#include "normal.hh" #include "buffer.hh" #include "buffer_manager.hh" #include "buffer_utils.hh" #include "changes.hh" #include "client_manager.hh" #include "command_manager.hh" #include "commands.hh" #include "context.hh" #include "diff.hh" #include "enum.hh" #include "face_registry.hh" #include "file.hh" #include "flags.hh" #include "option_manager.hh" #include "option_types.hh" #include "ranges.hh" #include "regex.hh" #include "register_manager.hh" #include "selectors.hh" #include "shell_manager.hh" #include "string.hh" #include "user_interface.hh" #include "unit_tests.hh" #include "window.hh" #include "word_db.hh" namespace Kakoune { enum class SelectMode { Replace, Extend, Append, }; constexpr auto enum_desc(Meta::Type) { return make_array>({ { SelectMode::Replace, "replace" }, { SelectMode::Extend, "extend" }, { SelectMode::Append, "append" }, }); } void merge_selections(Selection& sel, const Selection& new_sel) { const bool forward = sel.cursor() >= sel.anchor(); const bool new_forward = new_sel.cursor() > new_sel.anchor(); if (forward and new_forward) sel.anchor() = std::min(sel.anchor(), new_sel.anchor()); const bool backward = sel.cursor() <= sel.anchor(); const bool new_backward = new_sel.cursor() < new_sel.anchor(); if (backward and new_backward) sel.anchor() = std::max(sel.anchor(), new_sel.anchor()); sel.cursor() = new_sel.cursor(); } UnitTest test_merge_selection{[] { auto merge = [](Selection sel, const Selection& new_sel) { merge_selections(sel, new_sel); return sel; }; kak_assert(merge({{0, 1}, {0, 2} }, {{0, 3}, {0, 4}}) == Selection{{0, 1}, {0, 4}}); kak_assert(merge({{0, 1}, {0, 2} }, {{0, 1}, {0, 2}}) == Selection{{0, 1}, {0, 2}}); kak_assert(merge({{0, 1}, {0, 2} }, {{0, 0}, {0, 0}}) == Selection{{0, 1}, {0, 0}}); kak_assert(merge({{0, 1}, {0, 2} }, {{0, 0}, {0, 3}}) == Selection{{0, 0}, {0, 3}}); kak_assert(merge({{0, 1}, {0, 3} }, {{0, 4}, {0, 2}}) == Selection{{0, 1}, {0, 2}}); kak_assert(merge({{0, 1}, {0, 2} }, {{0, 1}, {0, 1}}) == Selection{{0, 1}, {0, 1}}); }}; template void select(Context& context, T func) { auto& selections = context.selections(); if (mode == SelectMode::Append) { auto& sel = selections.main(); if (auto res = func(context, sel)) { if (res->captures().empty()) res->captures() = sel.captures(); selections.push_back(std::move(*res)); selections.set_main_index(selections.size() - 1); } } else { auto main_index = selections.main_index(); size_t new_size = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < selections.size(); ++i) { auto& sel = selections[i]; auto res = func(context, sel); if (not res) { if (i <= main_index and main_index != 0) --main_index; continue; } if (mode == SelectMode::Extend) merge_selections(sel, *res); else { sel.anchor() = res->anchor(); sel.cursor() = res->cursor(); } if (not res->captures().empty()) sel.captures() = std::move(res->captures()); if (i != new_size) selections[new_size] = std::move(sel); ++new_size; } if (new_size == 0) throw no_selections_remaining{}; selections.set_main_index(main_index); selections.remove_from(new_size); } selections.sort_and_merge_overlapping(); selections.check_invariant(); } template (*func)(const Context&, const Selection&)> void select(Context& context, NormalParams) { select(context, func); } template void select_and_set_last(Context& context, Func&& func) { context.set_last_select( [func](Context& context){ select(context, func); }); return select(context, func); } template void select_coord(Buffer& buffer, BufferCoord coord, SelectionList& selections) { coord = buffer.clamp(coord); if (mode == SelectMode::Replace) selections = SelectionList{ buffer, coord }; else if (mode == SelectMode::Extend) { for (auto& sel : selections) sel.cursor() = coord; selections.sort_and_merge_overlapping(); } } template void enter_insert_mode(Context& context, NormalParams params) { context.input_handler().insert(mode, params.count); } void repeat_last_insert(Context& context, NormalParams) { context.input_handler().repeat_last_insert(); } void repeat_last_select(Context& context, NormalParams) { context.repeat_last_select(); } String build_autoinfo_for_mapping(const Context& context, KeymapMode mode, ConstArrayView built_ins) { auto& keymaps = context.keymaps(); Vector> descs; for (auto& built_in : built_ins) { String keys = join(built_in.keys | filter([&](Key k){ return not keymaps.is_mapped(k, mode); }) | transform(key_to_str), ',', false); if (not keys.empty()) descs.emplace_back(std::move(keys), built_in.docstring); } for (auto& key : keymaps.get_mapped_keys(mode)) descs.emplace_back(key_to_str(key), keymaps.get_mapping(key, mode).docstring); auto max_len = 0_col; for (auto& desc : descs) { auto len = desc.first.column_length(); if (len > max_len) max_len = len; } String res; for (auto& desc : descs) res += format("{}:{}{}\n", desc.first, String{' ', max_len - desc.first.column_length() + 1}, desc.second); return res; } template void goto_commands(Context& context, NormalParams params) { if (params.count != 0) { context.push_jump(); select_coord(context.buffer(), LineCount{params.count - 1}, context.selections()); if (context.has_window()) context.window().center_line(LineCount{params.count-1}); } else { on_next_key_with_autoinfo(context, "goto", KeymapMode::Goto, [](Key key, Context& context) { auto cp = key.codepoint(); if (not cp or key == Key::Escape) return; auto& buffer = context.buffer(); switch (to_lower(*cp)) { case 'g': case 'k': context.push_jump(); select_coord(buffer, BufferCoord{0,0}, context.selections()); break; case 'l': select>(context, {}); break; case 'h': select>(context, {}); break; case 'i': select(context, {}); break; case 'j': context.push_jump(); select_coord(buffer, buffer.line_count() - 1, context.selections()); break; case 'e': context.push_jump(); select_coord(buffer, buffer.back_coord(), context.selections()); break; case 't': if (context.has_window()) { auto line = context.window().position().line; select_coord(buffer, line, context.selections()); } break; case 'b': if (context.has_window()) { auto& window = context.window(); auto line = window.position().line + window.dimensions().line - 1; select_coord(buffer, line, context.selections()); } break; case 'c': if (context.has_window()) { auto& window = context.window(); auto line = window.position().line + window.dimensions().line / 2; select_coord(buffer, line, context.selections()); } break; case 'a': { Buffer* target = context.last_buffer(); if (not target) { throw runtime_error("no last buffer"); } context.push_jump(); context.change_buffer(*target); break; } case 'f': { static constexpr char forbidden[] = { '\'', '\\', '\0' }; const auto& paths_opt = context.options()["path"].get>(); const auto paths = context.selections() | transform([&](const auto& sel) { auto filename = content(buffer, sel); if (any_of(filename, [](char c){ return contains(forbidden, c); })) throw runtime_error(format("filename contains invalid characters: '{}'", filename)); const StringView buffer_dir = split_path(buffer.name()).first; String path = find_file(filename, buffer_dir, paths_opt); if (path.empty()) throw runtime_error(format("unable to find file '{}'", filename)); return path; }); Buffer* buffer_main = nullptr; for (auto&& [i, path] : paths | enumerate()) { Buffer* buffer = BufferManager::instance().get_buffer_ifp(path); if (not buffer) { buffer = open_file_buffer(path, context.hooks_disabled() ? Buffer::Flags::NoHooks : Buffer::Flags::None); buffer->flags() &= ~Buffer::Flags::NoHooks; } if (i == context.selections().main_index()) buffer_main = buffer; } if (buffer_main and buffer_main != &context.buffer()) { context.push_jump(); context.change_buffer(*buffer_main); } break; } case '.': { context.push_jump(); auto pos = buffer.last_modification_coord(); if (not pos) throw runtime_error("no last modification position"); if (*pos >= buffer.back_coord()) pos = buffer.back_coord(); select_coord(buffer, *pos, context.selections()); break; } default: throw runtime_error("key not mapped"); } }, (mode == SelectMode::Extend ? "goto (extend to)" : "goto"), build_autoinfo_for_mapping(context, KeymapMode::Goto, {{{'g','k'},"buffer top"}, {{'l'}, "line end"}, {{'h'}, "line begin"}, {{'i'}, "line non blank start"}, {{'j'}, "buffer bottom"}, {{'e'}, "buffer end"}, {{'t'}, "window top"}, {{'b'}, "window bottom"}, {{'c'}, "window center"}, {{'a'}, "last buffer"}, {{'f'}, "file"}, {{'.'