declare-option -docstring "options to pass to the `clang` shell command" \ str clang_options declare-option -hidden str clang_tmp_dir declare-option -hidden completions clang_completions declare-option -hidden line-specs clang_flags declare-option -hidden line-specs clang_errors define-command -params ..1 \ -docstring %{Parse the contents of the current buffer The syntaxic errors detected during parsing are shown when auto-diagnostics are enabled} \ clang-parse %{ %sh{ dir=$(mktemp -d "${TMPDIR:-/tmp}"/kak-clang.XXXXXXXX) mkfifo ${dir}/fifo printf %s\\n "set-option buffer clang_tmp_dir ${dir}" printf %s\\n "evaluate-commands -no-hooks write ${dir}/buf" } # end the previous %sh{} so that its output gets interpreted by kakoune # before launching the following as a background task. %sh{ dir=${kak_opt_clang_tmp_dir} printf %s\\n "evaluate-commands -draft %{ edit! -fifo ${dir}/fifo -debug *clang-output* set-option buffer filetype make set-option buffer make_current_error_line 0 hook -always -group fifo buffer BufCloseFifo .* %{ nop %sh{ rm -r ${dir} } remove-hooks buffer fifo } }" # this runs in a detached shell, asynchronously, so that kakoune does # not hang while clang is running. As completions references a cursor # position and a buffer timestamp, only valid completions should be # displayed. ( case ${kak_opt_filetype} in c) ft=c ;; cpp) ft=c++ ;; obj-c) ft=objective-c ;; *) ft=c++ ;; esac if [ "$1" = "-complete" ]; then pos=-:${kak_cursor_line}:${kak_cursor_column} header="${kak_cursor_line}.${kak_cursor_column}@${kak_timestamp}" compl=$(clang++ -x ${ft} -fsyntax-only ${kak_opt_clang_options} \ -Xclang -code-completion-brief-comments -Xclang -code-completion-at=${pos} - < ${dir}/buf 2> ${dir}/stderr | awk -F ': ' ' /^COMPLETION:/ && ! /\(Hidden\)/ { id=$2 gsub(/ +$/, "", id) gsub(/:/, "\\:", id) gsub(/\|/, "\\|", id) gsub(/[[{<]#|#[}>]/, "", $3) gsub(/#]/, " ", $3) gsub(/:: /, "::", $3) gsub(/ +$/, "", $3) desc=$4 ? $3 "\\n" $4 : $3 gsub(/:/, "\\:", desc) gsub(/\|/, "\\|", desc) if (id in docstrings) docstrings[id]=docstrings[id] "\\n" desc else docstrings[id]=desc } END { for (id in docstrings) { menu=id gsub(/(^|[^[:alnum:]_])(operator|new|delete)($|[^{}_[:alnum:]]+)/, "{keyword}&{}", menu) gsub(/(^|[[:space:]])(int|size_t|bool|char|unsigned|signed|long)($|[[:space:]])/, "{type}&{}", menu) gsub(/[^{}_[:alnum:]]+/, "{operator}&{}", menu) print id "|" docstrings[id] "|" menu } }' | paste -s -d ':' - | sed -e "s/\\\\n/\\n/g; s/'/\\\\'/g") printf %s\\n "evaluate-commands -client ${kak_client} echo 'clang completion done' set-option 'buffer=${kak_buffile}' clang_completions '${header}:${compl}'" | kak -p ${kak_session} else clang++ -x ${ft} -fsyntax-only ${kak_opt_clang_options} - < ${dir}/buf 2> ${dir}/stderr printf %s\\n "evaluate-commands -client ${kak_client} echo 'clang parsing done'" | kak -p ${kak_session} fi flags=$(cat ${dir}/stderr | sed -rne " /^<stdin>:[0-9]+:([0-9]+:)? (fatal )?error/ { s/^<stdin>:([0-9]+):.*/\1|{red}█/; p } /^<stdin>:[0-9]+:([0-9]+:)? warning/ { s/^<stdin>:([0-9]+):.*/\1|{yellow}█/; p } " | paste -s -d ':' -) errors=$(cat ${dir}/stderr | sed -rne " /^<stdin>:[0-9]+:([0-9]+:)? ((fatal )?error|warning)/ { s/^<stdin>:([0-9]+):([0-9]+:)? (.