decl str docsclient hook -group git-log-highlight global WinSetOption filetype=git-log %{ addhl group git-log-highlight addhl -group git-log-highlight regex '^(commit) ([0-9a-f]+)$' 1:yellow 2:red addhl -group git-log-highlight regex '^([a-zA-Z_-]+:) (.*?)$' 1:green 2:magenta addhl -group git-log-highlight ref diff # highlight potential diffs from the -p option } hook -group git-log-highlight global WinSetOption filetype=(?!git-log).* %{ rmhl git-log-highlight } hook -group git-status-highlight global WinSetOption filetype=git-status %{ addhl group git-status-highlight addhl -group git-status-highlight regex '^\h+(?:((?:both )?modified:)|(added:|new file:)|(deleted(?: by \w+)?:)|(renamed:)|(copied:))(?:.*?)$' 1:yellow 2:green 3:red 4:cyan 5:blue 6:magenta } hook -group git-status-highlight global WinSetOption filetype=(?!git-status).* %{ rmhl git-status-highlight } decl line-flags git_blame_flags decl line-flags git_diff_flags face GitBlame default,magenta def -params 1.. \ -docstring %sh{printf '%%{git [<arguments>]: git wrapping helper All the optional arguments are forwarded to the git utility Available commands:\n-add\n-rm\n-blame\n-commit\n-checkout\n-diff\n-hide-blame\n-log\n-show\n-show-diff\n-status\n-update-diff}'} \ -shell-candidates %{ [ $kak_token_to_complete -eq 0 ] && printf "add\nrm\nblame\ncommit\ncheckout\ndiff\nhide-blame\nlog\nshow\nshow-diff\nstatus\nupdate-diff\n" } \ git %{ %sh{ show_git_cmd_output() { local filetype case "$1" in show|diff) filetype=diff ;; log) filetype=git-log ;; status) filetype=git-status ;; esac output=$(mktemp -d -t kak-git.XXXXXXXX)/fifo mkfifo ${output} ( git "$@" > ${output} 2>&1 ) > /dev/null 2>&1 < /dev/null & printf %s "eval -try-client '$kak_opt_docsclient' %{ edit! -fifo ${output} *git* set buffer filetype '${filetype}' hook -group fifo buffer BufCloseFifo .* %{ nop %sh{ rm -r $(dirname ${output}) } rmhooks buffer fifo } }" } run_git_blame() { ( printf %s "eval -client '$kak_client' %{ try %{ addhl flag_lines GitBlame git_blame_flags } set buffer=$kak_bufname git_blame_flags '$kak_timestamp' }" | kak -p ${kak_session} git blame "$@" --incremental ${kak_buffile} | awk ' function send_flags(text, flag, i) { if (line == "") { return; } text=substr(sha,1,8) " " dates[sha] " " authors[sha] gsub(":", "\\:", text) # gsub("|", "\\|", text) flag=line "|" text for ( i=1; i < count; i++ ) { flag=flag ":" line+i "|" text } cmd = "kak -p " ENVIRON["kak_session"] print "set -add buffer=" ENVIRON["kak_bufname"] " git_blame_flags %{" flag "}" | cmd close(cmd) } /^([0-9a-f]{40}) ([0-9]+) ([0-9]+) ([0-9]+)/ { send_flags() sha=$1 line=$3 count=$4 } /^author / { authors[sha]=substr($0,8) } /^author-time ([0-9]*)/ { cmd = "date -d @" $2 " +\"%F %T\"" cmd | getline dates[sha] } END { send_flags(); }' ) > /dev/null 2>&1 < /dev/null & } update_diff() { git diff -U0 $kak_buffile | awk ' BEGIN { line=0 flags=ENVIRON["kak_timestamp"] } /^---.*/ {} /^@@ -[0-9]+(,[0-9]+)? \+[0-9]+(,[0-9]+)? @@.*/ { if ((x=index($3, ",")) > 0) { line=substr($3, 2, x-2) } else { line=substr($3, 2) } } /^\+/ { flags=flags ":" line "|{green}+" line++ } /^\-/ { flags=flags ":" line "|{red}-" } END { print "set buffer git_diff_flags ", flags } ' } commit() { # Handle case where message needs not to be edited if grep -E -q -e "-m|-F|-C|--message=.*|--file=.*|--reuse-message=.*|--no-edit"; then if git commit "$@" > /dev/null 2>&1; then echo 'echo -color Information Commit succeeded' else echo 'echo -color Error Commit failed' fi exit fi <<-EOF $@ EOF # fails, and generate COMMIT_EDITMSG GIT_EDITOR='' EDITOR='' git commit "$@" > /dev/null 2>&1 msgfile="$(git rev-parse --git-dir)/COMMIT_EDITMSG" printf %s "edit '$msgfile' hook buffer BufWritePost '.*\Q$msgfile\E' %{ %sh{ if git commit -F '$msgfile' --cleanup=strip $@ > /dev/null; then printf %s 'eval -client $kak_client echo -color Information Commit succeeded; delete-buffer' else printf %s 'eval -client $kak_client echo -color Error Commit failed' fi } }" } case "$1" in show|log|diff|status) show_git_cmd_output "$@" ;; blame) shift; run_git_blame "$@" ;; hide-blame) printf %s "try %{ set buffer=$kak_bufname git_blame_flags '' rmhl hlflags_git_blame_flags }" ;; show-diff) echo 'try %{ addhl flag_lines default,black git_diff_flags }' update_diff ;; update-diff) update_diff ;; commit) shift; commit "$@" ;; checkout) name="${2:-${kak_buffile}}" git checkout "${name}" > /dev/null 2>&1 ;; add) name="${2:-${kak_buffile}}" if git add -- "${name}" > /dev/null 2>&1; then printf %s "echo -color Information 'git: added ${name}'" else printf %s "echo -color Error 'git: unable to add ${name}'" fi ;; rm) name="${2:-${kak_buffile}}" if git rm -- "${name}" > /dev/null 2>&1; then printf %s "echo -color Information 'git: removed ${name}'" else printf %s "echo -color Error 'git: unable to remove ${name}'" fi ;; *) printf %s "echo -color Error %{unknown git command '$1'}"; exit ;; esac }}