#include "command_manager.hh" #include "alias_registry.hh" #include "assert.hh" #include "buffer_utils.hh" #include "context.hh" #include "flags.hh" #include "file.hh" #include "optional.hh" #include "option_types.hh" #include "ranges.hh" #include "regex.hh" #include "register_manager.hh" #include "shell_manager.hh" #include "utils.hh" #include "unit_tests.hh" #include namespace Kakoune { bool CommandManager::command_defined(StringView command_name) const { return m_commands.find(command_name) != m_commands.end(); } void CommandManager::register_command(String command_name, CommandFunc func, String docstring, ParameterDesc param_desc, CommandFlags flags, CommandHelper helper, CommandCompleter completer) { m_commands[command_name] = { std::move(func), std::move(docstring), std::move(param_desc), flags, std::move(helper), std::move(completer) }; } void CommandManager::set_command_completer(StringView command_name, CommandCompleter completer) { auto it = m_commands.find(command_name); if (it == m_commands.end()) throw runtime_error(format("no such command '{}'", command_name)); it->value.completer = std::move(completer); } bool CommandManager::module_defined(StringView module_name) const { return m_modules.find(module_name) != m_modules.end(); } void CommandManager::register_module(String module_name, String commands) { auto module = m_modules.find(module_name); if (module != m_modules.end() and module->value.state != Module::State::Registered) throw runtime_error{format("module already loaded: '{}'", module_name)}; m_modules[module_name] = { Module::State::Registered, std::move(commands) }; } void CommandManager::load_module(StringView module_name, Context& context) { auto module = m_modules.find(module_name); if (module == m_modules.end()) throw runtime_error{format("no such module: '{}'", module_name)}; switch (module->value.state) { case Module::State::Loading: throw runtime_error(format("module '{}' loaded recursively", module_name)); case Module::State::Loaded: return; case Module::State::Registered: default: break; } { module->value.state = Module::State::Loading; auto restore_state = on_scope_end([&] { module->value.state = Module::State::Registered; }); Context empty_context{Context::EmptyContextFlag{}}; execute(module->value.commands, empty_context); } module->value.commands.clear(); module->value.state = Module::State::Loaded; context.hooks().run_hook(Hook::ModuleLoaded, module_name, context); } struct parse_error : runtime_error { parse_error(StringView error) : runtime_error{format("parse error: {}", error)} {} }; namespace { bool is_command_separator(char c) { return c == ';' or c == '\n'; } struct ParseResult { String content; bool terminated; }; template ParseResult parse_quoted(ParseState& state, Delimiter delimiter) { static_assert(std::is_same_v or std::is_same_v); auto read = [](const char*& it, const char* end) { if constexpr (std::is_same_v) return utf8::read_codepoint(it, end); else return *it++; }; const char* beg = state.pos; const char* end = state.str.end(); String str; while (state.pos != end) { const char* cur = state.pos; const auto c = read(state.pos, end); if (c == delimiter) { auto next = state.pos; if (next == end || read(next, end) != delimiter) { if (str.empty()) return {String{String::NoCopy{}, {beg, cur}}, true}; str += StringView{beg, cur}; return {str, true}; } str += StringView{beg, state.pos}; state.pos = beg = next; } } if (beg < end) str += StringView{beg, end}; return {str, false}; } template ParseResult parse_quoted_balanced(ParseState& state) { int level = 1; const char* pos = state.pos; const char* beg = pos; const char* end = state.str.end(); while (pos != end) { const char c = *pos++; if (c == opening_delimiter) ++level; else if (c == closing_delimiter and --level == 0) break; } state.pos = pos; const bool terminated = (level == 0); return {String{String::NoCopy{}, {beg, pos - terminated}}, terminated}; } String