}, "last buffer change"}})); } } template void view_commands(Context& context, NormalParams params) { const int count = params.count; on_next_key_with_autoinfo(context, "view", KeymapMode::View, [count](Key key, Context& context) { if (key == Key::Escape) return; if (lock) view_commands(context, { count, 0 }); auto cp = key.codepoint(); if (not cp or not context.has_window()) return; const BufferCoord cursor = context.selections().main().cursor(); Window& window = context.window(); switch (*cp) { case 'v': case 'c': window.center_line(cursor.line); break; case 'm': window.center_column( context.buffer()[cursor.line].column_count_to(cursor.column)); break; case 't': window.display_line_at(cursor.line, 0); break; case 'b': window.display_line_at(cursor.line, window.dimensions().line-1); break; case 'h': window.scroll(-std::max(1, count)); break; case 'j': scroll_window(context, std::max(1, count)); break; case 'k': scroll_window(context, -std::max(1, count)); break; case 'l': window.scroll( std::max(1, count)); break; default: throw runtime_error("key not mapped"); } }, lock ? "view (lock)" : "view", build_autoinfo_for_mapping(context, KeymapMode::View, {{{'v','c'}, "center cursor (vertically)"}, {{'m'}, "center cursor (horizontally)"}, {{'t'}, "cursor on top"}, {{'b'}, "cursor on bottom"}, {{'h'}, "scroll left"}, {{'j'}, "scroll down"}, {{'k'}, "scroll up"}, {{'l'}, "scroll right"}})); } void replace_with_char(Context& context, NormalParams) { on_next_key_with_autoinfo(context, "replace-char", KeymapMode::None, [](Key key, Context& context) { auto cp = key.codepoint(); if (not cp or key == Key::Escape) return; ScopedEdition edition(context); Buffer& buffer = context.buffer(); context.selections().for_each([&](size_t index, Selection& sel) { CharCount count = char_length(buffer, sel); replace(buffer, sel, String{*cp, count}); }); }, "replace with char", "enter char to replace with\n"); } Codepoint swap_case(Codepoint cp) { Codepoint res = to_lower(cp); return res == cp ? to_upper(cp) : res; } template void for_each_codepoint(Context& context, NormalParams) { using Utf8It = utf8::iterator; ScopedEdition edition(context); Buffer& buffer = context.buffer(); context.selections().for_each([&](size_t index, Selection& sel) { String str; for (auto begin = Utf8It{buffer.iterator_at(sel.min()), buffer}, end = Utf8It{buffer.iterator_at(sel.max()), buffer}+1; begin != end; ++begin) utf8::dump(std::back_inserter(str), func(*begin)); replace(buffer, sel, str); }); } void command(const Context& context, EnvVarMap env_vars, char reg = 0) { if (not CommandManager::has_instance()) throw runtime_error{"commands are not supported"}; CommandManager::instance().clear_last_complete_command(); String default_command = context.main_sel_register_value(reg ? reg : ':').str(); context.input_handler().prompt( ":", {}, default_command, context.faces()["Prompt"], PromptFlags::DropHistoryEntriesWithBlankPrefix, ':', [](const Context& context, CompletionFlags flags, StringView cmd_line, ByteCount pos) { return CommandManager::instance().complete(context, flags, cmd_line, pos); }, [env_vars = std::move(env_vars), default_command](StringView cmdline, PromptEvent event, Context& context) { if (context.has_client()) { context.client().info_hide(); if (event == PromptEvent::Change) { auto info = CommandManager::instance().command_info(context, cmdline); context.input_handler().set_prompt_face(context.faces()[info ? "Prompt" : "Error"]); auto autoinfo = context.options()["autoinfo"].get(); if (autoinfo & AutoInfo::Command) { if (cmdline.length() == 1 and is_horizontal_blank(cmdline[0_byte])) context.client().info_show("prompt", "commands preceded by a blank wont be saved to history", {}, InfoStyle::Prompt); else if (info and not info->info.empty()) context.client().info_show(info->name, info->info, {}, InfoStyle::Prompt); } } } if (event == PromptEvent::Validate) { if (cmdline.empty()) cmdline = default_command; CommandManager::instance().execute(cmdline, context, { {}, env_vars }); } }); } void command(Context& context, NormalParams params) { EnvVarMap env_vars = { { "count", to_string(params.count) }, { "register", String{¶ms.reg, 1} } }; command(context, std::move(env_vars), params.reg); } BufferCoord apply_diff(Buffer& buffer, BufferCoord pos, StringView before, StringView after) { const auto lines_before = before | split_after('\n') | gather>(); const auto lines_after = after | split_after('\n') | gather>(); auto byte_count = [](auto&& lines, int first, int count) { return std::accumulate(lines.begin() + first, lines.begin() + first + count, 0_byte, [](ByteCount l, StringView s) { return l + s.length(); }); }; for_each_diff(lines_before.begin(), (int)lines_before.size(), lines_after.begin(), (int)lines_after.size(), [&, posA = 0, posB = 0](DiffOp op, int len) mutable { switch (op) { case DiffOp::Keep: pos = buffer.advance(pos, byte_count(lines_before, posA, len)); posA += len; posB += len; break; case DiffOp::Add: pos = buffer.insert(pos, {lines_after[posB].begin(), lines_after[posB + len - 1].end()}).end; posB += len; break; case DiffOp::Remove: pos = buffer.erase(pos, buffer.advance(pos, byte_count(lines_before, posA, len))); posA += len; break; } }); return pos; } template void pipe(Context& context, NormalParams params) { const char* prompt = replace ? "pipe:" : "pipe-to:"; String default_command = context.main_sel_register_value(params.reg ? params.reg : '|').str(); context.input_handler().prompt( prompt, {}, default_command, context.faces()["Prompt"], PromptFlags::DropHistoryEntriesWithBlankPrefix, '|', shell_complete, [default_command](StringView cmdline, PromptEvent event, Context& context) { if (event != PromptEvent::Validate) return; if (cmdline.empty()) cmdline = default_command; if (cmdline.empty()) return; Buffer& buffer = context.buffer(); SelectionList selections = context.selections(); if (replace) { ScopedEdition edition(context); ForwardChangesTracker changes_tracker; size_t timestamp = buffer.timestamp(); Vector new_sels; for (auto& sel : selections) { const auto beg = changes_tracker.get_new_coord_tolerant(sel.min()); const auto end = changes_tracker.get_new_coord_tolerant(sel.max()); String in = buffer.string(beg, buffer.char_next(end)); // Needed in case we read selections inside the cmdline context.selections_write_only().set({keep_direction(Selection{beg, end}, sel)}, 0); String out = ShellManager::instance().eval( cmdline, context, in, ShellManager::Flags::WaitForStdout).first; if (in.back() != '\n' and not out.empty() and out.back() == '\n') out.resize(out.length()-1, 0); auto new_end = apply_diff(buffer, beg, in, out); if (new_end != beg) new_sels.push_back(keep_direction({beg, buffer.char_prev(new_end), std::move(sel.captures())}, sel)); else { if (new_end != BufferCoord{}) new_end = buffer.char_prev(new_end); new_sels.push_back({new_end, new_end, std::move(sel.captures())}); } changes_tracker.update(buffer, timestamp); } context.selections_write_only().set(std::move(new_sels), selections.main_index()); } else { const auto old_main = selections.main_index(); for (int i = 0; i < selections.size(); ++i) { selections.set_main_index(i); ShellManager::instance().eval(cmdline, context, content(buffer, selections.main()), ShellManager::Flags::None); } selections.set_main_index(old_main); } }); } void yank(Context& context, NormalParams params) { const char reg = params.reg ? params.reg : '"'; RegisterManager::instance()[reg].set(context, context.selections_content()); context.print_status({ format("yanked {} selections to register {}", context.selections().size(), reg), context.faces()["Information"] }); } template void erase_selections(Context& context, NormalParams params) { if (yank) { const char reg = params.reg ? params.reg : '"'; RegisterManager::instance()[reg].set(context, context.selections_content()); } ScopedEdition edition(context); context.selections().erase(); } template void change(Context& context, NormalParams params) { if (yank) { const char reg = params.reg ? params.reg : '"'; RegisterManager::instance()[reg].set(context, context.selections_content()); } enter_insert_mode(context, params); } enum class PasteMode { Append, Insert, Replace }; BufferCoord paste_pos(Buffer& buffer, const Selection& sel, PasteMode mode, bool linewise) { switch (mode) { case PasteMode::Append: return linewise ? std::min(buffer.line_count(), sel.max().line+1) : buffer.char_next(sel.max()); case PasteMode::Insert: return linewise ? sel.min().line : sel.min(); default: kak_assert(false); return {}; } } template void paste(Context& context, NormalParams params) { const char reg = params.reg ? params.reg : '"'; auto strings = RegisterManager::instance()[reg].get(context); const bool linewise = any_of(strings, [](StringView str) { return not str.empty() and str.back() == '\n'; }); auto& buffer = context.buffer(); ScopedEdition edition(context); context.selections().for_each([&](size_t index, Selection& sel) { auto& str = strings[std::min(strings.size()-1, index)]; if (mode == PasteMode::Replace) replace(buffer, sel, str); else