#include "string.hh" #include "exception.hh" #include "containers.hh" #include "utf8_iterator.hh" #include "unit_tests.hh" #include namespace Kakoune { String::Data::Data(const char* data, size_t size, size_t capacity) { if (capacity > Short::capacity) { if (capacity & 1) ++capacity; l.ptr = Alloc{}.allocate(capacity+1); l.size = size; l.capacity = capacity; memcpy(l.ptr, data, size); l.ptr[size] = 0; } else set_short(data, size); } String::Data::Data(Data&& other) noexcept { if (other.is_long()) { l = other.l; other.s.size = 1; } else s = other.s; } String::Data& String::Data::operator=(const Data& other) { const size_t new_size = other.size(); reserve(new_size); memcpy(data(), other.data(), new_size+1); set_size(new_size); return *this; } String::Data& String::Data::operator=(Data&& other) noexcept { if (other.is_long()) { l = other.l; other.set_empty(); } else s = other.s; return *this; } template void String::Data::reserve(size_t new_capacity) { if (new_capacity <= capacity()) return; if (is_long()) new_capacity = std::max(l.capacity * 2, new_capacity); char* new_ptr = Alloc{}.allocate(new_capacity+1); if (copy) { memcpy(new_ptr, data(), size()+1); l.size = size(); } release(); l.ptr = new_ptr; l.capacity = new_capacity; } template void String::Data::reserve(size_t); template void String::Data::reserve(size_t); void String::Data::force_size(size_t new_size) { reserve(new_size); set_size(new_size); } void String::Data::append(const char* str, size_t len) { const size_t new_size = size() + len; reserve(new_size); memcpy(data() + size(), str, len); set_size(new_size); data()[new_size] = 0; } void String::Data::clear() { release(); set_empty(); } void String::Data::release() { if (is_long()) Alloc{}.deallocate(l.ptr, l.capacity+1); } void String::Data::set_size(size_t size) { if (is_long()) l.size = size; else s.size = (size << 1) | 1; } void String::Data::set_short(const char* data, size_t size) { s.size = (size << 1) | 1; memcpy(s.string, data, size); s.string[size] = 0; } const String String::ms_empty; Vector split(StringView str, char separator, char escape) { Vector res; auto it = str.begin(); auto start = it; while (it != str.end()) { res.emplace_back(); String& element = res.back(); while (it != str.end()) { auto c = *it; if (c == escape and it + 1 != str.end() and *(it+1) == separator) { element += StringView{start, it+1}; element.back() = separator; it += 2; start = it; } else if (c == separator) { element += StringView{start, it}; ++it; start = it; break; } else ++it; } } if (start != str.end()) res.back() += StringView{start, str.end()}; return res; } Vector split(StringView str, char separator) { Vector res; if (str.empty()) return res; auto beg = str.begin(); for (auto it = beg; it != str.end(); ++it) { if (*it == separator) { res.emplace_back(beg, it); beg = it + 1; } } res.emplace_back(beg, str.end()); return res; } String escape(StringView str, StringView characters, char escape) { String res; res.reserve(str.length()); for (auto it = str.begin(), end = str.end(); it != end; ) { auto next = std::find_if(it, end, [&characters](char c) { return contains(characters, c); }); if (next != end) { res += StringView{it, next+1}; res.back() = escape; res += *next; it = next+1; } else { res += StringView{it, next}; break; } } return res; } String unescape(StringView str, StringView characters, char escape) { String res; res.reserve(str.length()); for (auto it = str.begin(), end = str.end(); it != end; ) { auto next = std::find(it, end, escape); if (next != end and next+1 != end and contains(characters, *(next+1))) { res += StringView{it, next+1}; res.back() = *(next+1); it = next + 2; } else { res += StringView{it, next == end ? next : next + 1}; it = next == end ? next : next + 1; } } return res; } String indent(StringView str, StringView indent) { String res; res.reserve(str.length()); bool was_eol = true; for (ByteCount i = 0; i < str.length(); ++i) { if (was_eol) res += indent; res += str[i]; was_eol = is_eol(str[i]); } return res; } String replace(StringView str, StringView substr, StringView replacement) { String res; for (auto it = str.begin(); it != str.end(); ) { auto match = std::search(it, str.end(), substr.begin(), substr.end()); res += StringView{it, match}; if (match == str.end()) break; res += replacement; it = match + (int)substr.length(); } return res; } Optional str_to_int_ifp(StringView str) { unsigned int res = 0; bool negative = false; for (auto it = str.begin(), end = str.end(); it != end; ++it) { const char c = *it; if (it == str.begin() and c == '-') negative = true; else if (c >= '0' and c <= '9') res = res * 10 + c - '0'; else return {}; } return negative ? -(int)res : (int)res; } int str_to_int(StringView str) { if (auto val = str_to_int_ifp(str)) return *val; throw runtime_error{str + " is not a number"}; } InplaceString<15> to_string(int val) { InplaceString<15> res; res.m_length = sprintf(res.m_data, "%i", val); return res; } InplaceString<23> to_string(long int val) { InplaceString<23> res; res.m_length = sprintf(res.m_data, "%li", val); return res; } InplaceString<23> to_string(size_t val) { InplaceString<23> res; res.m_length = sprintf(res.m_data, "%zu", val); return res; } InplaceString<23> to_string(Hex val) { InplaceString<23> res; res.m_length = sprintf(res.m_data, "%zx", val.val); return res; } InplaceString<23> to_string(float val) { InplaceString<23> res; res.m_length = sprintf(res.m_data, "%f", val); return res; } InplaceString<7> to_string(Codepoint c) { InplaceString<7> res; char* ptr = res.m_data; utf8::dump(ptr, c); res.m_length = (int)(ptr - res.m_data); return res; } bool subsequence_match(StringView str, StringView subseq) { auto it = str.begin(); for (auto& c : subseq) { if (it == str.end()) return false; while (*it != c) { if (++it == str.end()) return false; } ++it; } return true; } String expand_tabs(StringView line, CharCount tabstop, CharCount col) { String res; res.reserve(line.length()); for (auto it = line.begin(), end = line.end(); it != end; ) { if (*it == '\t') { CharCount end_col = (col / tabstop + 1) * tabstop; res += String{' ', end_col - col}; col = end_col; ++it; } else { auto char_end = utf8::next(it, end); res += {it, char_end}; ++col; it = char_end; } } return res; } Vector wrap_lines(StringView text, CharCount max_width) { if (max_width <= 0) throw runtime_error("Invalid max width"); using Utf8It = utf8::iterator; Utf8It it{text.begin(), text}; Utf8It end{text.end(), text}; Utf8It line_begin = it; Utf8It last_word_end = it; Vector lines; while (it != end) { const CharCategories cat = categorize(*it); if (cat == CharCategories::EndOfLine) { lines.emplace_back(line_begin.base(), it.base()); line_begin = it = it+1; continue; } Utf8It word_end = it+1; while (word_end != end and categorize(*word_end) == cat) ++word_end; while (word_end - line_begin >= max_width) { auto line_end = last_word_end <= line_begin ? line_begin + max_width : last_word_end; lines.emplace_back(line_begin.base(), line_end.base()); while (line_end != end and is_horizontal_blank(*line_end)) ++line_end; if (line_end != end and *line_end == '\n') ++line_end; it = line_begin = line_end; } if (cat == CharCategories::Word or cat == CharCategories::Punctuation) last_word_end = word_end; it = word_end; } if (line_begin != end) lines.emplace_back(line_begin.base(), text.end()); return lines; } template void format_impl(StringView fmt, ArrayView params, AppendFunc append) { int implicitIndex = 0; for (auto it = fmt.begin(), end = fmt.end(); it != end;) { auto opening = std::find(it, end, '{'); if (opening == end) { append(StringView{it, opening}); break; } else if (opening != it and *(opening-1) == '\\') { append(StringView{it, opening-1}); append('{'); it = opening + 1; } else { append(StringView{it, opening}); auto closing = std::find(opening, end, '}'); if (closing == end) throw runtime_error("Format string error, unclosed '{'"); int index; if (closing == opening + 1) index = implicitIndex; else index = str_to_int({opening+1, closing}); if (index >= params.size()) throw runtime_error("Format string parameter index too big"); append(params[index]); implicitIndex = index+1; it = closing+1; } } } StringView format_to(ArrayView buffer, StringView fmt, ArrayView params) { char* ptr = buffer.begin(); const char* end = buffer.end(); format_impl(fmt, params, [&](StringView s) mutable { for (auto c : s) { if (ptr == end) throw runtime_error("buffer is too small"); *ptr++ = c; } }); if (ptr == end) throw runtime_error("buffer is too small"); *ptr = 0; return { buffer.begin(), ptr }; } String format(StringView fmt, ArrayView params) { ByteCount size = fmt.length(); for (auto& s : params) size += s.length(); String res; res.reserve(size); format_impl(fmt, params, [&](StringView s) { res += s; }); return res; } UnitTest test_string{[]() { kak_assert(String("youpi ") + "matin" == "youpi matin"); Vector splited = split("youpi:matin::tchou\\:kanaky:hihi\\:", ':', '\\'); kak_assert(splited[0] == "youpi"); kak_assert(splited[1] == "matin"); kak_assert(splited[2] == ""); kak_assert(splited[3] == "tchou:kanaky"); kak_assert(splited[4] == "hihi:"); Vector splitedview = split("youpi:matin::tchou\\:kanaky:hihi\\:", ':'); kak_assert(splitedview[0] == "youpi"); kak_assert(splitedview[1] == "matin"); kak_assert(splitedview[2] == ""); kak_assert(splitedview[3] == "tchou\\"); kak_assert(splitedview[4] == "kanaky"); kak_assert(splitedview[5] == "hihi\\"); kak_assert(splitedview[6] == ""); Vector wrapped = wrap_lines("wrap this paragraph\n respecting whitespaces and much_too_long_words", 16); kak_assert(wrapped.size() == 6); kak_assert(wrapped[0] == "wrap this"); kak_assert(wrapped[1] == "paragraph"); kak_assert(wrapped[2] == " respecting"); kak_assert(wrapped[3] == "whitespaces and"); kak_assert(wrapped[4] == "much_too_long_wo"); kak_assert(wrapped[5] == "rds"); kak_assert(escape("youpi:matin:tchou:", ':', '\\') == "youpi\\:matin\\:tchou\\:"); kak_assert(unescape("youpi\\:matin\\:tchou\\:", ':', '\\') == "youpi:matin:tchou:"); kak_assert(prefix_match("tchou kanaky", "tchou")); kak_assert(prefix_match("tchou kanaky", "tchou kanaky")); kak_assert(prefix_match("tchou kanaky", "t")); kak_assert(not prefix_match("tchou kanaky", "c")); kak_assert(subsequence_match("tchou kanaky", "tknky")); kak_assert(subsequence_match("tchou kanaky", "knk")); kak_assert(subsequence_match("tchou kanaky", "tchou kanaky")); kak_assert(not subsequence_match("tchou kanaky", "tchou kanaky")); kak_assert(format("Youhou {1} {} {0} \\{}", 10, "hehe", 5) == "Youhou hehe 5 10 {}"); char buffer[20]; kak_assert(format_to(buffer, "Hey {}", 15) == "Hey 15"); kak_assert(str_to_int("5") == 5); kak_assert(str_to_int(to_string(INT_MAX)) == INT_MAX); kak_assert(str_to_int(to_string(INT_MIN)) == INT_MIN); kak_assert(str_to_int("00") == 0); kak_assert(str_to_int("-0") == 0); kak_assert(replace("tchou/tcha/tchi", "/", "!!") == "tchou!!tcha!!tchi"); }}; }