#include "selectors.hh" #include namespace Kakoune { static bool is_eol(char c) { return c == '\n'; } static bool is_blank(char c) { return c == ' ' or c == '\t' or c == '\n'; } static bool is_word(char c) { if (c >= '0' and c <= '9') return true; if (c >= 'a' and c <= 'z') return true; if (c >= 'A' and c <= 'Z') return true; return false; } Selection select_to_next_word(const BufferIterator& cursor) { BufferIterator end = cursor; while (not end.is_end() and is_word(*end)) ++end; while (not end.is_end() and not is_word(*end)) ++end; return Selection(cursor, end); } Selection select_to_next_word_end(const BufferIterator& cursor) { BufferIterator end = cursor; while (not end.is_end() and not is_word(*end)) ++end; while (not end.is_end() and is_word(*end)) ++end; return Selection(cursor, end); } Selection select_to_previous_word(const BufferIterator& cursor) { BufferIterator end = cursor; while (not end.is_end() and not is_word(*end)) --end; while (not end.is_end() and is_word(*end)) --end; return Selection(cursor, end); } Selection select_line(const BufferIterator& cursor) { BufferIterator begin = cursor; while (not begin.is_begin() and *(begin -1) != '\n') --begin; BufferIterator end = cursor; while (not end.is_end() and *end != '\n') ++end; return Selection(begin, end + 1); } Selection move_select(Window& window, const BufferIterator& cursor, const WindowCoord& offset) { WindowCoord cursor_pos = window.line_and_column_at(cursor); WindowCoord new_pos = cursor_pos + offset; return Selection(cursor, window.iterator_at(new_pos)); } Selection select_matching(const BufferIterator& cursor) { std::vector matching_pairs = { '(', ')', '{', '}', '[', ']', '<', '>' }; BufferIterator it = cursor; std::vector::iterator match = matching_pairs.end(); while (not is_eol(*it)) { match = std::find(matching_pairs.begin(), matching_pairs.end(), *it); if (match != matching_pairs.end()) break; ++it; } if (match == matching_pairs.end()) return Selection(cursor, cursor); BufferIterator begin = it; if (((match - matching_pairs.begin()) % 2) == 0) { int level = 0; const char opening = *match; const char closing = *(match+1); while (not it.is_end()) { if (*it == opening) ++level; else if (*it == closing and --level == 0) return Selection(begin, it+1); ++it; } } else { int level = 0; const char opening = *(match-1); const char closing = *match; while (not it.is_begin()) { if (*it == closing) ++level; else if (*it == opening and --level == 0) return Selection(begin, it); --it; } } return Selection(cursor, cursor); } }