insert(buffer, sel, paste_pos(buffer, sel, mode, linewise), str); }); } template void paste_all(Context& context, NormalParams params) { const char reg = params.reg ? params.reg : '"'; auto strings = RegisterManager::instance()[reg].get(context); bool linewise = false; String all; Vector offsets; for (auto& str : strings) { if (str.empty()) continue; if (str.back() == '\n') linewise = true; all += str; offsets.push_back(all.length()); } if (offsets.empty()) throw runtime_error("nothing to paste"); Buffer& buffer = context.buffer(); Vector result; auto& selections = context.selections(); { ScopedEdition edition(context); selections.for_each([&](size_t, const Selection& sel) { auto range = (mode == PasteMode::Replace) ? buffer.replace(sel.min(), buffer.char_next(sel.max()), all) : buffer.insert(paste_pos(buffer, sel, mode, linewise), all); ByteCount pos_offset = 0; BufferCoord pos = range.begin; for (auto offset : offsets) { BufferCoord end = buffer.advance(pos, offset - pos_offset - 1); result.emplace_back(pos, end); pos = buffer.next(end); pos_offset = offset; } }); } selections = std::move(result); } template void insert_output(Context& context, NormalParams params) { const char* prompt = mode == PasteMode::Insert ? "insert-output:" : "append-output:"; String default_command = context.main_sel_register_value(params.reg ? params.reg : '|').str(); context.input_handler().prompt( prompt, {}, default_command, context.faces()["Prompt"], PromptFlags::DropHistoryEntriesWithBlankPrefix, '|', shell_complete, [default_command](StringView cmdline, PromptEvent event, Context& context) { if (event != PromptEvent::Validate) return; if (cmdline.empty()) cmdline = default_command; if (cmdline.empty()) return; ScopedEdition edition(context); auto& selections = context.selections(); auto& buffer = context.buffer(); const size_t old_main = selections.main_index(); Vector ins_range; selections.for_each([&](size_t index, Selection& sel) { selections.set_main_index(index); auto [out, status] = ShellManager::instance().eval( cmdline, context, content(context.buffer(), sel), ShellManager::Flags::WaitForStdout); auto range = insert(buffer, sel, paste_pos(buffer, sel, mode, false), out); ins_range.push_back(range); }); selections.set(ins_range | transform([&buffer](auto& range) { if (range.empty()) return Selection{range.begin, range.end}; return Selection{range.begin, buffer.char_prev(range.end)}; }) | gather(), old_main); }); } constexpr RegexCompileFlags direction_flags(RegexMode mode) { return (mode & RegexMode::Forward) ? RegexCompileFlags::None : RegexCompileFlags::Backward | RegexCompileFlags::NoForward; } template void regex_prompt(Context& context, String prompt, char reg, T func) { static_assert(is_direction(mode)); DisplayCoord position = context.has_window() ? context.window().position() : DisplayCoord{}; SelectionList selections = context.selections(); auto default_regex = RegisterManager::instance()[reg].get_main(context, context.selections().main_index()); context.input_handler().prompt( std::move(prompt), {}, default_regex, context.faces()["Prompt"], PromptFlags::Search, reg, [](const Context& context, CompletionFlags, StringView regex, ByteCount pos) -> Completions { auto current_word = [](StringView s) { auto it = s.end(); while (it != s.begin() and is_word(*(it-1))) --it; StringView res{it, s.end()}; if (it == s.begin() or res.empty()) return res; int backslashes = 0; for (auto bs = it; bs != s.begin() && *(bs-1) == '\\'; --bs) ++backslashes; return (backslashes % 2 == 1) ? res.substr(1_byte) : res; }; const auto word = current_word(regex.substr(0_byte, pos)); auto matches = get_word_db(context.buffer()).find_matching(word); constexpr size_t max_count = 100; CandidateList candidates; candidates.reserve(std::min(matches.size(), max_count)); for_n_best(matches, max_count, [](auto& lhs, auto& rhs) { return rhs < lhs; }, [&](auto&& m) { candidates.push_back(m.candidate().str()); return true; }); return {(int)(word.begin() - regex.begin()), pos, std::move(candidates) }; }, [=, func=T(std::move(func))](StringView str, PromptEvent event, Context& context) mutable { try { if (event != PromptEvent::Change and context.has_client()) context.client().info_hide(); const bool incsearch = context.options()["incsearch"].get(); if (incsearch) { selections.update(); context.selections_write_only() = selections; if (context.has_window()) context.window().set_position(position); context.input_handler().set_prompt_face(context.faces()["Prompt"]); } if (not incsearch and event == PromptEvent::Change) return; if (event == PromptEvent::Validate) context.push_jump(); if (not str.empty() or event == PromptEvent::Validate) func(Regex{str.empty() ? default_regex : str, direction_flags(mode)}, event, context); } catch (regex_error& err) { if (event == PromptEvent::Validate) throw; else context.input_handler().set_prompt_face(context.faces()["Error"]); } catch (runtime_error&) { context.selections_write_only() = selections; // only validation should propagate errors, // incremental search should not. if (event == PromptEvent::Validate) throw; } }); } template void select_next_matches(Context& context, const Regex& regex, int count) { auto& selections = context.selections(); do { bool wrapped = false; for (auto& sel : selections) sel = keep_direction(find_next_match(context, sel, regex, wrapped), sel); selections.sort_and_merge_overlapping(); } while (--count > 0); } template void extend_to_next_matches(Context& context, const Regex& regex, int count) { Vector new_sels; auto& selections = context.selections(); do { bool wrapped = false; size_t main_index = selections.main_index(); for (auto& sel : selections) { auto new_sel = find_next_match(context, sel, regex, wrapped); if (not wrapped) { new_sels.push_back(sel); merge_selections(new_sels.back(), new_sel); } else if (new_sels.size() <= main_index) --main_index; } if (new_sels.empty()) throw runtime_error{"All selections wrapped"}; selections.set(std::move(new_sels), main_index); new_sels.clear(); } while (--count > 0); } template void search(Context& context, NormalParams params) { static_assert(is_direction(regex_mode)); constexpr StringView prompt = mode == SelectMode::Extend ? (regex_mode & RegexMode::Forward ? "search (extend):" : "reverse search (extend):") : (regex_mode & RegexMode::Forward ? "search:" : "reverse search:"); const char reg = to_lower(params.reg ? params.reg : '/'); const int count = params.count; regex_prompt(context, prompt.str(), reg, [reg, count, saved_reg = RegisterManager::instance()[reg].save(context)] (const Regex& regex, PromptEvent event, Context& context) { RegisterManager::instance()[reg].restore(context, saved_reg); if (event == PromptEvent::Abort) return; RegisterManager::instance()[reg].set(context, regex.str()); if (regex.empty() or regex.str().empty()) return; if (mode == SelectMode::Extend) extend_to_next_matches(context, regex, count); else select_next_matches(context, regex, count); }); } template void search_next(Context& context, NormalParams params) { const char reg = to_lower(params.reg ? params.reg : '/'); StringView str = RegisterManager::instance()[reg].get(context).back(); if (not str.empty()) { Regex regex{str, direction_flags(regex_mode)}; auto& selections = context.selections(); bool main_wrapped = false; do { bool wrapped = false; if (mode == SelectMode::Replace) { auto& sel = selections.main(); sel = keep_direction(find_next_match(context, sel, regex, wrapped), sel); } else if (mode == SelectMode::Append) { auto sel = keep_direction( find_next_match(context, selections.main(), regex, wrapped), selections.main()); selections.push_back(std::move(sel)); selections.set_main_index(selections.size() - 1); } selections.sort_and_merge_overlapping(); main_wrapped = main_wrapped or wrapped; } while (--params.count > 0); if (main_wrapped) context.print_status({"main selection search wrapped around buffer", context.faces()["Information"]}); } else throw runtime_error("no search pattern"); } template void use_selection_as_search_pattern(Context& context, NormalParams params) { const auto& buffer = context.buffer(); auto patterns = context.selections() | transform([&](auto&& sel) { const auto beg = sel.min(), end = buffer.char_next(sel.max()); return format("{}{}{}", smart and is_bow(buffer, beg) ? "\\b" : "", escape(buffer.string(beg, end), "^$\\.*+?