*)/\1|\3/ s/'/\\\\'/g; s/:/\\\\:/g; p }" | sort -n | paste -s -d ':' -) sed -e "s|<stdin>|${kak_bufname}|g" < ${dir}/stderr > ${dir}/fifo printf %s\\n "set-option 'buffer=${kak_buffile}' clang_flags %{${kak_timestamp}:${flags}} set-option 'buffer=${kak_buffile}' clang_errors '${kak_timestamp}:${errors}'" | kak -p ${kak_session} ) > /dev/null 2>&1 < /dev/null & } } define-command clang-complete -docstring "Complete the current selection" %{ clang-parse -complete } define-command -hidden clang-show-completion-info %[ try %[ evaluate-commands -draft %[ execute-keys <space>{( <a-k> ^\( <ret> b <a-k> \A\w+\z <ret> %sh[ desc=$(printf %s\\n "${kak_opt_clang_completions}" | sed -e "{ s/\([^\\]\):/\1\n/g }" | sed -ne "/^${kak_selection}|/ { s/^[^|]\+|//; s/|.*$//; s/\\\:/:/g; p }") if [ -n "$desc" ]; then printf %s\\n "evaluate-commands -client $kak_client %{info -anchor ${kak_cursor_line}.${kak_cursor_column} -placement above %{${desc}}}" fi ] ] ] ] define-command clang-enable-autocomplete -docstring "Enable automatic clang completion" %{ set-option window completers "option=clang_completions:%opt{completers}" hook window -group clang-autocomplete InsertIdle .* %{ try %{ execute-keys -draft <a-h><a-k>(\.|->|::).\z<ret> echo 'completing...' clang-complete } clang-show-completion-info } alias window complete clang-complete } define-command clang-disable-autocomplete -docstring "Disable automatic clang completion" %{ set-option window completers %sh{ printf %s\\n "'${kak_opt_completers}'" | sed -e 's/option=clang_completions://g' } remove-hooks window clang-autocomplete unalias window complete clang-complete } define-command -hidden clang-show-error-info %{ update-option buffer clang_errors # Ensure we are up to date with buffer changes %sh{ desc=$(printf %s\\n "${kak_opt_clang_errors}" | sed -e "s/\([^\\]\):/\1\n/g" | sed -ne "/^${kak_cursor_line}|.*/ { s/^[[:digit:]]\+|//g; s/'/\\\\'/g; s/\\\\:/:/g; p }") if [ -n "$desc" ]; then printf %s\\n "info -anchor ${kak_cursor_line}.${kak_cursor_column} '${desc}'" fi } } define-command clang-enable-diagnostics -docstring %{Activate automatic error reporting and diagnostics Information about the analysis are showned after the buffer has been parsed with the clang-parse function} \ %{ add-highlighter window flag_lines default clang_flags hook window -group clang-diagnostics NormalIdle .* %{ clang-show-error-info } hook window -group clang-diagnostics WinSetOption ^clang_errors=.* %{ info; clang-show-error-info } } define-command clang-disable-diagnostics -docstring "Disable automatic error reporting and diagnostics" %{ remove-highlighter window/hlflags_clang_flags remove-hooks window clang-diagnostics } define-command clang-diagnostics-next -docstring "Jump to the next line that contains an error" %{ update-option buffer clang_errors # Ensure we are up to date with buffer changes %sh{ printf "%s\n" "${kak_opt_clang_errors}" | sed -e 's/\([^\\]\):/\1\n/g' | tail -n +2 | ( while IFS='|' read candidate rest; do first_line=${first_line-$candidate} if [ "$candidate" -gt $kak_cursor_line ]; then line=$candidate break fi done line=${line-$first_line} if [ -n "$line" ]; then printf %s\\n "execute-keys ${line} g" else echo "echo -markup '{Error}no next clang diagnostic'" fi ) } }