^\s\.@])' 1:green 2:comment 3:red add-highlighter window/git-status/ regex '^(##) (No commits yet on) (\S*[^\s\.@])' 1:comment 2:Default 3:green add-highlighter window/git-status/ regex '^## \S+ \[[^\n]*ahead (\d+)[^\n]*\]' 1:green add-highlighter window/git-status/ regex '^## \S+ \[[^\n]*behind (\d+)[^\n]*\]' 1:red add-highlighter window/git-status/ regex '^(?:([Aa])|([Cc])|([Dd!?])|([MUmu])|([Rr])|([Tt]))[ !\?ACDMRTUacdmrtu]\h' 1:green 2:blue 3:red 4:yellow 5:cyan 6:cyan add-highlighter window/git-status/ regex '^[ !\?ACDMRTUacdmrtu](?:([Aa])|([Cc])|([Dd!?])|([MUmu])|([Rr])|([Tt]))\h' 1:green 2:blue 3:red 4:yellow 5:cyan 6:cyan add-highlighter window/git-status/ regex '^R[ !\?ACDMRTUacdmrtu] [^\n]+( -> )' 1:cyan add-highlighter window/git-status/ regex '^\h+(?:((?:both )?modified:)|(added:|new file:)|(deleted(?: by \w+)?:)|(renamed:)|(copied:))(?:.*?)$' 1:yellow 2:green 3:red 4:cyan 5:blue 6:magenta hook -once -always window WinSetOption filetype=.* %{ remove-highlighter window/git-status } } hook -group git-show-branch-highlight global WinSetOption filetype=git-show-branch %{ require-module diff add-highlighter window/git-show-branch group add-highlighter window/git-show-branch/ regex '(\*)|(\+)|(!)' 1:red 2:green 3:green add-highlighter window/git-show-branch/ regex '(!\D+\{0\}\])|(!\D+\{1\}\])|(!\D+\{2\}\])|(!\D+\{3\}\])' 1:red 2:green 3:yellow 4:blue add-highlighter window/git-show-branch/ regex '(\B\+\D+\{0\}\])|(\B\+\D+\{1\}\])|(\B\+\D+\{2\}\])|(\B\+\D+\{3\}\])|(\B\+\D+\{1\}\^\])' 1:red 2:green 3:yellow 4:blue 5:magenta hook -once -always window WinSetOption filetype=.* %{ remove-highlighter window/git-show-branch} } declare-option -hidden line-specs git_blame_flags declare-option -hidden line-specs git_diff_flags declare-option -hidden int-list git_hunk_list define-command -params 1.. \ -docstring %{ git []: git wrapping helper All the optional arguments are forwarded to the git utility Available commands: add apply (alias for "patch git apply") blame (toggle blame annotations) checkout commit diff edit grep hide-diff init log next-hunk prev-hunk reset rm show show-branch show-diff status update-diff } -shell-script-candidates %{ if [ $kak_token_to_complete -eq 0 ]; then printf %s\\n \ apply \ blame \ checkout \ commit \ diff \ edit \ grep \ hide-diff \ init \ log \ next-hunk \ prev-hunk \ reset \ rm \ show \ show-branch \ show-diff \ status \ update-diff \ ; else case "$1" in commit) printf -- "--amend\n--no-edit\n--all\n--reset-author\n--fixup\n--squash\n"; git ls-files -m ;; add) git ls-files -dmo --exclude-standard ;; apply) printf -- "--reverse\n--cached\n--index\n--3way\n" ;; grep|edit) git ls-files -c --recurse-submodules ;; esac fi } \ git %{ evaluate-commands %sh{ cd_bufdir() { dirname_buffer="${kak_buffile%/*}" cd "${dirname_buffer}" 2>/dev/null || { printf 'fail Unable to change the current working directory to: %s\n' "${dirname_buffer}" exit 1 } } show_git_cmd_output() { local filetype local map_diff_goto_source case "$1" in diff) map_diff_goto_source=true; filetype=diff ;; show) map_diff_goto_source=true; filetype=git-log ;; show-branch) filetype=git-show-branch ;; log) map_diff_goto_source=true; filetype=git-log ;; status) filetype=git-status ;; *) return 1 ;; esac output=$(mktemp -d "${TMPDIR:-/tmp}"/kak-git.XXXXXXXX)/fifo mkfifo ${output} ( git "$@" > ${output} 2>&1 & ) > /dev/null 2>&1 < /dev/null # We need to unmap in case an existing buffer changes type, # for example if the user runs "git show" and "git status". map_diff_goto_source=$([ -n "${map_diff_goto_source}" ] \ && printf %s "map buffer normal :git-diff-goto-source -docstring 'Jump to source from git diff'" \ || printf %s "unmap buffer normal :git-diff-goto-source") printf %s "evaluate-commands -try-client '$kak_opt_docsclient' %{ edit! -fifo ${output} *git* set-option buffer filetype '${filetype}' hook -always -once buffer BufCloseFifo .