# Detection # ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾ hook global BufCreate .*[.](m) %{ set-option buffer filetype mercury } # Initialization # ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾ hook global WinSetOption filetype=mercury %{ require-module mercury set-option window static_words %opt{mercury_static_words} hook window InsertChar \n -group mercury-insert mercury-insert-on-new-line hook window InsertChar \n -group mercury-indent mercury-indent-on-new-line # cleanup trailing whitespaces on current line insert end hook window ModeChange pop:insert:.* -group mercury-trim-indent %{ try %{ execute-keys -draft <semicolon> x s ^\h+$ <ret> d } } hook -once -always window WinSetOption filetype=.* %{ remove-hooks window mercury-.+ } } hook -group mercury-highlight global WinSetOption filetype=mercury %{ add-highlighter window/mercury ref mercury hook -once -always window WinSetOption filetype=.* %{ remove-highlighter window/mercury } } provide-module mercury %§ # Highlighters # ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾ add-highlighter shared/mercury regions add-highlighter shared/mercury/code default-region group add-highlighter shared/mercury/comment region '%' '$' fill comment add-highlighter shared/mercury/line_comment region '%' '$' fill comment add-highlighter shared/mercury/string region '"' (?<!\\)(\\\\)*" fill string # Integer formats add-highlighter shared/mercury/code/ regex '\b0b[01]+\b' 0:value add-highlighter shared/mercury/code/ regex '\b0x[\da-f]+\b' 0:value add-highlighter shared/mercury/code/ regex '\b0o?[0-7]+\b' 0:value add-highlighter shared/mercury/code/ regex '\b([1-9]\d*|0)(i8|i16|i32|i64|u|u8|u16|u32|u64)?\b' 0:value # Float formats add-highlighter shared/mercury/code/ regex '\b(\d+_\d+)*\d+[eE][+-]?\d+(\d+_\d+)*\b' 0:value add-highlighter shared/mercury/code/ regex '(\b\d+)\.\d+\b' 0:value add-highlighter shared/mercury/code/ regex '`[A-Za-z][A-Za-z_0-9]+`' 0:operator add-highlighter shared/mercury/code/ regex \b[a-z][A-Za-z_0-9]*(?=\.\w) 0:module add-highlighter shared/mercury/code/ regex \b[a-z][A-Za-z_0-9]*(?=__\w) 0:module # func() and pred() add-highlighter shared/mercury/code/ regex \b(pred|func)(?=\() 0:builtin add-highlighter shared/mercury/code/ regex \b[A-Z][A-Za-z_0-9]*\b 0:variable # operator symbols add-highlighter shared/mercury/code/ regex (\.|!|!\.|!:|@|\^|:|\*\*|\\|\*|/|//|<<|>>|\+|\+\+|-|--|/\\|\\/|\.\.|:=|=\^|<|=|=\.\.|=:=|=<|==|=\\=|>|>=|@<|@=<|@>|@>=|\\=|\\==|~=|\\\+|~|<=|<=>|=>|,|&|->|\;|::|==>|--->|-->|:-|\?-) 0:operator evaluate-commands %sh{ # Grammar values="true fail" # There is overlap between all of these. Not sure what to do about that. operators="event div mod rem for is and or impure semipure not when all arbitrary atomic disable_warning disable_warnings promise_equivalent_solutions promise_equivalent_solution_setspromise_exclusive promise_exclusive_exhaustive promise_exhaustive promise_impure promise_pure promise_semipure require_complete_switch require_switch_arms_det require_switch_arms_semidet require_switch_arms_multi require_switch_arms_nondet require_switch_arms_cc_multi require_switch_arms_cc_nondet require_switch_arms_erroneous require_switch_arms_failure require_det require_semidet require_multi require_nondet require_cc_multi require_cc_nondet require_erroneous require_failure trace try some or_else then if else where catch catch_any initialize finalize rule solver type pred func inst mode typeclass instance pragma promise initialise finalise mutable module import_module use_module include_module" modes="free bound in out di mdi uo muo" determinisms="erroneous failure det semidet multi cc_multi nondet cc_nondet" reserved_insts="any bound bound_unique clobbered clobbered_any free ground is mostly_clobbered mostly_unique mostly_unique_any not_reached unique unique_any" reserved_modes="any_func any_pred func is pred" reserved_types="int int8 int16 int32 int64 uint uint8 uint16 uint32 uint64 float character string pred func pure semipure impure" declarations="type solver type pred func inst mode typeclass instance pragma promise initialise finalise mutable module interface implementation import_module use_module include_module end_module" join() { sep=$2; eval set -- $1; IFS="$sep"; echo "$*"; } # Add the language's grammar to the static completion list printf %s\\n "declare-option str-list mercury_static_words $(join "${values} ${declarations} ${operators} ${determinisms} ${modes} ${reserved_insts} ${reserved_modes}" ' ')" # Highlight keywords printf %s " add-highlighter shared/mercury/code/ regex '\b($(join "${values}" '|'))\b' 0:value add-highlighter shared/mercury/code/ regex '^:-(\s+($(join "${declarations}" '|')))+\b' 1:keyword add-highlighter shared/mercury/code/ regex '\b($(join "${operators}" '|'))\b' 0:operator add-highlighter shared/mercury/code/ regex '\b($(join "${determinisms}" '|'))\b' 0:keyword add-highlighter shared/mercury/code/ regex '\b($(join "${modes}" '|'))\b' 0:keyword # These overlap with previous. Not sure what the solution is. # add-highlighter shared/mercury/code/ regex '\b($(join "${reserved_types}" '|'))\b' 0:type # add-highlighter shared/mercury/code/ regex '\b($(join "${reserved_insts}" '|'))\b' 0:builtin # add-highlighter shared/mercury/code/ regex '\b($(join "${reserved_modes}" '|'))\b' 0:builtin # Implementation-defined literals - don't know how to get these to work # add-highlighter shared/mercury/code/ regex '\$(file|line|module|pred)' 0:keyword " } define-command -hidden mercury-insert-on-new-line %{ evaluate-commands -draft -itersel %{ # copy '%' comment prefix and following white spaces try %{ execute-keys -draft k x s ^\h*\%\h* <ret> y gh j P } } } define-command -hidden mercury-indent-on-char %< evaluate-commands -draft -itersel %< # align closer token to its opener when alone on a line try %/ execute-keys -draft <a-h> <a-k> ^\h+[]}]$ <ret> m s \A|.\z <ret> 1<a-&> / > > define-command -hidden mercury-indent-on-new-line %< evaluate-commands -draft -itersel %< # preserve previous line indent try %{ execute-keys -draft <semicolon> K <a-&> } # cleanup trailing whitespaces from previous line try %{ execute-keys -draft k x s \h+$ <ret> d } # indent after line ending with :- try %{ execute-keys -draft , k x <a-k> :-$ <ret> j <a-gt> } # deindent closing brace/bracket when after cursor try %< execute-keys -draft x <a-k> ^\h*[}\])] <ret> gh / [}\])] <ret> m <a-S> 1<a-&> > > > §