KAKOUNE(1) ========== NAME ---- registers - a Description ----------- Registers are named lists of text -instead of simply text- in order to interact well with multiselection. They are used for various purposes, like storing the last yanked test, or the captured groups associated with the selections. Interacting ----------- **:: when in insert mode or in a prompt, insert the value stored in the *c* register (single character) *"*:: in normal mode, select the ** register (single character) Default registers ----------------- Most commands using a register default to a specific one if not specified: *"*:: default yank, used by yanking and pasting commands like *y*, *p* and *R* */*:: default search register, used by regex based commands like *s*, *\** or */* *@*:: default macro register, used by *q* and *Q* *^*:: default mark register, used by *z* and *Z* Special registers ----------------- Some registers are not general purposes, they cannot be written to, but they contain some special dat *%*:: current buffer name *.*:: current selection contents *#*:: selection indices (first selection has 1, second has 2, ...)