# http://tmux.github.io/ # ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾ # Tmux version >= 2 is required to use this module hook global ModuleLoaded tmux %{ require-module tmux-repl } provide-module tmux-repl %{ declare-option -docstring "tmux pane id in which the REPL is running" str tmux_repl_id define-command -hidden -params 1.. tmux-repl-impl %{ evaluate-commands %sh{ if [ -z "$TMUX" ]; then echo 'fail This command is only available in a tmux session' exit fi tmux_args="$1" shift tmux $tmux_args "$@" printf "set-option current tmux_repl_id '%s'" $(tmux display-message -p '#{session_id}:#{window_id}.#{pane_id}') } } define-command tmux-repl-vertical -params 0.. -command-completion -docstring "Create a new vertical pane for repl interaction" %{ tmux-repl-impl 'split-window -v' %arg{@} } define-command tmux-repl-horizontal -params 0.. -command-completion -docstring "Create a new horizontal pane for repl interaction" %{ tmux-repl-impl 'split-window -h' %arg{@} } define-command tmux-repl-window -params 0.. -command-completion -docstring "Create a new window for repl interaction" %{ tmux-repl-impl 'new-window' %arg{@} } define-command -params 0..1 tmux-repl-set-pane -docstring %{ tmux-repl-set-pane [pane number]: Set an existing tmux pane for repl interaction If the address of new pane is not given, next pane is used (To get the pane number in tmux, use 'tmux display-message -p '#{pane_id}'" in that pane) } %{ evaluate-commands %sh{ if [ -z "$TMUX" ]; then echo 'fail This command is only available in a tmux session' exit fi if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then curr_pane="$(tmux display-message -p '#{pane_id}')" curr_pane_no="${curr_pane:1}" tgt_pane=$((curr_pane_no+1)) else tgt_pane="$1" fi curr_win="$(tmux display-message -p '#{window_id}')" curr_win_no="${curr_win:1}" current=$(tmux list-panes -t $curr_win_no -F \#D) if [[ "$current" =~ "%"$tgt_pane ]]; then printf "set-option current tmux_repl_id '%s'" $(tmux display-message -p '#{session_id}:#{window_id}.')%$tgt_pane else echo 'fail The correct pane is not there. Activate using tmux-terminal-* or some other way' fi } } define-command -hidden tmux-send-text -params 0..1 -docstring %{ tmux-send-text [text]: Send text to the REPL pane. If no text is passed, then the selection is used } %{ nop %sh{ if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then tmux set-buffer -b kak_selection -- "${kak_selection}" else tmux set-buffer -b kak_selection -- "$1" fi tmux paste-buffer -b kak_selection -t "$kak_opt_tmux_repl_id" } } alias global repl-new tmux-repl-horizontal alias global repl-send-text tmux-send-text }