#include "remote.hh" #include "display_buffer.hh" #include "debug.hh" #include "client_manager.hh" #include "event_manager.hh" #include "buffer_manager.hh" #include "command_manager.hh" #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace Kakoune { enum class RemoteUIMsg { PrintStatus, MenuShow, MenuSelect, MenuHide, InfoShow, InfoHide, Draw }; struct socket_error{}; class Message { public: Message(int sock) : m_socket(sock) {} ~Message() { if (m_stream.size() == 0) return; int res = ::write(m_socket, m_stream.data(), m_stream.size()); if (res == 0) throw peer_disconnected{}; } void write(const char* val, size_t size) { m_stream.insert(m_stream.end(), val, val + size); } template void write(const T& val) { write((const char*)&val, sizeof(val)); }; void write(const String& str) { write(str.length()); write(str.c_str(), (int)str.length()); }; template void write(const memoryview& view) { write(view.size()); for (auto& val : view) write(val); }; template void write(const std::vector& vec) { write(memoryview(vec)); } void write(const DisplayAtom& atom) { write(atom.colors.first); write(atom.colors.second); write(atom.attribute); write(atom.content.content()); } void write(const DisplayLine& line) { write(line.atoms()); } void write(const DisplayBuffer& display_buffer) { write(display_buffer.lines()); } private: std::vector m_stream; int m_socket; }; void read(int socket, char* buffer, size_t size) { while (size) { int res = ::read(socket, buffer, size); if (res == 0) throw peer_disconnected{}; if (res < 0) throw socket_error{}; buffer += res; size -= res; } } template T read(int socket) { char value[sizeof(T)]; read(socket, value, sizeof(T)); return *(T*)(value); }; template<> String read(int socket) { ByteCount length = read(socket); if (length == 0) return String{}; char buffer[2048]; assert(length < 2048); read(socket, buffer, (int)length); return String(buffer, buffer+(int)length); }; template std::vector read_vector(int socket) { uint32_t size = read(socket); std::vector res; res.reserve(size); while (size--) res.push_back(read(socket)); return res; }; template<> DisplayAtom read(int socket) { Color fg_color = read(socket); Color bg_color = read(socket); Attribute attribute = read(socket); DisplayAtom atom(AtomContent(read(socket))); atom.colors = { fg_color, bg_color }; atom.attribute = attribute; return atom; } template<> DisplayLine read(int socket) { return DisplayLine(0, read_vector(socket)); } template<> DisplayBuffer read(int socket) { DisplayBuffer db; db.lines() = read_vector(socket); return db; } class RemoteUI : public UserInterface { public: RemoteUI(int socket); ~RemoteUI(); void print_status(const String& status, CharCount cursor_pos) override; void menu_show(const memoryview& choices, const DisplayCoord& anchor, MenuStyle style) override; void menu_select(int selected) override; void menu_hide() override; void info_show(const String& content, const DisplayCoord& anchor, MenuStyle style) override; void info_hide() override; void draw(const DisplayBuffer& display_buffer, const String& mode_line) override; bool is_key_available() override; Key get_key() override; DisplayCoord dimensions() override; void set_input_callback(InputCallback callback) override; private: FDWatcher m_socket_watcher; DisplayCoord m_dimensions; InputCallback m_input_callback; }; RemoteUI::RemoteUI(int socket) : m_socket_watcher(socket, [this](FDWatcher&) { if (m_input_callback) m_input_callback(); }) { write_debug("remote client connected: " + int_to_str(m_socket_watcher.fd())); } RemoteUI::~RemoteUI() { write_debug("remote client disconnected: " + int_to_str(m_socket_watcher.fd())); close(m_socket_watcher.fd()); } void RemoteUI::print_status(const String& status, CharCount cursor_pos) { Message msg(m_socket_watcher.fd()); msg.write(RemoteUIMsg::PrintStatus); msg.write(status); msg.write(cursor_pos); } void RemoteUI::menu_show(const memoryview& choices, const DisplayCoord& anchor, MenuStyle style) { Message msg(m_socket_watcher.fd()); msg.write(RemoteUIMsg::MenuShow); msg.write(choices); msg.write(anchor); msg.write(style); } void RemoteUI::menu_select(int selected) { Message msg(m_socket_watcher.fd()); msg.write(RemoteUIMsg::MenuSelect); msg.write(selected); } void RemoteUI::menu_hide() { Message msg(m_socket_watcher.fd()); msg.write(RemoteUIMsg::MenuHide); } void RemoteUI::info_show(const String& content, const DisplayCoord& anchor, MenuStyle style) { Message msg(m_socket_watcher.fd()); msg.write(RemoteUIMsg::InfoShow); msg.write(content); msg.write(anchor); msg.write(style); } void RemoteUI::info_hide() { Message msg(m_socket_watcher.fd()); msg.write(RemoteUIMsg::InfoHide); } void RemoteUI::draw(const DisplayBuffer& display_buffer, const String& mode_line) { Message msg(m_socket_watcher.fd()); msg.write(RemoteUIMsg::Draw); msg.write(display_buffer); msg.write(mode_line); } static const Key::Modifiers resize_modifier = (Key::Modifiers)0x80; bool RemoteUI::is_key_available() { timeval tv; fd_set rfds; int sock = m_socket_watcher.fd(); FD_ZERO(&rfds); FD_SET(sock, &rfds); tv.tv_sec = 0; tv.tv_usec = 0; int res = select(sock+1, &rfds, NULL, NULL, &tv); return