()[]{}|", '\\'), smart and is_eow(buffer, end) ? "\\b" : ""); }); String pattern = join(patterns, '|', false); const char reg = to_lower(params.reg ? params.reg : '/'); context.print_status({ format("register '{}' set to '{}'", reg, pattern), context.faces()["Information"] }); RegisterManager::instance()[reg].set(context, {pattern}); // Hack, as Window do not take register state into account if (context.has_window()) context.window().force_redraw(); } void select_regex(Context& context, NormalParams params) { const char reg = to_lower(params.reg ? params.reg : '/'); const int capture = params.count; auto prompt = capture ? format("select (capture {}):", capture) : "select:"_str; regex_prompt(context, std::move(prompt), reg, [reg, capture, saved_reg = RegisterManager::instance()[reg].save(context)] (Regex ex, PromptEvent event, Context& context) { RegisterManager::instance()[reg].restore(context, saved_reg); if (event == PromptEvent::Abort) return; if (not context.history_disabled()) RegisterManager::instance()[reg].set(context, ex.str()); auto& selections = context.selections(); auto& buffer = selections.buffer(); if (not ex.empty() and not ex.str().empty()) selections = SelectionList{buffer, select_matches(buffer, selections, ex, capture)}; }); } void split_regex(Context& context, NormalParams params) { const char reg = to_lower(params.reg ? params.reg : '/'); const int capture = params.count; auto prompt = capture ? format("split (on capture {}):", (int)capture) : "split:"_str; regex_prompt(context, std::move(prompt), reg, [reg, capture, saved_reg = RegisterManager::instance()[reg].save(context)] (Regex ex, PromptEvent event, Context& context) { RegisterManager::instance()[reg].restore(context, saved_reg); if (event == PromptEvent::Abort) return; if (not context.history_disabled()) RegisterManager::instance()[reg].set(context, ex.str()); auto& selections = context.selections(); auto& buffer = selections.buffer(); if (not ex.empty() and not ex.str().empty()) selections = SelectionList{buffer, split_on_matches(buffer, selections, ex, capture)}; }); } void split_lines(Context& context, NormalParams params) { const LineCount count{params.count == 0 ? 1 : params.count}; auto& selections = context.selections(); auto& buffer = context.buffer(); Vector res; for (auto& sel : selections) { if (sel.anchor().line == sel.cursor().line) { res.push_back(std::move(sel)); continue; } auto min = sel.min(); auto max = sel.max(); for (auto line = min.line; line <= max.line; line += count) { auto last_line = std::min(line + count - 1, buffer.line_count() - 1); res.push_back(keep_direction({ std::max(min, line), std::min(max, {last_line, buffer[last_line].length() - 1}) }, sel)); } } selections = std::move(res); } void select_boundaries(Context& context, NormalParams) { auto& selections = context.selections(); Vector res; for (auto& sel : selections) { res.push_back(sel.min()); if (sel.min() != sel.max()) res.push_back(sel.max()); } selections = std::move(res); } void join_lines_select_spaces(Context& context, NormalParams) { auto& buffer = context.buffer(); Vector selections; for (auto& sel : context.selections()) { const LineCount min_line = sel.min().line; const LineCount max_line = sel.max().line; auto end_line = std::min(buffer.line_count()-1, max_line + (min_line == max_line ? 1 : 0)); for (LineCount line = min_line; line < end_line; ++line) { auto begin = buffer.iterator_at({line, buffer[line].length()-1}); auto end = std::find_if_not(begin+1, buffer.end(), is_horizontal_blank); selections.emplace_back(begin.coord(), (end-1).coord()); } } if (selections.empty()) return; context.selections_write_only() = std::move(selections); context.selections().merge_consecutive(); ScopedEdition edition(context); context.selections().replace({" "_str}); } void join_lines(Context& context, NormalParams params) { SelectionList sels{context.selections()}; auto restore_sels = on_scope_end([&]{ sels.update(); context.selections_write_only() = std::move(sels); }); join_lines_select_spaces(context, params); } template void keep(Context& context, NormalParams params) { constexpr StringView prompt = matching ? "keep matching:" : "keep not matching:"; const char reg = to_lower(params.reg ? params.reg : '/'); regex_prompt(context, prompt.str(), reg, [reg, saved_reg = RegisterManager::instance()[reg].save(context)] (const Regex& regex, PromptEvent event, Context& context) { RegisterManager::instance()[reg].restore(context, saved_reg); if (event == PromptEvent::Abort) return; if (not context.history_disabled()) RegisterManager::instance()[reg].set(context, regex.str()); if (regex.empty() or regex.str().empty()) return; const Buffer& buffer = context.buffer(); Vector keep; for (auto& sel : context.selections()) { auto begin = buffer.iterator_at(sel.min()); auto end = utf8::next(buffer.iterator_at(sel.max()), buffer.end()); // We do not consider if end is on an eol, as it seems to // give more intuitive behaviours in keep use cases. const auto flags = match_flags(is_bol(begin.coord()), false, is_bow(buffer, begin.coord()), is_eow(buffer, end.coord())); if (regex_search(begin, end, begin, end, regex, flags) == matching) keep.push_back(sel); } if (keep.empty()) throw no_selections_remaining{}; context.selections_write_only() = std::move(keep); }); } void keep_pipe(Context& context, NormalParams params) { String default_command = context.main_sel_register_value(params.reg ? params.reg : '|').str(); context.input_handler().prompt( "keep pipe:", {}, default_command, context.faces()["Prompt"], PromptFlags::DropHistoryEntriesWithBlankPrefix, '|', shell_complete, [default_command](StringView cmdline, PromptEvent event, Context& context) { if (event != PromptEvent::Validate) return; if (cmdline.empty()) cmdline = default_command; if (cmdline.empty()) return; const Buffer& buffer = context.buffer(); auto& shell_manager = ShellManager::instance(); Vector keep; auto& selections = context.selections(); const size_t old_main = selections.main_index(); size_t new_main = -1; for (int i = 0; i < selections.size(); ++i) { auto& sel = selections[i]; selections.set_main_index(i); if (shell_manager.eval(cmdline, context, content(buffer, sel), ShellManager::Flags::None).second == 0) { keep.push_back(sel); if (i >= old_main and new_main == (size_t)-1) new_main = keep.size() - 1; } } if (keep.empty()) throw no_selections_remaining{}; if (new_main == -1) new_main = keep.size() - 1; context.selections_write_only().set(std::move(keep), new_main); }); } template void indent(Context& context, NormalParams params) { CharCount count = params.count ? params.count : 1; CharCount indent_width = context.options()["indentwidth"].get(); String indent = indent_width == 0 ? String{'\t', count} : String{' ', indent_width * count}; ScopedEdition edition(context); auto& buffer = context.buffer(); LineCount last_line = 0; for (auto& sel : context.selections()) { for (auto line = std::max(last_line, sel.min().line); line < sel.max().line+1; ++line) { if (indent_empty or buffer[line].length() > 1) buffer.insert(line, indent); } // avoid reindenting the same line if multiple selections are on it last_line = sel.max().line+1; } } template void deindent(Context& context, NormalParams params) { ColumnCount count = params.count ? params.count : 1; ColumnCount tabstop = context.options()["tabstop"].get(); ColumnCount indent_width = context.options()["indentwidth"].get(); if (indent_width == 0) indent_width = tabstop; indent_width = indent_width * count; auto& buffer = context.buffer(); LineCount last_line = 0; for (auto& sel : context.selections()) { for (auto line = std::max(sel.min().line, last_line); line < sel.max().line+1; ++line) { ColumnCount width = 0; auto content = buffer[line]; for (auto column = 0_byte; column < content.length(); ++column) { const char c = content[column]; if (c == '\t') width = (width / tabstop + 1) * tabstop; else if (c == ' ') ++width; else { if (deindent_incomplete and width != 0) buffer.erase(line, BufferCoord{line, column}); break; } if (width >= indent_width) { buffer.erase(line, BufferCoord{line, column+1}); break; } } } // avoid reindenting the same line if multiple selections are on it last_line = sel.max().line + 1; } } template void select_object(Context& context, NormalParams params) { auto get_title = [] { const auto whole_flags = (ObjectFlags::ToBegin | ObjectFlags::ToEnd); const bool whole = (flags & whole_flags) == whole_flags; return format("{} {}{}surrounding object{}", mode == SelectMode::Extend ? "extend" : "select", whole ? "" : "to ", flags & ObjectFlags::Inner ? "inner " : "", whole ? "" : (flags & ObjectFlags::ToBegin ? " begin" : " end")); }; on_next_key_with_autoinfo(context,"text-object", KeymapMode::Object, [params](Key key, Context& context) { if (key == Key::Escape) return; const int count = params.count <= 0 ? 