#include "word_db.hh" #include "utils.hh" #include "line_modification.hh" #include "utf8_iterator.hh" namespace Kakoune { static std::vector get_words(StringView content) { std::vector res; using Iterator = utf8::iterator; const char* word_start = content.begin(); bool in_word = false; for (Iterator it{word_start}, end{content.end()}; it != end; ++it) { Codepoint c = *it; const bool word = is_word(c); if (not in_word and word) { word_start = it.base(); in_word = true; } else if (in_word and not word) { res.push_back({word_start, it.base()}); in_word = false; } } return res; } static void add_words(WordDB::WordList& wl, const std::vector& words) { for (auto& w : words) ++wl[w]; } static void remove_words(WordDB::WordList& wl, const std::vector& words) { for (auto& w : words) { auto it = wl.find(w); kak_assert(it != wl.end() and it->second > 0); if (--it->second == 0) wl.erase(it); } } WordDB::WordDB(const Buffer& buffer) : m_buffer{&buffer}, m_timestamp{buffer.timestamp()} { m_line_to_words.reserve((int)buffer.line_count()); for (auto line = 0_line, end = buffer.line_count(); line < end; ++line) { m_line_to_words.push_back(get_words(buffer[line])); add_words(m_words, m_line_to_words.back()); } } void WordDB::update_db() { auto& buffer = *m_buffer; auto modifs = compute_line_modifications(buffer, m_timestamp); m_timestamp = buffer.timestamp(); if (modifs.empty()) return; LineToWords new_lines; new_lines.reserve((int)buffer.line_count()); auto old_line = 0_line; for (auto& modif : modifs) { kak_assert(0_line <= modif.new_line and modif.new_line < buffer.line_count()); kak_assert(old_line <= modif.old_line); while (old_line < modif.old_line) new_lines.push_back(std::move(m_line_to_words[(int)old_line++])); kak_assert((int)new_lines.size() == (int)modif.new_line); while (old_line <= modif.old_line + modif.num_removed) { kak_assert(old_line < m_line_to_words.size()); remove_words(m_words, m_line_to_words[(int)old_line++]); } for (auto l = 0_line; l <= modif.num_added; ++l) { if (modif.new_line + l >= buffer.line_count()) break; new_lines.push_back(get_words(buffer[modif.new_line + l])); add_words(m_words, new_lines.back()); } } while (old_line != (int)m_line_to_words.size()) new_lines.push_back(std::move(m_line_to_words[(int)old_line++])); m_line_to_words = std::move(new_lines); } std::vector WordDB::find_prefix(const String& prefix) { update_db(); std::vector res; for (auto it = m_words.lower_bound(prefix); it != m_words.end(); ++it) { if (not prefix_match(it->first, prefix)) break; res.push_back(it->first); } return res; } std::vector WordDB::find_subsequence(const String& subsequence) { update_db(); std::vector res; for (auto it = m_words.begin(); it != m_words.end(); ++it) { if (subsequence_match(it->first, subsequence)) res.push_back(it->first); } return res; } int WordDB::get_word_occurences(const String& word) const { auto it = m_words.find(word); if (it != m_words.end()) return it->second; return 0; } }