#include "window.hh" #include "assert.hh" #include "context.hh" #include "highlighter.hh" #include "hook_manager.hh" #include "client.hh" #include #include namespace Kakoune { // Implementation in highlighters.cc void highlight_selections(const Context& context, HighlightFlags flags, DisplayBuffer& display_buffer); void expand_tabulations(const Context& context, HighlightFlags flags, DisplayBuffer& display_buffer); void expand_unprintable(const Context& context, HighlightFlags flags, DisplayBuffer& display_buffer); Window::Window(Buffer& buffer) : m_buffer(&buffer), m_hooks(buffer.hooks()), m_options(buffer.options()), m_keymaps(buffer.keymaps()) { InputHandler hook_handler{*m_buffer, { Selection{} } }; hook_handler.context().set_window(*this); m_hooks.run_hook("WinCreate", buffer.name(), hook_handler.context()); m_options.register_watcher(*this); m_builtin_highlighters.append({"tabulations", expand_tabulations}); m_builtin_highlighters.append({"unprintable", expand_unprintable}); m_builtin_highlighters.append({"selections", highlight_selections}); for (auto& option : m_options.flatten_options()) on_option_changed(*option); } Window::~Window() { InputHandler hook_handler{*m_buffer, { Selection{} } }; hook_handler.context().set_window(*this); m_hooks.run_hook("WinClose", buffer().name(), hook_handler.context()); m_options.unregister_watcher(*this); } void Window::display_line_at(LineCount buffer_line, LineCount display_line) { if (display_line >= 0 or display_line < m_dimensions.line) m_position.line = std::max(0_line, buffer_line - display_line); } void Window::center_line(LineCount buffer_line) { display_line_at(buffer_line, m_dimensions.line/2_line); } void Window::scroll(LineCount offset) { m_position.line = std::max(0_line, m_position.line + offset); } void Window::scroll(CharCount offset) { m_position.column = std::max(0_char, m_position.column + offset); } void Window::update_display_buffer(const Context& context) { kak_assert(&buffer() == &context.buffer()); scroll_to_keep_selection_visible_ifn(context); DisplayBuffer::LineList& lines = m_display_buffer.lines(); lines.clear(); for (LineCount line = 0; line < m_dimensions.line; ++line) { LineCount buffer_line = m_position.line + line; if (buffer_line >= buffer().line_count()) break; lines.emplace_back(AtomList{ {buffer(), buffer_line, buffer_line+1} }); } m_display_buffer.compute_range(); m_highlighters(context, HighlightFlags::Highlight, m_display_buffer); m_builtin_highlighters(context, HighlightFlags::Highlight, m_display_buffer); // cut the start of the line before m_position.column for (auto& line : lines) line.trim(m_position.column, m_dimensions.column); m_display_buffer.optimize(); m_timestamp = buffer().timestamp(); } void Window::set_position(CharCoord position) { m_position.line = std::max(0_line, position.line); m_position.column = std::max(0_char, position.column); } void Window::set_dimensions(CharCoord dimensions) { m_dimensions = dimensions; } static LineCount adapt_view_pos(LineCount line, LineCount offset, LineCount view_pos, LineCount view_size, LineCount buffer_size) { if (line - offset < view_pos) return std::max(0_line, line - offset); else if (line + offset >= view_pos + view_size) return std::min(buffer_size - view_size, line + offset - (view_size - 1)); return view_pos; } static CharCount adapt_view_pos(const DisplayBuffer& display_buffer, ByteCoord pos, CharCount view_pos, CharCount view_size) { CharCount buffer_column = 0; CharCount non_buffer_column = 0; for (auto& line : display_buffer.lines()) { for (auto& atom : line) { if (atom.has_buffer_range()) { if (atom.begin() <= pos and atom.end() > pos) { CharCount pos_beg, pos_end; if (atom.type() == DisplayAtom::BufferRange) { auto& buf = atom.buffer(); pos_beg = buffer_column + utf8::distance(buf.iterator_at(atom.begin()), buf.iterator_at(pos)); pos_end = pos_beg+1; } else { pos_beg = buffer_column; pos_end = pos_beg + atom.length(); } if (pos_beg < view_pos) return pos_beg; if (pos_end >= view_pos + view_size - non_buffer_column) return pos_end - view_size + non_buffer_column; } buffer_column += atom.length(); } else non_buffer_column += atom.length(); } } return view_pos; } void Window::scroll_to_keep_selection_visible_ifn(const Context& context) { auto& selection = context.selections().main(); const auto& anchor = selection.anchor(); const auto& cursor = selection.cursor(); const LineCount offset = std::min(options()["scrolloff"].get(), (m_dimensions.line - 1) / 2); // scroll lines if needed, try to get as much of the selection visible as possible m_position.line = adapt_view_pos(anchor.line, offset, m_position.line, m_dimensions.line, buffer().line_count()); m_position.line = adapt_view_pos(cursor.line, offset, m_position.line, m_dimensions.line, buffer().line_count()); // highlight only the line containing the cursor DisplayBuffer display_buffer; DisplayBuffer::LineList& lines = display_buffer.lines(); lines.emplace_back(AtomList{ {buffer(), cursor.line, cursor.line+1} }); display_buffer.compute_range(); m_highlighters(context, HighlightFlags::MoveOnly, display_buffer); m_builtin_highlighters(context, HighlightFlags::MoveOnly, display_buffer); // now we can compute where the cursor is in display columns // (this is only valid if highlighting one line and multiple lines put // the cursor in the same position, however I do not find any sane example // of highlighters not doing that) m_position.column = adapt_view_pos(display_buffer, anchor.line == cursor.line ? anchor : cursor.line, m_position.column, m_dimensions.column); m_position.column = adapt_view_pos(display_buffer, cursor, m_position.column, m_dimensions.column); } namespace { CharCount find_display_column(const DisplayLine& line, const Buffer& buffer, ByteCoord coord) { CharCount column = 0; for (auto& atom : line) { if (atom.has_buffer_range() and coord >= atom.begin() and coord < atom.end()) { if (atom.type() == DisplayAtom::BufferRange) column += utf8::distance(buffer.iterator_at(atom.begin()), buffer.iterator_at(coord)); return column; } column += atom.length(); } return column; } ByteCoord find_buffer_coord(const DisplayLine& line, const Buffer& buffer, CharCount column) { auto& range = line.range(); for (auto& atom : line) { CharCount len = atom.length(); if (atom.has_buffer_range() and column < len) { if (atom.type() == DisplayAtom::BufferRange) return utf8::advance(buffer.iterator_at(atom.begin()), buffer.iterator_at(range.second), std::max(0_char, column)).coord(); return atom.begin(); } column -= len; } return buffer.clamp(buffer.prev(range.second)); } } CharCoord Window::display_position(ByteCoord coord) { LineCount l = 0; for (auto& line : m_display_buffer.lines()) { auto& range = line.range(); if (range.first <= coord and coord < range.second) return {l, find_display_column(line, buffer(), coord)}; ++l; } return { 0, 0 }; } ByteCoord Window::offset_coord(ByteCoord coord, CharCount offset) { return buffer().offset_coord(coord, offset); } ByteCoord Window::offset_coord(ByteCoord coord, LineCount offset) { auto line = clamp(coord.line + offset, 0_line, buffer().line_count()-1); DisplayBuffer display_buffer; DisplayBuffer::LineList& lines = display_buffer.lines(); lines.emplace_back(AtomList{ {buffer(), coord.line, coord.line+1} }); lines.emplace_back(AtomList{ {buffer(), line, line+1} }); display_buffer.compute_range(); InputHandler hook_handler{*m_buffer, { Selection{} } }; hook_handler.context().set_window(*this); m_highlighters(hook_handler.context(), HighlightFlags::MoveOnly, display_buffer); m_builtin_highlighters(hook_handler.context(), HighlightFlags::MoveOnly, display_buffer); CharCount column = find_display_column(lines[0], buffer(), coord); return find_buffer_coord(lines[1], buffer(), column); } void Window::on_option_changed(const Option& option) { String desc = option.name() + "=" + option.get_as_string(); InputHandler hook_handler{*m_buffer, { Selection{} } }; hook_handler.context().set_window(*this); m_hooks.run_hook("WinSetOption", desc, hook_handler.context()); // an highlighter might depend on the option, so we need to redraw forget_timestamp(); } }