parse_unquoted(ParseState& state) { const char* beg = state.pos; const char* end = state.str.end(); String str; while (state.pos != end) { const char c = *state.pos; if (is_command_separator(c) or is_horizontal_blank(c)) { str += StringView{beg, state.pos}; if (state.pos != beg and *(state.pos - 1) == '\\') { str.back() = c; beg = state.pos+1; } else return str; } ++state.pos; } if (beg < end) str += StringView{beg, end}; return str; } Token::Type token_type(StringView type_name, bool throw_on_invalid) { if (type_name == "") return Token::Type::RawQuoted; else if (type_name == "sh") return Token::Type::ShellExpand; else if (type_name == "reg") return Token::Type::RegisterExpand; else if (type_name == "opt") return Token::Type::OptionExpand; else if (type_name == "val") return Token::Type::ValExpand; else if (type_name == "arg") return Token::Type::ArgExpand; else if (type_name == "file") return Token::Type::FileExpand; else if (throw_on_invalid) throw parse_error{format("unknown expand '{}'", type_name)}; else return Token::Type::RawQuoted; } void skip_blanks_and_comments(ParseState& state) { while (state) { const Codepoint c = *state.pos; if (is_horizontal_blank(c)) ++state.pos; else if (c == '\\' and state.pos + 1 != state.str.end() and state.pos[1] == '\n') state.pos += 2; else if (c == '#') { while (state and *state.pos != '\n') ++state.pos; } else break; } } BufferCoord compute_coord(StringView s) { BufferCoord coord{0,0}; for (auto c : s) { if (c == '\n') { ++coord.line; coord.column = 0; } else ++coord.column; } return coord; } Token parse_percent_token(ParseState& state, bool throw_on_unterminated) { kak_assert(state.pos[-1] == '%'); const auto type_start = state.pos; while (state and *state.pos >= 'a' and *state.pos <= 'z') ++state.pos; StringView type_name{type_start, state.pos}; bool at_end = state.pos == state.str.end(); const Codepoint opening_delimiter = utf8::read_codepoint(state.pos, state.str.end()); if (at_end or iswalpha(opening_delimiter)) { if (throw_on_unterminated) throw parse_error{format("expected a string delimiter after '%{}'", type_name)}; return {}; } Token::Type type = token_type(type_name, throw_on_unterminated); constexpr struct CharPair { char opening; char closing; ParseResult (*parse_func)(ParseState&); } matching_pairs[] = { { '(', ')', parse_quoted_balanced<'(', ')'> }, { '[', ']', parse_quoted_balanced<'[', ']'> }, { '{', '}', parse_quoted_balanced<'{', '}'> }, { '<', '>', parse_quoted_balanced<'<', '>'> } }; auto start = state.pos; const ByteCount byte_pos = start - state.str.begin(); if (auto it = find_if(matching_pairs, [=](const CharPair& cp) { return opening_delimiter == cp.opening; }); it != std::end(matching_pairs)) { auto quoted = it->parse_func(state); if (throw_on_unterminated and not quoted.terminated) { auto coord = compute_coord({state.str.begin(), start}); throw parse_error{format("{}:{}: unterminated string '%{}{}...{}'", coord.line+1, coord.column+1, type_name, it->opening, it->closing)}; } return {type, byte_pos, std::move(quoted.content), quoted.terminated}; } else { const bool is_ascii = opening_delimiter < 128; auto quoted = is_ascii ? parse_quoted(state, (char)opening_delimiter) : parse_quoted(state, opening_delimiter); if (throw_on_unterminated and not quoted.terminated) { auto coord = compute_coord({state.str.begin(), start}); throw parse_error{format("{}:{}: unterminated string '%{}{}...