res == 1; } Key RemoteUI::get_key() { Key key = read(m_socket_watcher.fd()); if (key.modifiers == resize_modifier) { m_dimensions = { (int)(key.key >> 16), (int)(key.key & 0xFFFF) }; return Key::Invalid; } return key; } DisplayCoord RemoteUI::dimensions() { return m_dimensions; } void RemoteUI::set_input_callback(InputCallback callback) { m_input_callback = std::move(callback); } RemoteClient::RemoteClient(int socket, std::unique_ptr&& ui, const String& init_command) : m_ui(std::move(ui)), m_dimensions(m_ui->dimensions()), m_socket_watcher{socket, [this](FDWatcher&){ process_next_message(); }} { Message msg(socket); msg.write(init_command.c_str(), (int)init_command.length()+1); Key key{ resize_modifier, Codepoint(((int)m_dimensions.line << 16) | (int)m_dimensions.column) }; msg.write(key); m_ui->set_input_callback([this]{ write_next_key(); }); } void RemoteClient::process_next_message() { int socket = m_socket_watcher.fd(); RemoteUIMsg msg = read(socket); switch (msg) { case RemoteUIMsg::PrintStatus: { auto status = read(socket); auto cursor_pos = read(socket); m_ui->print_status(status, cursor_pos); break; } case RemoteUIMsg::MenuShow: { auto choices = read_vector(socket); auto anchor = read(socket); auto style = read(socket); m_ui->menu_show(choices, anchor, style); break; } case RemoteUIMsg::MenuSelect: m_ui->menu_select(read(socket)); break; case RemoteUIMsg::MenuHide: m_ui->menu_hide(); break; case RemoteUIMsg::InfoShow: { auto choices = read(socket); auto anchor = read(socket); auto style = read(socket); m_ui->info_show(choices, anchor, style); break; } case RemoteUIMsg::InfoHide: m_ui->info_hide(); break; case RemoteUIMsg::Draw: { DisplayBuffer display_buffer = read(socket); String mode_line = read(socket); m_ui->draw(display_buffer, mode_line); break; } } } void RemoteClient::write_next_key() { Message msg(m_socket_watcher.fd()); // do that before checking dimensions as get_key may // handle a resize event. msg.write(m_ui->get_key()); DisplayCoord dimensions = m_ui->dimensions(); if (dimensions != m_dimensions) { m_dimensions = dimensions; Key key{ resize_modifier, Codepoint(((int)dimensions.line << 16) | (int)dimensions.column) }; msg.write(key); } } std::unique_ptr connect_to(const String& pid, std::unique_ptr&& ui, const String& init_command) { auto filename = "/tmp/kak-" + pid; int sock = socket(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0); fcntl(sock, F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC); sockaddr_un addr; addr.sun_family = AF_UNIX; strncpy(addr.sun_path, filename.c_str(), sizeof(addr.sun_path) - 1); if (connect(sock, (sockaddr*)&addr, sizeof(addr.sun_path)) == -1) throw runtime_error("connect to " + filename + " failed"); return std::unique_ptr{new RemoteClient{sock, std::move(ui), init_command}}; } // A client accepter handle a connection until it closes or a nul byte is // recieved. Everything recieved before is considered to be a command. // // * When a nul byte is recieved, the socket is handed to a new Client along // with the command. // * When the connection is closed, the command is run in an empty context. class ClientAccepter { public: ClientAccepter(int socket) : m_socket_watcher(socket, [this](FDWatcher&) { handle_available_input(); }) {} private: void handle_available_input() { int socket = m_socket_watcher.fd(); timeval tv{ 0, 0 }; fd_set rfds; do { char c; int res = ::read(socket, &c, 1); if (res <= 0) { if (not m_buffer.empty()) try { Context context{}; CommandManager::instance().execute(m_buffer, context); } catch (runtime_error& e) { write_debug("error running command '" + m_buffer + "' : " + e.description()); } ClientManager::instance().redraw_clients(); delete this; return; } if (c == 0) // end of initial command stream, go to interactive ui mode { ClientManager::instance().create_client( std::unique_ptr{new RemoteUI{socket}}, m_buffer); delete this; return; } else m_buffer += c; FD_ZERO(&rfds); FD_SET(socket, &rfds); } while (select(socket+1, &rfds, NULL, NULL, &tv) == 1); } String m_buffer; FDWatcher m_socket_watcher; }; Server::Server() : m_filename{"/tmp/kak-" + int_to_str(getpid())} { int listen_sock = socket(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0); fcntl(listen_sock, F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC); sockaddr_un addr; addr.sun_family = AF_UNIX; strncpy(addr.sun_path, m_filename.c_str(), sizeof(addr.sun_path) - 1); if (bind(listen_sock, (sockaddr*) &addr, sizeof(sockaddr_un)) == -1) throw runtime_error("unable to bind listen socket " + m_filename); if (listen(listen_sock, 4) == -1) throw runtime_error("unable to listen on socket " + m_filename); auto accepter = [](FDWatcher& watcher) { sockaddr_un client_addr; socklen_t client_addr_len = sizeof(sockaddr_un); int sock = accept(watcher.fd(), (sockaddr*) &client_addr, &client_addr_len); if (sock == -1) throw runtime_error("accept failed"); fcntl(sock, F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC); new ClientAccepter{sock}; }; m_listener.reset(new FDWatcher{listen_sock, accepter}); } Server::~Server() { unlink(m_filename.c_str()); close(m_listener->fd()); } }