# Solarized Dark (with termcolors) # Useful if you've set up your terminal with the exact Solarized colors # code face global value cyan face global type yellow face global variable blue face global module cyan face global function blue face global string cyan face global keyword green face global operator green face global attribute bright-magenta face global comment bright-green face global meta bright-red face global builtin default+b # markup face global title blue+b face global header blue face global bold bright-blue+b face global italic bright-blue+i face global mono bright-cyan face global block cyan face global link bright-cyan face global bullet yellow face global list green # builtin face global Default bright-blue,bright-black face global PrimarySelection bright-black,blue face global SecondarySelection bright-green,bright-cyan face global PrimaryCursor bright-black,bright-blue face global SecondaryCursor bright-black,bright-green face global PrimaryCursorEol bright-black,white face global SecondaryCursorEol bright-black,bright-white face global LineNumbers bright-green,black face global LineNumberCursor bright-cyan,black face global LineNumbersWrapped black,black face global MenuForeground bright-black,yellow face global MenuBackground bright-cyan,black face global MenuInfo bright-green face global Information black,bright-cyan face global Error red,default+b face global StatusLine bright-cyan,black+b face global StatusLineMode bright-red face global StatusLineInfo cyan face global StatusLineValue green face global StatusCursor bright-yellow,bright-white face global Prompt yellow+b face global MatchingChar red,bright-green+b face global BufferPadding bright-green,bright-black