* %{ nop %sh{ rm -r $(dirname ${output}) } } ${map_diff_goto_source} }" } hide_blame() { printf %s " set-option buffer=$kak_bufname git_blame_flags $kak_timestamp remove-highlighter window/git-blame " } run_git_blame() { echo >${kak_command_fifo} "try %{ add-highlighter window/git-blame flag-lines Information git_blame_flags echo -to-file ${kak_response_fifo} } catch %{ echo -to-file ${kak_response_fifo} 'hide_blame; exit' }" eval $(cat ${kak_response_fifo}) ( cd_bufdir printf %s "evaluate-commands -client '$kak_client' %{ set-option buffer=$kak_bufname git_blame_flags '$kak_timestamp' }" | kak -p ${kak_session} git blame "$@" --incremental ${kak_buffile} | perl -wne ' use POSIX qw(strftime); sub send_flags { my $flush = shift; if (not defined $line) { return; } my $text = substr($sha,0,7) . " " . $dates{$sha} . " " . $authors{$sha}; $text =~ s/~/~~/g; for ( my $i = 0; $i < $count; $i++ ) { $flags .= " %~" . ($line+$i) . "|$text~"; } $now = time(); # Send roughly one update per second, to avoid creating too many kak processes. if (!$flush && defined $last_sent && $now - $last_sent < 1) { return } open CMD, "|-", "kak -p $ENV{kak_session}"; print CMD "set-option -add buffer=$ENV{kak_bufname} git_blame_flags $flags"; close(CMD); $flags = ""; $last_sent = $now; } if (m/^([0-9a-f]+) ([0-9]+) ([0-9]+) ([0-9]+)/) { send_flags(0); $sha = $1; $line = $3; $count = $4; } if (m/^author /) { $authors{$sha} = substr($_,7) } if (m/^author-time ([0-9]*)/) { $dates{$sha} = strftime("%F %T", localtime $1) } END { send_flags(1); }' ) > /dev/null 2>&1 < /dev/null & } run_git_cmd() { if git "${@}" > /dev/null 2>&1; then printf %s "echo -markup '{Information}git $1 succeeded'" else printf 'fail git %s failed\n' "$1" fi } update_diff() { ( cd_bufdir git --no-pager diff --no-ext-diff -U0 "$kak_buffile" | perl -e ' use utf8; $flags = $ENV{"kak_timestamp"}; $add_char = $ENV{"kak_opt_git_diff_add_char"}; $del_char = $ENV{"kak_opt_git_diff_del_char"}; $top_char = $ENV{"kak_opt_git_diff_top_char"}; $mod_char = $ENV{"kak_opt_git_diff_mod_char"}; foreach $line () { if ($line =~ /@@ -(\d+)(?:,(\d+))? \+(\d+)(?:,(\d+))?/) { $from_line = $1; $from_count = ($2 eq "" ? 1 : $2); $to_line = $3; $to_count = ($4 eq "" ? 1 : $4); if ($from_count == 0 and $to_count > 0) { for $i (0..$to_count - 1) { $line = $to_line + $i; $flags .= " $line|\{green\}$add_char"; } } elsif ($from_count > 0 and $to_count == 0) { if ($to_line == 0) { $flags .= " 1|\{red\}$top_char"; } else { $flags .= " $to_line|\{red\}$del_char"; } } elsif ($from_count > 0 and $from_count == $to_count) { for $i (0..$to_count - 1) { $line = $to_line + $i; $flags .= " $line|\{blue\}$mod_char"; } } elsif ($from_count > 0 and $from_count < $to_count) { for $i (0..$from_count - 1) { $line = $to_line + $i; $flags .= " $line|\{blue\}$mod_char"; } for $i ($from_count..$to_count - 1) { $line = $to_line + $i; $flags .= " $line|\{green\}$add_char"; } } elsif ($to_count > 0 and $from_count > $to_count) { for $i (0..$to_count - 2) { $line = $to_line + $i; $flags .