#include "face_registry.hh" #include "exception.hh" #include "ranges.hh" #include "string_utils.hh" namespace Kakoune { static FaceRegistry::FaceSpec parse_face(StringView facedesc) { constexpr StringView invalid_face_error = "invalid face description, expected [,][+][@base] or just [base]"; if (all_of(facedesc, [](char c){ return is_word(c); }) and not is_color_name(facedesc)) return {Face{}, facedesc.str()}; auto bg_it = find(facedesc, ','); auto attr_it = find(facedesc, '+'); auto base_it = find(facedesc, '@'); if (bg_it != facedesc.end() and (attr_it < bg_it or (bg_it + 1) == facedesc.end())) throw runtime_error(invalid_face_error.str()); if (attr_it != facedesc.end() and (attr_it + 1) == facedesc.end()) throw runtime_error(invalid_face_error.str()); auto colors_end = std::min(attr_it, base_it); FaceRegistry::FaceSpec spec; auto& face = spec.face; face.fg = colors_end != facedesc.begin() ? str_to_color({facedesc.begin(), std::min(bg_it, colors_end)}) : Color::Default; if (bg_it != facedesc.end()) face.bg = bg_it+1 != attr_it ? str_to_color({bg_it+1, colors_end}) : Color::Default; if (attr_it != facedesc.end()) { for (++attr_it; attr_it != base_it; ++attr_it) { switch (*attr_it) { case 'u': face.attributes |= Attribute::Underline; break; case 'r': face.attributes |= Attribute::Reverse; break; case 'b': face.attributes |= Attribute::Bold; break; case 'B': face.attributes |= Attribute::Blink; break; case 'd': face.attributes |= Attribute::Dim; break; case 'i': face.attributes |= Attribute::Italic; break; case 'f': face.attributes |= Attribute::FinalFg; break; case 'g': face.attributes |= Attribute::FinalBg; break; case 'a': face.attributes |= Attribute::FinalAttr; break; case 'F': face.attributes |= Attribute::Final; break; default: throw runtime_error(format("no such face attribute: '{}'", StringView{*attr_it})); } } } if (base_it != facedesc.end()) spec.base = String{base_it+1, facedesc.end()}; return spec; } String to_string(Attribute attributes) { if (attributes == Attribute::Normal) return ""; struct Attr { Attribute attr; StringView name; } attrs[] { { Attribute::Underline, "u" }, { Attribute::Reverse, "r" }, { Attribute::Blink, "B" }, { Attribute::Bold, "b" }, { Attribute::Dim, "d" }, { Attribute::Italic, "i" }, { Attribute::Final, "F" }, { Attribute::FinalFg, "f" }, { Attribute::FinalBg, "g" }, { Attribute::FinalAttr, "a" }, }; auto filteredAttrs = attrs | filter([=](const Attr& a) { return attributes & a.attr; }) | transform([](const Attr& a) { return a.name; }); return accumulate(filteredAttrs, "+"_str, std::plus<>{}); } String to_string(Face face) { return format("{},{}{}", face.fg, face.bg, face.attributes); } Face FaceRegistry::operator[](StringView facedesc) const { return resolve_spec(parse_face(facedesc)); } Face FaceRegistry::resolve_spec(const FaceSpec& spec) const { if (spec.base.empty()) return spec.face; StringView base = spec.base; Face face = spec.face; for (auto* reg = this; reg != nullptr; reg = reg->m_parent.get()) { auto it = reg->m_faces.find(base); if (it == reg->m_faces.end()) continue; if (it->value.base.empty()) return merge_faces(it->value.face, face); if (it->value.base != it->key) return merge_faces(reg->resolve_spec(it->value), face); else { face = merge_faces(it->value.face, face); base = it->value.base; } } return face; } void FaceRegistry::add_face(StringView name, StringView facedesc, bool override) { if (not override and m_faces.find(name) != m_faces.end()) throw runtime_error(format("face '{}' already defined", name)); if (name.empty() or is_color_name(name) or any_of(name, [](char c){ return not is_word(c); })) throw runtime_error(format("invalid face name: '{}'", name)); FaceSpec spec = parse_face(facedesc); auto it = m_faces.find(spec.base); if (spec.base == name and it != m_faces.end()) { it->value.face = merge_faces(it->value.face, spec.face); it->value.base = spec.base; return; } while (it != m_faces.end() and not it->value.base.empty()) { if (it->value.base == name) throw runtime_error("face cycle detected"); it = m_faces.find(it->value.base); } m_faces[name] = std::move(spec); } void FaceRegistry::remove_face(StringView name) { m_faces.remove(name); } FaceRegistry::FaceRegistry() : m_faces{ { "Default", {Face{ Color::Default, Color::Default }} }, { "PrimarySelection", {Face{ Color::White, Color::Blue }} }, { "SecondarySelection", {Face{ Color::Black, Color::Blue }} }, { "PrimaryCursor", {Face{ Color::Black, Color::White }} }, { "SecondaryCursor", {Face{ Color::Black, Color::White }} }, { "PrimaryCursorEol", {Face{ Color::Black, Color::Cyan }} }, { "SecondaryCursorEol", {Face{ Color::Black, Color::Cyan }} }, { "LineNumbers", {Face{ Color::Default, Color::Default }} }, { "LineNumberCursor", {Face{ Color::Default, Color::Default, Attribute::Reverse }} }, { "LineNumbersWrapped", {Face{ Color::Default, Color::Default, Attribute::Italic }} }, { "MenuForeground", {Face{ Color::White, Color::Blue }} }, { "MenuBackground", {Face{ Color::Blue, Color::White }} }, { "MenuInfo", {Face{ Color::Cyan, Color::Default }} }, { "Information", {Face{ Color::Black, Color::Yellow }} }, { "Error", {Face{ Color::Black, Color::Red }} }, { "StatusLine", {Face{ Color::Cyan, Color::Default }} }, { "StatusLineMode", {Face{ Color::Yellow, Color::Default }} }, { "StatusLineInfo", {Face{ Color::Blue, Color::Default }} }, { "StatusLineValue", {Face{ Color::Green, Color::Default }} }, { "StatusCursor", {Face{ Color::Black, Color::Cyan }} }, { "Prompt", {Face{ Color::Yellow, Color::Default }} }, { "MatchingChar", {Face{ Color::Default, Color::Default, Attribute::Bold }} }, { "BufferPadding", {Face{ Color::Blue, Color::Default }} }, { "Whitespace", {Face{ Color::Default, Color::Default, Attribute::FinalFg }} }, } {} }