# http://ponylang.org # ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾ # Detection # ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾ hook global BufCreate .*[.](pony) %{ set-option buffer filetype pony } # Initialization # ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾ hook global WinSetOption filetype=pony %{ require-module pony set-option window static_words %opt{pony_static_words} # cleanup trailing whitespaces on current line insert end hook window ModeChange pop:insert:.* -group pony-trim-indent %{ try %{ execute-keys -draft <semicolon> x s ^\h+$ <ret> d } } hook window InsertChar \n -group pony-indent pony-indent-on-new-line hook window InsertChar \n -group pony-insert pony-insert-on-new-line set-option buffer extra_word_chars '_' "'" hook -once -always window WinSetOption filetype=.* %{ remove-hooks window pony-.+ } } hook -group pony-highlight global WinSetOption filetype=pony %{ add-highlighter window/pony ref pony hook -once -always window WinSetOption filetype=.* %{ remove-highlighter pony } } provide-module pony %§ # Highlighters & Completion # ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾ add-highlighter shared/pony regions add-highlighter shared/pony/code default-region group add-highlighter shared/pony/comment region '/\*' '\*/' fill comment add-highlighter shared/pony/line_comment region '//' '$' fill comment # String literals add-highlighter shared/pony/string region -match-capture '("""|")' '(?<!\\)(?:\\\\)*("""|")' group add-highlighter shared/pony/string/ fill string add-highlighter shared/pony/string/ regex '(?:\\a|\\b|\\e|\\f|\\n|\\r|\\t||\\v|\\\\|\\''|\\0|\\x[0-9a-fA-F]{2}|\\u[0-9a-fA-F]{4}|\\u[0-9a-fA-F]{6})' 0:meta # Character literals # negative lookbehind to account for variables with prime such as myvar' or myvar'' add-highlighter shared/pony/character region "(?<![a-z0-9'])'" (?<!\\)(\\\\)*' group add-highlighter shared/pony/character/ fill string add-highlighter shared/pony/character/ regex '(?:\\a|\\b|\\e|\\f|\\n|\\r|\\t||\\v|\\\\|\\''|\\0|\\x[0-9a-fA-F]{2})' 0:meta # Operators add-highlighter shared/pony/code/ regex '=|\+|-|\*|/|%|%%|<<|>>|==|!=|<|<=|>=|>|=>|;' 0:operator add-highlighter shared/pony/code/ regex '(\+|-|\*|/|%|%%|<<|>>|==|!=|<|<=|>=|>)~' 0:operator add-highlighter shared/pony/code/ regex '(\+|-|\*|/|%|%%)\?' 0:operator add-highlighter shared/pony/code/ regex '^\h*|' 0:operator add-highlighter shared/pony/code/ regex '\b_\b' 0:operator # Integer literals add-highlighter shared/pony/code/ regex '\b[0-9](_?[0-9])*\b' 0:value add-highlighter shared/pony/code/ regex '\b0x[0-9a-fA-F](_?[0-9a-fA-F])*\b' 0:value add-highlighter shared/pony/code/ regex '\b0b[01](_?[01])*\b' 0:value # Float literals add-highlighter shared/pony/code/ regex '\b[0-9]+\.[0-9]+(?:[eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?\b' 0:value add-highlighter shared/pony/code/ regex '\b[0-9]+[eE][-+]?[0-9]+\b' 0:value # Type literals add-highlighter shared/pony/code/ regex '\b_?[A-Z][A-Za-z0-9]*\b' 0:type # Literal words are highlighted below to also allow for autocompletion by appending # them to static_words. evaluate-commands %sh{ # Grammar values="true|false|this" meta='use' # Keyword list is collected using `keyword.kwlist` from `keyword` keywords="as|break|match|continue|else|elseif|try|in|return|end|for|is" keywords="${keywords}|recover|consume|error|do|then|if|while|where|with" keywords="${keywords}|class|struct|object|actor|interface|trait|primitive" keywords="${keywords}|type|var|let|embed|repeat|until|addressof" func_decl="new|fun|be" capabilities="iso|ref|box|tag|val|trn" operators="and|or|xor|not" builtin_types="String|None|Any|Array" # Add the language's grammar to the static completion list static_words="${values} ${meta} ${keywords} ${types_decl} ${capabilities}" static_words="${static_words} ${operators} ${builtin_types}" printf %s\\n "declare-option str-list pony_static_words ${static_words}" | tr '|' ' ' # Highlight keywords # The (?!') ensures that keywords with prime are highlighted as usual, for example try' printf %s " add-highlighter shared/pony/code/ regex \b(${values})\b(?!') 0:value add-highlighter shared/pony/code/ regex \b(${operators})\b(?!') 0:operator add-highlighter shared/pony/code/ regex \b(${meta})\b(?!') 0:meta add-highlighter shared/pony/code/ regex \b(${func_decl})(\s+(${capabilities}))?(\s+\w+)[\[(] 1:keyword 3:attribute 4:function add-highlighter shared/pony/code/ regex \b(${func_decl})\b(?!') 0:keyword add-highlighter shared/pony/code/ regex \b(${keywords})\b(?!') 0:keyword add-highlighter shared/pony/code/ regex \b(${capabilities})\b(?!')(!|\\^)? 1:attribute 2:attribute " # Highlight types and attributes printf %s " add-highlighter shared/pony/code/ regex '@[\w_]+\b' 0:attribute " } # Commands # ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾ define-command -hidden pony-insert-on-new-line %< evaluate-commands -no-hooks -draft -itersel %< # copy // comments prefix and following white spaces try %{ execute-keys -draft k x s ^\h*\K//\h* <ret> y jgi P } # wisely add `end` keyword evaluate-commands -save-regs x %< try %{ execute-keys -draft k x s ^ \h + <ret> \" x y } catch %{ reg x '' } try %< evaluate-commands -draft %< # Check if previous line opens a block execute-keys -draft kx <a-k>^<c-r>x(try|match|recover|repeat|object|.+\bdo$|.+\bthen$)[^0-9A-Za-z_']<ret> # Check that we didn't put an end on the previous line that closes the block execute-keys -draft kx <a-K> \bend$<ret> # Check that we do not already have an end for this indent level which is first set via `pony-indent-on-new-line` hook execute-keys -draft }i J x <a-K> ^<c-r>x(end|else|elseif|until)[^0-9A-Za-z_']<ret> > execute-keys -draft o<c-r>xend<esc> # insert a new line with containing end > > > > define-command -hidden pony-indent-on-new-line %{ evaluate-commands -no-hooks -draft -itersel %{ # preserve previous line indent try %{ execute-keys -draft , K <a-&> } # cleanup trailing whitespaces from previous line try %{ execute-keys -draft k x s \h+$ <ret> d } # indent after line ending with: =>, do, try, then, else, =; or # starting with: actor, class, struct, trait, interface, if, elseif, recover, repeat # excluding: primitive, type -- because they are often written in a single line try %{ execute-keys -draft , k x <a-k> (\b(?:do|try|then|else|recover|repeat)|=>|=)$ | ^\h*(actor|class|struct|trait|interface|object)\b <ret> j <a-gt> } # else, end are always de-indented try %{ execute-keys -draft , k x <a-k> \b(else|end):$ <ret> k x s ^\h* <ret> y j x <a-k> ^<c-r>" <ret> J <a-lt> } } } §