{}'", coord.line+1, coord.column+1, type_name, opening_delimiter, opening_delimiter)}; } return {type, byte_pos, std::move(quoted.content), quoted.terminated}; } } template requires (std::is_same_v> or std::is_same_v) void expand_token(Token&& token, const Context& context, const ShellContext& shell_context, Target& target) { constexpr bool single = std::is_same_v; auto set_target = [&](auto&& s) { if constexpr (single) target = std::move(s); else if constexpr (std::is_same_v, String>) target.push_back(std::move(s)); else if constexpr (std::is_same_v&&>) target.insert(target.end(), std::make_move_iterator(s.begin()), std::make_move_iterator(s.end())); else target.insert(target.end(), s.begin(), s.end()); }; auto&& content = token.content; switch (token.type) { case Token::Type::ShellExpand: { auto str = ShellManager::instance().eval( content, context, {}, ShellManager::Flags::WaitForStdout, shell_context).first; if (not str.empty() and str.back() == '\n') str.resize(str.length() - 1, 0); return set_target(std::move(str)); } case Token::Type::RegisterExpand: if constexpr (single) return set_target(context.main_sel_register_value(content).str()); else return set_target(RegisterManager::instance()[content].get(context)); case Token::Type::OptionExpand: { auto& opt = context.options()[content]; if constexpr (single) return set_target(opt.get_as_string(Quoting::Raw)); else return set_target(opt.get_as_strings()); } case Token::Type::ValExpand: { auto it = shell_context.env_vars.find(content); if (it != shell_context.env_vars.end()) return set_target(it->value); auto val = ShellManager::instance().get_val(content, context); if constexpr (single) return set_target(join(val, false, ' ')); else return set_target(std::move(val)); } case Token::Type::ArgExpand: { auto& params = shell_context.params; if (content == '@') { if constexpr (single) return set_target(join(params, ' ', false)); else return set_target(params); } const int arg = str_to_int(content); if (arg < 1) throw runtime_error("invalid argument index"); return set_target(arg <= params.size() ? params[arg-1] : String{}); } case Token::Type::FileExpand: return set_target(read_file(content)); case Token::Type::RawEval: return set_target(expand(content, context, shell_context)); case Token::Type::Raw: case Token::Type::RawQuoted: return set_target(std::move(content)); default: kak_assert(false); } } } CommandParser::CommandParser(StringView command_line) : m_state{command_line, command_line.begin()} {} Optional CommandParser::read_token(bool throw_on_unterminated) { skip_blanks_and_comments(m_state); if (not m_state) return {}; const StringView line = m_state.str; const char* start = m_state.pos; const char c = *m_state.pos; if (c == '"' or c == '\'') { start = ++m_state.pos; ParseResult quoted = parse_quoted(m_state, c); if (throw_on_unterminated and not quoted.terminated) throw parse_error{format("unterminated string {0}...{0}", c)}; return Token{c == '"' ? Token::Type::RawEval : Token::Type::RawQuoted, start - line.begin(), std::move(quoted.content), quoted.terminated}; } else if (c == '%') { ++m_state.pos; return parse_percent_token(m_state, throw_on_unterminated); } else if (is_command_separator(c)) return Token{Token::Type::CommandSeparator, ++m_state.pos - line.begin(), {}}; else { if (c == '\\' and m_state.pos + 1 != m_state.str.end()) { const char next = m_state.pos[1]; if (next == '%' or next == '\'' or next == '"') ++m_state.pos; } return Token{Token::Type::Raw, start - line.begin(), parse_unquoted(m_state)}; } return {}; } template String expand_impl(StringView str, const Context& context, const ShellContext& shell_context, Postprocess postprocess) { ParseState state{str, str.begin()}; String res; auto beg = state.pos; while (state) { if (*state.pos++ == '%') { if (state and *state.pos == '%') { res += StringView{beg, state.pos}; beg = ++state.pos; } else { res += StringView{beg, state.pos-1}; String token; expand_token(parse_percent_token(state, true), context, shell_context, token); res += postprocess(token); beg = state.pos; } } } res += StringView{beg, state.pos}; return res; } String expand(StringView str, const Context& context, const ShellContext& shell_context) { return expand_impl(str, context, shell_context, [](String s){ return s; }); } String expand(StringView str, const Context& context, const ShellContext& shell_context, const FunctionRef& postprocess) { return