0 : params.count - 1; static constexpr struct ObjectType { Key key; Optional (*func)(const Context&, const Selection&, int, ObjectFlags); } selectors[] = { { 'w', select_word }, { alt('w'), select_word }, { 's', select_sentence }, { 'p', select_paragraph }, { Key::Space, select_whitespaces }, { 'i', select_indent }, { 'n', select_number }, { 'u', select_argument }, }; auto obj_it = find(selectors | transform(&ObjectType::key), key).base(); if (obj_it != std::end(selectors)) return select_and_set_last( context, [=](Context& context, Selection& sel) { return obj_it->func(context, sel, count, flags); }); static constexpr auto regex_selector = [=](StringView open, StringView close, int count) { return [open=Regex{open, RegexCompileFlags::Backward}, close=Regex{close, RegexCompileFlags::Backward}, count](Context& context, Selection& sel) { return select_surrounding(context, sel, open, close, count, flags); }; }; if (key == 'c') { const bool info = show_auto_info_ifn( "Enter object desc", "format: ,\n" " escape commas with '\\'", AutoInfo::Command, context); context.input_handler().prompt( "object desc:", {}, {}, context.faces()["Prompt"], PromptFlags::None, '_', complete_nothing, [count,info](StringView cmdline, PromptEvent event, Context& context) { if (event != PromptEvent::Change) hide_auto_info_ifn(context, info); if (event != PromptEvent::Validate) return; struct error : runtime_error { error(size_t) : runtime_error{"desc parsing failed, expected ,"} {} }; auto params = cmdline | split(',', '\\') | transform(unescape<',', '\\'>) | static_gather(); if (params[0].empty() or params[1].empty()) throw error{0}; select_and_set_last(context, regex_selector(params[0], params[1], count)); }); return; } if (key == alt(';')) { EnvVarMap env_vars = { { "count", to_string(params.count) }, { "register", String{¶ms.reg, 1} }, { "select_mode", option_to_string(mode, Quoting::Raw) }, { "object_flags", option_to_string(flags, Quoting::Raw) } }; command(context, std::move(env_vars)); return; } static constexpr struct { char open; char close; char name; } surrounding_pairs[] = { { '(', ')', 'b' }, { '{', '}', 'B' }, { '[', ']', 'r' }, { '<', '>', 'a' }, { '"', '"', 'Q' }, { '\'', '\'', 'q' }, { '`', '`', 'g' }, }; if (auto it = find_if(surrounding_pairs, [key](auto s) { return key == s.open or key == s.close or key == s.name; }); it != std::end(surrounding_pairs)) return select_and_set_last( context, regex_selector(format("\\Q{}", it->open), format("\\Q{}", it->close), count)); if (auto cp = key.codepoint(); cp and is_punctuation(*cp, {})) { auto re = "\\Q" + to_string(*cp); return select_and_set_last(context, regex_selector(re, re, count)); } }, get_title(), build_autoinfo_for_mapping(context, KeymapMode::Object, {{{'b','(',')'}, "parenthesis block"}, {{'B','{','}'}, "brace block"}, {{'r','[',']'}, "bracket block"}, {{'a','<','>'}, "angle block"}, {{'"','Q'}, "double quote string"}, {{'\'','q'}, "single quote string"}, {{'`','g'}, "grave quote string"}, {{'w'}, "word"}, {{alt('w')}, "WORD"}, {{'s'}, "sentence"}, {{'p'}, "paragraph"}, {{Key::Space}, "whitespaces"}, {{'i'}, "indent"}, {{'u'}, "argument"}, {{'n'}, "number"}, {{'c'}, "custom object desc"}, {{alt(';')}, "run command in object context"}})); } enum Direction { Backward = -1, Forward = 1 }; template void scroll(Context& context, NormalParams params) { const Window& window = context.window(); const int count = params.count ? params.count : 1; const LineCount offset = (window.dimensions().line - 2) / (half ? 2 : 1) * count; scroll_window(context, offset * direction); } template void copy_selections_on_next_lines(Context& context, NormalParams params) { auto& selections = context.selections(); auto& buffer = context.buffer(); const ColumnCount tabstop = context.options()["tabstop"].get(); Vector result; size_t main_index = 0; for (auto& sel : selections) { const bool is_main = (&sel == &selections.main()); auto anchor = sel.anchor(); auto cursor = sel.cursor(); ColumnCount cursor_col = get_column(buffer, tabstop, cursor); ColumnCount anchor_col = get_column(buffer, tabstop, anchor); if (is_main) main_index = result.size(); result.push_back(std::move(sel)); const LineCount height = std::max(anchor.line, cursor.line) - std::min(anchor.line, cursor.line) + 1; const size_t max_lines = std::max(params.count, 1); for (size_t i = 0, nb_sels = 0; nb_sels < max_lines; ++i) { LineCount offset = direction * (i + 1) * height; const LineCount anchor_line = anchor.line + offset; const LineCount cursor_line = cursor.line + offset; if (anchor_line < 0 or cursor_line < 0 or anchor_line >= buffer.line_count() or cursor_line >= buffer.line_count()) break; const ByteCount anchor_byte = get_byte_to_column(buffer, tabstop, {anchor_line, anchor_col}); const ByteCount cursor_byte = get_byte_to_column(buffer, tabstop, {cursor_line, cursor_col}); if (anchor_byte != buffer[anchor_line].length() and cursor_byte != buffer[cursor_line].length()) { if (is_main) main_index = result.size(); result.emplace_back(BufferCoord{anchor_line, anchor_byte}, BufferCoordAndTarget{cursor_line, cursor_byte, cursor.target}); nb_sels++; } } } selections.set(std::move(result), main_index); selections.sort_and_merge_overlapping(); } template void rotate_selections(Context& context, NormalParams params) { const int count = params.count ? params.count : 1; auto& selections = context.selections(); const int index = selections.main_index(); const int num = selections.size(); selections.set_main_index((direction == Forward) ? (index + count) % num : (index + (num - count % num)) % num); } template void rotate_selections_content(Context& context, NormalParams params) { size_t group = params.count; size_t count = 1; auto strings = context.selections_content(); if (group == 0 or group > (int)strings.size()) group = (int)strings.size(); count = count % group; auto& selections = context.selections(); auto main = strings.begin() + selections.main_index(); for (auto it = strings.begin(); it != strings.end(); ) { auto end = std::min(strings.end(), it + group); auto new_beg = (direction == Direction::Forward) ? end - count : it + count; std::rotate(it, new_beg, end); if (it <= main and main < end) main = main < new_beg ? end - (new_beg - main) : it + (main - new_beg); it = end; } selections.replace(strings); selections.set_main_index(main - strings.begin()); } enum class SelectFlags { None = 0, Reverse = 1, Inclusive = 2, Extend = 4 }; constexpr bool with_bit_ops(Meta::Type) { return true; } template void select_to_next_char(Context& context, NormalParams params) { auto get_title = [] { return format("{} {} {} char", flags & SelectFlags::Extend ? "extend" : "select", flags & SelectFlags::Inclusive ? "onto" : "to", flags & SelectFlags::Reverse ? "previous" : "next"); }; on_next_key_with_autoinfo(context, "to-char", KeymapMode::None, [params](Key key, Context& context) { auto cp = key.codepoint(); if (not cp or key == Key::Escape) return; constexpr auto new_flags = flags & SelectFlags::Extend ? SelectMode::Extend : SelectMode::Replace; select_and_set_last( context, [cp=*cp, count=params.count] (auto& context, auto& sel) { auto& func = flags & SelectFlags::Reverse ? select_to_reverse : select_to; return func(context, sel, cp, count, flags & SelectFlags::Inclusive); }); }, get_title(), "enter char to select to"); } void start_or_end_macro_recording(Context& context, NormalParams params) { if (context.input_handler().is_recording()) context.input_handler().stop_recording(); else { const char reg = to_lower(params.reg ? params.reg : '@'); if (not is_basic_alpha(reg) and reg != '@') throw runtime_error("macros can only use the '@' and alphabetic registers"); context.input_handler().start_recording(reg); } } void end_macro_recording(Context& context, NormalParams) { if (context.input_handler().is_recording()) context.input_handler().stop_recording(); } void replay_macro(Context& context, NormalParams params) { const char reg = to_lower(params.reg ? params.reg : '@'); if (not is_basic_alpha(reg) and reg != '@') throw runtime_error("macros can only use the '@' and alphabetic registers"); static bool running_macros[27] = {}; const size_t idx = reg != '@' ? (size_t)(reg - 'a') : 26; if (running_macros[idx]) throw runtime_error("recursive macros call detected"); ConstArrayView reg_val = RegisterManager::instance()[reg].get(context); if (reg_val.empty() or reg_val[0].empty()) throw runtime_error(format("register '{}' is empty", reg)); running_macros[idx] = true; auto stop = on_scope_end([&]{ running_macros[idx] = false; }); auto keys = parse_keys(reg_val[0]); ScopedEdition edition(context); do { for (auto& key : keys) context.input_handler().handle_key(key); } while (--params.count > 0); } template void jump(Context& context, NormalParams params) { const int count = std::max(1, params.count); auto jump = (direction == Forward) ? context.jump_list().forward(context, count) : context.jump_list().backward(context, count); Buffer* oldbuf = &context.buffer(); Buffer& buffer = const_cast(jump.buffer()); if (&buffer != oldbuf) context.change_buffer(buffer); context.selections_write_only() = jump; } void push_selections(Context& context, NormalParams) { context.push_jump(true); context.print_status({ format("saved {} selections", context.selections().size()), context.faces()["Information"] }); } void align(Context& context, NormalParams) { auto& selections = context.selections(); auto& buffer = context.buffer(); const ColumnCount tabstop = context.options()["tabstop"].get(); Vector> columns; LineCount last_line = -1; size_t column = 0; for (auto& sel : selections) { auto line = sel.cursor().line; if (sel.anchor().line != line) throw runtime_error("align cannot work with multi line selections"); column = (line == last_line) ? column + 1 : 0; if (column >= columns.size()) columns.resize(column+1); columns[column].push_back(&sel); last_line = line; } const bool use_tabs = context.options()["aligntab"].get(); for (auto& col : columns) { ColumnCount maxcol = 0; for (auto& sel : col) maxcol = std::max(get_column(buffer, tabstop, sel->cursor()), maxcol); for (auto& sel : col) { auto insert_coord = sel->min(); ColumnCount lastcol = get_column(buffer, tabstop, sel->cursor()); ColumnCount inscount = maxcol - lastcol; String padstr; if (not use_tabs) padstr = String{ ' ', inscount }; else { ColumnCount inscol = get_column(buffer, tabstop, insert_coord); ColumnCount targetcol = inscol + inscount; ColumnCount tabcol = inscol - (inscol % tabstop); CharCount tabs = (int)((targetcol - tabcol) / tabstop); CharCount spaces = (int)(targetcol - (tabs ? (tabcol + (int)tabs * tabstop) : inscol)); padstr = String{ '\t', tabs } + String{ ' ', spaces }; } buffer.insert(insert_coord, padstr); } selections.update(); } } void copy_indent(Context& context, NormalParams params) { int selection = params.count; auto& buffer = context.buffer(); auto& selections = context.selections(); Vector lines; for (auto sel : selections) { for (LineCount l = sel.min().line; l < sel.max().line + 1; ++l) lines.push_back(l); } if (selection > selections.size()) throw runtime_error("invalid selection index"); if (selection == 0) selection = context.selections().main_index() + 1; auto ref_line = selections[selection-1].min().line; auto line = buffer[ref_line]; auto it = line.begin(); while (it != line.end() and is_horizontal_blank(*it)) ++it; const StringView indent = line.substr(0_byte, (int)(it-line.begin())); ScopedEdition edition{context}; for (auto& l : lines) { if (l == ref_line) continue; auto line = buffer[l]; ByteCount i = 0; while (i < line.length() and is_horizontal_blank(line[i])) ++i; buffer.replace(l, {l, i}, indent); } } void tabs_to_spaces(Context& context, NormalParams params) { auto& buffer = context.buffer(); const ColumnCount opt_tabstop = context.options()["tabstop"].get(); const ColumnCount tabstop = params.count == 0 ? opt_tabstop : params.count; Vector tabs; Vector spaces; for (auto& sel : context.selections()) { for (auto it = buffer.iterator_at(sel.min()), end = buffer.iterator_at(sel.max())+1; it != end; ++it) { if (*it == '\t') { ColumnCount col = get_column(buffer, opt_tabstop, it.coord()); ColumnCount end_col = (col / tabstop + 1) * tabstop; tabs.emplace_back(it.coord()); spaces.emplace_back(' ', end_col - col); } } } if (not tabs.empty()) SelectionList{ buffer, std::move(tabs) }.replace(spaces); } void spaces_to_tabs(Context& context, NormalParams params) { auto& buffer = context.buffer(); const ColumnCount opt_tabstop = context.options()["tabstop"].get(); const ColumnCount tabstop = params.count == 0 ? opt_tabstop : params.count; Vector spaces; for (auto& sel : context.selections()) { for (auto it = buffer.iterator_at(sel.min()), end = buffer.iterator_at(sel.max())+1; it != end;) { if (*it == ' ') { auto spaces_beg = it; auto spaces_end = spaces_beg+1; ColumnCount col = get_column(buffer, opt_tabstop, spaces_end.coord()); while (spaces_end != end and *spaces_end == ' ' and (col % tabstop) != 0) { ++spaces_end; ++col; } if ((col % tabstop) == 0) spaces.emplace_back(spaces_beg.coord(), (spaces_end-1).coord()); else if (spaces_end != end and *spaces_end == '\t') spaces.emplace_back(spaces_beg.coord(), spaces_end.coord()); it = spaces_end; } else ++it; } } if (not spaces.empty()) SelectionList{ buffer, std::move(spaces) }.replace("\t"_str); } void trim_selections(Context& context, NormalParams) { auto& buffer = context.buffer(); auto& selections = context.selections(); Vector to_remove; for (int i = 0; i < (int)selections.size(); ++i) { auto& sel = selections[i]; auto beg = buffer.iterator_at(sel.min()); auto end = buffer.iterator_at(sel.max()); while (beg != end and is_blank(*beg)) ++beg; while (beg != end and is_blank(*end)) --end; if (beg == end and is_blank(*beg)) to_remove.push_back(i); else { sel.min() = beg.coord(); sel.max() = end.coord(); } } if (to_remove.size() == selections.size()) throw no_selections_remaining{}; for (auto& i : to_remove | reverse()) selections.remove(i); } SelectionList read_selections_from_register(char reg, Context& context) { if (not is_basic_alpha(reg) and reg != '^') throw runtime_error("selections can only be saved to the '^' and alphabetic registers"); auto content = RegisterManager::instance()[reg].get(context); if (content.size() < 2) throw runtime_error(format("register '{}' does not contain a selections desc", reg)); // Use the last two values for timestamp and main_index to allow the buffer // name to have @ symbols struct error : runtime_error { error(size_t) : runtime_error{"expected @@main_index"} {} }; auto end_content = content[0] | reverse() | split('@') | transform([] (auto bounds) { return StringView{bounds.second.base(), bounds.first.base()}; }) | static_gather(); const size_t main = str_to_int(end_content[0]); const size_t timestamp = str_to_int(end_content[1]); const auto buffer_name = StringView{ content[0].begin (), end_content[1].begin () - 1 }; Buffer& buffer = BufferManager::instance().get_buffer(buffer_name); return selection_list_from_strings(buffer, ColumnType::Byte, content | skip(1), timestamp, main); } enum class CombineOp { Append, Union, Intersect, SelectLeftmostCursor, SelectRightmostCursor, SelectLongest, SelectShortest, }; CombineOp key_to_combine_op(Key key) { switch (key.key) { case 'a': return CombineOp::Append; case 'u': return CombineOp::Union; case 'i': return CombineOp::Intersect; case '<': return CombineOp::SelectLeftmostCursor; case '>': return CombineOp::SelectRightmostCursor; case '+': return CombineOp::SelectLongest; case '-': return CombineOp::SelectShortest; } throw runtime_error{format("no such combine operator: '{}'", key.key)}; } void combine_selection(const Buffer& buffer, Selection& sel, const Selection& other, CombineOp op) { switch (op) { case CombineOp::Union: sel.set(std::min(sel.min(), other.min()), std::max(sel.max(), other.max())); break; case CombineOp::Intersect: sel.set(std::max(sel.min(), other.min()), std::min(sel.max(), other.max())); break; case CombineOp::SelectLeftmostCursor: if (sel.cursor() > other.cursor()) sel = other; break; case CombineOp::SelectRightmostCursor: if (sel.cursor() < other.cursor()) sel = other; break; case CombineOp::SelectLongest: if (char_length(buffer, sel) < char_length(buffer, other)) sel = other; break; case CombineOp::SelectShortest: if (char_length(buffer, sel) > char_length(buffer, other)) sel = other; break; default: kak_assert(false); } } template void combine_selections(Context& context, SelectionList list, Func func, StringView title) { if (&context.buffer() != &list.buffer()) throw runtime_error{"cannot combine selections from different buffers"}; on_next_key_with_autoinfo(context, "combine-selections", KeymapMode::None, [func, list](Key key, Context& context) mutable { if (key == Key::Escape) return; const auto op = key_to_combine_op(key); auto& sels = context.selections(); list.update(); if (op == CombineOp::Append) { const auto main_index = list.size() + sels.main_index(); for (auto& sel : sels) list.push_back(sel); list.set_main_index(main_index); list.sort_and_merge_overlapping(); } else { if (list.size() != sels.size()) throw runtime_error{format("the two selection lists don't have the same number of elements ({} vs {})", list.size(), sels.size())}; for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); ++i) combine_selection(sels.buffer(), list[i], sels[i], op); list.set_main_index(sels.main_index()); } func(context, std::move(list)); }, title.str(), "'a': append lists\n" "'u': union\n" "'i': intersection\n" "'<': select leftmost cursor\n" "'>': select rightmost cursor\n" "'+': select longest\n" "'-': select shortest\n"); } template void save_selections(Context& context, NormalParams params) { const char reg = to_lower(params.reg ? params.reg : '^'); if (not is_basic_alpha(reg) and reg != '^') throw runtime_error("selections can only be saved to the '^' and alphabetic registers"); auto content = RegisterManager::instance()[reg].get(context); const bool empty = content.size() == 1 and content[0].empty(); auto save_to_reg = [reg](Context& context, const SelectionList& sels) { auto& buffer = context.buffer(); auto to_string = [&] (const Selection& sel) { return selection_to_string(ColumnType::Byte, buffer, sel); }; auto descs = concatenated(ConstArrayView{format("{}@{}@{}", buffer.name(), buffer.timestamp(), sels.main_index())}, sels | transform(to_string)) | gather>(); RegisterManager::instance()[reg].set(context, descs); context.print_status({format("{} {} selections to register '{}'", combine ? "Combined" : "Saved", sels.size(), reg), context.faces()["Information"]}); }; if (combine and not empty) combine_selections(context, read_selections_from_register(reg, context), save_to_reg, "combine selections to register"); else save_to_reg(context, context.selections()); } template void restore_selections(Context& context, NormalParams params) { const char reg = to_lower(params.reg ? params.reg : '^'); auto selections = read_selections_from_register(reg, context); auto set_selections = [reg](Context& context, SelectionList sels) { auto size = sels.size(); context.selections_write_only() = std::move(sels); context.print_status({format("{} {} selections from register '{}'", combine ? "Combined" : "Restored", size, reg), context.faces()["Information"]}); }; if (not combine) { if (&selections.buffer() != &context.buffer()) context.change_buffer(selections.buffer()); set_selections(context, std::move(selections)); } else combine_selections(context, std::move(selections), set_selections, "combine selections from register"); } void undo(Context& context, NormalParams params) { Buffer& buffer = context.buffer(); size_t timestamp = buffer.timestamp(); if (buffer.undo(std::max(1, params.count))) { auto ranges = compute_modified_ranges(buffer, timestamp); if (not ranges.empty()) context.selections_write_only() = std::move(ranges); } else throw runtime_error("nothing left to undo"); } void redo(Context& context, NormalParams params) { Buffer& buffer = context.buffer(); size_t timestamp = buffer.timestamp(); if (buffer.redo(std::max(1, params.count))) { auto ranges = compute_modified_ranges(buffer, timestamp); if (not ranges.empty()) context.selections_write_only() = std::move(ranges); } else throw runtime_error("nothing left to redo"); } template void move_in_history(Context& context, NormalParams params) { Buffer& buffer = context.buffer(); size_t timestamp = buffer.timestamp(); const int count = std::max(1, params.count); const int history_id = (size_t)buffer.current_history_id() + direction * count; const int max_history_id = (int)buffer.next_history_id() - 1; if (buffer.move_to((Buffer::HistoryId)history_id)) { auto ranges = compute_modified_ranges(buffer, timestamp); if (not ranges.empty()) context.selections_write_only() = std::move(ranges); context.print_status({ format("moved to change #{} ({})", history_id, max_history_id), context.faces()["Information"] }); } else throw runtime_error(format("no such change: #{} ({})", history_id, max_history_id)); } void exec_user_mappings(Context& context, NormalParams params) { on_next_key_with_autoinfo(context, "user-mapping", KeymapMode::None, [params](Key key, Context& context) mutable { if (not context.keymaps().is_mapped(key, KeymapMode::User)) return; auto& mapping = context.keymaps().get_mapping(key, KeymapMode::User); ScopedSetBool disable_keymaps(context.keymaps_disabled()); InputHandler::ScopedForceNormal force_normal{context.input_handler(), params}; ScopedEdition edition(context); for (auto& key : mapping.keys) context.input_handler().handle_key(key); }, "user mapping", build_autoinfo_for_mapping(context, KeymapMode::User, {})); } template void add_empty_line(Context& context, NormalParams params) { int count = std::max(params.count, 1); String new_lines{'\n', CharCount{count}}; auto& buffer = context.buffer(); auto& sels = context.selections(); ScopedEdition edition{context}; for (int i = 0; i < sels.size(); ++i) { auto line = (above ? sels[i].min().line : sels[i].max().line + 1) + (i * count); buffer.insert(line, new_lines); } } template class Repeated { public: constexpr Repeated(T t) : m_func(t) {} void operator() (Context& context, NormalParams params) { ScopedEdition edition(context); do { m_func(context, {0, params.reg}); } while(--params.count > 0); } private: T m_func; }; template void repeated(Context& context, NormalParams params) { ScopedEdition edition(context); do { func(context, {0, params.reg}); } while(--params.count > 0); } template void move_cursor(Context& context, NormalParams params) { kak_assert(mode == SelectMode::Replace or mode == SelectMode::Extend); const Type offset{direction * std::max(params.count,1)}; const ColumnCount tabstop = context.options()["tabstop"].get(); auto& selections = context.selections(); for (auto& sel : selections) { auto cursor = context.buffer().offset_coord(sel.cursor(), offset, tabstop, true); sel.anchor() = mode == SelectMode::Extend ? sel.anchor() : cursor; sel.cursor() = cursor; } selections.sort_and_merge_overlapping(); } void select_whole_buffer(Context& context, NormalParams) { auto& buffer = context.buffer(); context.selections_write_only() = SelectionList{buffer, {{0,0}, {buffer.back_coord(), max_column}}}; } void keep_selection(Context& context, NormalParams p) { auto& selections = context.selections(); const int index = p.count ? p.count-1 : selections.main_index(); if (index >= selections.size()) throw runtime_error{format("invalid selection index: {}", index)}; selections = SelectionList{ selections.buffer(), std::move(selections[index]) }; selections.check_invariant(); } void remove_selection(Context& context, NormalParams p) { auto& selections = context.selections(); const int index = p.count ? p.count-1 : selections.main_index(); if (index >= selections.size()) throw runtime_error{format("invalid selection index: {}", index)}; if (selections.size() == 1) throw no_selections_remaining{}; selections.remove(index); selections.check_invariant(); } void clear_selections(Context& context, NormalParams) { for (auto& sel : context.selections()) sel.anchor() = sel.cursor(); } void flip_selections(Context& context, NormalParams) { for (auto& sel : context.selections()) { const BufferCoord tmp = sel.anchor(); sel.anchor() = sel.cursor(); sel.cursor() = tmp; } context.selections().check_invariant(); } void ensure_forward(Context& context, NormalParams) { for (auto& sel : context.selections()) { const BufferCoord min = sel.min(), max = sel.max(); sel.anchor() = min; sel.cursor() = max; } context.selections().check_invariant(); } void merge_consecutive(Context& context, NormalParams params) { ensure_forward(context, params); context.selections().merge_consecutive(); } void merge_overlapping(Context& context, NormalParams params) { ensure_forward(context, params); context.selections().merge_overlapping(); } void duplicate_selections(Context& context, NormalParams params) { SelectionList& sels = context.selections(); Vector new_sels; const int count = params.count ? params.count : 2; for (const auto& sel : sels) new_sels.insert(new_sels.end(), count, sel); context.selections().set(std::move(new_sels), sels.main_index() * count); } void force_redraw(Context& context, NormalParams) { if (context.has_client()) { context.client().force_redraw(); context.client().redraw_ifn(); } } constexpr size_t keymap_max_size = 512; template struct KeymapBackend : private Array { using iterator = const T*; using const_iterator = const T*; constexpr KeymapBackend() = default; constexpr KeymapBackend(std::initializer_list items) { resize(items.size()); for (size_t i = 0; i < items.size(); ++i) this->m_data[i] = *(items.begin() + i); } constexpr void resize(size_t s) { if (s > keymap_max_size) throw runtime_error{"cannot resize"}; m_size = s; } constexpr size_t size() const { return m_size; } using KeymapBackend::Array::begin; using KeymapBackend::Array::end; using KeymapBackend::Array::operator[]; private: size_t m_size = 0; }; static constexpr HashMap keymap = { { {'h'}, {"move left", move_cursor} }, { {'j'}, {"move down", move_cursor} }, { {'k'}, {"move up", move_cursor} }, { {'l'}, {"move right", move_cursor} }, { {'H'}, {"extend left", move_cursor} }, { {'J'}, {"extend down", move_cursor} }, { {'K'}, {"extend up", move_cursor} }, { {'L'}, {"extend right", move_cursor} }, { {'t'}, {"select to next character", select_to_next_char} }, { {'f'}, {"select to next character included", select_to_next_char} }, { {'T'}, {"extend to next