#include "buffer_utils.hh" #include "event_manager.hh" #include namespace Kakoune { CharCount get_column(const Buffer& buffer, CharCount tabstop, ByteCoord coord) { auto& line = buffer[coord.line]; auto col = 0_char; for (auto it = line.begin(); it != line.end() and coord.column > (int)(it - line.begin()); it = utf8::next(it, line.end())) { if (*it == '\t') col = (col / tabstop + 1) * tabstop; else ++col; } return col; } Buffer* create_fifo_buffer(String name, int fd, bool scroll) { Buffer* buffer = new Buffer(std::move(name), Buffer::Flags::Fifo | Buffer::Flags::NoUndo); auto watcher = new FDWatcher(fd, [buffer, scroll](FDWatcher& watcher) { constexpr size_t buffer_size = 2048; char data[buffer_size]; const int fifo = watcher.fd(); timeval tv{ 0, 0 }; fd_set rfds; ssize_t count = 0; do { count = read(fifo, data, buffer_size); auto pos = buffer->end()-1; bool prevent_scrolling = pos == buffer->begin() and not scroll; if (prevent_scrolling) ++pos; buffer->insert(pos, count > 0 ? String(data, data+count) : "*** kak: fifo closed ***\n"); if (count > 0 and prevent_scrolling) { buffer->erase(buffer->begin(), buffer->begin()+1); // in the other case, the buffer will have automatically // inserted a \n to guarantee its invariant. if (data[count-1] == '\n') buffer->insert(buffer->end(), "\n"); } FD_ZERO(&rfds); FD_SET(fifo, &rfds); } while (count > 0 and select(fifo+1, &rfds, nullptr, nullptr, &tv) == 1); if (count <= 0) { kak_assert(buffer->flags() & Buffer::Flags::Fifo); buffer->flags() &= ~Buffer::Flags::Fifo; buffer->flags() &= ~Buffer::Flags::NoUndo; close(fifo); buffer->run_hook_in_own_context("BufCloseFifo", ""); delete &watcher; } }); buffer->hooks().add_hook("BufClose", "", [buffer, watcher](const String&, const Context&) { // Check if fifo is still alive, else watcher is already dead if (buffer->flags() & Buffer::Flags::Fifo) { close(watcher->fd()); buffer->run_hook_in_own_context("BufCloseFifo", ""); delete watcher; } }); return buffer; } }