expand_impl(str, context, shell_context, postprocess); } StringView resolve_alias(const Context& context, StringView name) { auto alias = context.aliases()[name]; return alias.empty() ? name : alias; } void CommandManager::execute_single_command(CommandParameters params, Context& context, const ShellContext& shell_context) { if (params.empty()) return; constexpr int max_command_depth = 100; if (m_command_depth > max_command_depth) throw runtime_error("maximum nested command depth hit"); ++m_command_depth; auto pop_depth = on_scope_end([this] { --m_command_depth; }); auto command_it = m_commands.find(resolve_alias(context, params[0])); if (command_it == m_commands.end()) throw runtime_error("no such command"); auto debug_flags = context.options()["debug"].get(); if (debug_flags & DebugFlags::Commands) write_to_debug_buffer(format("command {}", join(params, ' '))); auto profile = on_scope_end([&, start = (debug_flags & DebugFlags::Profile) ? Clock::now() : Clock::time_point{}] { if (not (debug_flags & DebugFlags::Profile)) return; auto full = std::chrono::duration_cast(Clock::now() - start); write_to_debug_buffer(format("command {} took {} us", params[0], full.count())); }); command_it->value.func({{params.begin()+1, params.end()}, command_it->value.param_desc}, context, shell_context); } void CommandManager::execute(StringView command_line, Context& context, const ShellContext& shell_context) { CommandParser parser(command_line); ByteCount command_pos{}; Vector params; while (true) { Optional token = parser.read_token(true); if (not token or token->type == Token::Type::CommandSeparator) { try { execute_single_command(params, context, shell_context); } catch (failure& error) { throw; } catch (runtime_error& error) { auto coord = compute_coord(command_line.substr(0_byte, command_pos)); error.set_what(format("{}:{}: '{}': {}", coord.line+1, coord.column+1, params[0], error.what())); throw; } if (not token) return; params.clear(); continue; } if (params.empty()) command_pos = token->pos; if (token->type == Token::Type::ArgExpand and token->content == '@') params.insert(params.end(), shell_context.params.begin(), shell_context.params.end()); else expand_token(*std::move(token), context, shell_context, params); } } Optional CommandManager::command_info(const Context& context, StringView command_line) const { CommandParser parser{command_line}; Vector tokens; while (auto token = parser.read_token(false)) { if (token->type == Token::Type::CommandSeparator) tokens.clear(); else tokens.push_back(std::move(*token)); } if (tokens.empty() or (tokens.front().type != Token::Type::Raw and tokens.front().type != Token::Type::RawQuoted)) return {}; auto cmd = m_commands.find(resolve_alias(context, tokens.front().content)); if (cmd == m_commands.end()) return {}; CommandInfo res; res.name = cmd->key; if (not cmd->value.docstring.empty()) res.info += cmd->value.docstring + "\n"; if (cmd->value.helper) { Vector params; for (auto it = tokens.begin() + 1; it != tokens.end(); ++it) { if (it->type == Token::Type::Raw or it->type == Token::Type::RawQuoted or it->type == Token::Type::RawEval) params.push_back(it->content); } String helpstr = cmd->value.helper(context, params); if (not helpstr.empty()) res.info += format("{}\n", helpstr); } String aliases; for (auto& alias : context.aliases().aliases_for(cmd->key)) aliases += " " + alias; if (not aliases.empty()) res.info += format("Aliases:{}\n", aliases); auto& switches = cmd->value.param_desc.switches; if (not switches.empty()) res.info += format("Switches:\n{}", indent(generate_switches_doc(switches))); return res; } Completions CommandManager::complete_command_name(const Context& context, StringView query) const { auto commands = m_commands | filter([](const CommandMap::Item& cmd) { return not (cmd.value.flags & CommandFlags::Hidden); }) | transform(&CommandMap::Item::key); auto aliases = context.aliases().flatten_aliases() | transform(&HashItem::key); return {0, query.length(), Kakoune::complete(query, query.length(), concatenated(commands, aliases)), Completions::Flags::Menu | Completions::Flags::NoEmpty}; } Completions CommandManager::complete_module_name(StringView query) const { return {0, query.length(), Kakoune::complete(query, query.length(), m_modules | filter([](auto&& item) { return item.value.state == Module::State::Registered; }) | transform(&ModuleMap::Item::key))}; } static Completions complete_expansion(const Context& context, CompletionFlags flags, Token token, ByteCount start, ByteCount cursor_pos, ByteCount pos_in_token) { switch (token.type) { case Token::Type::RegisterExpand: return { start, cursor_pos, RegisterManager::instance().complete_register_name( token.content, pos_in_token) }; case Token::Type::OptionExpand: return { start, cursor_pos, GlobalScope::instance().option_registry().complete_option_name( token.content, pos_in_token) }; case Token::Type::ShellExpand: return offset_pos(shell_complete(context, flags, token.content, pos_in_token), start); case Token::Type::ValExpand: return { start, cursor_pos, ShellManager::instance().complete_env_var( token.content, pos_in_token) }; case Token::Type::FileExpand: { const auto& ignored_files = context.options()["ignored_files"].get(); return { start, cursor_pos, complete_filename( token.content, ignored_files, pos_in_token, FilenameFlags::Expand) }; } default: kak_assert(false); throw runtime_error("unknown expansion"); } } static Completions complete_raw_eval(const Context& context, CompletionFlags flags, StringView prefix, ByteCount start, ByteCount cursor_pos, ByteCount pos_in_token) { ParseState state{prefix, prefix.begin()}; while (state) { if (*state.pos++ == '%') { if (state and *state.pos == '%') ++state.pos; else { auto token = parse_percent_token(state, false); if (token.terminated) continue; if (token.type == Token::Type::Raw or token.type == Token::Type::RawQuoted) return {}; return complete_expansion(context, flags, token, start + token.pos, cursor_pos, pos_in_token - token.pos); } } } return {}; } Completions CommandManager::complete(const Context& context, CompletionFlags flags, StringView command_line, ByteCount cursor_pos) { auto prefix = command_line.substr(0_byte, cursor_pos); CommandParser parser{prefix}; const char* cursor = prefix.begin() + (int)cursor_pos; Vector tokens; bool is_last_token = true; while (auto token = parser.read_token(false)) { if (token->type == Token::Type::CommandSeparator) { tokens.clear(); continue; } tokens.push_back(std::move(*token)); if (parser.pos() >= cursor) { is_last_token = false; break; } } if (is_last_token) tokens.push_back({Token::Type::Raw, prefix.length(), {}}); kak_assert(not tokens.empty()); const auto& token = tokens.back(); if (token.terminated) // do not complete past explicit token close return Completions{}; auto requote = [](Completions completions, Token::Type token_type) { if (completions.flags & Completions::Flags::Quoted) return completions; if (token_type == Token::Type::Raw) { const bool at_token_start = completions.start == 0; for (auto& candidate : completions.candidates) { const StringView to_escape = ";\n \t"; if ((at_token_start and candidate.substr(0_byte, 1_byte) == "%") or any_of(candidate, [&](auto c) { return contains(to_escape, c); })) candidate = at_token_start ? quote(candidate) : escape(candidate, to_escape, '\\'); } } else if (token_type == Token::Type::RawQuoted) completions.flags |= Completions::Flags::Quoted; else kak_assert(false); return completions; }; const ByteCount start = token.pos; const ByteCount pos_in_token = cursor_pos - start; // command name completion if (tokens.size() == 1 and (token.type == Token::Type::Raw or token.type == Token::Type::RawQuoted)) { return offset_pos(requote(complete_command_name(context, prefix), token.type), start); } switch (token.type) { case Token::Type::RegisterExpand: case Token::Type::OptionExpand: case