# http://tmux.github.io/ # ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾ ## The default behaviour for the `new` command is to open an horizontal pane in a tmux session hook global KakBegin .* %{ %sh{ if [ -n "$TMUX" ]; then echo "alias global focus tmux-focus" echo "alias global new tmux-new-horizontal" echo "alias global repl tmux-repl-horizontal" echo "alias global send-text tmux-send-text" fi } } ## Temporarily override the default client creation command def -hidden -params 1.. tmux-new-impl %{ %sh{ if [ -z "$TMUX" ]; then echo "echo -color Error This command is only available in a tmux session" exit fi tmux_args="$1" shift if [ $# -ne 0 ]; then kakoune_params="-e '$@'"; fi tmux $tmux_args "kak -c ${kak_session} ${kakoune_params}" < /dev/null > /dev/null 2>&1 & } } def tmux-new-vertical -params .. -command-completion -docstring "Create a new vertical pane in tmux" %{ tmux-new-impl 'split-window -v' %arg{@} } def tmux-new-horizontal -params .. -command-completion -docstring "Create a new horizontal pane in tmux" %{ tmux-new-impl 'split-window -h' %arg{@} } def tmux-new-window -params .. -command-completion -docstring "Create a new window in tmux" %{ tmux-new-impl 'new-window' %arg{@} } def -hidden -params 1..2 tmux-repl-impl %{ %sh{ if [ -z "$TMUX" ]; then echo "echo -color Error This command is only available in a tmux session" exit fi tmux_args="$1" shift tmux_cmd="$@" tmux $tmux_args $tmux_cmd tmux set-buffer -b kak_repl_window $(tmux display-message -p '#I') tmux set-buffer -b kak_repl_pane $(tmux display-message -p '#P') } } def tmux-repl-vertical -params 0..1 -command-completion -docstring "Create a new vertical pane in tmux for repl interaction" %{ tmux-repl-impl 'split-window -v' %arg{@} } def tmux-repl-horizontal -params 0..1 -command-completion -docstring "Create a new horizontal pane in tmux for repl interaction" %{ tmux-repl-impl 'split-window -h' %arg{@} } def tmux-repl-window -params 0..1 -command-completion -docstring "Create a new window in tmux for repl interaction" %{ tmux-repl-impl 'new-window' %arg{@} } def tmux-send-text -docstring "Send selected text to the repl pane in tmux" %{ %sh{ tmux set-buffer -b kak_selection "${kak_selection}" kak_orig_window=$(tmux display-message -p '#I') kak_orig_pane=$(tmux display-message -p '#P') tmux select-window -t:$(tmux show-buffer -b kak_repl_window) tmux select-pane -t:.$(tmux show-buffer -b kak_repl_pane) tmux paste-buffer -b kak_selection tmux select-window -t:${kak_orig_window} tmux select-pane -t:.${kak_orig_pane} } } def -docstring "focus given client" \ -params 0..1 -client-completion \ tmux-focus %{ %sh{ if [ $# -gt 1 ]; then echo "echo -color Error 'too many arguments, use focus [client]'" elif [ $# -eq 1 ]; then echo "eval -client '$1' focus" elif [ -n "${kak_client_env_TMUX}" ]; then TMUX="${kak_client_env_TMUX}" tmux select-pane -t "${kak_client_env_TMUX_PANE}" > /dev/null fi } }