#include "ncurses.hh" #include "window.hh" #include "register_manager.hh" #include #define CTRL(x) x - 'a' + 1 namespace Kakoune { NCursesClient::NCursesClient() : m_menu(nullptr) { // setlocale(LC_ALL, ""); initscr(); cbreak(); noecho(); nonl(); intrflush(stdscr, false); keypad(stdscr, true); curs_set(0); start_color(); use_default_colors(); ESCDELAY=25; } NCursesClient::~NCursesClient() { endwin(); } static void set_attribute(int attribute, bool on) { if (on) attron(attribute); else attroff(attribute); } static int nc_color(Color color) { switch (color) { case Color::Black: return COLOR_BLACK; case Color::Red: return COLOR_RED; case Color::Green: return COLOR_GREEN; case Color::Yellow: return COLOR_YELLOW; case Color::Blue: return COLOR_BLUE; case Color::Magenta: return COLOR_MAGENTA; case Color::Cyan: return COLOR_CYAN; case Color::White: return COLOR_WHITE; case Color::Default: default: return -1; } } static void set_color(Color fg_color, Color bg_color) { static std::map, int> colorpairs; static int current_pair = -1; static int next_pair = 1; if (current_pair != -1) attroff(COLOR_PAIR(current_pair)); if (fg_color == Color::Default and bg_color == Color::Default) return; std::pair colorpair(fg_color, bg_color); auto it = colorpairs.find(colorpair); if (it != colorpairs.end()) { current_pair = it->second; attron(COLOR_PAIR(it->second)); } else { init_pair(next_pair, nc_color(fg_color), nc_color(bg_color)); colorpairs[colorpair] = next_pair; current_pair = next_pair; attron(COLOR_PAIR(next_pair)); ++next_pair; } } void NCursesClient::draw_window(Window& window) { int max_x,max_y; getmaxyx(stdscr, max_y, max_x); max_y -= 1; int status_y = max_y; if (m_menu) { int rows; int cols; menu_format(m_menu, &rows, &cols); max_y -= rows; } window.set_dimensions(DisplayCoord(LineCount(max_y), max_x)); window.update_display_buffer(); int line_index = 0; int last_line = INT_MAX; for (const DisplayLine& line : window.display_buffer().lines()) { move(line_index, 0); clrtoeol(); for (const DisplayAtom& atom : line) { set_attribute(A_UNDERLINE, atom.attribute & Underline); set_attribute(A_REVERSE, atom.attribute & Reverse); set_attribute(A_BLINK, atom.attribute & Blink); set_attribute(A_BOLD, atom.attribute & Bold); set_color(atom.fg_color, atom.bg_color); String content = atom.content.content(); if (content[content.length()-1] == '\n') { addnstr(content.c_str(), (int)content.length() - 1); addch(' '); } else addstr(content.c_str()); } ++line_index; } set_attribute(A_UNDERLINE, 0); set_attribute(A_REVERSE, 0); set_attribute(A_BLINK, 0); set_attribute(A_BOLD, 0); set_color(Color::Blue, Color::Black); for (;line_index < max_y; ++line_index) { move(line_index, 0); clrtoeol(); addch('~'); } set_color(Color::Cyan, Color::Black); String status_line = window.status_line(); static int last_status_length = 0; move(status_y, max_x - last_status_length); clrtoeol(); move(status_y, max_x - (int)status_line.length()); addstr(status_line.c_str()); last_status_length = (int)status_line.length(); refresh(); } Key NCursesClient::get_key() { char c = getch(); Key::Modifiers modifiers = Key::Modifiers::None; if (c > 0 and c < 27) { modifiers = Key::Modifiers::Control; c = c - 1 + 'a'; } else if (c == 27) { timeout(0); char new_c = getch(); timeout(-1); if (new_c != ERR) { c = new_c; modifiers = Key::Modifiers::Alt; } } return Key(modifiers, c); } void NCursesClient::print_status(const String& status, CharCount cursor_pos) { int x,y; getmaxyx(stdscr, y, x); move(y-1, 0); clrtoeol(); if (cursor_pos == -1) addstr(status.c_str()); else if (cursor_pos < status.length()) { addstr(status.substr(0, cursor_pos).c_str()); set_attribute(A_REVERSE, 1); addch(status[cursor_pos]); set_attribute(A_REVERSE, 0); addstr(status.substr(cursor_pos+1, -1).c_str()); } else { addstr(status.c_str()); set_attribute(A_REVERSE, 1); addch(' '); set_attribute(A_REVERSE, 0); } refresh(); } void NCursesClient::show_menu(const memoryview& choices) { assert(m_menu == nullptr); m_choices = std::vector(choices.begin(), choices.end()); for (int i = 0; i < m_choices.size(); ++i) m_counts.push_back(int_to_str(i+1)); CharCount longest = 0; for (int i = 0; i < m_choices.size(); ++i) { m_items.push_back(new_item(m_counts[i].c_str(), m_choices[i].c_str())); longest = std::max(longest, m_choices[i].length()); } m_items.push_back(NULL); longest += m_counts.back().length() + 2; int max_x,max_y; getmaxyx(stdscr, max_y, max_x); int columns = max_x / (int)longest; int lines = std::min(10, (int)ceilf((float)m_choices.size()/columns)); m_menu = new_menu(&m_items[0]); int pos_y = max_y - lines - 1; set_menu_sub(m_menu, derwin(stdscr, max_y - pos_y - 1, max_x, pos_y, 0)); set_menu_format(m_menu, lines, columns); post_menu(m_menu); refresh(); } void NCursesClient::menu_ctrl(MenuCommand command) { switch(command) { case MenuCommand::SelectFirst: menu_driver(m_menu, REQ_FIRST_ITEM); break; case MenuCommand::SelectNext: menu_driver(m_menu, REQ_NEXT_ITEM); break; case MenuCommand::SelectPrev: menu_driver(m_menu, REQ_PREV_ITEM); break; case MenuCommand::Close: { if (not m_menu) break; unpost_menu(m_menu); free_menu(m_menu); for (auto item : m_items) if (item) free_item(item); m_menu = nullptr; m_items.clear(); m_counts.clear(); m_counts.clear(); break; } } refresh(); } }