Token::Type::ShellExpand: case Token::Type::ValExpand: case Token::Type::FileExpand: return complete_expansion(context, flags, token, start, cursor_pos, pos_in_token); case Token::Type::Raw: case Token::Type::RawQuoted: { StringView command_name = tokens.front().content; if (command_name != m_last_complete_command) { m_last_complete_command = command_name.str(); flags |= CompletionFlags::Start; } auto command_it = m_commands.find(resolve_alias(context, command_name)); if (command_it == m_commands.end()) return Completions{}; auto& command = command_it->value; const bool has_switches = not command.param_desc.switches.empty(); auto is_switch = [=](StringView s) { return has_switches and s.substr(0_byte, 1_byte) == "-"; }; if (is_switch(token.content)) { auto switches = Kakoune::complete(token.content.substr(1_byte), pos_in_token, concatenated(command.param_desc.switches | transform(&SwitchMap::Item::key), ConstArrayView{"-"})); return switches.empty() ? Completions{} : Completions{start+1, cursor_pos, std::move(switches), Completions::Flags::Menu}; } if (not command.completer) return Completions{}; auto params = tokens | skip(1) | transform(&Token::content) | filter(std::not_fn(is_switch)) | gather(); auto index = params.size() - 1; return offset_pos(requote(command.completer(context, flags, params, index, pos_in_token), token.type), start); } case Token::Type::RawEval: return complete_raw_eval(context, flags, token.content, start, cursor_pos, pos_in_token); default: break; } return Completions{}; } Completions CommandManager::complete(const Context& context, CompletionFlags flags, CommandParameters params, size_t token_to_complete, ByteCount pos_in_token) { StringView prefix = params[token_to_complete].substr(0, pos_in_token); if (token_to_complete == 0) return complete_command_name(context, prefix); else { StringView command_name = params[0]; if (command_name != m_last_complete_command) { m_last_complete_command = command_name.str(); flags |= CompletionFlags::Start; } auto command_it = m_commands.find(resolve_alias(context, command_name)); if (command_it != m_commands.end() and command_it->value.completer) return command_it->value.completer( context, flags, params.subrange(1), token_to_complete-1, pos_in_token); } return Completions{}; } UnitTest test_command_parsing{[] { auto check_quoted = [](StringView str, bool terminated, StringView content) { auto check_quoted_impl = [&](auto type_hint) { ParseState state{str, str.begin()}; const decltype(type_hint) delimiter = *state.pos++; auto quoted = parse_quoted(state, delimiter); kak_assert(quoted.terminated == terminated); kak_assert(quoted.content == content); }; check_quoted_impl(Codepoint{}); check_quoted_impl(char{}); }; check_quoted("'abc'", true, "abc"); check_quoted("'abc''def", false, "abc'def"); check_quoted("'abc''def'''", true, "abc'def'"); check_quoted(StringView("'abc''def'", 5), true, "abc"); auto check_balanced = [](StringView str, bool terminated, StringView content) { ParseState state{str, str.begin()+1}; auto quoted = parse_quoted_balanced<'{', '}'>(state); kak_assert(quoted.terminated == terminated); kak_assert(quoted.content == content); }; check_balanced("{abc}", true, "abc"); check_balanced("{abc{def}}", true, "abc{def}"); check_balanced("{{abc}{def}", false, "{abc}{def}"); auto check_unquoted = [](StringView str, StringView content) { ParseState state{str, str.begin()}; kak_assert(parse_unquoted(state) == content); }; check_unquoted("abc def", "abc"); check_unquoted("abc; def", "abc"); check_unquoted("abc\\; def", "abc;"); check_unquoted("abc\\;\\ def", "abc; def"); { CommandParser parser(R"(foo 'bar' "baz" qux)"); kak_assert(parser.read_token(false)->content == "foo"); kak_assert(parser.read_token(false)->content == "bar"); kak_assert(parser.read_token(false)->content == "baz"); kak_assert(parser.read_token(false)->content == "qux"); kak_assert(not parser.read_token(false)); } }}; }