character", select_to_next_char} }, { {'F'}, {"extend to next character included", select_to_next_char} }, { {alt('t')}, {"select to previous character", select_to_next_char} }, { {alt('f')}, {"select to previous character included", select_to_next_char} }, { {alt('T')}, {"extend to previous character", select_to_next_char} }, { {alt('F')}, {"extend to previous character included", select_to_next_char} }, { {'d'}, {"erase selected text", erase_selections} }, { {alt('d')}, {"erase selected text, without yanking", erase_selections} }, { {'c'}, {"change selected text", change} }, { {alt('c')}, {"change selected text, without yanking", change} }, { {'i'}, {"insert before selected text", enter_insert_mode} }, { {'I'}, {"insert at line begin", enter_insert_mode} }, { {'a'}, {"insert after selected text", enter_insert_mode} }, { {'A'}, {"insert at line end", enter_insert_mode} }, { {'o'}, {"insert on new line below", enter_insert_mode} }, { {'O'}, {"insert on new line above", enter_insert_mode} }, { {'r'}, {"replace with character", replace_with_char} }, { {alt('o')}, {"add a new empty line below", add_empty_line} }, { {alt('O')}, {"add a new empty line above", add_empty_line} }, { {'g'}, {"go to location", goto_commands} }, { {'G'}, {"extend to location", goto_commands} }, { {'v'}, {"move view", view_commands} }, { {'V'}, {"move view (locked)", view_commands} }, { {'y'}, {"yank selected text", yank} }, { {'p'}, {"paste after selected text", repeated>} }, { {'P'}, {"paste before selected text", repeated>} }, { {alt('p')}, {"paste every yanked selection after selected text", paste_all} }, { {alt('P')}, {"paste every yanked selection before selected text", paste_all} }, { {'R'}, {"replace selected text with yanked text", paste} }, { {alt('R')}, {"replace selected text with every yanked text", paste_all} }, { {'s'}, {"select regex matches in selected text", select_regex} }, { {'S'}, {"split selected text on regex matches", split_regex} }, { {alt('s')}, {"split selected text on line ends", split_lines} }, { {alt('S')}, {"select selection boundaries", select_boundaries} }, { {'.'}, {"repeat last insert command", repeat_last_insert} }, { {alt('.')}, {"repeat last object select/character find", repeat_last_select} }, { {'%'}, {"select whole buffer", select_whole_buffer} }, { {':'}, {"enter command prompt", command} }, { {'|'}, {"pipe each selection through filter and replace with output", pipe} }, { {alt('|')}, {"pipe each selection through command and ignore output", pipe} }, { {'!'}, {"insert command output", insert_output} }, { {alt('!')}, {"append command output", insert_output} }, { {Key::Space}, {"remove all selections except main", keep_selection} }, { {alt(Key::Space)}, {"remove main selection", remove_selection} }, { {';'}, {"reduce selections to their cursor", clear_selections} }, { {alt(';')}, {"swap selections cursor and anchor", flip_selections} }, { {alt(':')}, {"ensure selection cursor is after anchor", ensure_forward} }, { {alt('_')}, {"merge consecutive selections", merge_consecutive} }, { {'+'}, {"duplicate each selection", duplicate_selections} }, { {alt('+')}, {"merge overlapping selections", merge_overlapping} }, { {'w'}, {"select to next word start", repeated<&select>>} }, { {'e'}, {"select to next word end", repeated>>} }, { {'b'}, {"select to previous word start", repeated>>} }, { {'W'}, {"extend to next word start", repeated>>} }, { {'E'}, {"extend to next word end", repeated>>} }, { {'B'}, {"extend to previous word start", repeated>>} }, { {alt('w')}, {"select to next WORD start", repeated>>} }, { {alt('e')}, {"select to next WORD end", repeated>>} }, { {alt('b')}, {"select to previous WORD start", repeated>>} }, { {alt('W')}, {"extend to next WORD start", repeated>>} }, { {alt('E')}, {"extend to next WORD end", repeated>>} }, { {alt('B')}, {"extend to previous WORD start", repeated>>} }, { {alt('l')}, {"select to line end", repeated>>} }, { {alt('L')}, {"extend to line end", repeated>>} }, { {alt('h')}, {"select to line begin", repeated>>} }, { {alt('H')}, {"extend to line begin", repeated>>} }, { {'x'}, {"extend selections to whole lines", select} }, { {alt('x')}, {"crop selections to whole lines", select} }, { {'m'}, {"select to matching character", select>} }, { {alt('m')}, {"backward select to matching character", select>} }, { {'M'}, {"extend to matching character", select>} }, { {alt('M')}, {"backward extend to matching character", select>} }, { {'/'}, {"select next given regex match", search} }, { {'?'}, {"extend with next given regex match", search} }, { {alt('/')}, {"select previous given regex match", search} }, { {alt('?')}, {"extend with previous given regex match", search} }, { {'n'}, {"select next current search pattern match", search_next} }, { {'N'}, {"extend with next current search pattern match", search_next} }, { {alt('n')}, {"select previous current search pattern match", search_next} }, { {alt('N')}, {"extend with previous current search pattern match", search_next} }, { {'*'}, {"set search pattern to main selection content", use_selection_as_search_pattern} }, { {alt('*')}, {"set search pattern to main selection content, do not detect words", use_selection_as_search_pattern} }, { {'u'}, {"undo", undo} }, { {'U'}, {"redo", redo} }, { {alt('u')}, {"move backward in history", move_in_history} }, { {alt('U')}, {"move forward in history", move_in_history} }, { {alt('i')}, {"select inner object", select_object} }, { {alt('a')}, {"select whole object", select_object} }, { {'['}, {"select to object start", select_object} }, { {']'}, {"select to object end", select_object} }, { {'{'}, {"extend to object start", select_object} }, { {'}'}, {"extend to object end", select_object} }, { {alt('[')}, {"select to inner object start", select_object} }, { {alt(']')}, {"select to inner object end", select_object} }, { {alt('{')}, {"extend to inner object start", select_object} }, { {alt('}')}, {"extend to inner object end", select_object} }, { {alt('j')}, {"join lines", join_lines} }, { {alt('J')}, {"join lines and select spaces", join_lines_select_spaces} }, { {alt('k')}, {"keep selections matching given regex", keep} }, { {alt('K')}, {"keep selections not matching given regex", keep} }, { {'$'}, {"pipe each selection through shell command and keep the ones whose command succeed", keep_pipe} }, { {'<'}, {"deindent", deindent} }, { {'>'}, {"indent", indent} }, { {alt('>')}, {"indent, including empty lines", indent} }, { {alt('<')}, {"deindent, not including incomplete indent", deindent} }, { {ctrl('i')}, {"jump forward in jump list",jump} }, { {Key::Tab}, {"jump forward in jump list",jump} }, // legacy terminals encode / the same way { {ctrl('o')}, {"jump backward in jump list", jump} }, { {ctrl('s')}, {"push current selections in jump list", push_selections} }, { {')'}, {"rotate main selection forward", rotate_selections} }, { {'('}, {"rotate main selection backward", rotate_selections} }, { {alt(')')}, {"rotate selections content forward", rotate_selections_content} }, { {alt('(')}, {"rotate selections content backward", rotate_selections_content} }, { {'q'}, {"replay recorded macro", replay_macro} }, { {'Q'}, {"start or end macro recording", start_or_end_macro_recording} }, { {Key::Escape}, {"end macro recording", end_macro_recording} }, { {'`'}, {"convert to lower case in selections", for_each_codepoint} }, { {'~'}, {"convert to upper case in selections", for_each_codepoint} }, { {alt('`')}, { "swap case in selections", for_each_codepoint} }, { {'&'}, {"align selection cursors", align} }, { {alt('&')}, {"copy indentation", copy_indent} }, { {'@'}, {"convert tabs to spaces in selections", tabs_to_spaces} }, { {alt('@')}, {"convert spaces to tabs in selections", spaces_to_tabs} }, { {'_'}, {"trim selections", trim_selections} }, { {'C'}, {"copy selection on next lines", copy_selections_on_next_lines} }, { {alt('C')}, {"copy selection on previous lines", copy_selections_on_next_lines} }, { {','}, {"user mappings", exec_user_mappings} }, { {Key::PageUp}, { "scroll one page up", scroll} }, { {Key::PageDown}, {"scroll one page down", scroll} }, { {ctrl('b')}, {"scroll one page up", scroll} }, { {ctrl('f')}, {"scroll one page down", scroll} }, { {ctrl('u')}, {"scroll half a page up", scroll} }, { {ctrl('d')}, {"scroll half a page down", scroll} }, { {'z'}, {"restore selections from register", restore_selections} }, { {alt('z')}, {"combine selections from register", restore_selections} }, { {'Z'}, {"save selections to register", save_selections} }, { {alt('Z')}, {"combine selections to register", save_selections} }, { {ctrl('l')}, {"force redraw", force_redraw} }, }; Optional get_normal_command(Key key) { auto it = keymap.find(key); if (it != keymap.end()) return it->value; return {}; } }