= Mapping == Description Creating and removing shortcuts boils down to the following commands, respectively: --------------------------------------- map [switches] <scope> <mode> <key> <keys> unmap <scope> <mode> <key> [<expected>] --------------------------------------- The *map* command makes *key* behave as if the *keys* sequence was typed. *mode* dictates in what context the mapping will be available: *insert*:: insert mode *normal*:: normal mode *prompt*:: prompts, such as when entering a command through *:*, or a regex through */* *user*:: mode entered when the user prefix is hit (default: '<space>') *goto*:: mode entered when the goto key is hit (default: 'g') *view*:: mode entered when the view key is hit (default: 'v') *object*:: mode entered when an object selection is triggered (e.g. '<a-i>') The context of execution of the above modes is always the current one at the time of execution of the mapping, except for *user* mode (always executed in a 'normal' context). Refer to <<modes#,`:doc modes`>> for more details. An optional *-docstring* switch followed by a string can be used to describe what the mapping does. This docstring will be used in autoinfo boxes. The *unmap* command removes a mapping of *key* in the given *scope* and *mode*. If *expected* is specified, the mapping is removed only if it is set to the same sequence of keys passed using the *expected* argument. For more information about the values of the *scope* parameter, refer to <<scopes#,`:doc scopes`>>. == Mapping commands It's common to use a normal-mode or user-mode mapping to trigger a command, like this: ---- map global user n :make-next-error<ret> ---- If you make a normal-mode mapping, you can prefix it with a count or a register name like any other normal-mode key. You can forward this information to the command you invoke with the `%val{count}` and `%val{register}` expansions (See <<expansions#,`:doc expansions`>>). For example: ---- map global normal = ':echo Got count %val{count} and reg %val{register}<ret>' ---- == Mappable keys See <<keys#,`:doc keys`>> to learn what each key does in each mode. The keys on the right-hand side of the mapping are not affected by other mappings, they always perform their original function. For *key* and *keys* in the *map* command, the following key names can be used: *x*, *<x>*:: Most keys, especially alphabetic keys, represent themselves. Keys can also be wrapped in angle-brackets for consistency with the non-alphabetic keys below. *<c-x>*:: Holding down Control while pressing the *x* key. *<a-x>*:: Holding down Alt while pressing the *x* key. *<s-x>*, *X*, *<X>*, *<s-X>*:: Holding down Shift while pressing the *x* key. *<s-x>*, *<s-X>* and *<X>* are treated as the same key. The *s-* modifier only works with ASCII letters and cannot be used with other printable keys (non-ASCII letters, digits, punctuation) because their shift behaviour depends on your keyboard layout. The *s-* modifier _can_ be used with special keys like *<up>* and *<tab>*. *<c-a-x>*:: Holding down Control and Alt while pressing the *x* key. *<lt>*, *<gt>*:: The *<* and *>* characters. *<plus>*, *<minus>*:: The *+* and *-* characters. *<ret>*:: The Return or Enter key. *<space>*:: The space bar. *<tab>*:: The Tab key. *<backspace>*:: The Backspace (delete to the left) key. *<del>*:: The Delete (to the right) key. *<esc>*:: The Escape key. *<up>*, *<down>*, *<left>*, *<right>*:: *<pageup>*, *<pagedown>*, *<home>*, *<end>*:: The usual cursor-movement keys. *<ins>*:: The Insert key. *<F1>*, *<F2>*, ...*<F12>*:: Function keys. *<semicolon>*, *<percent>*:: The *;* and *%* characters, these keys allow reducing the amount of backslash escaping in scripts (for example, `exec \%` becomes `exec <percent>`) NOTE: Although Kakoune allows many key combinations to be mapped, not every possible combination can be triggered. For example, due to limitations in the way terminals handle control characters, mappings like *<c-s-a>* are unlikely to work in Kakoune's terminal UI. Some keys, like `<c-c>` and `<c-g>`, cannot be remapped because they are used to cancel operations. See <<keys#cancelling-operations,`:doc keys cancelling-operations`>>. == Default mappings Some mappings exist by default in the global scope: In normal mode: * `<left>` maps to `h` * `<right>` maps to `l` * `<up>` maps to `k` * `<down>` maps to `j` * `<home>` maps to `<a-h>` * `<end>` maps to `<a-l>` Shift version of those mappings exist as well (for example `<s-left>` maps to `H`).