= " $line|\{blue\}$mod_char"; } $last = $to_line + $to_count - 1; $flags .= " $last|\{blue+u\}$mod_char"; } } } print "set-option buffer git_diff_flags $flags" ' ) } jump_hunk() { direction=$1 set -- ${kak_opt_git_diff_flags} shift if [ $# -lt 1 ]; then echo "fail 'no git hunks found, try \":git show-diff\" first'" exit fi # Update hunk list if required if [ "$kak_timestamp" != "${kak_opt_git_hunk_list%% *}" ]; then hunks=$kak_timestamp prev_line="-1" for line in "$@"; do line="${line%%|*}" if [ "$((line - prev_line))" -gt 1 ]; then hunks="$hunks $line" fi prev_line="$line" done echo "set-option buffer git_hunk_list $hunks" hunks=${hunks#* } else hunks=${kak_opt_git_hunk_list#* } fi prev_hunk="" next_hunk="" for hunk in ${hunks}; do if [ "$hunk" -lt "$kak_cursor_line" ]; then prev_hunk=$hunk elif [ "$hunk" -gt "$kak_cursor_line" ]; then next_hunk=$hunk break fi done wrapped=false if [ "$direction" = "next" ]; then if [ -z "$next_hunk" ]; then next_hunk=${hunks%% *} wrapped=true fi if [ -n "$next_hunk" ]; then echo "select $next_hunk.1,$next_hunk.1" fi elif [ "$direction" = "prev" ]; then if [ -z "$prev_hunk" ]; then wrapped=true prev_hunk=${hunks##* } fi if [ -n "$prev_hunk" ]; then echo "select $prev_hunk.1,$prev_hunk.1" fi fi if [ "$wrapped" = true ]; then echo "echo -markup '{Information}git hunk search wrapped around buffer'" fi } commit() { # Handle case where message needs not to be edited if grep -E -q -e "-m|-F|-C|--message=.*|--file=.*|--reuse-message=.*|--no-edit|--fixup.*|--squash.*"; then if git commit "$@" > /dev/null 2>&1; then echo 'echo -markup "{Information}Commit succeeded"' else echo 'fail Commit failed' fi exit fi <<-EOF $@ EOF # fails, and generate COMMIT_EDITMSG GIT_EDITOR='' EDITOR='' git commit "$@" > /dev/null 2>&1 msgfile="$(git rev-parse --git-dir)/COMMIT_EDITMSG" printf %s "edit '$msgfile' hook buffer BufWritePost '.*\Q$msgfile\E' %{ evaluate-commands %sh{ if git commit -F '$msgfile' --cleanup=strip $* > /dev/null; then printf %s 'evaluate-commands -client $kak_client echo -markup %{{Information}Commit succeeded}; delete-buffer' else printf 'evaluate-commands -client %s fail Commit failed\n' "$kak_client" fi } }" } case "$1" in apply) shift enquoted="$(printf '"%s" ' "$@")" echo "require-module patch" echo "patch git apply $enquoted" ;; show|show-branch|log|diff|status) show_git_cmd_output "$@" ;; blame) shift run_git_blame "$@" ;; hide-blame) hide_blame ;; show-diff) echo 'try %{ add-highlighter window/git-diff flag-lines Default git_diff_flags }' update_diff ;; hide-diff) echo 'try %{ remove-highlighter window/git-diff }' ;; update-diff) update_diff ;; next-hunk) jump_hunk next ;; prev-hunk) jump_hunk prev ;; commit) shift commit "$@" ;; init) shift git init "$@" > /dev/null 2>&1 ;; add|rm) cmd="$1" shift run_git_cmd $cmd "${@:-${kak_buffile}}" ;; reset|checkout) run_git_cmd "$@" ;; grep) shift enquoted="$(printf '"%s" ' "$@")" printf %s "try %{ set-option current grepcmd 'git grep -n --column' grep $enquoted set-option current grepcmd '$kak_opt_grepcmd' }" ;; edit) shift enquoted="$(printf '"%s" ' "$@")" printf %s "edit -existing -- $enquoted" ;; *) printf "fail unknown git command '%s'\n" "$1" exit ;; esac }} # Works within :git diff and :git show define-command git-diff-goto-source \ -docstring 'Navigate to source by pressing the enter key in hunks when git diff is displayed. Works within :git diff and :git show' %{ require-module diff diff-jump %sh{ git rev-parse --show-toplevel } }