Kakoune ======= Introduction: ------------- Kakoune is a code editor heavily inspired by vim, as such most of it's commands are similar to vi's ones. Kakoune can operate in two modes, normal and insertion. In insertion mode, keys are directly inserted into the current buffer. In normal mode, keys are used to manipulate the current selection and to enter insertion mode. There is no concept of cursor in kakoune, only selections, a single character selection can be seen as a cursor but there is no difference internally. Building -------- Kakoune dependencies are: * GCC >= 4.7 * boost * ncurses * socat (used by kak scripts to write to kak control socket) To build, just type *make* in the src directory To setup a basic configuration on your account, type *make userconfig* in the src directory, this will setup an initial $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/kak directory. See the _Kakrc_ section for more information. Running ------- Just running *kak* launch a new kak session with a client on local terminal. *kak* accepts some switches: * +-c +: connect to given session, sessions are unix sockets +/tmp/kak-+ * +-e +: execute commands on startup * +-n+: ignore kakrc file * +-s +: set the session name, by default it will be the pid of the initial kak process. * +-d+: run Kakoune in daemon mode, without user interface. This requires the session name to be specified with -s. In this mode, the Kakoune server will keep running even if there is no connected client, and will quit when receiving SIGTERM. Basic Movement -------------- * _space_: select the character under selection end * _alt-space_: flip the selections * _h_: select the character on the right of selection end * _j_: select the character below the selection end * _k_: select the character above the selection end * _l_: select the character on the left of selection end * _w_: select the word and following whitespaces on the right of selection end * _b_: select preceding whitespaces and the word on the left of selection end * _e_: select preceding whitespaces and the word on the right of selection end * _alt-[wbe]_: same as [wbe] but select WORD instead of word * _x_: select line on which selection end lies (or next line when end lies on an end-of-line) * _alt-x_: expand selections to contain full lines (including end-of-lines) * _alt-X_: trim selections to only contain full lines (not including last end-of-line) * _%_: select whole buffer * _alt-H_: select to line begin * _alt-L_: select to line end * _/_: search (select next match) * _?_: search (extend to next match) * _n_: select next match * _N_: add a new selection with next match * _alt-n_: replace main selection with next match (preserving the others) * _pageup_: scroll up * _pagedown_: scroll down * _alt-r_: rotate selections (the main selection becomes the next one) Appending --------- for most selection commands, using shift permits to extend current selection instead of replacing it. for example, _wWW_ selects 3 consecutive words Using Counts ------------ Most selection commands also support counts, which are entered before the command itself. for example, _3W_ selects 3 consecutive words and _3w_ select the third word on the right of selection end. * _space_: when used with count, keep only the counth selection * _alt-space_: when used with count, remove the counth selection Changes ------- * _i_: insert before current selection * _a_: insert after current selection * _d_: yank and delete current selection * _c_: yank and delete current selection and insert * _I_: insert at current selection begin line start * _A_: insert at current selection end line end * _o_: insert in a new line below current selection end * _O_: insert in a new line above current selection begin * _p_: paste after current selection end * _P_: paste before current selection begin * _alt-p_: replace current selection with yanked text * _alt-j_: join selected lines * _alt-J_: join selected lines and select spaces inserted in place of line breaks * _>_: indent selected lines * _<_: deindent selected lines * _|_: pipe each selections through the given external filter program and replace with it's output. * _u_: undo last change * _U_: redo last change * _r_: replace each character with the next entered one * _&_: align selection, align the last character of selections by inserting spaces the last character * _alt-&_: align selection, align the last character of selections by inserting spaces before the selection begin * _`_: to lower case * _~_: to upper case * _alt-`_: swap case * _alt-R_: rotate selections content Goto Commands ------------- Commands begining with g are used to goto certain position and or buffer: * _gh_: select to line begin * _gl_: select to line end * _gg_, _gk_: go to the first line * _gj_: go to the last line * _gt_, _gk_: go to the first displayed line * _gc_, _gk_: go to the middle displayed line * _gb_: go to the last displayed line * _ga_: go to the previous (alternate) buffer * _gf_: open the file whose name is selected View commands ------------- Some commands, all begining with v permit to manipulate the current view. * _vv_ or _vc_: center the main selection in the window * _vt_: scroll to put the main selection on the top line of the window * _vb_: scroll to put the main selection on the bottom line of the window * _vh_: scroll the window count columns left * _vj_: scroll the window count line downward * _vk_: scroll the window count line upward * _vl_: scroll the window count columns right Jump list --------- Some commands, like the goto commands, buffer switch or search commands, push the previous selections to the client's jump list. It is possible to forward or backward in the jump list using: * _control-i_: Jump forward * _control-o_: Jump backward * _control-s_: