# termcmd should already be set in x11.kak def -docstring 'create a new window for repl interaction' \ -params 0..1 \ -command-completion \ x11-repl %{ %sh{ if [ -z "${kak_opt_termcmd}" ]; then printf %s "echo -color Error 'termcmd option is not set'" exit fi if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then cmd="bash"; else cmd="$1"; fi setsid ${kak_opt_termcmd} ${cmd} -t kak_repl_window < /dev/null > /dev/null 2>&1 & }} def x11-send-text -docstring "send selected text to the repl window" %{ nop %sh{ printf %s "${kak_selection}" | xsel -i wid=$(xdotool getactivewindow) xdotool search --name kak_repl_window windowactivate xdotool key --clearmodifiers "Shift+Insert" xdotool windowactivate $wid } } alias global repl x11-repl alias global send-text x11-send-text