save current selections Multi Selection --------------- Kak was designed from the start to handle multiple selections. One way to get a multiselection is via the _s_ key. For example, to change all occurences of word 'roger' to word 'marcel' in a paragraph, here is what can be done: select the paragraph with enough _x_. press _s_ and enter roger then enter. now paragraph selection was replaced with multiselection of each roger in the paragraph. press _c_ and marcel to replace rogers with marcels. A multiselection can also be obtained with _S_, which splits the current selection according to the regex entered. To split a comma separated list, use _S_ then ', *' _s_ and _S_ share the search pattern with _/_, and hence entering an empty pattern uses the last one. As a convenience, _alt-s_ allows you to split the current selections on line boundaries. To clear multiple selections, use _space_. To keep only the nth selection use _n_ followed by _space_, to remove only the nth selection, use _n_ followed by _alt-space_. _alt-k_ allows you to enter a regex and keep only the selections that contains a match for this regex. using _alt-K_ you can keep the selections not containing a match. Object Selection ---------------- Some keys allow you to select a text object: * _alt-a_: selects the whole object * _alt-i_: selects the inner object, that is the object excluding it's surrounder. for example, for a quoted string, this will not select the quote, and for a word this will not select trailing spaces. * _[_: selects to object start * _]_: selects to object end After this key, you need to enter a second key in order to specify which object you want. * _b_, _(_ or _)_: select the enclosing parenthesis * _B_, _{_ or _}_: select the enclosing {} block * _r_, _[_ or _]_: select the enclosing [] block * _<_ or _>_: select the enclosing <> block * _"_: select the enclosing double quoted string * _'_: select the enclosing single quoted string * _w_: select the whole word * _W_: select the whole WORD * _s_: select the sentence * _p_: select the paragraph * _i_: select the current indentation block Registers --------- registers are named list of text. They are used for various purpose, like storing the last yanked test, or the captures groups associated with the selections. While in insert mode, ctrl-r followed by a register name (one character) inserts it. For example, ctrl-r followed by " will insert the currently yanked text. ctrl-r followed by 2 will insert the second capture group from the last regex selection. Registers are lists, instead of simply text in order to interact well with multiselection. Each selection have it's own captures, or yank buffer. Search selection ---------------- Using the _*_ key, you can set the search pattern to the current selection. This tries to be intelligent. It will for example detect if current selection begins and/or end at word boundaries, and set the search pattern accordingly. with _alt-*_ you can set the search pattern to the current seletion without kakoune trying to be smart. Basic Commands -------------- Commands are entered using +:+. * +e[dit] [ []]+: open buffer on file, go to given line and column. If file is already opened, just switch to this file. use edit! to force reloading. * +w[rite] []+: write buffer to or use it's name if filename is not given. * +q[uit]+: exit Kakoune, use quit! to force quitting even if there is some unsaved buffers remaining. * +wq+: write current buffer and quit * +b[uffer] +: switch to buffer * +d[el]b[uf] []+: delete the buffer , use d[el]b[uf]! to force deleting a modified buffer. * +source +: execute commands in * +runtime +: execute commands in , is relative to kak executable path. * +nameclient +: set current client name * +namebuf +: set current buffer name * +exec [-client ] +: execute as if pressed in normal mode. if client if specified, exec keys in the named client context. * +eval [-client ] +: execute as if entered in command line if client if specified, exec command in the named client context. * +echo +: show in status line * +name +: sets current client name to name * +nop+: does nothing, but as with every other commands, arguments may be evaluated. So nop can be used for example to execute a shell command while being sure that it's output will not be interpreted by kak. +:%sh{ echo echo tchou }+ will echo tchou in kakoune, whereas +:nop %sh{ echo echo tchou }+ will not, but both will execute the shell command. String syntax ------------- When entering a command, parameters are separated by whitespace (shell like), if you want to give parameters with spaces, you should quote them. Kakoune support three string syntax: * +"strings" and \'strings\'+: classic strings, use \' or \" to escape the separator. * +%\{strings\}+: these strings are very useful when entering commands - the '{' and '}' delimiter are configurable: you can use any non alphanumeric character. like %[string], %, %(string), %~string~ or %!string!... - if the character following the % is one of {[(<, then the closing one is the matching }])> and the delimiters are not escapable but are nestable. for example +%{ roger {}; }+ is a valid string, +%{ marcel \}+ as well. Options ------- For user configuration, Kakoune supports options. Options are typed, their type can be * +int+: an integer number * +bool+: a boolean value, +yes/true+ or +no/false+ * +str+: a string, some freeform text * +regex+: as a string but the +set+ commands will complain if the entered text is not a valid regex. * +{int,str}-list+: a list, elements are separated by a colon (:) if an element needs to contain a colon, it can be escaped with a backslash. Options value can be changed using the +set+ commands: -------------------------------------------------------------- :set{b,w,g}